View Full Version : Things are falling a part - Mob attacks man in his house

27th September 2011, 08:46 AM
Chased home: Mob attacks man in his house

Mark LaVelle sits outside his house with twins Mark (left) and Mason. (Steven M. Falk/Staff)

Philadelphia Daily News
shawj@phillynews.com 215-854-2592
This story was updated at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27.
ABOUT 11 P.M. on Sept. 9, dozens of youths with bats and pipes descended on a tidy residential area of Port Richmond looking for white teens who allegedly had attacked an African-American kid at Stokely Playground a couple of hours earlier.
Two fearful white teens spotted Mark LaVelle on Indiana Avenue near Belgrade Street and asked for help. Suddenly, the mob appeared. LaVelle, who said that he didn't know the two kids, who looked to be 13 or 14, ran with them into his nearby house.
" 'We got you, you white mother-------!' " LaVelle said he heard someone yell in the "mob" of black and Hispanic youths.
Inside his house, LaVelle, 37, called to his wife, Kim, 30, to go to their bedroom with their twin 13-month-old boys, Mark and Mason, and to call police. He also ordered his two other sons, 11 and 17, and his nephew, 7, to stay upstairs.
With the two teens hiding in the house, LaVelle, 5 feet 10, 220 pounds, a well-known sports-league organizer and coach in the community, went outside to try to calm the angry mob.
They were standing on his steps. One shouted, " 'Something's going to happen now!' " LaVelle recalled in an interview Friday at his house. LaVelle got nervous and went back inside, locking his door with a deadbolt.
But the attackers pounded on his front windows and kicked his wooden door so hard, it flew open and some of them entered his house.
"The first guy hits me with a pipe. The second guy knocks me in the face. All I'm hearing is my wife and kids screaming," said LaVelle, who feared that the next time they saw him, he would be in a casket.
He said that he was able to push the attackers out the door, but then a third man - who had a gun - tried to extend his arm. LaVelle grabbed onto the gunman's lower arm and shoulder so he couldn't raise the weapon. Then, police sirens screamed in the neighborhood, and the mob turned and ran.
LaVelle was able to identify three of the people from the melee. He said he did not know if they had been chasing the white teenagers, or if they were just trying to find someone to attack.
Police arrested Bergson Morin, 21, of Rosehill Street near Wyoming Avenue, Feltonville, as the man with the gun. They arrested Enrique Delgado, 32, of Rockland and C streets, Feltonville, as the man who hit LaVelle with the pipe. And they arrested a 17-year-old juvenile as the one who punched LaVelle in the face, giving him a black eye.
LaVelle said that the next day the mother of the juvenile came back with some other people, banging on his door, screaming. LaVelle, who was at a charity sports event, was called back to the house by one of his sons.
When he got home, LaVelle said, the mother yelled at him, " 'You white mother------, you got my kid locked up! You got my son locked up because he's black, you're white!' " The mother claimed that her son had been "a witness," not an attacker. To that, LaVelle said if that were true, it would come out in court.
But the mother, according to LaVelle, then yelled: " 'If you make it to court! I know where you live!' "
Police public affairs could not confirm yesterday if the mother has been arrested for making threats.
Patty-Pat Kozlowski, president of the Port Richmond on Patrol and Civic Association, said that police told her that the attack on LaVelle stemmed from the incident at Stokely Playground, Indiana Avenue and Thompson Street, a few blocks from LaVelle's house.
She heard that an African-American "kid got knocked off his bike or fell off" and white kids were laughing at him. The group of African-Americans and Hispanics came back for retaliation, Kozlowski believes.
She said she didn't know any of the people involved in the playground incident or in the attack on LaVelle. LaVelle said he also did not know anyone involved.
Morin and Delgado, who face charges of aggravated assault, conspiracy, burglary, weapons and related offenses, were scheduled to face a preliminary hearing in Municipal Court today, but the hearing got postponed to Nov. 7. Delgado, who is in state prison, was not brought down to the city. Also, both defense attorneys requested a lineup in the case, which the judge granted. Morin is in custody in county prison. Their family members could not be reached for comment Monday.
Freddy Godoy, Delgado's attorney, said yesterday that someone Delgado knows "was probably related to the child" who was attacked in the playground. But he contends that Delgado was not one of the people who attacked LaVelle.
Richard Patton, Morin's attorney, declined comment yesterday.
Kozlowski, a legislative aide to City Councilwoman Joan Krajewski and a lifelong Port Richmond resident, wrote about the attack in The Spirit community newspaper, which serves the river wards. Since then, the story has created a lot of buzz in the predominantly white neighborhood.
Kozlowski and Maryann Trombetta, president of the Port Richmond Town Watch, both recalled the murder of Sean Daily, a white teen who was beaten and shot by bat-wielding youths, mostly Latino, in May 1989.
They don't believe that the attack on LaVelle started as a racial incident, but believe that there was a racial element to it when the mob "called him a white mother------" and when the juvenile's mother allegedly threatened LaVelle.
LaVelle, who runs sports leagues composed of youths and adults of different races, said he doesn't want any retaliation on the people who attacked him. But the attack has instilled fear in him and his family, and he hopes that there will be more of a police presence in the neighborhood.
His wife is afraid to stay at home, and "every time I hear a car, I'm looking out the door," he said.
"It's not a good way to live."

