View Full Version : A perfect example why I HATE the vast majority of races on the planet

General of Darkness
30th September 2011, 08:53 PM
What a worthless bunch of cunts.


midnight rambler
30th September 2011, 09:27 PM
g...dam, that is some sick shit. I couldn't watch very much of that. What country are these sick fucks from??

"ye shall know them by their fruits"

30th September 2011, 09:40 PM
That is totally depraved. What the hell is the sport in that?

But dogs are incredible: how totally fearless and loyal they are!!! Imagine getting swiped by a black bear twenty times your size and running back without hesitation at the bear! In offense, a dog puts the bravest man alive to shame.

30th September 2011, 09:57 PM
This really bothered me, folks. It summed up everything that's wrong with modern society.

midnight rambler
30th September 2011, 10:00 PM
This really bothered me, folks. It summed up everything that's wrong with modern society.

I don't think that you can call where that occurred 'modern society' - even if they have electricity and indoor plumbing.

30th September 2011, 10:03 PM
I don't think that you can call where that occurred 'modern society' - even if they have electricity and indoor plumbing.

We are all chained, like the bear. With the dogs at our throat.

The only thing I ask for, is to be unchained.

I'd like to see that bear unchained in his fight. I'd like to fight unchained as well.

midnight rambler
30th September 2011, 10:07 PM
I'd like to fight unchained as well.

The distinction is that the bear didn't have the key to his chains while you DO.


Silver Baron
30th September 2011, 10:11 PM
I only watched a few seconds past the first cut scene to imagine the expected ending...

They must have first trained the bear to fear fighting back by allowing leaping gnashing dogs just out of its reach, probably more than two, until it believed it was incapable of winning, thus not able to know its own strength.

If both sides were starved, the bear is obviously capable of tossing those two mangy mutts far into that crowd of simple folk. Then, if not chained, could rip, limb from limb, all unarmed attendees without stopping as they fled to whatever safety they could find.

I believe this was not a wild bear...(Someone please correct me if i am wrong about how wild bears act and whether you'd let your own dogs attempt this bravado)

If the bear unintentionally fell on and killed/injured one of the dogs he may know his own power (except that the handlers would step in). If other bears were witness to this then they would likely have the intelligence to gain realization that they could easily destroy the dogs. If the second dog would still keep attacking with its partner on the ground then it is brainwashed and stupid, in its loyalty.

Likewise, I would lose in hand to hand combat against 7 year olds who were fearless and loyal to their owners in attacking me. However, if I realized there were no consequences to defending myself they would be pounded into pulp. I have basically been brainwashed into believing that I cannot defend myself against children.

So, "The parable of the bear and the dogs" is one I could easily adapt to my own circumstances.

Anyhow this does work as propaganda to get people to cast aspersions toward groups of that appearance, and toward cock fighters as well. It only works though if one has empathy for animals.

30th September 2011, 10:22 PM
What did I just watch?

30th September 2011, 10:28 PM
I would have no problem with this but the bear is on a leash.

30th September 2011, 10:31 PM
How do you feel about bull fighting? Or hog hunting?

30th September 2011, 10:34 PM
I believe this was not a wild bear.

I believe you are right. In nature, when there's a fight it's all on the table, a fight to live. This video, while disturbing, was a puppet show to distort nature. A chained bear against trained dogs, so no true injuries.

It's all an act to entertain us.

Take a big bear, and two dogs, fighting in the natural...that would be a battle. Not some sick sideshow.

midnight rambler
30th September 2011, 11:11 PM
How do you feel about bull fighting? Or hog hunting?

Hog hunting in this part of the country is for the most part varmint/pest control - the hogs are so bad now that the state lege has made it legal to shot hogs from helicopters, and that will surely result in some inhumane killing. But the hogs are causing a LOT of damage. As for bull fighting, that's more of a real sport as the bull has a reasonably good chance of putting some hurt on the matador, and in a few rare cases some of the bystanders as well.

