View Full Version : "The Wandering Who?" - author Gilad Atzmon on his new book

29th September 2011, 04:38 AM
Latest Kevin Barrett show:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gilad Atzmon provokes firestorm, joins Truth Jihad Radio on Rosh Hashanah! (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/09/gilad-atzmon-provokes-firestorm-joins.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AvMag1l_bwM/ToMeVwicnoI/AAAAAAAAA4g/IVrHrhT7VGY/s320/Gilad-Atzmon_-In-L_144581t.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AvMag1l_bwM/ToMeVwicnoI/AAAAAAAAA4g/IVrHrhT7VGY/s1600/Gilad-Atzmon_-In-L_144581t.jpg)Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 9/28/11 (http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/11/19/american-social-credit-why-we-need-it-now-you-need-understand-stealth-economic-warf), 1-3 pm Central, American Fre (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)edom R (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)adio (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)(archived here (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Barrett_11.html).) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1632985004#%21/profile.php?id=100002369316004).

Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) two-hour special!

Guest for both hours: Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-born saxophonist and author whose terrific new book The Wandering Who (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/dp/1846948754)? has drawn a blitzkrieg of attacks not only from the usual zio-nazi suspects like Jeffrey Goldberg (http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/09/giving-john-mearsheimer-a-chance-to-climb-down/245693/)...but also from certain self-styled peaceniks and pro-Palestinians. The common thread is that the attacks on Atzmon are as vitriolic as they are moronic. (Watch John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago annihilate Goldberg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/26/mearsheimer-responds-to-goldbergs-latest-smear/comment-page-1/#).)

Atzmon's book is a blistering critique of Jewish identity politics - in his view the real source of Zionism's ongoing atrocities - and it's clear that he has touched a very raw nerve.

The Wandering Who? is not just for Jews, and its critique of identity politics has implications extending far beyond the boundaries of Jewishness. Gilad Atzmon is the Moses of our time, calling all of us out of the Egypt of our boneheaded nationalisms and racialisms and exceptionalisms and chosen-people-isms toward some form of humanistic universalism. My own is Islamic: One God, one humanity.

Gilad's work is, among other things, a reminder to let religion be religion, and to prevent it from devolving into secular identity politics - one of the worst possible forms of idolatry. For God is the ultimate Other, and an orientation of absolute surrender to God (the correct orientation, the prophets tell us) amounts to an attitude of complete openness to the Other. Secular identity politics offers the opposite: A badly-disguised worship of self. The idolatrous self-worship of "The Jewish People," invented 200 years ago as a poor substitute for Judaism, created the blindness towards the Other that sparked the ongoing holocaust in Palestine. Gilad Atzmon mercilessly dissects this process, and opens the door to the kind of openness toward the Other, and the universal ethics of love, kindness and compassion that grow out of such openness, that could solve the problem in Occupied Palestine - and a whole lot of other places as well.
Posted by Kevin Barrett at 5:28 AM (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/09/gilad-atzmon-provokes-firestorm-joins.html) 0 comments (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/09/gilad-atzmon-provokes-firestorm-joins.html#comments) http://img2.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif (http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=2253633813431459343&postID=1844669827761900406&from=pencil)

Labels: gilad atzmon (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/gilad%20atzmon), identity politics (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/identity%20politics), israel (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/israel), jeffrey goldberg (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/jeffrey%20goldberg), jewish (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/jewish), judaism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/judaism), mearsheimer (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/mearsheimer), nationalism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/nationalism), palestine (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/palestine), religion (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/religion), the wandering who (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/the%20wandering%20who), zionism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/zionism)

Direct MP3 download (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-092811.mp3) - 2 hrs 28 MBs - advance through the commercial breaks!

29th September 2011, 04:45 AM
3 1/2 minute download for later listening

29th September 2011, 07:07 AM
Here's the recent Guardian.UK (ostensibly a "librul" rag... more like "left gatekeeper") hit piece on Atzmon's book which they discuss some in the interview in the OP,

Gilad Atzmon, antisemitism and the left (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/sep/25/gilad-atzmon-antisemitism-the-left)

The Palestinian cause is hindered, not helped, when the left fails to notice or confront anti-semitism

http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2011/9/26/1317030156223/andy-newman.jpg (http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/andy-newman)

Andy Newman (http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/andy-newman)
guardian.co.uk (http://www.guardian.co.uk/), Sunday 25 September 2011 19.30 BST

http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2011/9/25/1316965889973/Gilad-Atzmon-007.jpg Jazz saxophonist Gilad Atzmon is a former soldier in the Israeli army and advocate of the Palestinian cause. Photograph: Eamonn Mccabe

A letter was published in response to this article on 26 September 2011: "Antisemitism and the left – some facts (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/26/antisemitism-the-left?INTCMP=SRCH)"

Gilad Atzmon is a world renowned jazz musician (http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/mar/06/gilad-atzmon-israel-jazz-interview), and a former soldier in the Israeli army, so his advocacy of the Palestinian cause is guaranteed to draw attention. Indeed, a small leftwing publisher, Zero Books, has commissioned Atzmon to write a book on the Jews as part of an otherwise entirely credible series by respected left figures such as Richard Seymour, Nina Power and Laurie Penny.

The trouble is that Atzmon has often argued that the Zionist oppression of the Palestinians is attributable not to the bellicose politics of the Israeli state, but to Jewish lobbies and Jewish power. Atzmon's antisemitic writings include, for example, a 2009 article – Tribal Marxism for Dummies (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/gilad-atzmon-tribal-marxism-for-dummies.html) – in which he explains that while "Marxism is a universal paradigm, its Jewish version is very different. It is there to mould Marxist dialectic into a Jewish subservient precept". Atzmon argues that it is merely a "Judeo-centric pseudo intellectual setting which aims at political power" and that "Jewish Marxism is there to … stop scrutiny of Jewish power and Jewish lobbying".
This is a wild conspiracy argument, dripping with contempt for Jews. Sadly, Atzmon's status as a celebrity advocate of the Palestinian cause means that he has been feted by some on the left. The Socialist Workers party, for example, used to invite him to attend their public events, and Indymedia (http://www.indymedia.org.uk/) has robustly defended Atzmon, even banning people who object to him.

Sadly, the left does not have an unblemished record on opposing antisemitism. In 2009, for example, the respected American leftist publication Counterpunch published an article by Alison Weir (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Awww.counterpunch.org%2Fweir082820 09.html&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&ie=utf8&oe=utf8) of the organisation If Americans Knew defending the unsubstantiated and implausible claims made by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet about Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinians in Gaza to harvest their organs.

Weir implied, with no evidence, that Israel is at the centre of international organ smuggling. She then explicitly argued that the medieval "blood libel" – that Jews kill Christian children – has a basis in fact. Elsewhere, more than 3 million people have watched on YouTube the antisemitic film Zeitgeist: the Movie, despite its recycling of paranoia about a Jewish plot (http://www.socialistunity.com/?p=5431) for world domination.

Sometimes well-meaning people fail to recognise antisemitism when they encounter it, because they are not attuned to the linguistic codes in which it is expressed, or are unaware of the cultural themes of anti-Judaic prejudice being drawn upon. Anti-Judaic bigotry predates modern racism, and is embedded in our culture. In pre-capitalist Europe Christians were prohibited from usury – lending money for interest. Medieval Jewry thus played a social role as financiers. The enduring negative stereotype of Jews as "greedy" therefore derived from medieval opposition to finance capital.

As Martin Luther wrote in 1543: "[The Jews] let us work in the sweat of our brow to earn money and property while they sit behind the stove, idle away the time, fart, and roast pears … with their accursed usury they hold us and our property captive. … Thus they are our masters and we are their servants, with our property, our sweat, and our labour."

Luther may have little direct influence on modern antisemitism, but the identification of Jews as trying to control the world through money still has widespread currency, and informs the idea of a "Jewish lobby" that dictates American support for Israel.

The 19th century saw anti-Judaic feeling given a gloss of pseudo-science, with the birth of modern racialised antisemitism. This made an important difference because it created a racial category for the Jews. Whereas medieval anti-Judaism had regarded Jewishness as a question of faith, and therefore believed that Jews stopped being Jews if they accepted Christ, in the 19th century Jews came to be seen as aliens in Europe.

The Jews have always regarded themselves as a nation without a home, and it should come as no surprise that in response to such antisemitism Jewish political nationalism arose across Europe in the 19th century, or that Zionism then gave expression to the aspiration for a Jewish nation state. The actually existing Israel is founded upon displacement of another people, and there will never be peace and security until the Palestinians achieve justice. However, the cause of the Palestinians is hindered, not helped, by association with antisemitism.

