View Full Version : Libya's new rulers believe Gadhafi hiding in south

28th September 2011, 06:17 AM
Gadhafi was not a leader, and besides I thought that we killed him? (Oops I mean the 'rebels' killed him) Someday I will be able to follow this MSM crap.

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Libya's new rulers believe Moammar Gadhafi may be hiding in the southern desert, possibly in a vast area near the Algerian border, under the protection of ethnic Tuareg fighters, an official said Wednesday.
Abdel-Rahman Busin, a military spokesman in Tripoli, also said revolutionary forces knew Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Islam, was in the regime stronghold of Bani Walid two weeks ago because they held negotiations about his possible surrender. But he said the talks had broken down and it was not known if he was still in the town.
Revolutionary forces gained control of Tripoli and much of the rest of the North African nation late last month, but the longtime leader fled and has been trying to rally supporters from hiding as fighting continues on three fronts. His sons also escaped and there have been several unconfirmed reports about their whereabouts.
Military officials fear Gadhafi may still be able to stoke violence from his hiding place.
Busin said the military has intelligence that Gadhafi is hiding in the vast southern desert with help from Tuareg fighters. Ethnic Tuaregs, whose nomadic community spans the desert border of Niger, Mali, Libya, Algeria and Chad, are among Gadhafi's strongest remaining supporters.
"We do believe that he is somewhere in that region and we do know that Tuaregs are supporting him, probably because he's paying them," Busin said.
He did not offer evidence and acknowledged the military cannot confirm anything.
"It's a very large bit of land to cover. We don't have the people to cover it all and he could move around quite freely," Busin told The Associated Press.
One report suggested Gadhafi was southwest of the desert town of Sabha, Busin said. He also said a recent attack on the border town of Ghadamis raised suspicion that the fugitive leader was hiding in the surrounding region, a vast area near the Algerian frontier. "Possibly they were just creating a diversion," he said.
Pro-Gadhafi gunmen crossed the border from Algeria to attack revolutionary forces in Ghadamis last week, killing at least nine people, local officials said.
Ali al-Mana, the Ghadamis representative on the National Transitional Council, said there was no confirmation that Gadhafi was in the city.
Many Libyans believe Ghadafi's son and other regime members are hiding in Bani Walid, 90 miles (140 kilometers) southeast of Tripoli, where revolutionary fighters have been stalemated with loyalist fighters for weeks.

28th September 2011, 07:34 AM
how many weeks ago was it we heard " Gaddafi will be captured in 4 hours "

GADDAFI the Freedom Fighter


28th September 2011, 07:47 AM
I guess the US MIC will have to invade Algeria next, as Babylons proxy.

28th September 2011, 08:34 AM
I don't think they have as much control over Libya as we are led to believe. Further I don't think the rebel forces are that unified. This will not finish quickly!

28th September 2011, 08:59 AM
We (oops the rebels) already dropped depleted uranium bombs in their water supply. We (the rebels?) Might want to occupy to see that the terrorists are brought to justice. But then again this is a big testing area with radiation and all so you may be correct, might be a long time.

28th September 2011, 09:21 AM
NATO supported tribal warfare has expanded to equilibrium. And the supported tribe is now far outside its territory on a campaign to kill other tribes.

They should decide sooner rather than later not to Holocaust the other tribes. NATO will probably soon suggest they act like Israel. Take over as much territory as they like and leave the far flung tribal towns to live like Palestine. Or perhaps they will get along as soon as the NATO backed forces have killed and driven all the Black immigrants back to the south.

Who knows what my War Criminal Canadian Federal Government plans to continue.