As for the dogs and bear thing, for those who didn't watch it, or very little of it, the routine was to send in two dogs at once, the critters would spar a little with the bear up on it's hind legs. At one point the bear couldn't keep standing, so when it came down on all fours it would latch onto one of the dogs - usually by the head. After the bear latched onto one of the dogs one of the knuckleheads putting on this spectacle would fire a rifle (AK?) to distract the bear while another knucklehead or two would use a stick to pry the bear off the dog while a couple of the knuckleheads would each be pulling off the two dogs (or in the case of the unfortunate dog, what's left of it). Once that fight was broken up the owner/handler of the dog which the bear latched onto would carry that dog off the field as it was certainly pretty fucked up after having a very serious bite from the bear. Then the knuckleheads would send in another two dogs. Rinse. Repeat.

30th September 2011, 11:16 PM
30 seconds and done, If My life depended on it I would set the bear free, if my family depended on it I would set the bear free... I don't get the lack of sense. If you set the bear free it is a non issue.

30th September 2011, 11:28 PM
How do you feel about bull fighting? Or hog hunting?

Animal abuse and torture is OK when white Americans do it...

Joe King
30th September 2011, 11:46 PM
I believe this was not a wild bear...(.They're also probably old bears from zoos that haven't ever had to fight before. They looked pretty docile even after being attacked. If they were truly wild bears, I'd think they'd have put up a much better fight.

midnight rambler
30th September 2011, 11:49 PM
I agree that this had to be some bear which was kept in captivity, 'cause I can't help but think as soon as the knuckleheads got the bear off the dog they'd be next if it was a wild bear.

willie pete
1st October 2011, 03:14 AM
somehow I think the results would differ if; this were out in the wild dealing with an untamed adult bear or it was a mother bear with cubs, or even a Polar Bear....

1st October 2011, 04:17 AM
Animal abuse and torture is OK when white Americans do it...
Yeah, you can't necessarily say it's a racial thing......I keep thinking of the Romans.

1st October 2011, 05:18 AM
I got through maybe 15 seconds. I wish I hadn't watched that much.
It just sickens me.

1st October 2011, 06:22 AM
what bothers me even more than un-necessary cruelty to animals is un-necessary cruelty to humans.

the Israeli's = audience watching, in the video.

the bear & the dogs = Palestinians.

since 1935.

i don't expect the Pakistani's will abandon their cruel spectacles (the title made me think that bear thing was in Pakistan), or that the Chinese will stop what they do to animals, or that American Caucasians will stop their versions of cruelty to animals.

but i give up on the Talmud-worshippers. those that receive a 'classic' education are taught since birth that it is OK to treat Gentiles the way the bear & the dogs are treated in that video - and then they go out and practice what they have been taught.

we (American Gentiles) got a Taste of that treatment on 9-11.

what is odd to me about the Talmud-worshippers is that, they are like Bill Gates robbing a bank because he thinks he doesn't have enough money. they control all major institutions in the US, but that's not enough - they have to set American forces (mostly Christians) to fighting the locals in the Mid-East (mostly Muslims).

like the bear-dog fighting, writ large, with humans taking the place of the animals, all to somehow satisfy the Talmud-worshippers.

now THAT is sick.

looking forward to President Ron Paul addressing the question - "in order to balance the US budget, will you cut aid to Israel ?"

then the un-chained Israeli bear will face 1 billion un-chained Muslim dogs.

1st October 2011, 07:01 AM
I came upon two dogs similar to these with a deer down and almost dead. They were not kept under control by their owner. About a month before they had killed my dog. I shot both of them. Their owner told me he was going to beat me to death when I told him I'd shot them. I told him I'd shoot him between the eyes if he tried it. He didn't have much to say after that.

7th trump
1st October 2011, 09:18 AM
If that was a wild bear those dogs would have had just one chance working together.
The claws alone on this bear could have gutted any one of those dogs with just one swipe. Not to say snapping a neck. Bears are powerful and I highly doubt those muts would have lasted over a minute with a wild bear.
I'd take my chances defending against a bear with a rot and a large one at that.

