View Full Version : Identified: NYPD Officer Who Maced Peaceful Protesters

27th September 2011, 08:16 AM
Identified: NYPD Officer Who Maced Peaceful Protesters (http://www.commondreams.org/further/2011/09/26-1)

Full story at link ^^

Fitting youtube link ID:


27th September 2011, 08:30 AM
Cryptome has a number of lovely pics.




27th September 2011, 08:39 AM
make some of these up and hand them out to the cops


27th September 2011, 08:44 AM
Wow, Officer Anthony Bologna. Who could ask for a better JBT name like the pig Tony Baloney? Oink!

27th September 2011, 08:58 AM
Wow, Officer Anthony Bologna. Who could ask for a better JBT name like the pig Tony Baloney? Oink!

Lol... Tony Baloney sauntered up to a small group of unarmed and already contained young women and maced them right in the eyes from a foot away.

That is a despicable, sadistic and criminal act at best.

Twisted Titan
27th September 2011, 08:58 AM
He gets desk duty and sensativity training all the while raking in the overtime


27th September 2011, 09:44 AM
Hope they posted his home address.

27th September 2011, 09:53 AM
Hope they posted his home address.

Tony Baloney has a pending lawsuit to face stemming from alleged civil rights violations during the 2004 RNC protests. Anonymous has compiled a dossier on him including phone numbers and any known addresses:


Twisted Titan
27th September 2011, 12:50 PM
The DC already stepped to protect their pigman......

looks like he wont even see desk duty.....may get a promtion from ray kelly for his brave work

27th September 2011, 01:06 PM
The DC already stepped to protect their pigman......

looks like he wont even see desk duty.....may get a promtion from ray kelly for his brave work

A commendation for his heroism would be in good order...

27th September 2011, 02:09 PM
A commendation for his heroism would be in good order...

Yes a Medal for bravery in the field!

27th September 2011, 02:14 PM
Identified: NYPD Officer Who Maced Peaceful Protesters (http://www.commondreams.org/further/2011/09/26-1)

Full story at link ^^

Fitting youtube link ID:


What a prick. There was absolutely no reason for that. Fire the bastard and dishonorably discharge him.

27th September 2011, 09:11 PM
They are all pricks. They are all complicit. They are all pigs.

28th September 2011, 09:08 AM
He gets desk duty and sensativity training all the while raking in the overtime

cynical bastard! your right though....

28th September 2011, 02:06 PM


28th September 2011, 02:07 PM
rarely do i advocate violence, but i wish a group of people would visit his house and beat the living shit out of that guy.

midnight rambler
28th September 2011, 02:11 PM
Tony Baloney gets a nut.


28th September 2011, 02:20 PM
Officer Bologna’s actions cannot be defended. He assaulted the citizenry with a chemical weapon. And if the NYPD internal affairs, somehow, defends him, then it could be assumed that all the other officers were derelict in their duties. None of the other officers were spraying mace or cracking open skulls with their night sticks. Wasn’t mace intended to be used instead of an officer’s baton? Were the citizens a threat? If so, why didn’t more officers respond with force?

28th September 2011, 02:27 PM
Officer Bologna has serious mental issues and should not be carrying a gun or any other weapon. He shouldn’t even be writing parking tickets as a pen might be a weapon in his hands. Perhaps he has a brain tumor. In any case, we would all be safer with him in jail.

28th September 2011, 02:29 PM
Footage of protestors being penned-up and pepper-sprayed (http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrismenning/nypd-makes-arrests-at-occupy-wall-street-protest) Saturday has raised the ire of Anonymous, who has reportedly identified the officer from the video. Will Anon's amateur sleuthing bring further retaliation?



Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
28th September 2011, 02:35 PM
I appreciate his involvement in WTC, if he indeed do anything good, and the fact that he has been decorated with medals for his long time service doesn't necessarily mean he deserves them. Sometimes people just know how to "get by" and be rewarded as long as you keep your foot in the door (just as the multimillionaire CEO's). A true officer has more respect and does things right.

G.o.D., please go stab this guy in the dick!

28th September 2011, 03:00 PM
He appears to be enjoying himself...

September 28, 2011, 3:59 PM
Inspector May Have Used Pepper Spray on Others, Video Shows

An image taken from a newly released video that appears to show Anthony Bologna, a deputy inspector with the New York Police Department, using pepper spray against protesters in a second incident on Saturday.
The deputy police inspector accused of sending a blast of pepper spray toward four female protesters on Saturday may have used the spray on others that day.

The Web site Daily Kos released a video on Wednesday that appears to show a supervising officer, whom the site identified as Anthony Bologna, pointing his canister at a videographer and shooting a stream of pepper spray.

The police did not immediately respond to questions about the second episode. And it was not immediately clear if what was recorded in the video took place before or after the use of pepper spray against a group of women on East 12th Street in Manhattan.


28th September 2011, 03:08 PM

28th September 2011, 06:04 PM

Here is more of the Officer with the red jacket.

28th September 2011, 06:45 PM
i knew i had seen that tony bologna guy before. i just figured it out:


28th September 2011, 07:52 PM
There is a striking resemblance.