It is incumbent upon the left and the Palestinian solidarity movement to both be aware of the conscious effort of far-right antisemites to infiltrate the movement, and to vigorously oppose and exclude antisemites. We would not hesitate to condemn racists, homophobes or sexists, and must be equally robust in opposing anti-Jewish hate-speech.

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29th September 2011, 07:29 AM
Mearsheimer Responds to Goldberg’s Latest Smear (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/26/mearsheimer-responds-to-goldbergs-latest-smear/comment-page-1/#)

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/guardschoar-320x239.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/26/mearsheimer-responds-to-goldbergs-latest-smear/guardschoar/)Mearsheimer Goes Ten Rounds with Goldberg

Gilad Atzmon (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/atzmon/): Dear friends, this may well be one of the greatest days of my life.

Just a few minutes ago, I saw this piece expressing unequivocal support from Professor John J. Mearsheimer clearly one of the most distinguished scholars in our discourse and beyond.


29th September 2011, 07:50 AM
amazon's "The Wandering Who" listing, book released 9/16 so there's only six reviews so far, which will of course be front-loaded with zio-shills. It will take some time for real reviews to appear, and votes as "most helpful" to rise to the top... at this writing it's 6 reviews total, and what do you know: 3 are 5-star, and 3 are 1-star... fortunately for the honest reviewers, their (3) reviews are featured on the main page as voted "most helpful", while the (3) shill reviews are not even shown, unless you click "see all reviews".

The Wandering Who [Paperback] (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/dp/1846948754/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8)

Customer Reviews

6 Reviews
5 star (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/product-reviews/1846948754/ref=cm_cr_dp_hist_5?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&filterBy=addFiveStar): (3) 4 star: (0) 3 star: (0) 2 star: (0) 1 star (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/product-reviews/1846948754/ref=cm_cr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&filterBy=addOneStar):

Average Customer Review
3.0 out of 5 stars (6 customer reviews (http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Who-Gilad-Atzmon/product-reviews/1846948754/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_summary?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending))

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Most Helpful Customer Reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars A Review of the Wandering WHo, September 28, 2011
Bill (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A25JDOK24C0043/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp) - See all my reviews (http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A25JDOK24C0043/ref=cm_cr_dp_auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview)

This review is from: The Wandering Who (Paperback)
A Review of The Wandering Who
William A. Cook
"The Wandering Jew, like Cain, is Everyman. We are what we will to be: Cain or Abel, with a soul or without one, sympathetic to our fellows or indifferent, human or non-human."
(William A. Cook, "The Eternal Jew Goes on Forever," 24/08/09).
Gilad Atzmon's insight into the organism created by the Zionist movement in his book, The Wandering Who, is explosive; it tears the veil off of Israel's apparent civility, its apparent friendship with the United States, and its expressed solicitude for western powers--Britain, Canada, Australia, France and Germany--exposing behind the veil, the assassin ready to slay any and all that interfere with its tribally focused ends. In February of this year, Atzmon characterized Islam and Judaism as tribally oriented belief systems rooted not in "enlightened individualism," but rather in "...the survival of the extended family." These belief systems have nothing to do with personal liberties or personal rights; they have to do with securing the realm of their respective "ways of life." But unlike tribalism in Islam, tribalism in Judaism "can never live in peace with humanism and universalism" (4). "Both religions stand as systems that provide thorough answers in terms of spiritual, civil, cultural and day to day matters." In this regard, "...both Islam and Judaism are more than just religions: they convey an entire `way of life,' and stand as a thorough attempt to answer crucial questions regarding being in the world..."

The Wandering Who is a personal journey of a man born in Jerusalem, raised in the Jewish `way of life,' infused with the myths of the founding of the Jewish state; "Supremacy was brewed into our soul, we gazed at the world through racist, chauvinistic binoculars. And we felt no shame about it either" (5). Inducted into the Israeli military during the 1980s he served in Lebanon, and, in his late teens, experienced an epiphany caused in good measure by careful listening to voices beyond the wall that encircled him in the ghetto that is the Israeli state. This epiphany forced a distinction in identity versus identifying, between self-reliance and obedient servant to an ideology, a distinction that recognized Jews as people, Judaism as a religion, and Jewishness, an ideology that determines identity politics and a resulting political discourse.

What, then, characterizes a Jew? Atzmon distinguishes among those who follow the Judaic religion; those who regard themselves as a human being who happens to be of Jewish origin; and those who put their Jewishness over and above all other traits. Chaim Weizman, the first Israeli President and a Zionist, identified being a Jew as a `primary quality' above citizenship, occupation, head of household, indeed "Jewishness becomes the key element and fundamental characteristic of one's being." Vladimir Jabotinsky wrote "...the nucleus of his spiritual structure will always remain Jewish, because his blood, his body, his physical racial type are Jewish" ("A Letter on Autonomy," 1904). It is this identifying principle that Atzmon sees as corrosive, not only to Judaism, but to the safety and security of the Jewish people, their friends and their neighbors. "...probably then and there I left Chosen-ness behind to become an ordinary human being" (6). "For me to be Jewish is, above all, to be preoccupied with overcoming injustice and thirsting for justice in the world, and that means being respectful toward other peoples regardless of their nationality or religion, and empathetic in the face of human suffering whoever and wherever victimization is encountered" ("On Jewish Identity," 1/15/2011).

Significantly, Atzmon turns to the ancient tale of the wandering Jew to reap the complexities inherent in the contradictions that beset Judaism in today's world: tribalism versus universalism, chosen-ness versus democratic equality, rule by defiance of law versus nations ruled by law, control of government by Zionist controlled ideology versus responsiveness to the voice of the citizenry, and tribalistic morality where morals are fabricated for political utilitarian ends versus the inalienable rights of all endowed by nature.

The legend's primary symbolic value resides in its identification of `otherness,' the unique concept of `chosen-ness,' that separates the Jews from the rest of humanity resulting in an ideological and psychological isolation that becomes a strategic tool used by the Zionists and the Neo-Cons to manipulate the Jewish people and the formation of the Jewish state. Jabotinsky and Weizmann's "primary quality" of Jewishness prevents assimilation, thus forcing the Jew to remain always an alien wherever he or she resides. Personal identification can only exist in the tribe, a virtual and absolute commitment to Jewishness, making possible the use of Jews around the world as "sayanims" (assistants) to further the goals of the Jewish state (17). "The sayan is a person who would betray the nation of which he is a citizen out of devotion to a notion of a clannish brotherhood" (17).

There are thousands of sayanim around the world. In London alone, there are about 2,000 who are active, and another 5,000 on the list. They fulfill many different roles. A car sayan...running a rental agency, could help the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. ... a bank sayan could get you money if you needed it in the middle of the night, a doctor sayan would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police...The idea is to have a pool of people available when needed who can provide services but will keep quiet about them out of loyalty to the cause (17).
"In Zionist eyes Jewishness is an international network operation...to be a Jew is a deep commitment that goes far beyond any legal or moral order" (19). Atzmon identifies a functioning organism controlled by Zionist ideology and Neo-Con sayanim in the United States that has yoked Israeli interests to those of the United States using a document titled the USA Defense Planning Guidance Report for fiscal years 1994-1999. "In the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, we seek to foster regional stability, deter aggression against our friends and interests in the region, protect U.S. nationals and property, and safeguard our access to international air and seaways and to the region's oil. The United States is committed to the security of Israel and to maintaining the qualitative edge that is critical to Israel's security." (22). This manipulative strategy "transformed the Jewish tribal mode into a collective functioning system." It also transformed "the American and British armies into a Zionist mission force" as Israel and the Neo-Cons manipulated the governments of the UK and the US to attack Israel's enemies in Iraq while imposing sanctions on Syria and defending its occupation and oppression of the Palestinians and its wanton destruction of Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2008-2009.

There's more to this review on the Internet should you be interested.
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23 of 30 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The Last Jewish Prophet, September 16, 2011
William T. Hathaway (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A3GIA3ZY8TCB71/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp) - See all my reviews (http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A3GIA3ZY8TCB71/ref=cm_cr_dp_auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview)

This review is from: The Wandering Who (Paperback)
The Wandering Who? chronicles Gilad Atzmon's journey away from his Jewish identity, and by extension away from all exclusive identities, into an inclusive humanness. It's a painful journey, a brutally honest self exploration of these internalized tribal impulses. He emerges from the struggle deracinated but emancipated, freed of a destructive load of cultural baggage.