Uncle Salty
27th September 2011, 10:04 AM
It's good to be armed to defend one's home and family.

27th September 2011, 10:13 AM
Wifey needs her own glock.

27th September 2011, 11:46 AM
If this guy had a shotgun those thugs never would and broke in and assaulted him. I wonder how the gun control idiots will spin this one and come up with a rationale for the homeowner not having a gun for self-defense. Oh, I know: " a poor little black boy might get shot." Can you believe that black momma's reaction: "You got my boy in trouble whitey!"

Yep, if you're still living in a major inner city, RIP baby.

27th September 2011, 11:48 AM
What's wrong? You guys don't like diversity?

27th September 2011, 11:51 AM
What's wrong? You guys don't like diversity?

Mark LaVelle is learning firsthand what it means to be burning in the melting pot.

27th September 2011, 11:58 AM
Mark LaVelle is learning firsthand what it means to be burning in the melting pot.

Yeah that "melting pot" can be a bit of a "frying pan"...

27th September 2011, 11:59 AM
Why can't it be an oven?....

27th September 2011, 12:01 PM
What's wrong? You guys don't like diversity?

Nope. I have a quarter mile long driveway. 100 yards from the house I want the sign that says if you can read this you're within range. Sig 239, Stoeger Cougar, Keltec sub2000 and a Smith & Wesson 357 w/ Scope all loaded / chambered and at the ready depending on where I am within the house.......Come diversity this Mother_______s.

27th September 2011, 12:20 PM
i recall a story similar to this that happened about 6 months or so ago (i think it was in new york). it involved **i think** a mexican guy who was having his house attacked by a gang. he shot a few 7.62 X 39 rounds into the yard to scare them away and was promptly arrested and prosecuted.

27th September 2011, 12:26 PM
i recall a story similar to this that happened about 6 months or so ago (i think it was in new york). it involved **i think** a mexican guy who was having his house attacked by a gang. he shot a few 7.62 X 39 rounds into the yard to scare them away and was promptly arrested and prosecuted.

You gotta wait until they pass the threshold boy!!! You need to have a firearm most espcially, what with all those gold boulders in your house.;D

27th September 2011, 12:35 PM
This is at least the second story I've seen where a mob of blacks and hispanics was attacking whites. Is this new? I didn't think they liked each other very much.

Twisted Titan
27th September 2011, 12:42 PM
Im sure the police are going to post a squad car infront his to protect his family and loved ones



Twisted Titan
27th September 2011, 12:46 PM
But the mother, according to LaVelle, then yelled: " 'If you make it to court! I know where you live!'

And I know what you look like .......through scoped glass

mick silver
27th September 2011, 01:07 PM
more to come . it just one more shot fired at whitey .once the whites learn to stand together this shit would end . come in my house and they would of been going to there maker .

27th September 2011, 01:11 PM
Nope. I have a quarter mile long driveway. 100 yards from the house I want the sign that says if you can read this you're within range. Sig 239, Stoeger Cougar, Keltec sub2000 and a Smith & Wesson 357 w/ Scope all loaded / chambered and at the ready depending on where I am within the house.......Come diversity this Mother_______s.

You should prolly write on the sign in simpler terms, or draw pictures, ( I don't think they can read very well. ) :)

27th September 2011, 01:20 PM
LOL. I thought about including one of my silhouette targets with a nice grouping below the sign.

