View Full Version : Is Silver Art Bar a prophet?

26th September 2011, 02:38 AM
Today it heavily rebounded from $26.00. The price he has touted as the low point, still to early to say whether this is the bottom, but I think it is likely!

Buy now goddamit, the sale won't last!


26th September 2011, 03:12 AM
Don't the metals normally take a hit when New York markets open? or do I have that the other way around?

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 03:26 AM
HOLY COW!!!!!!!


Well Well Well....................I just go up a few minutes ago and checked Kitco.com and what do I see?............Yep. Just as I have suspected. It did hit $26 and it bounced off of that $26.00 level and it is currently at $28.42.

The question now that inquiring minds want to know is this.........Will the $26.00 Intra-day low hold through NY trading and past 10AM this morning? My answer......


I think that $26.00 intra-day low will hold and it will rebound but only to about $32-$33 level at the most. It might stay between $27 and $30 for right now. Since silver hit that $26 low, then I do not feel nearly as short-term bearish on silver that I felt in April.

Twisted Titan
26th September 2011, 04:53 AM
The mother of all discounts has bern afforded to those that dollar cost average.......

If it gets slammed any futher i can assure you all display cases will.go bear except for the over priced numastics.

Strike while the iron.is hot and a fool will still trade useless paper for real wealth

mick silver
26th September 2011, 05:40 AM
My dealer done remove all his junk silver rounds and bars and the sae are so high i thought silver was still 50 bucks

26th September 2011, 05:41 AM
If $26 remains the low, I have to admit that Silver Art is amazingly prophetic.

Of course, I believe GSUS had a part in it also. Without GSUS, Silver Art would never have had been blessed with such prophetic talent.

If Silver Art accurately prophesies the top limit for 2011 as well, he should start a Silver Art Bar e-site with 1000's of followers.

Hey, I know, GSUS could strike a Silver coin in Silver Art's image with 3 rolls of TP and dedicate it toward killing the Morgue.

And we mustn't forget Silver Art T-shirts and action dolls we could sell at coin shows and make small fortunes on. :)

26th September 2011, 06:02 AM
well, i think it is more likely that he has just been really lucky, not so much prophetic...last night in chat he was practically wiping his ass with those three rolls of TP ;D (which he hasn't won yet, btw) and we all know that pride goeth before a fall.

is he right? maybe. time will tell...

all i know is we still have the last quarter to go, and silver can make that jump. we saw it happen this spring, and it was only a few pennies that kept Silver Art from losing the bet then...

time will tell...

just don't go counting your rolls of tp yet, Silver Art...lol there's still some room to move between now and the end of the year...

but good luck either way...

also, it just dawned on me that this is a win-win bet for S/A...if silver keeps going down, he will win his TP, and have opportunity to buy more art bars (cheap), whereas if silver breaks $50, he wins anyways, cause he's got an assload of art bars that will be worth waay more than the three rolls of TP he would be sending to ponce.

Silver Art, you sly boots, you!! lol

mick silver
26th September 2011, 06:04 AM
it not that hard to make calls like this , when silver arts work for the big banks that sells paper silver and gold ... just having fun art

26th September 2011, 06:09 AM
well, i think it is more likely that he has just been really lucky, not so much prophetic...

Blasphemer!! How dare you speak of The Silver Art Bar in such a denigrating fashion. You should be banned immediately.

26th September 2011, 07:16 AM
Blasphemer!! How dare you speak of The Silver Art Bar in such a denigrating fashion. You should be banned immediately.

I think it is spelt Deningerating... ;D

26th September 2011, 07:19 AM
Blasphemer!! How dare you speak of The Silver Art Bar in such a denigrating fashion. You should be banned immediately.

aww, santa...am i on the naughty list now?? setting aside a lump of coal just for me?? lol ;)

26th September 2011, 07:21 AM
I have been listening to this guy- Larry Edelson http://www.uncommonwisdomdaily.com/experts/larry-edelson
..for some time. He was warning of this for months. He said that silver was risky for the short-term, but great for long. He was very precise in showing charts of where silver could go. When silver hit $40, I thought he was counting on too many rules.... rules that were all gone.

I have to give him credit. He was right.

Here is a typical example-

26th September 2011, 08:01 AM
I have been listening to this guy- Larry Edelson http://www.uncommonwisdomdaily.com/experts/larry-edelson
..for some time. He was warning of this for months. He said that silver was risky for the short-term, but great for long. He was very precise in showing charts of where silver could go. When silver hit $40, I thought he was counting on too many rules.... rules that were all gone.