29th September 2011, 08:46 AM
Report: 100 New York Police Officers Boycott in Solidarity with Wall Street Protesters ~ link (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/09/new-york-police-officers-boycott-in-solidarity-with-wall-street-protesters.html) ~ The officers have homes, families, futures that are being ruined by the globalist banksters trash; and they know it! Stirling

from: http://europebusines.blogspot.com/

29th September 2011, 08:53 AM
Occupy Wall Street notes (https://occupywallst.org/article/Officer-Bologna/):
Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement. These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us."

Now, a call to ALL blue collar police officers. STOP AND DESIST! Even better, BURN YOUR UNIFORMS!

29th September 2011, 09:03 AM
Shit will fly if the off duty 'peace officers' get pummeled by the 'police'

This might be a great beginning!

29th September 2011, 09:26 AM
Occupy Wall Street notes (https://occupywallst.org/article/Officer-Bologna/):
Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement. These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us."

Now, a call to ALL blue collar police officers. STOP AND DESIST! Even better, BURN YOUR UNIFORMS!

Is that a real report?? I clicked the link and didn't see that text body anywhere.

29th September 2011, 10:15 AM
Is that a real report?? I clicked the link and didn't see that text body anywhere.

it's in the paragraph,

This was an attempt to make us weak, this was an attempt to destroy or derail our message, our conversation. It has not succeeded. We have grown, we will grow. Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement. These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us.


29th September 2011, 10:32 AM
The Massive Nationwide Transport Workers Union with over 200,000 members in 22 states has voted tonight to support the Occupy Wall Street Protests.


Reports from Twitter say United Pilots joined in the protests against wall street today choosing to march against their corporate overlords in full uniform.

A story making a quite a bit of buzz on twitter and other social networking sites is United Union Pilots reportedly joined in the Occupy Wall Street protest today by marching in full uniform to help rally support against Wall Street bankers.


29th September 2011, 10:34 AM
TWU says they are heading down @ 4pm today.

Also, this:

IWW Endorses Occupy Wall Street

Posted by IWW.org Editor

On behalf of our union, the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World sends our support and solidarity to the occupation of Wall Street, those determined to hold accountable our oppressors.

This occupation on Wall Street calls into question the very foundation in which the capitalist system is based, and its relentless desire to place profit over and above all else.

When 1% of the ruling class holds the wealth created by the other 99%, it is clear that the watchwords found in our union’s preamble, “the working class and the employing class have nothing in common”, ring true more than ever.?The IWW does not follow a business union model. We believe that the working class and the employing class have nothing in common and we don’t foster illusions to the contrary.

Throughout the world, from Egypt to Greece, from China to Madison, Wisconsin, working class people are starting to rise up. The IWW welcomes this. We see the occupation of Wall Street as another step – no matter how large or small – in this process.

29th September 2011, 10:37 AM
Random cop punches protester in the face for no reason:


midnight rambler
29th September 2011, 10:42 AM
Random cop punches protester in the face for no reason:

Oh, he had a reason - 'cause he wanted to, and could, so he did.

29th September 2011, 10:43 AM
So with the union-class endorsements starting to trickle in, does this signal the beginning of the co-opting of this movement?

29th September 2011, 10:44 AM
So with the union-class endorsements starting to trickle in, does this signal the beginning of the co-opting of this movement?

Probably, but let's hope not.

29th September 2011, 11:00 AM
This is starting to get really interesting now!

29th September 2011, 11:18 AM
Report: 100 New York Police Officers Boycott in Solidarity with Wall Street Protesters ~ link (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/09/new-york-police-officers-boycott-in-solidarity-with-wall-street-protesters.html) ~ The officers have homes, families, futures that are being ruined by the globalist banksters trash; and they know it! Stirling

from: http://europebusines.blogspot.com/

Not only are they protesting, but this is also great PR for cops in general.

29th September 2011, 11:18 AM
remember this, from Feb:

Wisconsin Police Union Announces Solidarity with Occupation of State House (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVE_rLjxnfU)


Uploaded by ryanharveysongs (http://www.youtube.com/user/ryanharveysongs) on Feb 25, 2011
Police Union announces solidarity with students, workers, and Wisconsin residents occupying the State Capitol in Madison. February 24, 2011. Video by Ryan Harvey. Follow-up interview with this officer plus more videos, photos, and updates at http://voiceshakes.wordpress.com (http://voiceshakes.wordpress.com/). Also see http://www.defendwisconsin.org (http://www.defendwisconsin.org/).

