View Full Version : Damned if you do and----

29th September 2011, 06:30 AM
It isn't news that a significant portion of the political left thinks (claims anyway) that rejection of Obama isn't rejection of his policies but is pure racism. Well, this just in from an article on Drudge Report (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/09/29/janeane_garofalo_racist_republicans_support_herman _cain.html), if you support Herman Cain, you are a racist.

So to recap, if you support a black man, you are a racist and if you do not support a black man, you are a racist. You do have to admire the sense of consistency even as you wonder about the apparent unawareness of the intelligentsia of the properties of projection.

What fun!

29th September 2011, 06:49 AM
Actually, you're a racist if you support either. You're a SUPER BIG RACIST if you don't.

So...should we put you down for a big red "R" patch or a big red "SBR" patch?