I have to give him credit. He was right.

Here is a typical example-
Yes, when people start saying that normal valuation of an asset class doesn't apply any longer it is time to get careful. I sold silver in April for gold and dollar G/S ratio was for my trades then 35, and I got 54.5 today, I sold for $46 and bought today at around $29. All in all I increased my silver position by 50%...

Joe King
26th September 2011, 08:19 AM
Is Silver Art Bar a prophet?;DHe's obviously a double agent who secretly works for JPM and hangs here just to get the inside scoop. >:D

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 03:56 PM
He's obviously a double agent who secretly works for JPM and hangs here just to get the inside scoop. >:D


That's funny. I like your sense of humor "Joking". Of course you were just joking (pun intended). Thanks for the laugh. ;D

The truth is that I have never worked for JPM. However, I tried applying to JPM for the position of "short seller" but after the face to face interview with the female representative, I ended up not getting the job. I think that the name of the female representative that interviewed me was.......Blythe. I will tell you that Blythe looked very sexy and she had a nice personality. If she was not interviewing for the JPM position, then I would have asked her out on a date. Well anyway, Blythe told me that I did not get "short seller" job because of the following 3 issues:

1.) I am a silver art bar collector - Apparently that worked against me since JPM dislikes people that collect silver art bars. Strike 1.

2.) I did not have any "naked short selling" experience - Blythe said that JPM was looking for "short seller" with several years of experience. I did not have any experience short selling and I did not know anything about how to short sell silver. Strike 2.

3.) I am long term bullish (2012 and beyond) on silver - Blythe asked me if silver would hit $50 this year and I answered her honestly by saying the following: "Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011". Blythe liked that answer very much but when she asked me what will silver do in 2012 and beyond, I hesitated for a moment. Since I hesitated and was not able to answer that 2nd question, then Blythe concluded that I was long term bullish and accused me of being a long term bullish (2012 and beyond) on silver. That was the final nail in the coffin and I did not get that "short seller" position at JPM. Strike 3.

In conclusion, I am NOT a JPM agent since I was not able to get a job at JPM.

Despite the fact that silver is a DOG, me and JPM corporation would be able not get along since I am a silver art bar collector and I secretly cherish the DOG.

However, I will admit that I am an "agent" and I do have an agenda on GSUS. I am an "agent" of an organization called IASAC. IASAC stands for Interernational Association of Silver Art Collectors. IASAC has been in existence since 1985 and I have been an "agent" of IASAC since 2009. My agenda as an IASAC "agent" on GSUS is to get people hopelessly addicted to silver art bars. :D

If you really want to know more about me, then see post # 223 of the following thread:


Despite the fact that I am an "agent" of IASAC, I am really just a normal sheeple person that likes to hang out with the nutcases on a gold and silver forum. :D ;) ;D

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 04:13 PM
well, i think it is more likely that he has just been really lucky, not so much prophetic...last night in chat he was practically wiping his ass with those three rolls of TP ;D (which he hasn't won yet, btw) and we all know that pride goeth before a fall.

is he right? maybe. time will tell...

all i know is we still have the last quarter to go, and silver can make that jump. we saw it happen this spring, and it was only a few pennies that kept Silver Art from losing the bet then...

time will tell...

just don't go counting your rolls of tp yet, Silver Art...lol there's still some room to move between now and the end of the year...

but good luck either way...

also, it just dawned on me that this is a win-win bet for S/A...if silver keeps going down, he will win his TP, and have opportunity to buy more art bars (cheap), whereas if silver breaks $50, he wins anyways, cause he's got an assload of art bars that will be worth waay more than the three rolls of TP he would be sending to ponce.

Silver Art, you sly boots, you!! lol

Thanks for the nice words Freespirit. :) You are right in that I am a winner either way. Life is good and I am happy.

As for the rest of the year, I am just waiting for December 31, 2011 when I will "officially" win the tp bet. At this point, I am just relaxing and having fun looking at and fondling some of my silver art bars while I wait for Ponce to give me 3 rolls of tp that he owes me since, as far as I am concerned, I won the bet. :)

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 04:27 PM
Blasphemer!! How dare you speak of The Silver Art Bar in such a denigrating fashion. You should be banned immediately.

Hey Santa, it's ok. I love everybody on GSUS. :) However, I think that people should blame JPM for the September silver smackdown. I should not be blamed for the September silver smackdown. I am simply just a person that predicted the silver bottom of $26.00 and I am simply just a person that had a gut feeling, since April, that "Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011". I ended up being right on both counts. What can I say?