29th September 2011, 11:58 AM
Michael Moore speaks at 'Occupy Wall Street' Protests - Calls For Entire Nation To Join - videos ~ link (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/09/28/video-micheal-moore-speaks-occupywallstreet-protests-calls-entire-nation-join-71481/)~ Listen up America, Listen up Europe, Listen up World....we are 99%, the rest are just a tiny bunch of evil satanic crooks. They belong in prison or swinging from the end of a rope. We are the 99%, they are not...they are nothing if WE say so! Say so! Take take the time to view the videos, great one!!! Stirling

from the article:

Michael Moore stopped by Liberty Plaza tonight to humble himself in front of the masses and show support for the Occupy Wall Street protestors

“I have spent over 20 years fighting Wall Street, General Motors, health insurance companies, the whole lot of them. A lot of that has been alone or with just a very few people. It warms my heart to see all of you here.” – Michael Moore
I'm not vouching for MMoore, he's made some documentaries I've enjoyed, but he's zio-compromised, as evidenced by his movie "Fahrenheit 911" - very zio-friendly, implicated the saudis for 911, didn't mention Izzy (who did 911) (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread) throughout! He's a left/right/divide/conquer gatekeeper tool. His speaking to, and about, Occupy Wall St may or may not be productive! -PC

29th September 2011, 01:26 PM
May be a Zio tool but he has many sheep followers that have been waking up over the years regardless of his take on 911. If he did recognize the US of I doing 911 then his credibility would be compromised in a big way just like if RP pushed the subject. There is a fine line drawn when it comes to waking sheep, you can wake them easily or get trampled in the process.

29th September 2011, 06:50 PM
Wall Street cop faces probe over pepper spray
As protesters cry foul over the NYPD's violent acts perpetrated at Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, the cop that infamously sprayed down a group of women in Manhattan last week with mace will become the subject of an internal investigation.

In the days since NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna released pepper spray on a group of female demonstrators rallying against big banks last Saturday, at least two videos of the incident have surfaced to the Internet. The victims have spoken out against the officer and one of those recordings has managed to garner over a million hits on YouTube in mere days. As a result of the outrage, New York Police Department Commissioner Raymond W Kelly said on Wednesday that the Internal Affairs Bureau would begin a probe to investigate Officer Bologna and his actions during the protest.

Speaking to reporters yesterday, Kelly said, “I don’t know what precipitated that specific incident,” but said he would look into the officer’s conduct. Bologna, a long time veteran of the force, formerly oversaw the First Precinct of New York City and is now a member of their counterterrorism unit.

While acknowledging that an investigation would begin, Kelly was not quick to condone Bologna for his actions. The commissioner said that some protesters had behaved in “tumultuous conduct” with the intent of blocking traffic during their demonstrations. The New York Times reports that the NYPD’s Patrol Guide suggests pepper spray should be mainly used on suspects resisting arrest or for personal protection, though deployment during “disorder control” is also a reason to use it.

The victims of Bologna’s outbursts feel like the officer’s actions were uncalled for, however. Speaking to RT on Wednesday, Chelsea Elliott of Brooklyn said she was completely thrown off by the unprovoked assault.

“It took about three seconds for it to register what had happened,” Elliott told RT. “At that moment, my mind kind of went blank. I was just so confused as to why. I just fell to the ground.”

Some of the NYPD, however, say that Bologna was simply looking out for his fellow man.

"Deputy Inspector Bologna’s actions that day were motivated by his concern for the safety of officers under his command and the safety of the public," adds Inspector Roy T Richter of the NYPD Captains Endowment Fund at yesterday’s briefing. "The limited use of pepper spray effectively restored order without any escalation of force or serious injury to either demonstrator or police officer."

To the Daily News, Commissioner Kelly appeared much more in favor of Bologna than the protestors, and as he’ll tell you, just because his actions were caught on video doesn’t mean that the online audience saw the whole story.

"In my experience, proponents of a certain position would show you just what they want to show you," says Kelly. "Hopefully, [probers] will look at the totality of the information that they will gather."

Two videos have received the most notoriety since the incident. The first to surface shows Kelly approaching a group of demonstrators, including Elliott, macing them without provocation and then walking away. In the aftermath of that posting, another YouTube user has uploaded a video supposedly taken moments later in which Bologna approaches fleeing demonstrators and a member of the press and takes aim again.

In response to the videos, hacktivists with Anonymous have published personal information pertaining to Bologna to the Internet, including his home address and phone number.

“As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barberically [sic] pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women,” reads a note posted on September 26 by an online user aligned to Anonymous. “We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior. You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!”

Full story @ RT (http://rt.com/usa/news/mace-nypd-bologna-investigation-703/)

Well we now know that Anonymous is potentially UK based. Kettling is a UK term.

30th September 2011, 02:36 AM

Here is more of the Officer with the red jacket.

Police Officer who assaulted protestor Identified As Kenneth O'Donnel (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/09/30/kenneth-odonnell-identified-red-coat-officer-caught-giving-occupywallstreet-protestor-concussion-73381/)

30th September 2011, 06:42 AM
I was watching the march live and the phrase kettling was used within minutes by many of the protesters describing the tactics the cops were using with the orange netting which was long before any of the media posted any story with the phrase.

Several of the officers were also overheard using the phrase when talking on the radios trying to coordinate blocking the crowd from continuing with the march.

They've been using this tactic for years. Once during a Critical Mass (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Mass) ride in NYC about 5 years ago or so, I managed to squeak past the orange fencing as the cops moved in on the group. 2 of my friends got caught in it and spent the night in a makeshift jail in an old bus depot on the West side.

30th September 2011, 06:48 AM

"Wall street cop faces probe"

He should be facing a punch in the face and an unemployment slip.