As the poet Allen Ginsberg said, "If you want to be a prophet, you have to tell your secrets." By being brave enough to expose himself in writing, Atzmon has become a prophet, and his prophecy, as I see it, is a completion of the Mosaic journey, but this time as a mass exodus from Jewishness and all other ethnic bondings that split humanity. After 40 centuries of wandering in the desert of chosenness and separation, Jews and Gentiles alike can finally enter the full humanness of one world family, a secular promised land free of divisive group identities.

Jews have been at the forefront of every progressive movement for the past 160 years, and now it's Atzmon's turn. The atrocities of nationalism, both Jewish and non-Jewish, have forced him to the forefront of a movement to abolish all these tribal groupings, starting with his own.

The Wandering Who? is a threat not only to Zionism, but to all religious, ethnic, national, and even gender identities to which people cling. It's a book of radical liberation and as such dangerous to every orthodoxy and structure of power that separates us into antagonistic camps. Atzmon is a true subversive. Much needed.

Now the survival of our species demands that also Christians, Muslims, Americans, Britons, etc. break out of their group mentalities. We can't suddenly erase these categories, but we can relegate them to the background where they no longer determine our identity. Our sense of self can then be based on qualities that unite humanity rather than divide it.

Thanks for showing the way, Gilad.
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16 of 23 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Kevin MacDonald for Dummies in the Book: The Wandering Who?, September 14, 2011
Michael Santomauro "What sort of Truth is it ... (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A18GP7OEHAQT37/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp) (New York, NY USA) - See all my reviews (http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A18GP7OEHAQT37/ref=cm_cr_dp_auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview)
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Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this? (http://www.amazon.com/gp/community-help/amazon-verified-purchase))
This review is from: The Wandering Who (Paperback)
Kevin MacDonald for Dummies in the Book: The Wandering Who?

The author Israel Shamir once suggested I write a "dumb down" version of Kevin MacDonald's trilogy or find someone who could.

Well the world now has the perfect book in the musician Gilad Atzmon. Who Alan Dershowitz considers a bigger threat to Jewish group interests than Norman Finkelstein and Kevin MacDonald (KMD) put together.

(Dershowitz remember about 4 years ago when you sent an email to me by accident intended for one of your New York financial sponsors worried about Mr. Gilad Atzmon. Well, you were right to worry about this genius!!)

The musical genius of Gilad Atzmon (even KMD started out as a musician before becoming a shrink) has accomplished a masterpiece in prose and thought that boggles one's mind. I know you will agree. It is a must read!!

Excerpts from the book:

"The `Jewish people' is a made-up notion, consisting of an imaginary past with very little to back it up forensically, historically or textually.

"Nor has much been found in the Sinai Desert to prove the story of the legendary Egyptian exodus - apparently 3 million Hebrew men, women and children marched there for forty years without leaving a single Matzo Ball behind.

"Jews do not have a common origin, that their Semitic origins are a myth. Jews have no origin in Palestine whatsoever, and therefore their act of so-called `return' must be realised as pretext for a tribal expansionist invasion.

"If Shlomo Sand is correct, then the Jews, rather than being a race, comprise a collective of many people who have been hijacked by a national movement based on myths.

"If Jews are not a race and have nothing to do with Semitism, then `anti-Semitism' is, categorically, an empty signifier. In other words, criticism of Jewish nationalism, Jewish lobbying and Jewish power can only be realised as a legitimate critique of ideology, politics and practice.

"Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, a Latvian-born philosopher at the Hebrew University, was probably first to suggest that the Holocaust has become the new Jewish religion.

"This new religion is coherent enough to define its `antichrists' (Holocaust deniers), and powerful enough to persecute them (through Holocaust denial and hate-speech laws).

"The Holocaust religion serves both right and left Jewish political discourse, but it appeals to the goyim as well, especially those who preach and advocate killing in the name of `freedom', democracy and `moral interventionism'.

"That which maintains the Jewish collective identity is fear.

"To be a Jew is to see a threat in every Goy, to be on a constant alert.

"...whatever is good for the Jews is simply good.

"The Jewish population in the UK is 280,000 or 0.46 per cent. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so, as a proportion, Jewish entitlement is only three seats. With 24 seats Jews are eight times over-represented. Which means, of course, that other groups must be under-represented, including Muslims. If Muslims, for instance, were over-represented to the same extent as the Jews (i.e. eight times) they'd have 200 seats. All hell would break loose.

"Jewish history engages with the basic question of whether a given account is `good for the Jews' or not.

"The dismissal of factuality or lack of commitment to truthfulness are actually symptomatic of contemporary Jewish collective ideology and identity politic.

"In the Jewish intellectual insular world, one first decides what the historic moral is, then one invents `a past' to fit.

"As long as we fail to ask questions, we will be subjected to Zionist lobbies and their plots. We will continue killing in the name of Jewish suffering. We will maintain our complicity in Western imperialist crimes.

"With millions of besieged Palestinians, Israel has given itself the reputation of a pariah state.

"How is it that, in spite of the Holocaust, Israel and Jewish lobbies invest so much energy in evoking hatred towards enemies of Israel and world Jewry?

"...envisage an horrific situation in which an Israeli so-called `pre-emptive' nuclear attack on Iran escalates into a disastrous nuclear war, in which tens of millions of people perish.

Buy it NOW! One of the best books on the Jewish Question in the last 50 years!!!

10th October 2011, 06:50 PM
“The Wandering Who” Gilad Atzmon’s Look At the Darkness Behind “Seinfeld” (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/27/the-wandering-who-gildad-atzmons-look-at-the-darkness-behind-seinfeld/)

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/The-Wandering-Who-207x320.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/27/the-wandering-who-gildad-atzmons-look-at-the-darkness-behind-seinfeld/the-wandering-who/)

Always the Smart Thing, Read the Book, Not the Reviews, Even This One

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


2nd December 2011, 08:11 PM
Just finished the book three days ago, to technical for me but good anyway.

Hatha Sunahara
2nd December 2011, 10:40 PM
I have been reading this book for almost a week now, and I've only gotten half way through. I'll post my comments when I finish the book.

In the video above, why doesn't Dershowitz just pull out a copy of the book and set it on fire?


13th December 2011, 06:31 AM
Alan Dershowitz basically states Israel is an illegal and immoral country with the greatest legal team ever assembled..

Dershowitz: Israel Has Legal Right to Attack Iran

Speaking at the annual business conference sponsored by Globes, Dershowitz stated that regardless of whether or not it would be wise for Israel to attack, “Israel has the right morally and legally to strike Iran just as it did on [the nuclear facility] in Iraq in 1981. Having the right to attack does not mean that it should do so, but I would defend Israel’s right.”...

Dershowitz also advised Israel to be more aggressive against countries’ threats to arrest visiting IDF officers and political leaders for alleged war crimes.

Israeli officials should not "duck back into their planes,” admonished Dershowitz. “That is not the way great nations behave,” he continued. He advised officers and politicians to "hold their heads high" and challenge countries’ authority to put them on trial.

Dershowitz vowed if they are arrested, he would ”put together the greatest legal team ever assembled.”

13th December 2011, 04:26 PM
bump, to a MOST worthy thread/topic.

13th December 2011, 04:34 PM
I am reading the book, once again, but this time slowwwwwwwly in order to understand the whole thing......one thing that he did say that I paid attention to was............"Is not what the Jews are all about, but rather what they are not".......to me that sounds like a double fuck you to the goys.

13th December 2011, 06:02 PM
The first five words of the interview "well...every year some nutcase"

Are these really the words to be primarily expressed in the first sentence from a "thought provoking" doctorate intellectual?


btw... According to Mr. AD, all jews are apparently Zionist jews. Directly expressed in no uncertain terms.

Rather profound statement. Either a self hating jew or a zionist jew.

Black, and white. With or against.

Ok, who the f- is this guy really, and what does he represent?

Black and white. Begs the question. Polarized much?

again GMAFB...

13th December 2011, 06:34 PM
The first five words of the interview "well...every year some nutcase"

Are these really the words to be primarily expressed in the first sentence from a "thought provoking" doctorate intellectual?


btw... According to Mr. AD, all jews are apparently Zionist jews. Directly expressed in no uncertain terms.

Yes, there should have been more discussion on Zionism, then the "shaming" answers would have been revealed.

