View Full Version : Civil War Unfolding In Kosovo

30th September 2011, 08:04 AM
DMac note: I don't believe for a second this war is not being staged by the same evil doers that caused all this mess back in the 1990s. Both sides are being played.

Here is a bunch of info on what's going on:

'Civil War Unfolding In Kosovo' - Russia's Envoy To NATO: "May Spread To Europe Into World War"

Uploaded by RussiaToday on Sep 28, 2011

NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo have brought in more troops to a disputed border crossing in the ethnic Serb north, a day after several people were hurt in clashes. Both sides blame each other for starting the violence, which saw rubber bullets and tear gas used by Alliance forces. Anger rose in late July when Kosovan authorities tried to seize the frontiers to enforce a trade embargo. Peace analyst John Laughland says the region was doing fine until the EU stepped in.


Kosovo: NATO Suspected Of Shooting Protesters With Live Ammo "Injured Have Gunshot Wounds"


NATO-Serb clash halt talks (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=nato-serb-clash-halt-talks-2011-09-28)

Following the clashes between Kosovo Serbians and NATO’s KFOR forces wounding 15 people, including one peacekeeper in severe condition, on Tuesday, the EU-mediated talks between Serbia and Kosovo halted until ‘the Serbia is ready to re-engage’ according to mediator. More KFOR was sent to border on Wednesday.

Violence between ethnic Serbs and NATO forces in northern Kosovo resulted in 15 wounded people Tuesday night and prompted Belgrade to cancel EU-mediated talks in Brussels aimed at improving cooperation in the flow of people and goods, property rights and personal documents.

The talks will resume “when the Serbian side is ready to re-engage,” said Robert Cooper, who mediates the talks on behalf of the European Union.

The situation was calm but tensions were still high Wednesday morning after a group of ethnic Serbians clashed with NATO’s Kosovo Force, or KFOR, on Tuesday in northern Kosovo, where seven Serbs and eight peacekeepers were wounded. On Wednesday an eyewitness said NATO troops reinforced their positions around the Jarinje border crossing, 100 kilometers from Kosovo’s capital Pristina, deploying armored vehicles, sandbags and barbed wire. NATO also warned it would use lethal force to protect its troops. NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Kai Gudenoge said Tuesday’s clash began when the Serbian protesters threw pipebombs at the peacekeepers and injured four. KFOR first reacted with rubber bullets but one peacekeeper used live bullets following a Serb protester’s attempt to grab his gun, Naim Rashiti, Balkans analyst from the International Crisis Group in Kosovo, told the Hürriyet Daily News. The condition of the Serb shot by peacekeepers was stable but one peacekeeper was in severe condition, said Rashiti quoting local media. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence.

‘Criminals cause violence’

Kosovo wants customs officers to push its claim for statehood in the north, but Serbia sees the move as undermining its claim over the territory. Hundreds of Serbs spent Tuesday night at the barricades following the clashes. The Kosovo government said they would stay firm to continue operating border control and customs gates in northern Kosovo. The Serbs who clashed with the KFOR on Tuesday were criminals using the ambiguity of the current situation for smuggling and trafficking, according to Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Edita Tahiri. “We believe our citizens, including Serbs, want to live under law and order,” Tahiri told Hürriyet Daily News. Oliver Ivanovic, a senior Serbian leader in Kosovo blamed the violence on U.S. peacekeepers. Serbian President Boris Tadic called for dialogue to avoid such clashes. Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry called on KFOR to respect neutrality and the “supremacy of the law.”

Contributions from Reuters, AFP and AP stories are included in this report.

Orthodox Christian ghettoization and anti-Serb clampdown in Kosovo (http://serbianna.com/analysis/archives/962)


Aug 31, 2011

Lee Jay Walker, Modern Tokyo Times | If you reside in a parallel universe then welcome to Kosovo, the land of Albanianization and Islamization and all in the name of democracy. A flick back into history tells us that the Serbs were 98% of the population of Kosovo 600 years ago but today the Orthodox Christian Serbs are between 6% and 8% depending on various figures.

Of course, the Kosovo Serbs became a minority because of the ravages of the Ottoman Empire, dhimmitude, Islamization, and Albanian support of fascism during the German Nazi period. Communism in the old Yugoslavia was the final nail in the coffin because Albanian long-term objectives became a reality and this applies to immigration and other important areas. However, this reality is ignored and instead the dehumanization of the Kosovo Serbs goes hand in hand in this parallel universe.

30th September 2011, 08:10 AM
shit. those guys really know how to kill

General of Darkness
30th September 2011, 08:15 AM
Kosovo is SERBIA, the fricken jews gave it to the migrant albanian scum.