1st October 2011, 09:37 AM
I came upon two dogs similar to these with a deer down and almost dead. They were not kept under control by their owner. About a month before they had killed my dog. I shot both of them. Their owner told me he was going to beat me to death when I told him I'd shot them. I told him I'd shoot him between the eyes if he tried it. He didn't have much to say after that.

I had a similar experience with 1 doberman and a deer, I stopped the car , got over the barbed wire fence and got between the deer and the dog giving the deer time enough to get away. A mexican owned the dog, and I hollered as cussed at him but he didn't speak english he knew what I was saying though.

1st October 2011, 09:53 AM
WRT the video, those b*sturds will have their day coming. Whatever a man sows, so shall he reap.

1st October 2011, 10:19 AM
Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

1st October 2011, 10:42 AM
Hell, I remember the first and only Big Top Circus I ever went to. It had a classic Dancing Bear Act with the bears dressed in tutu's.

Even that was too much for me to stomach. Maybe it's in their expressions or the way bears slobber when under such demands.
Bears really don't seem to enjoy being trained even as funny spectacles, let alone forced to act out violent human fantasies like furry gladiators.

Under such circumstances, they always appear tragic, as if they're being humiliated, very unlike dogs.

1st October 2011, 11:17 AM
I am rooting for that bear 100%, they are God's creation, smart,
a majestic animal that bothers no one for the most part,
I am against hunting them, only troublesome bears should be put down.

bull fighting? Or hog hunting?

Animal abuse and torture

Most bulls don't make it past the veal stage cause they are dangerous animals to keep.
In Spain they got a fighting chance and lived a life even having the opportunity to kill a
Matador. Hog Hunting, kill them all and make barbecue out of them. See MR above.
As far as other varmints, kill them, a Fox will go into a chicken coop and kill 20 chickens
and only take one back with him. These pest animals are dealt with, nobody tortures them.

My family comes from farmers and hunters going back, nobody tortures animals,
God put them on this planet for us, we are the masters of animals, unjustly torturing
animals for sport is brutality for barbarian minds.

If my grandfather saw that video, he would say only one word, GYPSIES !

This really bothered me, folks. It summed up everything that's wrong with modern society.

Some times I wonder whether you are for real.
It bothered me too, that is a trained bear and trained dogs.
This has nothing to do with " modern society ". My Grandfather
did not live in a modern society. He slaughtered animals for food,
hunted, we hunt, he would say those people are animals.

You cannot compare hunters and farmers to those people in that video.

Uncle Salty
1st October 2011, 02:46 PM
Hey GoD,

Have you seen the Caucasians slaughter the baby seals in Canada? Does that make you proud?

1st October 2011, 02:59 PM
I suppose it is worth noting that white noblemen bear baited in England for centuries, and their sport migrated to India and Pakistan as a natural part of British rule and perversion. The spectators watching that are similar to our own television and junk food legions - culturally programmed to accept what they see as legitimate things for their consumption, without any awareness that victims (in this case the bear) are part of the debauchery.

1st October 2011, 05:34 PM
Hey GoD,

Have you seen the Caucasians slaughter the baby seals in Canada? Does that make you proud?

some of the people that harvest seal pelts are just working guys trying to make a living / feed their families.

i don't be-grudge them that.

unfortunately for the seals, i don't think doing things the least cruel way is at the top of the seal-hunters' agenda.

though perhaps the same could be said of the Chinese 'farmers' that harvest bear bile and have living bears in cages (till they die) with a hole in their side and a tube coming out ... they're just trying to make a living.

1st October 2011, 07:32 PM
8 seconds and done. I couldn't watch any more of it. I love animals too much (all of 'em!) to understand why anyone would want to orchestrate or be entertained by watching such a spectacle.

I am more than fine with hunting for food. In fact, I don't think people should be allowed to eat meat unless they hunt it and butcher it themselves, but that's a whole "ideal world" thing. (I buy meat from the grocery store in my imperfect world.) I am also OK with varmint killing if there is a necessity for it. Killing for sport, on the other hand, is repulsive to me.