14th December 2011, 05:19 AM
Alan Dershowitz reviews the book and other Jews that mention it: "What they have done is cross a dangerous line."
Lunacy of the Jew. Doing a bad or over the top job means Dershow ends up promoting what he intends to discredit?

Professor Alan Dershowitz trying discredit [Atzmon and] the Anti Israel End the Fed crowd as anti semetic


I did a scientific analysis of Dershy's screech-fest above, counting how many instances of him dropping ADL emotion-tugger/critical-thought-stopper buzzwords/phrases occurred. Only Dershy's spew was counted, not Stossel's usages of the words or those in quotes which Stossel read.

In order of frequency:
JEWS KILLED CHRISTIAN CHILDREN (ref to "blood libel") 2

total: 45 ADL emotion-tugger/critical-thought-stopper buzzword usages, which in the total segment length of 7 mins 19 secs (439 secs), that's an adl thought-stopper buzzword from Dershy's lips every 9.75 secs. I'd have to endure the segment again to count the total time Dershy had the floor during the segment, but just imagining off hand he spoke for half the segment, that would double the frequency of Dershy's 'while speaking' buzzword spew rate, to once every ~5 secs.

In his ADL-screech-fest, did anyone notice Dershy address even one single material point in Atzmon's book? Or did he purely screech about SHAME/HATE/ETC? http://teakdoor.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gifhttp://teakdoor.com/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif

14th December 2011, 05:56 AM
Good job, Pat.

Where exactly did he get his numbers on the rise of Antisemitism over the world, and in U.S. colleges.

Also, Who is keeping track of this number? for without it they may not have a job.

14th December 2011, 09:14 AM
I only listened to the first three minutes......if hes not a "Jew" then he has been paid by them......

14th December 2011, 07:02 PM
Hatha, Ponce- since you two have or are reading the book, could you confirm/debunk what dershy says beginning at 6:35-

"he says in this book over and over again: zionists are jooz, jooz are zionists, it's all the same thing"

True? or....

14th December 2011, 07:55 PM
False, he makes the difference between the Khazar and the Jews of the Bible........

15th December 2011, 07:01 PM
^ Ponce, Dershy's accusation of Atzmon was,

"he says in this book over and over again: zionists are jooz, jooz are zionists, it's all the same thing"

I'm interested in Atzmon's claims in the book re ^, coz to me they are not the same thing, as Icke spells out, Thread: The Zionist Elephant In The Room (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23047-The-Zionist-Elephant-In-The-Room)

zionism = Rothschild Global Usury Empire-ism

21st March 2012, 07:47 AM
important new Atzmon interview here- as in the past week a zio-controlled "pro-Palestinian" group outed themselves by saying Atzmon should be shunned due to his anti-Semitism™, RACISM™ & HATE™.

TUT Podcast March 17, 2012 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/tut-podcast-march-17-2012/)

Posted by crescentandcross (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/) in The Ugly Truth Podcast (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/the-ugly-truth-podcast/), Uncategorized (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) on March 18, 2012 http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-ab3gTb8xb3dLg.gif

Tonight’s program–Gilad Atzmon discussing the latest attacks against his work by ‘pro-Palestinian’ activists as being ‘racist’ and SURPRISE, SURPRISE–’anti-semitic’.

Download Here (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/tut17mar2012atmonfin.mp3)

also see:
Gilad Atzmon
Peculiar Timing - The Attacks On Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/faint-heartedness-political-correctness-and-peculiar-timing.html)

Engaging Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/washington-report-engaging-gilad-atzmon.html) - Vid

To Disavow Or Debate Gilad Atzmon? (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/washington-report-to-disavow-or-debate-gilad-atzmon.html)

mick silver
21st March 2012, 07:54 AM
patcolo every thing you read are hear that name keeps coming up ......... Rothschild ....... back up

2nd June 2012, 11:51 AM
good hour on Rense a few nights ago, Atzmon & Bro Nathanial are on together talking about djoo question. Azmon is intellectual & nuanced; Bro Nat is more the blunt object. 43 mins commercial free,

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.05.30 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/05/jeff-rense-radio-show-20120530.html)

Hour 3 - Gilad Atzmon and Brother Nathanael - A Conversation
Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/274y57juz0/rense_20120530_3of3.mp3)
Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/274y57juz0/rense_20120530_3of3.mp3)

Hatha Sunahara
2nd June 2012, 01:23 PM
I haven't finished the book yet. I don't plan to either. I've discovered I have no interest at all in jewish identity politics. Totally irrelevant to me.


2nd June 2012, 10:48 PM
^ I think understanding "Jewish Identity Politics" is one of the keys to understanding the awful predicament we're in, and perhaps how to cope with it. Granted I haven't read Atzmon's book- I'm sort of a Cliff's Notes guy, like to hear author interviews, read amazon reviews, articles about particular books, etc.

This clip of an interview between David Cole & Earnst Zundel, Cole delineates the different "jewish identities" and how the many chameleon-like masks of zionism change to appeal to them. 10 mins:

Ernst Zündel interviews David Cole (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysJFJ4K8oJ8)


3rd June 2012, 01:07 AM
Hmmm, a jew without a jew hater is no jew at all.

5th February 2013, 07:38 PM
MORE ON THE GILAD ATZMON CONTROVERSY – AND WHY IT MATTERS…BY ALISON WEIR (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/more-on-the-gilad-atzmon-controversy-and-why-it-matters.html)Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 9:37AM Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/author/gilad) http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1h4O0tr8JZXdqQoEiJGnL4pcG0FCmQ bgEUczFs7WXd5CLN8FW (http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=qNjnVYynD5LNuM&tbnid=NDA-pvUvoKVeHM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Falisonweir.org%2Fwelcome%2F&ei=pt4MUYCvEqSA0AWuqYDYAQ&psig=AFQjCNHOmBlTbUsp0kmSCV778W6_ZSLW0w&ust=1359884326365401)
By Alison Weir http://alisonweir.org/


I'd rather be researching and writing articles (http://ifamericansknew.org/about_us/alisonweir.html) on Palestine-Israel; analyzing media coverage (http://ifamericansknew.org/media/) ; placing advertisements and billboards (http://alisonweir.org/journal/2012/12/16/advertisements-in-new-york-times-and-beyond.html) around the country; creating fact-sheets, cards, booklets and other materials (http://ifamericansknew.org/about_us/materials.html) on the topic; updating the websites (e.g. here (http://www.councilforthenationalinterest.org/) and here (http://ifamericansknew.org/) and here (http://israelpalestinenews.wordpress.com/)) we've created to get the facts out; creating new initiatives (http://stoptheblankcheck.org/index.html#.UQwx1-ihXko); and numerous other productive activities for justice and peace.

However, I feel I need to briefly take time out to provide information about the Gilad Atzmon controversy, since I feel the attacks on him are enormously unfair, they continue to occasionally interfere with productive efforts, are sometimes used to try to block my presentations (more on this later), and because an important new article on the topic has just come out.

more- http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/more-on-the-gilad-atzmon-controversy-and-why-it-matters.html

19th April 2013, 08:32 AM
Great Atzmon article:

How Zionists Manage To Get Away With Their Myths And Lies? (http://mycatbirdseat.com/2013/04/how-zionists-manage-to-get-away-with-their-myths-and-lies/)

My Catbird Seat April 17, 2013 3 (http://mycatbirdseat.com/2013/04/how-zionists-manage-to-get-away-with-their-myths-and-lies/#comments)
Jewish power is obviously one answer, but, what is Jewish power? Can we ask this question without being accused of being Anti Semitic? Can we ever discuss its meaning and scrutinize its politics?

by Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/)

http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Expose-Jewish-Power.jpg EXPOSE JEWISH POWER NOW

Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular.

In his new book, “The Invention Of The Land of Israel”, Israeli academic Shlomo Sand, manages to present conclusive evidence of the far fetched nature of the Zionist historical narrative – that the Jewish Exile is a myth as is the Jewish people and even the Land of Israel.

Yet, Sand and many others fail to address the most important question: If Zionism is based on myth, how do the Zionists manage to get away with their lies, and for so long?

If the Jewish ‘homecoming’ and the demand for a Jewish national homeland cannot be historically substantiated, why has it been supported by both Jews and the West for so long? How does the Jewish state manage for so long to celebrate its racist expansionist ideology and at the expense of the Palestinian and Arab peoples?