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 04:42 PM
aww, santa...am i on the naughty list now?? setting aside a lump of coal just for me?? lol ;)

Hey Freespirit, don't worry about it. I forgive you. :) I can try to convince Santa to not put a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking but I cannot make any guarantees. I have an idea.......If you bow down to me, then maybe I can convince Santa to put a 1-oz Merry Christmas silver art bar in your stocking instead of a lump of coal. :) :) :) HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! I am just kidding with you Freespirit. :) ;) I am in a good mood tonight and today is just a great day for me since I correctly called the $26.00 bottom for silver.

26th September 2011, 05:08 PM
Hey art, You said in one post that silver was going to below $26, to like 23 or 24.

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 05:47 PM
Hey art, You said in one post that silver was going to below $26, to like 23 or 24.

I did say that but that was an "alternate scenario" that I painted out that silver would go to $23-$24 if (and only if) silver broke through $26.00. I briefly did have some doubts before today about the $26 bottom for silver because of the massive 1-day $3-$4 down moves the previous two days but deep down inside I wanted to see my first prediction of silver bottom out at $26 come true and that is what happened as I initially was predicting earlier during the Summer.

I actually was off time-wise because I was predicting that silver was going to bottom out in the Summer (I think that I initially said late June/early July) but that never happened during the Summer but I was still looking for silver to bottom out at $26 before the year was over.

Look at the earlier pages of the following thead and you will see that I was predicting that silver was going to bottom out at $26 well before I posted my post # 208 "alternate scenario" if silver broke through $26. I will admit that I initially did have doubts that $26 would hold but Here is the and I mentioned what you are talking about in post #208 of the following thread:


If you look through this above thread, you will see that I was talking about $26 bottom for silver for a while (see post # 123) well before post # 208 of that thread. I will admit that I did say $23-$24 in post # 208 of the above thread but that was ONLY IF $26 silver did not hold and continued to do down. I think that you (and everyone else on GSUS) should look at ALL of my posts in that above thread link that I posted and draw your own conclusion.

As of what I think right now regarding the $26 bottom for silver, I think that $26 bottom will hold but I also think that the next few days that the $26 level will get tested but I feel that $26 will hold. We will see.

Honestly, what really mattered to me was not that silver bottomed out at $26.00. What really mattered to me was that Silver is NOT going to hit $50 this year. I will be correct on that. There is no doubt about that.

EDIT: See post #123 of the above thread to look at my initial prediction of silver bottoming out at $26. That was dated May 2011. I also have been saying that silver will bottom out at $26 at a few GSUS Sunday Night chats during this year.

EDIT2: I also want to say thank you for bringing this up because I wanted to try to clear up what I said. :)

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 07:31 PM
If $26 remains the low, I have to admit that Silver Art is amazingly prophetic.

Of course, I believe GSUS had a part in it also. Without GSUS, Silver Art would never have had been blessed with such prophetic talent.

If Silver Art accurately prophesies the top limit for 2011 as well, he should start a Silver Art Bar e-site with 1000's of followers.

Hey, I know, GSUS could strike a Silver coin in Silver Art's image with 3 rolls of TP and dedicate it toward killing the Morgue.

And we mustn't forget Silver Art T-shirts and action dolls we could sell at coin shows and make small fortunes on. :)

Hey Santa, We have already reached the top limit for silver with an intraday high of $49.85 that we reached in April and today we reached a low of $26.00 and bounced off that low. I feel that $26 is the bottom and if the $26 low get tested, then it will pass the test and $26 will hold.

I really do not think that I am a prophet. Maybe I am a prophet-in-training. :D When I have a gut feeling about silver, then I just express it. I felt very strong about silver NOT hitting $50 this year and I will be right on this. My gut feeling says so. I am not really very good at calling bottoms on silver but I was just lucky.

As for the Silver Art t-shirt, e-site, silver bar, etc....................I prefer to keep a low profile. :)

26th September 2011, 07:51 PM
Hey Freespirit, don't worry about it. I forgive you. :) I can try to convince Santa to not put a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking but I cannot make any guarantees. I have an idea.......If you bow down to me, then maybe I can convince Santa to put a 1-oz Merry Christmas silver art bar in your stocking instead of a lump of coal. :) :) :) HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! I am just kidding with you Freespirit. :) ;) I am in a good mood tonight and today is just a great day for me since I correctly called the $26.00 bottom for silver.

"...I bow to NO man..." 8)

your good mood seems to be infectious...lol...i'm in a pretty damn fine mood myself! must have been the roast pork tenderloin i cooked for dinner! ;D