27th September 2011, 03:09 PM
Let me take this opportunity to thank the forum community for bringing me to the mindset that owning a defensive firearm is a really good idea. This is an action I probably would not have taken without your influence.

27th September 2011, 03:20 PM
Been through that area many times, good hard working, decent white folks there. They gotta move out or armor up, is my thinking. They are surrounded by a Detroit in the making, wonder how many of them realize that.

27th September 2011, 03:48 PM
Let me take this opportunity to thank the forum community for bringing me to the mindset that owning a defensive firearm is a really good idea. This is an action I probably would not have taken without your influence.

We're just glad you came to your senses!


midnight rambler
27th September 2011, 03:53 PM
You gotta wait until they pass the threshold boy!!!

Exactly. Simply back up a couple of yards inside the door, and when the door is busted down keep shooting until they stop coming across the threshold.

27th September 2011, 06:13 PM
Obviously this guy should have been armed but he has balls to defend his family against a mob with just his bare hands and was quick enough to grab that kids gun arm to prevent himself from being shot.

I am sure he was out buying a gun the next day though. Should have at least have had a machete or some weapon near the door. If the first little fuck through the door lost a limb it would probably deter the others.

27th September 2011, 07:02 PM
Let me take this opportunity to thank the forum community for bringing me to the mindset that owning a defensive firearm is a really good idea. This is an action I probably would not have taken without your influence.

It is a good idea but you never want to go there. After a confrontation like that you become the object of their idiocy, and they know where you live. Broken windows, slashed tires, house fires... Next thing you know you'll be wanting to move to Palestine to get away from it all.

27th September 2011, 07:15 PM
I'm glad I finished my Saiga 12. 20 round drum filled with 20 rounds of 00 buck. Those worthless parasite sacks of shit kick in my door, I would not hesitate to lay every single one of them out. Teenager or not, you don't kick in someones door to their castle and expect to live. Not this castle anyway.

midnight rambler
27th September 2011, 07:31 PM
I'm glad I finished my Saiga 12. 20 round drum filled with 20 rounds of 00 buck. Those worthless parasite sacks of shit kick in my door, I would not hesitate to lay every single one of them out. Teenager or not, you don't kick in someones door to their castle and expect to live. Not this castle anyway.

I hate to be the one to break it to ya, but while Saigas are totally fun guns and best suited for ambush scenarios or where one has PLENTY of other support, they make extremely poor *tactical* shotguns, which is really the only use of a stand alone self defense shotgun (since you're limited to detachable magazines and cannot reload on the fly with the Saiga OR change up from buck to slugs or other specialty ammo). One is much better served with a FN SLP or Benelli M4, either outfitted with 7 round mags, and you with a bandoleer or four slung over your shoulder(s).

With four bandoleers and a fully loaded mag I have over 200 rounds of selectable ammo. To match that, you'd have to carry nine drums in addition to the one inserted in your Saiga.

27th September 2011, 07:40 PM
Money talks, and my $350 dollar pump shotgun is my home defender. (Mind you, I'm put about $300 or more into upgrades, so it's tacti-cool for sure, but holy shit man, talk about home-invader repellant!!)

I am not in a position to spend a thousand dollar or more on a defense shotgun.

EDIT - It can fit 7 or 8 in the pipe + 1 in the chamber, depending on the length of shell. If you're worried that that's not enough (Triple 00 buck) then just get out with your gun and do some Magpul speed reload exercises.

midnight rambler
27th September 2011, 07:43 PM
Money talks, and my $350 dollar pump shotgun is my home defender. (Mind you, I'm put about $300 or more into upgrades, so it's tacti-cool for sure, but holy shit man, talk about home-invader repellant!!)

I am not in a position to spend a thousand dollar or more on a defense shotgun.

EDIT - It can fit 7 or 8 in the pipe + 1 in the chamber, depending on the length of shell. If you're worried that that's not enough (Triple 00 buck) then just get out with your gun and do some Magpul speed reload exercises.

Nothing at all wrong with a reliable pump shotgun, so long as you drill and drill and drill to preclude the possibility of a short stroke during stress fire - which is a very likely possibility most people tend to overlook.

When completed, my own M4 project will be pushing 3k and I have no problem whatsoever justifying that sort of expense (as it will have full night capability along with the nonsensical 922(r) compliance).