Jewish power is obviously one answer, but, what is Jewish power? Can we ask this question without being accused of being Anti Semitic? Can we ever discuss its meaning and scrutinize its politics? Is Jewish Power a dark force, managed and maneuvered by some conspiratorial power? Is it something of which Jews themselves are shy? Quite the opposite – Jewish power, in most cases, is celebrated right in front of our eyes. As we know, AIPAC is far from being quiet about its agenda, its practices or its achievements. AIPAC, CFI in the UK and CRIF in France are operating in the most open manner and often openly brag about their success.

http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Israel-Lobby-and-US-Foreign-Policy-Book.jpg (http://mycatbirdseat.com/2013/04/how-zionists-manage-to-get-away-with-their-myths-and-lies/israel-lobby-and-us-foreign-policy-book-6/)

Furthermore, we are by now accustomed to watch our democratically elected leaders shamelessly queuing to kneel before their pay-masters. Neocons certainly didn’t seem to feel the need to hide their close Zionist affiliations. Abe Foxman’s Anti Defamation League (ADL) works openly towards the Judification of the Western discourse, chasing and harassing anyone who dares voice any kind of criticism of Israel or even of Jewish choseness. And of course, the same applies to the media, banking and Hollywood. We know about the many powerful Jews who are not in the slightest bit shy about their bond with Israel and their commitment to Israeli security, the Zionist ideology, the primacy of Jewish suffering, Israeli expansionism and even outright Jewish exceptionalism.

But, as ubiquitous as they are, AIPAC, CFI, ADL, Bernie Madoff, ‘liberator’ Bernard Henri Levy, war-advocate David Aaronovitch, free market prophet Milton Friedman, Steven Spielberg, Haim Saban, Lord Levy and many other Zionist enthusiasts and Hasbara advocates are not necessarily the core or the driving force behind Jewish Power, but are merely symptoms. Jewish power is actually far more sophisticated than simply a list of Jewish lobbies or individuals performing highly developed manipulative skills. Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not ‘right wing’ Zionists who facilitate Jewish power, It is actually the ‘good’, the ‘enlightened’ and the ‘progressive’ who make Jewish power the most effective and forceful power in the land. It is the ‘progressives’ who confound our ability to identify the Judeocentric tribal politics at the heart of Neoconservatism, American contemporary imperialism and foreign policy. It is the so-called ‘anti’ Zionist who goes out of his or her way to divert our attention from the fact that Israel defines itself as the Jewish State and blinds us to the fact that its tanks are decorated with Jewish symbols. It was the Jewish Left intellectuals who rushed to denounce Professors Mearsheimer and Walt, Jeff Blankfort and James Petras’ work on the Jewish Lobby. And it is no secret that Occupy AIPAC, the campaign against the most dangerous political Lobby in America, is dominated by a few righteous members of the chosen tribe. We need to face up to the fact that our dissident voice is far from being free. Quite the opposite, we are dealing here with an institutional case of controlled opposition.

http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/EmmanuelGoldstein-1984.jpg Emmanuel Goldstein is a character in George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the number one enemy of the state according to the Party.

In George Orwell’s 1984 (http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021h.html), it is perhaps Emmanuel Goldstein (http://www.salon.com/2011/09/10/wikileaks_29/) who is the pivotal character. Orwell’s Goldstein is a Jewish revolutionary, a fictional Leon Trotsky. He is depicted as the head of a mysterious anti-party organization called “The Brotherhood” and is also the author of the most subversive revolutionary text (The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_bigbrother13.htm)). Goldstein is the ‘dissenting voice’, the one who actually tells the truth. Yet, as we delve into Orwell’s text, we find out from Party’s ‘Inner Circle’ O’Brien that Goldstein was actually invented by Big Brother in a clear attempt to control the opposition and the possible boundaries of dissidence.

Orwell’s personal account of the Spanish Civil War “Homage To Catalonia” clearly presaged the creation of Emmanuel Goldstein. It was what Orwell witnessed in Spain that, a decade later, matured into a profound understanding of dissent as a form of controlled opposition. My guess is that, by the late 1940’s, Orwell had understood the depth of intolerance, and tyrannical and conspiratorial tendencies that lay at the heart of ‘Big Brother-ish’ Left politics and praxis.

Surprisingly enough, an attempt to examine our contemporaneous controlled opposition within the Left and the Progressive reveal that it is far from being a conspiratorial. Like in the case of the Jewish Lobby, the so-called ‘opposition’ hardly attempts to disguise its ethno-centric tribal interests, spiritual and ideological orientation and affiliation.

A brief examination of the list of organisations founded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) presents a grim picture – pretty much the entire American progressive network is funded, partially or largely by a liberal Zionist, philanthropic billionaire who supports very many good and important causes that are also very good for the Jews. And yet, like staunch Zionist Haim Saban, Soros does not operate clandestinely. His Open Society Institute proudly provides all the necessary information regarding the vast amount of shekels it spreads on its good and important causes.

So one can’t accuse Soros or the Open Society Institute of any sinister vetting the political discourse, stifling of free speech or even to ‘controlling the opposition’. All Soros does is to support a wide variety of ‘humanitarian causes’: Human Rights, Women’s Rights. Gay Rights, equality, democracy, Arab ‘Spring’, Arab Winter, the oppressed, the oppressor, tolerance, intolerance, Palestine, Israel, anti war, pro-war (only when really needed), and so on.

As with Orwell’s Big Brother that frames the boundaries of dissent by means of control opposition, Soros’ Open Society also determines, either consciously or unconsciously, the limits of critical thought. Yet, unlike in 1984, where it is the Party that invents its own opposition and write its texts, within our ‘progressive’ discourse, it is our own voices of dissent, willingly and consciously, that are compromising their principles.

Soros may have read Orwell – he clearly believes his message – because from time to time he even supports opposing forces. For instance, he funds the Zionist-lite J Street as well as Palestinian NGO organizations. And guess what? It never takes long for the Palestinian beneficiaries to, compromise their own, most precious principles so they fit nicely into their paymaster’s worldview.

The Visible Hand

The invisible hand of the market is a metaphor coined by Adam Smith to describe the self-regulating behavior of the marketplace. In contemporary politics. The visible hand is a similar metaphor which describes the self-regulating tendency of the political-fund beneficiary, to fully integrate the world view of its benefactor into its political agenda.

http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/powerofisraelintheunitedstates.jpg (http://mycatbirdseat.com/2013/04/how-zionists-manage-to-get-away-with-their-myths-and-lies/powerofisraelintheunitedstates/)
Democracy Now, the most important American dissident outlet has never discussed the Jewish Lobby with Mearsheimer, Walt, Petras (http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Petras_James/Power_Israel_US.html) or Blankfort – the four leading experts who could have informed the American people about the USA’s foreign policy domination by the Jewish Lobby. For the same reasons, Democracy Now wouldn’t explore the Neocon’s Judeo-centric agenda nor would it ever discuss Jewish Identity politics with yours truly. Democracy Now will host Noam Chomsky or Norman Finkelstein, it may even let Finkelstein chew up Zionist caricature Alan Dershowitz – all very good, but not good enough.

Is the fact that Democracy Now is heavily funded by Soros relevant? I’ll let you judge.

If I’m correct (and I think I am) we have a serious problem here. As things stand, it is actually the progressive discourse, or at least large part of it. that sustains Jewish Power. If this is indeed the case, and I am convinced it is, then the occupied progressive discourse, rather than Zionism, is the primary obstacle that must be confronted.

It is no coincidence that the ‘progressive’ take on ‘antisemitism’ is suspiciously similar to the Zionist one. Like Zionists, many progressive institutes and activists adhere to the bizarre suggestion that opposition to Jewish power is ‘racially motivated’ and embedded in some ‘reactionary’ Goyish tendency. Consequently, Zionists are often supported by some ‘progressives’ in their crusade against critics of Israel and Jewish power. Is this peculiar alliance between these allegedly opposing schools of thoughts, the outcome of a possible ideological continuum between these two seemingly opposed political ideologies? Maybe, after all, progressiveness like Zionism is driven by a peculiar inclination towards ‘choseness’. After all, being progressive somehow implies that someone else must be ‘reactionary’. It is those self-centric elements of exceptionalism and choseness that have made progressiveness so attractive to secular and emancipated Jews. But the main reason the ‘progressive’ adopted the Zionist take on antisemitism, may well be because of the work of that visible hand that miraculously shapes the progressive take on race, racism and the primacy of Jewish suffering.