4th October 2011, 10:10 AM
Kosovo is SERBIA, the fricken jews gave it to the migrant albanian scum.

albanian scum

Hashim Thaçi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashim_Tha%C3%A7i)

Hashim Thaçi (born 24 April 1968 ) is the Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo, the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK), and former political leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

...he was an Albanian student leader and the first student president of the parallel Albanian...

albanian scum

Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/14/kosovo-prime-minister-llike-mafia-boss)


Kosovo's prime minister is the head of a "mafia-like" Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report on organised crime.

Hashim Thaçi is identified as the boss of a network that began operating criminal rackets in the runup to the 1998-99 Kosovo war, and has held powerful sway over the country's government since.

The report of the two-year inquiry, which cites FBI and other intelligence sources, has been obtained by the Guardian. It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted "violent control" over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi's inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.

Heroin, organ harvesting...yep - that qualifies as scum.

Oh wait, we can add the sex slave trade to his resume:

Hashim 'the Snake' Thaci Set to Take Power in Kosovo: Culmination of Long Criminal and Terrorist Career (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hashim-the-snake-thaci-set-to-take-power-in-kosovo-culmination-of-long-criminal-and-terrorist-career-59873392.html)

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- American Council for Kosovo Director James George Jatras today issued the following statement
following the "election" victory of the "Democratic Party of Kosovo," under the leadership of Hashim Thaci:

Take everything you think you know about the stated U.S. policy of combating jihad terrorism, organized crime rackets, trafficking in persons
(i.e., sex slavery), the global drug trade, peddling weapons and explosives to terrorist groups, and so on. Now stand everything you think you know on its head - and picture the U.S. supporting all of these activities, not combating them. As incredible as it sounds, that describes in a nutshell
American policy in Kosovo, which seeks to separate the province from Serbia and create a new terrorist and criminal statelet in Europe.

Nothing better illustrates that point than the apparent "election" victory of the "Democratic Party of Kosovo" (PDK), under the leadership of
Hashim Thaci, who is expected to assume management of the UN-supervised Albanian Muslim administration. (The "elections," held on November 17, are
just a sham to hide the fact that real power in Kosovo is held by men with guns, namely commanders of a terrorist organization, the so-called "Kosovo
Liberation Army" (KLA), including Thaci. According to news reports, only 45 percent of Kosovo's ethnic Albanians took part, and of 40,000 Serbs in
northern Kosovo, precisely five (5) persons voted in these farcical "elections," knowing their participation would be giving their consent to
their own eradication.)


So it appears ZATO is getting ready to exchange one terrorist government in the region for another. I wonder how much these operations cost America?

4th October 2011, 10:23 AM
A little more..

Fatmir Limaj 'Ordered Kuci's Death’, Leak (http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/limaj-wanted-kuci-dead)


The document published by the Pristina daily Koha Ditore on Tuesday contained the testimony of a protected witness who spoke of tortures and murders of prisoners held in the Klecka camp, which was set up by the Kosovo Liberation Army in 1998.

Witness “X” testified last year in several sessions in front of EULEX prosecutors handling the so-called Klecka camp case, the document said.

The witness allegedly told the EULEX prosecutors that Fatmir Limaj, then known as "commander Celiku", had arrested Blerim Kuci and had him brought to Klecka.

Witness X, who was supervising the camp,

The leaked document also provides information on Hashim Thaci’s visit to the camp where he wanted to meet two Serbian journalists and where Witness X served as a translator.

“Hashim told me to treat well the journalists the way the prisoners are treated,” the document quotes the witness as saying. The two journalists were detained and then released after two months and handed over to OSCE.

The leaked document is published at a time when the Klecka case, named “Limaj and others” is ongoing.

"Witness X"

Key Kosovo war crimes witness found dead (http://rt.com/news/kosovo-crimes-witness-dead-647/)

A key witness in a war crimes trial in Kosovo has been found dead in Germany. He had apparently committed suicide.

Nicholas Hawton, an EU spokesman in Kosovo, said on Wednesday Agim Zogaj's body was discovered in a city park in Duisburg, reports Associated Press.

Police believe that he hanged himself late on Tuesday. ::) :o ::)

"He committed suicide. There are no indications for a different explanation," police spokesman Stefan Bauer said, adding that an autopsy will be carried out on Thursday.

Zogaj was a protected witness in the trial of Fatmir Limaj. The ethnic Albanian and former transport minister under Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is suspected of unlawfully killing and torturing Serb prisoners during the 1998-99 Kosovo war. Many of the charges were based on Zogaj's witness statements.

