View Full Version : Australians told to give up meat. UN Agenda 21

24th September 2011, 06:32 PM
I have a serious problem with this argument. It lacks any application of critical thinking.

Some say cows are killing the earth. So do we need to ban beef?
When all those sheep, cattle and goats digest and burp, there are consequences.
THE QUESTION: When are we going to hear more about the great elephant in the room - animal agriculture? The CSIRO and the University of Sydney have jointly reported that it is responsible for more that 30 per cent of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Meaningful action in [reducing emissions] cannot be achieved without a general move towards a plant-based diet. PAUL MAHONY

AUSTRALIANS chew through more red meat a head than Americans, and we export more again. So attached are we to red meat and dairy products that the sheep and cattle population of this country outnumbers the human population by five to one, and 56 per cent of Australia's land mass is devoted to grazing.

As grass makes its way through the four-stomach digestive process of these ruminants, it ferments, and the animals burp, fart, urinate and defecate with such gusto that they pump out, on official figures, between 11 per cent and 15 per cent of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions, about the same as every car, truck and bus in Australia.

To solve this problem, our questioner, vegan Paul Mahony, says there is only one option: a general move towards a plant-based diet.

Nutritionally, we could do it. All the nutrients found in meat can be found in vegetarian alternatives. And while eating lean red meat is an easy way to take in vital protein, vitamins and minerals, Australians eat 45 kilograms of red meat a person every year, much more than necessary.

So is it possible, or desirable, to create a nation of vegans? The British government is trying to reduce meat consumption, mainly for health reasons. But Australians are kings of the barbecue, weaned on the myths of the drover. Should we limit, even eliminate, our red meat consumption to help climate change?

The Meat and Livestock Association says no. ''Why wouldn't anyone living in this great country desire a balanced diet that includes red meat?'' says marketing general manager Glen Feist. ''That anyone could presume to tell someone else what to eat in a country where food is so bountiful and healthy is outrageous.''

But by simply existing, sheep, cattle, goats and buffalo pump out large volumes of methane and nitrous oxide. Methane is produced during digestion - what the scientists call ''enteric fermentation'' - and is 21 times stronger as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. It stays for less time in the atmosphere (about 12 years compared with carbon dioxide, a proportion of which can last thousands of years) but while methane is there, it traps more heat.

Nitrous oxide is produced when animal manure and urine decomposes. It is produced in far lower quantities than methane, but stays in the atmosphere for 114 years and is 310 times better at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.

But the picture becomes even more dire if you include, as Mahony does, the clearing of forests to create land for ruminants. Deforestation unlocks carbon dioxide from trees as they decompose, and releases it into the atmosphere. If you add that into the equation, according to Department of Climate Change figures, almost 20 per cent of Australia's emissions can be attributed to agriculture, most of which is to raise meat
yet more at the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/environment/climate-change/some-say-cows-are-killing-the-earth-so-do-we-need-to-ban-beef-20110924-1kr2a.html)

If the processing of grasses and grains produces gas is it going to make any difference if we the people produce the gas or the cows? Someone munching through that much vegetation is going to produce gas.

It also admits that meat is very high energy, protien and nutrient source. You have to think of the cow or sheep as an energy concentator. Almost like a battery. If there wasn't that concentration of energy we would spend all day grazing, because we would have to. How is that any better?

Currently the cows are charging up in energy while we are off doing something else. Multi tasking??

The land that has been cleared for ruminants would need to be cleared anyway to grow the huge mass of grasses and grains we would need to replace the meat. So I don't see how that's a valid argument. It's a borrow from Peter to pay Paul scenario. It's like claiming electric cars are carbon negative.

And are we going to genocide the cows and sheep? We would have to wipe them out because we can't farm them and we couldn't release them could we? OR would just some very few people be able to farm them and consume them? Special gas free cows or something?

24th September 2011, 06:56 PM

Cow Backpacks Trap Methane Gas (http://www.physorg.com/news135003243.html)

24th September 2011, 07:04 PM
Fine meats are to be reserved for the elite and families of the NWO leadership... Peasantry & commoners should learn to be content with GMO corn, rice & wheat products.

24th September 2011, 09:11 PM
Australians told to give up meat. UN Agenda 21

Krikey mate... let's throw another UN delegate on the barby... ;D

24th September 2011, 11:18 PM
This idea that cows and other livestock are somehow a danger to the planet is utter non-sense. If it wasn't cows and humans farting and defecating it would be bison, mammoths and Neanderthals.

The problems with meat are all cased by big agri. Growing massive amounts of corn and grains to feed to cattle is unhealthy for them and causes disease for both the cattle and the people that eat them. It depletes the soil and is energy intensive because of all the machinery used to cultivate, harvest and then ship the grains all over the country. Petroleum is used to power the machines and create the fertilizer that is necessary to get depleted soil to produce a yield.

Compare that to grassfed beef.

Properly managed pasture never needs to be tilled and replanted, that gets rid of the need for much machinery. The cattle can be raised and sold locally, slaughtered on the property and butchered nearby. All of this is great for consumers and the environment and there is plenty of land suitable for pasture that is not suitable for cultivation. Also by not breaking up the soil every year and having it eroded the soil actually builds over time by being grazed not depleted like it would growing grains and corn.