We may have to face up to the fact that the progressive discourse effectively operates as Israel’s longest arm – it certainly acts as a gatekeeper and as protection for Zionism and Jewish tribal interests. If Israel and its supporters would ever be confronted with real opposition it might lead to some long-overdue self-reflection. But at the moment, Israel and Zionist lobbies meet only insipid, watered-down, progressively-vetted resistance that, in practice, sustains Israeli occupation, oppression and an endless list of human rights abuses.

http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/They_dare_to_speak_out_paul_findley-304x450.png They Dare to Speak Out — by Congressman Paul Findley. This is the first book to dare to speak out against the pervasive influence of AIPAC (The America-Israeli Public Affairs Committee)

Instead of mass opposition to the Jewish State and its aggressive lobby, our ‘resistance’ is reduced into a chain of badge-wearing, keffiyeh-clad, placard-waving mini-gatherings with the occasional tantrum from some neurotic Jewess while being videoed by another good Jew. If anyone believes that a few badges, a load of amateur Youtube clips celebrating Jewish righteousness are going to evolve into a mass anti-Israel global movement, they are either naïve or stupid.

In fact, a recent Gallup poll revealed that current Americans’ sympathy for Israel has reached an All-Time High. 64% of Americans sympathise with the Jewish State, while only 12% feel for the Palestinians. This is no surprise and our conclusion should be clear. As far as Palestine is concerned, ‘progressive’ ideology and praxis have led us precisely nowhere. Rather than advance the Palestinian cause, it only locates the ‘good’ Jew at the centre of the solidarity discourse.

When was the last time a Palestinian freedom fighter appeared on your TV screen? Twenty years ago the Palestinian were set to become the new Che Guevaras. Okay, so the Palestinian freedom fighter didn’t necessarily speak perfect English and wasn’t a graduate of an English public school, but he was free, authentic and determined. He or she spoke about their land being taken and of their willingness to give what it takes to get it back. But now, the Palestinian has been ‘saved’, he or she doesn’t have to fight for his or her their land, the ‘progressive’ is taking care of it all.

This ‘progressive’ voice speaks on behalf of the Palestinian and, at the same time, takes the opportunity to also push marginal politics, fight ‘Islamism’ and ‘religious radicalisation’ and occasionally even supports the odd interventionist war and, of course, always, always, always fights antisemitism. The controlled opposition has turned the Palestinian plight into just one more ‘progressive’ commodity, lying on the back shelf of its ever-growing ‘good-cause’ campaign store.

For the Jewish progressive discourse, the purpose behind pro-Palestinian support is clear. It is to present an impression of pluralism within the Jewish community. It is there to suggest that not all Jews are bad Zionists. Philip Weiss, the founder of the most popular progressive pro-Palestinian blog was even brave enough to admit to me that it is Jewish self -interests that stood at the core of his pro Palestinian activity.

Jewish self-love is a fascinating topic. But even more fascinating is Jewish progressives loving themselves at the expense of the Palestinians. With billionaires such as Soros maintaining the discourse, solidarity is now an industry, concerned with profit and power rather than ethics or values and it is a spectacle both amusing and tragic as the Palestinians become a side issue within their own solidarity discourse.

So, perhaps before we discuss the ‘liberation of Palestine’, we first may have to liberate ourselves.
Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born British jazz saxophonist, novelist, political activist and writer. Atzmon’s album Exile was BBC jazz album of the year in 2003. Also, being a prolific writer, Atzmon’s essays are widely published. Gilad’s latest book, The Wandering Who? is a study of Jewish Identity politics. More articles by Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/)
http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/gilad-and-the-wandering-who.gif (http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/04/16/223201-how-zionists-manage-to-get-away-with-their-myths-and-lies/gilad-and-the-wandering-who/)

19th April 2013, 08:42 AM
Atzmon 2nd hr guest on KBarrett's radio show last Mon. Advance to middle of MP3, skip through the comm breaks:

04/15/2013 (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-041513.mp3) Monday - 1st Hour: With Allen Roland.
2nd Hour: With Gilad Atzmon.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Allen Roland, Gilad Atzmon on TJ radio today (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2013/04/allen-roland-gilad-atzmon-on-tj-radio.html)

Mon. 4/15/13, 3-5 pm Central, (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=8dfLIXcRhJPIdM&tbnid=vcE4TnrTyTQ3aM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fleaksource.wordpress.com%2F2013%2 F02%2F15%2Fhistoric-court-case-against-the-bbcs-cover-up-of-911-evidence-02252013%2F&ei=XfUoUfzoIrG80QHSkoEY&bvm=bv.42768644,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEcDkbmJ5L7vWna5gdafXkerA2acw&ust=1361725136610632) American Fre (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)edom R (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)adio (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/) (archived here (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Truth_Jihad_Radio_13.html).)


(http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=dorc2pyoXaBqWM&tbnid=ZoDGRuPjgTnDHM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.presstv.ir%2Fdetail%2F185075. html&ei=wQBsUartIsTq0QGG34HQAg&bvm=bv.45175338,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNH-bOlVKo5rCPJA8dbdXhd4j4oQ2g&ust=1366118977949924)

First hour: Ph.D. psychotherapist Allen Roland is a 9/11 truther who heals vets with PTSD (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/03/truth-and-healing-kathleen-rosenblatt-and-allen-roland-heal-vets-ptsd-push-for-911-truth/). A regular pundit on RT and Press TV (and my colleague at Veterans Today (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/roland/)), Allen Roland is widely recognized as one of America's most perceptive political commentators. Allen is the discoverer of "the unified field (http://www.allenroland.com/)" - which bears more than a passing resemblance to the Islamic notion of tawhid or "divine oneness" as viewed by the masters of Sufism (http://www.mysticsaint.info/2008/02/rumi-on-oneness.html).

Allen's latest article: Seniors, Vets Unite – Obama Is Pushing Us Over The Cliff (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/10/seniors-vets-unite-obama-is-pushing-us-over-the-cliff/)

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/315493/Gilad+Atzmon.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=KnqzRjwNiwsvOM&tbnid=R2IgP9VMCaW6tM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.last.fm%2Fmusic%2FGilad%2BAtz mon&ei=oQBsUeLkMoXj0gGEwIHgCQ&bvm=bv.45175338,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNHpJro5CcptRlrYyN1_DIcHAWf9Bg&ust=1366118946167654)
Second hour: Ex-Israeli saxophonist & philosopher Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/) is one of the world's great jazz musicians - and one of our most provocative and controversial thinkers.

Gilad's new article is one of his greatest ever: Controlled Opposition – From Goldstein to Soros and Beyond (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/13/controlled-opposition-from-goldstein-to-soros-and-beyond/). It begins:

"In his new book, “The Invention Of The Land of Israel”, Israeli academic Shlomo Sand, manages to present conclusive evidence of the far fetched nature of the Zionist historical narrative – that the Jewish Exile is a myth as is the Jewish people and even the Land of Israel. Yet, Sand and many others fail to address the most important question: If Zionism is based on myth, how do the Zionists manage to get away with their lies, and for so long? If the Jewish ‘homecoming’ and the demand for a Jewish national homeland cannot be historically substantiated, why has it been supported by both Jews and the West for so long? How does the Jewish state manage for so long to celebrate its racist expansionist ideology and at the expense of the Palestinian and Arab peoples?"

The short answer:

"Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power."

http://imgace.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/to-learn-who-rules-over-you-simply-find-out-who-you-are-not-allowed-to-criticize.-voltaire.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=0jK-H1Ut68TTxM&tbnid=EoW0KeCluib9LM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimgace.com%2Fpic%2F2012%2F06%2Fto-learn-who-rules-over-you-simply-find-out-who-you-are-not-allowed-to-criticize-voltaire%2F&ei=aABsUZnBI_Pv0QHSsIDoCg&bvm=bv.45175338,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEYmwh0fhmQHMwcAerwiJHcwxn3zA&ust=1366118889221272)

Posted by Kevin Barrett (http://www.blogger.com/profile/11522769898898884227) at 6:33 AM No comments: (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2013/04/allen-roland-gilad-atzmon-on-tj-radio.html#comment-form)

Labels: Allen Roland (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/Allen%20Roland), gilad atzmon (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/gilad%20atzmon), invention of the jewish people (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/invention%20of%20the%20jewish%20people), jewish power (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/jewish%20power), judaism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/judaism), medicare (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/medicare), obama budget (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/obama%20budget), ptsd (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/ptsd), schlomo sand (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/schlomo%20sand), social security (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/social%20security), veterans (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/veterans), voltaire (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/voltaire)