Zogaj’s death will not affect the trial because the court will have his recorded testimony, assured the EU’s mission in Kosovo, which is responsible for the prosecution of Limaj.

Last week, the former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army was put under a month-long house arrest by a judge of the EU Rule of Law Mission pending his trial for war crimes.

He was cleared of similar charges by a UN court in 2005 which ruled there was insufficient evidence to convict him.

Limaj, who remains an influential political figure in Kosovo, is also under investigation over alleged embezzlement of budget money during his time in the cabinet.

"Witness X"

Key protected witness in Limaj trial found dead in Germany (http://www.setimes.com/cocoon/setimes/xhtml/en_GB/features/setimes/features/2011/09/29/feature-02)

EULEX spokesman Blerim Krasniqi told SETimes that Agim Zogaj’s body was discovered in a city park. Zogaj was known as "protected witness X" in the so-called Klecka case. Limaj and nine other ex-members of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are charged with torturing and killing prisoners held at a detention centre in the village of Klecka in 1999.

"In the past have been reports in which Kosovo and EULEX were blamed for a weak protection system, and this case will strengthen those allegations," he says.

"Some can use this as an argument that in Kosovo, investigations on war crimes and other hot issue are difficult, not to say impossible, because witnesses are dead."

Oh brother.

4th October 2011, 10:36 AM
It's just a coincidence that this is happening when the Euro banks are about to go under?

4th October 2011, 10:45 AM
It's just a coincidence that this is happening when the Euro banks are about to go under?

It's about as much a coincidence as the bombing runs that occurred during the Columbine shooting.

4th October 2011, 01:23 PM
It's about as much a coincidence as the bombing runs that occurred during the Columbine shooting.

Can you explain this further, or point me to where I can read about it?

4th October 2011, 02:00 PM
The NeoCons did this, they even brought Jihadists to Europe to murder indigenous Christians.
Feith and Perle did this and even made money doing it, getting paid.

Every single major terror attack has links to their operations in the Balkans.
9/11, Madrid, 7/7 .

You need stooges, and yes there are real terrorists, some of those same Jihadists
have been moved around from country to country and some are now in Libya.
The " rebel " leader in Libya has a history and is being outed, murdering NATO/US
troops, now he runs NATO Air Power and NATO Special Forces.

Europes jails are full of Albanians, they distribute all the Heroin from Afghanistan.
This is why they were put in power. They are the white slavers as well. They are
the gangs on the street and they work for the Jews at the top.

The web is being scrubbed of stories outing all of this.

Again I will mention the Raimondo archives on antiwar.com as key.

4th October 2011, 02:10 PM
Hitler sided with the Albanians too, they even had their own SS unit.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21st_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Skanderbeg _%281st_Albanian%29

4th October 2011, 02:16 PM
Hitler sided with the Albanians too, they even had their own SS unit.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21st_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Skanderbeg _%281st_Albanian%29

The Albanians invaded Greece with the Germans, they mass murdered Greeks,
they then left the country and abandoned a few villages that were Albanian on the
Greek side of the border, they left Greece for fear of their lives, retribution at hand.

The same lobby today, Greater Albania wants parts of NW Greece.

Germany also let the Bulgarians in, they too did the same thing.

Greece fought them all in a Communist Civil war later, Albania, Yugoslavia/Serbia,
Bulgaria, all staging communist forces crossing the border, American and British planes
bombed the shit out of them.

I know this history very well, and visited this border region many times,
even patrolling the border armed. I have pics and stories, one or two I
posted here, Albanians bring white slaves , heroin, guns , through this
border today. There are some brutal stories.

5th October 2011, 08:23 AM
HOHENFELS, Germany (AP) — More than 1,000 U.S. paratroops have jumped out over the Hohenfels training area in Germany in a massive airborne training operation.

The exercise Wednesday pitted soldiers from the Vicenza,

Italy-based 173rd Airborne Brigade in a mock-battle scenario with a battalion of Slovakian soldiers and other American troops.

The Army says not only are its soldiers now training with former Eastern bloc enemies now in NATO, but the operation also represents a change from exercises designed to prepare for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As the operations in those countries draw down, the military says it's starting again to focus some training on fighting conventional enemy forces instead of counterinsurgency operations.

It's the 173rd's first brigade-sized operation since they parachuted into Iraq in 2003.

5th October 2011, 08:29 AM
Can you explain this further, or point me to where I can read about it?

One of the 'coincidence theories' around the Columbine shooting was that Clinton ordered a shit load of ordinance dropped on Serbia the same day as the shootings. Whether this was a planned distraction or not letting a crisis go to waste situation is something we will have to theorize.

Personally, I don't believe in coincidences.