General of Darkness
27th September 2011, 07:45 PM
My FN-SLP with Winchester internals would look something like this if you break into my house.


27th September 2011, 07:52 PM
I think what speaks volumes about this incident, is the turd's mother is blaming the guy for sending her son to jail. Her complete stupidity is the general population in some areas.

If the guy had shot him (which was completely justified, self-defense), this same woman would be suing him in civil court for millions, because he was a "good boy who didn't deserve to die."

This is the problem with defending your home and your life with firearms. It's a lose-lose situation, and anyone who can profit from your right to protect yourself, will. It will cost you time and money, stress and grief, because some assholes force you into a situation, without your choice, and because you have to put them down to protect yourself. You are on trial.

This whole story makes my hair stand up.

27th September 2011, 08:07 PM
Nothing at all wrong with a reliable pump shotgun, so long as you drill and drill and drill to preclude the possibility of a short stroke during stress fire - which is a very likely possibility most people tend to overlook.

When completed, my own M4 project will be pushing 3k and I have no problem whatsoever justifying that sort of expense (as it will have full night capability along with the nonsensical 922(r) compliance).

Oh hey bro, I could justify the expense. I just don't have the cash. Just to be clear.

27th September 2011, 08:08 PM
Let me take this opportunity to thank the forum community for bringing me to the mindset that owning a defensive firearm is a really good idea. This is an action I probably would not have taken without your influence.

May I ask, how long ago did you decide to get armed because of the forum?
Recently, or a while ago?

Reminds me of Josey Wales. I was so happy when he bought himself a .22 pistol. Hopefully he'll keep shooting and get some bigger stuff soon.

27th September 2011, 09:25 PM
May I ask, how long ago did you decide to get armed because of the forum?
Recently, or a while ago?

Reminds me of Josey Wales. I was so happy when he bought himself a .22 pistol. Hopefully he'll keep shooting and get some bigger stuff soon.

Probably made the mental decision a couple of years ago. Then last year I did my training and got my carry license. Actually got armed over this past winter. Why do you ask?

27th September 2011, 09:34 PM
Well I just think it's great that the community here has had a positive life-changing effect on you like that. I wasn't sure if it was this thread tonight that made you decide, or if you already bit the bullet a while ago.

Just curious really.

28th September 2011, 05:58 AM
I hate to be the one to break it to ya, but while Saigas are totally fun guns and best suited for ambush scenarios or where one has PLENTY of other support, they make extremely poor *tactical* shotguns, which is really the only use of a stand alone self defense shotgun (since you're limited to detachable magazines and cannot reload on the fly with the Saiga OR change up from buck to slugs or other specialty ammo). One is much better served with a FN SLP or Benelli M4, either outfitted with 7 round mags, and you with a bandoleer or four slung over your shoulder(s).

With four bandoleers and a fully loaded mag I have over 200 rounds of selectable ammo. To match that, you'd have to carry nine drums in addition to the one inserted in your Saiga.

Not breaking anything I don't already know. But in that situation, all it would take would be 2-3 shots and the rest would scatter like roaches when the lights get turned on.

The Saiga is my close range home defense weapon and by no means my only choice. :D

28th September 2011, 07:26 AM
Someone said that if this guy defended his home and blew a few of the invaders away, he would be a target.

Guess what- he already is a target. His next best move is to get out of town. Obviously if the zulu hoards can rove by foot into his neighborhood, he is too close to the zombies.

Once they broke open his door, he was justified to start pumping. His move to step out on the porch to calm the mob was idiotic. Only a dumb honkie would try that. Scared sheep being fleeced by gun-control governments are not good material for a neighborhood watch. If they had any smarts and wanted to stay there, an entire neighborhood armed and alert would be the only way.

BTW- this reminds me to double down on shotguns.

28th September 2011, 09:02 AM
If this guy had a shotgun those thugs never would and broke in and assaulted him. I wonder how the gun control idiots will spin this one and come up with a rationale for the homeowner not having a gun for self-defense. Oh, I know: " a poor little black boy might get shot." Can you believe that black momma's reaction: "You got my boy in trouble whitey!"

Yep, if you're still living in a major inner city, RIP baby.

right on!...how does one complain about being attacked by gorrillas while IN the primate house??
they are only doing what they have and ever will do. try this in white-oming tyrone!