22nd May 2013, 03:35 AM
haven't listened yet, comments at link,

The Kevin Barrett Show 2013.05.21 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-kevin-barrett-show-20130521.html)

https://lh3.ggpht.com/_1_WxkOeIxkk/SWfJP4JfXtI/AAAAAAAAAAM/asJQupnvRrg/S220/Kevin+BarrettQ+220+JPG80.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1_WxkOeIxkk/SWfJP4JfXtI/AAAAAAAAAAM/asJQupnvRrg/S220/Kevin+BarrettQ+220+JPG80.jpg)
Gilad Atzmon on free speech, self-censorship, and the legacy of George Orwell

Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/), who will be performing tonight in Madison, Wisconsin (http://uwsw.blogspot.com/2013/05/gilad-atzmon-in-madison-tuesday-may-21st.html), says the loss of freedom in today’s world is being driven not just by overt power grabs, but by a sort of Orwellian self-censorship that is pervasive on the left. His latest project is a re-reading of George Orwell – who, Gilad says, saw it all coming. More on No Lies Radio (http://noliesradio.org/archives/60804)

Kevin's blog (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/)

24k CF Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/2g9uqu77f8/the_kevin_barrett_show_2013.05.21_giladatzmon.mp3)

Hatha Sunahara
2nd August 2013, 12:23 AM
I actually finished reading the Wandering Who shortly after my last post a little over a year ago. I thought that his style of writing was too 'dense with ideas', and therefore difficult for someone like me to digest and extract any meaningful content from it, mostly because I didn't understand a number of parts of it, and I had no one around who could explain it to me. So, I didn't feel qualified to comment on the book, and I resigned myself to refrain from talking about something I didn't fully understand.

Well, well, just today I click on a link at Rense.com, and I happen upon this:

(Bear with the Intro in Farsi--the English interview starts at about 1 minute into the video)


And, here, Gilad Atzmon distills what he had to say in the Wandering Who in a way that I can not only understand, but can sympathize with.

I am generally a fairly tolerant person. I do not condemn large groups of people based on stereotypes. I know that not all muslims are terrorists, and not all jews are evil. What Atzmon describes in this video is what was unclear to me from what I read in his book. He makes an analogy between American Exceptionalism and the Zionist Identity. I can understand American Exceptionalism. When I hear a crowd chanting USA, USA, USA--or come in contact with an attitude of Right or Wrong, I'm an American and proud of it, it sends chills down my spine. And this is exactly the attitude the Zionists have about Israel. When I travel in other countries, I don't feel superior to the people of those countries and think that all Americans are better than all of the foreigners. But a lot of other Americans feel just that. And the Zionists have the same feeling but that it is Israelis who are superior to everyone else. And they want all Jews to feel that way wherever they are. I think the Nazis had the same mindset but with Germany at the center. I think this is all rubbish, and Gilad Atzmon makes it clear in this video that he thinks so too.

Atzmon points out that there are three kinds of Jews. Those who take their moral instructions from the Torah (essentially the 10 commandments), those who are 'culturally jewish'--meaning that they were raised in a Jewish culture, and like chicken soup and jokes about jews, and the third kind, Atzmon finds problematic. This third kind, he calls 'Primarily' jews. People who see themselves first and foremost as jews. People whose first question about any political news is 'Is it good for the jews?' I know jews who think like that. I try not to associate with them because I regard this kind of thinking to be a disease. A form of mental illness, where these people think they have transcended the normal bounds of humanity and are on some higher plane. They lack introspection, and are quick to justify lapses in moral judgment. I know other jews who do not think like this, but are reluctant to condemn those who do, simply because they are fellow jews. I also know one jew, (just one!) who condemns the Israel first jews and their jewish supporters because his head is where the rest of humanity is. Gilad Atzmon is very similar in outlook to this one jew that I know whom I can respect as a human being.

This view of jews, for me, translates to my own view of Americans as well. I know far more Americans who are critics of other Americans who have the attitude of American exceptionalism--which I consider to be just as large a form of mental illness as zionism. Or Nazism or Communism, or any other political ideology that blinds people to their own belonging to the larger human race. If I understand this correctly, I need to thank Gilad Atzmon for waking me up to this condition that exists in humanity.

Atzmon is a rare individual who, as a musician, and a philosopher, can engage the political ideologues and force them through logical arguments to some degree of introspection, and impress the value of self criticism upon them.


2nd August 2013, 04:20 AM
Thanks for that thoughtful post Hatha. :) Latest from Gilad,

Alan Dershowitz vs. Gilad Atzmon – A Talmudic Deliberation (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/alan-dershowitz-vs-gilad-atzmon-a-talmudic-deliberation.html) Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 12:54PM Gilad Atzmon (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/author/gilad)
http://www.gilad.co.uk/storage/Dershowitz%20and%20The%20Talmud.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_ CACHEVERSION=1375271807714

By Gilad Atzmon

Ethnic cleansing advocate Alan Dershowitz is campaigning today for the release of arch spy Jonathan Pollard. In a commentary published on the repulsive Jewish media outlet The Algemeiner (http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/07/29/united-states-presses-israel-to-release-murderers-but-won%E2%80%99t-release-pollard/), Dershowitz argues “the time has come…for the United States to do the right thing with regard to Jonathan Pollard.”

Dershowitz’ argument is amusing as usual. “Pollard poses no continuing danger to America, since he has not had access to our secrets for nearly 30 years.”

Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor, should know that people occasionally remain locked behind bars for the crime they committed in the past rather than the crime they may not commit in the future.

For some peculiar reason Dershowitz also equates between Pollard and the Palestinian freedom fighters (whom he calls ‘murderers’), due to be released by Israel. “Unlike the Palestinian prisoners who are to be released, he (Pollard) has expressed regret over his actions and has sought forgiveness.” Dershowitz obviously fails to realise that freedom fighters and political prisoners don’t tend to ask for forgiveness. Their action is the outcome of a legitimate struggle against oppression. However, Pollard, who was involved in an act of treason, falls into a different category altogether. Dershowitz and Pollard should accept that the act of asking for forgiveness doesn’t necessarily lead to a pardon.

http://www.gilad.co.uk/storage/dershatzpollsmall.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1 375271846807

Dershowitz believes that the USA should release Pollard in an attempt to persuade the Israelis to ‘vote for peace.’ “The Israeli public will have to vote for any deal struck between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators,” contends the ‘best Jewish Lawyer in the world.’ The Talmudic reasoning is quick to follow - “the outcome of such (Israeli) referendum will depend on whether Israeli voters believe that their security has been assured and that the United States continues to stand behind them.” So here we are, America should let off an arch Israeli spy so the Israelis can vote for peace.

I think that Dershowitz’ Talmudic orientation is indeed very impressive. However, being myself a product of Talmudic upbringing, I would actually go along with Dershowitz’ suggestion. I would propose that the USA releases Pollard immediately under a strict provision – If the Jewish State votes peace as Dershowitz promises, Pollard would remain free. But if the Israelis fail to provide, if they vote against peace (as they usually do), then Pollard would be locked behind bars again as stipulated by his life sentence.

Such a condition would make the Israeli spy into a negotiation bargain for peace. If the Israeli people really want Jonathan free, as Dershowitz insists, they would have to choose peace for the first time.

I would love to know how Dershowitz can rescue his troubled case now.

2nd August 2013, 05:09 AM
Why does Pollard matter?

Because there are 100K or more like him in US Govt and other positions, the release of Pollard would mean that the sayanim based espionage would be back in full force.

2nd August 2013, 05:45 AM
Why does Pollard matter?

Because there are 100K or more like him in US Govt and other positions, the release of Pollard would mean that the sayanim based espionage would be back in full force.

I was thinking about Pollard the other day when Manning got life. Pollard did way more damage to US security interests than Manning and here the jews are not days later calling for him to pardoned...it so in your face these days.

Oy fucking vey

Hatha Sunahara
2nd August 2013, 08:51 AM
By Atzmon's standard for Zionist identity, releasing Pollard is 'good for the Jews.' So, if you want to predict the Zionist position on anything, apply that standard: Is it good for the Jews? The only problem with that is that in the long run, whatever the zionist position is, it will be bad for the jews because it will isolate them further from the rest of humanity. And they will pull America deeper into that kind of hell. I think somewhere, at some level in the United States, someone understands that, and that is why Pollard is still in prison.


2nd August 2013, 09:10 AM
I actually finished reading the Wandering Who shortly after my last post a little over a year ago. I thought that his style of writing was too 'dense with ideas', and therefore difficult for someone like me to digest and extract any meaningful content from it, mostly because I didn't understand a number of parts of it, and I had no one around who could explain it to me. So, I didn't feel qualified to comment on the book, and I resigned myself to refrain from talking about something I didn't fully understand.