The people that believe we should all be vegans to save the planet and feed the starving are a bunch of shrunken brain (due to insufficient healthy fats from animals) morons.

Would have to look them up but I believe there are studies that show children fed diets high in meat and diary are smarter and healthier then vegetarian children which is probably a big reason why the elite don't want us eating much meat. Same thing they would do back in the middle ages by not letting the commoners hunt in the "kings forest".

24th September 2011, 11:41 PM
Public health fears rise as cows lay waste to rivers
VICTORIAN rivers and streams are in a state of decline and pose serious threats to human health thanks to an unpleasant culprit: cow poo. Monash University research has renewed concerns about the poor condition of rivers, which environmentalists say are suffering due to ''Third World management'' of public land.

The latest research, to be released today, confirms long-held fears that grazing cattle damage rivers by leaving waste in the water, as well as increasing the potential for toxic algae blooms. It also notes uncontrolled cattle access to rivers can affect water quality due to pathogens in cow faeces. While many towns have water filtration systems to remove these, some do not, putting people at risk of health problems.

The report, Riverside Rescue, was commissioned by the Victorian National Parks Association to coincide with World Rivers Day, today. It comes as the Baillieu government faces growing pressure to boost its environmental credentials after widespread criticism over issues such as the state's 20 per cent emissions reduction target, cattle grazing in the Alpine national park, and restrictions on wind farms.
Association spokesman Nick Roberts said successive governments have had years to lift their game, but ''instead we are encouraging poor management of rivers polluted by cattle and cattle poo''. ''It's not just about eroding the river banks, or threats to native plants and animals - it's about a whole range of human health impacts,'' Mr Roberts said.

The report also states:
■ More than 30,000 kilometres of Victoria's publicly owned land abuts inland waterways.
■ About 80 per cent of the total length of Victoria's rivers is in very poor condition, with only 14 per cent rated as being in excellent condition.
Full story @ the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/environment/water-issues/public-health-fears-rise-as-cows-lay-waste-to-rivers-20110924-1kqth.html)

Might be a campaign underway here......

24th September 2011, 11:59 PM
Australia has that much cattle because the land doesn't support crops. Imagine how much fresh water they'd need to grow crops instead?

25th September 2011, 12:03 AM
Might be a campaign underway here......
Here's another one:

Estonia Taxes Farmers for Cow Farts

Farmers in Estonia received their first "Cow Fart" tax demand on Monday. Following the issues of global warming, Estonia cited that a single cow produces 350 L of methane gas and 1500 L of carbon dioxide a day from flatulence and burping.

Can't you see it now! The economy in the United States is approaching the tank, the liberals are examining every source of potential revenue they can find to pay for their failing "feel good" programs. How long do you think this will take? It will reach us faster than the killer bees did I'm afraid. Imagine, Al Gore getting in his "Eco Friendly Private Jet" and holding a news conference about cow farts and global warming!

Lets see, were paying the farmers to produce grain for ethanol, supporting the research into the mating habits of exotic flies, taxes up for the smokers to pay for a mandatory health care program that was never funded, schooling and health care for illegal aliens. There is no need to continue. It all has to be paid for, its just a matter of when the fart tax hits.

Carbon Fart Offsets

"No Johnny we can't get a dog, we can't afford the fart tax."Consider this, the tax is not going to save the ozone or stop global warming. You pay the tax, but cows still fart! Kind of like paying extra to offset your carbon footprint. It doesn't make a difference but I guess it feels good. What's next! Do birds fart? How about cats and dogs ? Consider lions, and tigers and bears, oh my! What about you? Explain this to your children, "No Johnny we can't get a dog, we can't afford the fart tax."

With all the absurdity going on, don't be surprised in the future if you have a new IRS form to fill out. The 1040 F.A.R.T. Form, the government is so good with their abbreviated acronyms.

Flatulence Accounting Record Table

The new 1040 F.A.R.T. form, Flatulence Accounting Record Table, will I'm sure be based on a billion dollar study, that will derive a formula from weight and size of all animals and pets, which will result in another liberal tax increase to stop putting holes in the ozone and assist in the global warming fallacy. Will the tax help? No, because everyone and every animal is still going to pass gas!

Hey maybe Cape Codders will get a reduced rate with the wind farm blowing all the methane north!


25th September 2011, 03:42 AM
We are going to pay an across the board carbon tax so it will be like a consumption tax. We have a 10% VAT. Moves to go higher. I've heard 15, 17.5 and 20% as the next rate. Then the carbon tax on top. Cow farts will be a component of the overall carbon tax. We won't have a specific cow fart carbon tax. It will be converted to a carbon credit rating for pricing purposes. UK has 20% VAT and then they will have carbons on top of that too.

I don't know if there are different cow fart carbons output ratings for different types of cow or types of feed? Is there a difference between grazed or intensive fed cattle? I think there's too much up in the air at the moment to accurately determine the carbon neutral point for cows.

mick silver
25th September 2011, 06:35 AM
it 's a coming here . dont think for a minute they will not try and force there rule on everyone . everyone in the world needs to force the UN out of business