Well, well, just today I click on a link at Rense.com, and I happen upon this:

(Bear with the Intro in Farsi--the English interview starts at about 1 minute into the video)


And, here, Gilad Atzmon distills what he had to say in the Wandering Who in a way that I can not only understand, but can sympathize with.

I am generally a fairly tolerant person. I do not condemn large groups of people based on stereotypes. I know that not all muslims are terrorists, and not all jews are evil. What Atzmon describes in this video is what was unclear to me from what I read in his book. He makes an analogy between American Exceptionalism and the Zionist Identity. I can understand American Exceptionalism. When I hear a crowd chanting USA, USA, USA--or come in contact with an attitude of Right or Wrong, I'm an American and proud of it, it sends chills down my spine. And this is exactly the attitude the Zionists have about Israel. When I travel in other countries, I don't feel superior to the people of those countries and think that all Americans are better than all of the foreigners. But a lot of other Americans feel just that. And the Zionists have the same feeling but that it is Israelis who are superior to everyone else. And they want all Jews to feel that way wherever they are. I think the Nazis had the same mindset but with Germany at the center. I think this is all rubbish, and Gilad Atzmon makes it clear in this video that he thinks so too.

Atzmon points out that there are three kinds of Jews. Those who take their moral instructions from the Torah (essentially the 10 commandments), those who are 'culturally jewish'--meaning that they were raised in a Jewish culture, and like chicken soup and jokes about jews, and the third kind, Atzmon finds problematic. This third kind, he calls 'Primarily' jews. People who see themselves first and foremost as jews. People whose first question about any political news is 'Is it good for the jews?' I know jews who think like that. I try not to associate with them because I regard this kind of thinking to be a disease. A form of mental illness, where these people think they have transcended the normal bounds of humanity and are on some higher plane. They lack introspection, and are quick to justify lapses in moral judgment. I know other jews who do not think like this, but are reluctant to condemn those who do, simply because they are fellow jews. I also know one jew, (just one!) who condemns the Israel first jews and their jewish supporters because his head is where the rest of humanity is. Gilad Atzmon is very similar in outlook to this one jew that I know whom I can respect as a human being.

This view of jews, for me, translates to my own view of Americans as well. I know far more Americans who are critics of other Americans who have the attitude of American exceptionalism--which I consider to be just as large a form of mental illness as zionism. Or Nazism or Communism, or any other political ideology that blinds people to their own belonging to the larger human race. If I understand this correctly, I need to thank Gilad Atzmon for waking me up to this condition that exists in humanity.

Atzmon is a rare individual who, as a musician, and a philosopher, can engage the political ideologues and force them through logical arguments to some degree of introspection, and impress the value of self criticism upon them.


Very nice write up Hatha, kudos.

7th March 2015, 07:22 AM
Red Ice Radio- 1st free hour only

Gilad Atzmon - Hour 1 - Zionist Pressure Groups & Jewish Identity Politics (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/03/RIR-150306.php)
March 6, 2015

Gilad Atzmon is a British jazz artist and author born in Israel and trained in composition and jazz at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem. He is a member of the Blockheads, founded the Orient House Ensemble in London, and has recorded and performed with many rock music legends. Gilad also writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture. He has written two novels, and his latest book, The Wandering Who? is a study of Jewish identity politics.

In the first hour, Mr. Atzmon gives an account of the recent cancellation of his scheduled performance with the Orient House Ensemble at Manchester’s Royal Northern College of Music. The prestigious cultural institute gave into pressure to stop the show by the ultra-Zionist organization North West Friends of Israel (NWFOI), who accused Atzmon of “fostering anti-Semitism” and denying the holocaust. Gilad speaks about the historically strained relationship between Jews and Europeans, the questionable ethics of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS Movement) and the serious issue of British pedophile networks.

Then, he talks about the controlled opposition of the Jewish anti-Zionist network, which diverts attention from Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and the Leftist domination that has left Palestine to crumble. Gilad gets into the largely Jewish phenomenon of identity politics, the division of Europe’s working class, and enforced monoculture. In an exceptional extended second half, Gilad speaks to the psychopathic principles of Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his process of projection. We discuss the link between the BDS boycott movement, funding from liberal Zionist George Soros, LGBTQ influence and the role of the Open Society associating gay rights with the Palestinian cause. Later, we examine the effects of splicing society into marginal discourses and the disastrous sexual revolution. In conclusion, we chew over the root cause of pervasive fear of anti-Semitism.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2015/RIR-150306-giladatzmon-hr1.mp3)

7th March 2015, 07:46 AM
Jazz star: Jewish group who 'bullied' RNCM out of gig are 'enemies of Manchester' (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2015/3/6/jazz-star-jewish-group-who-bullied-rncm-out-of-gig-are-enemies-of-manchester)

March 06, 2015 (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2015/3/6/jazz-star-jewish-group-who-bullied-rncm-out-of-gig-are-enemies-of-manchester) / Gilad Atzmon


By Steph Brawn


The controversial jazz musician whose Royal Northern College of Music gig was cancelled has hit back at the Jewish group behind the protest – branding them 'enemies' of Manchester and the British public.

Gilad Atzmon was scheduled to perform at the venue last night but had his gig cancelled due to protests from the North West Friends of Israel.

The group put pressure on the college by accusing him of being anti-Semitic for what they claimed were his 'criticisms of Zionism, Jewish identity and Judaism generally, as well as his controversial views on Holocaust denial and Jewish history'.

Mr Atzmon insists Manchester and Britain are being repeatedly intimidated by Jewish lobbies, citing them as disloyal to the country and describing the occurance as 'extremely concerning'.

He told MM: “[Jewish lobbies] are not friends of Manchester or Britain or British people. They are serving the interests of another country [Israel] that many people around the world believe to be a criminal state.

“This lobby have come to Manchester and intimidated one of the most prestigious music schools to the point where the school cannot even guarantee the safety of its students.

“If I am subject to intimidation by a foreign lobby that is disloyal to this country and in total dismissal of British manners, this is a serious concern.”
The RNCM stated that the cancellation was entirely related to the safety of their students and not a political issue.

There were security guards at the entrance of the building yesterday. They checked anyone that tried to enter for student or staff ID in order to prevent any potential acts of violence.

Contrary to reports, the college looked into Mr Atzmon’s history and realised that he was a well-known humanist who worked with numerous Jews and was respected by followers of the religion.

The 51-year-old has also played with British musicians such as Ian Dury and the Blockheads, Robbie Williams, and Sir Paul McCartney. Therefore, the college claimed to have felt embarrassed by forcing the closure.

Mr Atzmon was born a Jew but has since developed controversial views on the religion. He admitted however, that he has no problem with the college but seemed concerned about the nature of the events that occured prior to his visit.

He added: “We send British soldiers all over the world to fight so called terrorism, we got ourselves involved in criminal war in Iraq and we see the state of the Middle East and at the same time no one is willing to tackle terrorism in one of the most important cities in Britain.

“We cannot have universities talking about jazz as part of the Civil Rights movement in America and then at the same time stop me from playing in an academic institution.”

A campaign group called Respect the People set up an online petition stating that the RNCM were constraining freedom of expression – which has accumulated nearly 2,000 signatures in 24 hours.

A statement from the group read: “Music is one of the few spaces where anything and everything is able to be expressed without the threat of censorship or intimidation."

Mr Atzmon hopes that he will be free to perform in Manchester one day.

“I came to live in this country because I tended to believe this is a free country and I really like British manners and I really like the way British people debate,” said the saxophonist.

“I’m not used to seeing a group that has alliance with a different state and I am unhappy with it. I want to have a festival to celebrate my freedom and one of these we hope will be in Manchester.”

29th May 2015, 07:10 PM
2 recent Atzmon radio appearances, with Red Ice Radio (1st free hour only) and with Kbarrett:

Gilad Atzmon - Hour 1 - From A to Zion & The Jewish Solidarity Spin (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/05/RIR-150518.php)

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.05.29 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/05/truth-jihad-radio-with-kevin-barrett_29.html)
Gilad Atzmon vs. political correctness: "I am a reactionary essentialist"

6th February 2016, 03:37 AM
UK's Richie Allen Show; all his shows at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCScsqqZi411nqVod1Uay0KQ/videos

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iQXgDeHjNwI/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQXgDeHjNwI)
Gilad Atzmon On How Israel Controls All External Opposition To The Occupation Of Palestine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQXgDeHjNwI)

10 hours ago