Joe King
1st October 2011, 07:34 PM
Killing for sport, on the other hand, is repulsive to me.What about the "sport" of killing a few beers? :D

General of Darkness
1st October 2011, 07:46 PM
To set the story straight, I really do hate all races for the most part these days, but I will always stick up for my MY PEOPLE, just like ALL the other races do. The biggest thing that pisses me off is the people that always call racism because they have NO ARGUMENT when their race tends to be the worse offends, i.e. jews, blacks, everyone else. :)

Joe King
1st October 2011, 07:55 PM
The only ones I hate are those who do cruel, senseless acts in violation of others Rights. Whomever they may be.

1st October 2011, 08:01 PM
Some times I wonder whether you are for real.

OK Magnes, I am a troll, a shill, and a .gov operative. I only say that..because that's what you seem to want to hear.

My point was, that disturbing video, is a new low for mankind. We're so preoccupied with mindless, and often brutal, entertainment, that we don't see that we are, collectively the chained bear in that video. Chained by TPTB. We either roll over and submit, like the bear, or we tap into our animal spirit and unleash the beast inside. When the time comes, each one of us, may find out just what our animal spirit actually is.

1st October 2011, 08:01 PM
Those bears were beaten down, threatened with more beatings if they fight, declawed, toothless and probably blind. The people who find that entertaining should be shot.... better yet, put into an arena with two wild and complete grizzlies.... or one mother with her cubs.

1st October 2011, 08:06 PM
OK Magnes

Dive right in the box dude, I explained to you what I think about your post.
I didn't call you any of those names. Are you really that naive to tell us that
this is the modern world. Not that long ago they were doing it to humans
and Christians, and still are. Those are Gypsies, first thing I thought of.

Those bears were beaten down, threatened with more beatings if they fight, declawed, toothless and probably blind. The people who find that entertaining should be shot.... better yet, put into an arena with two wild and complete grizzlies.... or one mother with her cubs.

A + man, you just described in detail what Gypsies do, those fucks will main
their own children or kidnapped children and put them on street corners to beg.

1st October 2011, 08:12 PM
Are you really that naive to tell us that
this is the modern world. Not that long ago they were doing it to humans
and Christians, and still are. Those are Gypsies.

We need to know when was this video shot? If it was within the last 5-10 years, yeah, I'd say it was filmed in 'modern times'. You said yourself, your Grandfather did not live in modern times, yet would call those folks animals. I agree, but how did we get from your Grandfather's values to the assholes of today that take part in that brutality?

I'd say, things have gone down hill a bit.

1st October 2011, 08:16 PM
We need to know when was this video shot? If it was within the last 5-10 years, yeah, I'd saw it was filmed in 'modern times'. You said yourself, your Grandfather did not live in modern times, yet would call those folks animals. I agree, but how did we get from your Grandfather's values to the assholes of today that take part in that brutality?

I'd say, things have gone down hill a bit.

Dude, is there any help for you ? You sound like a leftist, do you know what the world is ?

The world does not share your values, people that believe what you believe going to
places like Africa, South America, Muslim countries, Pakistan, put themselves and others in danger.

You go ahead and talk about individual actions on here talking about honor,
they are tribal and they see us as the enemy.

They never did share your values and never will.

I ain't for saluting ZOG and bombing them, that is obvious on here. Close the borders.


1st October 2011, 08:20 PM
Dude, is there any help for you ? You sound like a leftist, do you know what the world is ?.

I know what the world is, and am still learning more about it each day. I am an idealist, by nature. I don't agree with a lot of the lack of values and brutality that go on today. We should have evolved, better, imo.

You've gone from disagreeing with me, to insulting me. I'll end this at that.

1st October 2011, 08:37 PM
White Child is Beaten and Has His Hand Broken and Stepped On in China (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52066-White-Child-is-Beaten-and-Has-His-Hand-Broken-and-Stepped-On-in-China)


Joe King
1st October 2011, 08:43 PM
White Child is Beaten and Has His Hand Broken and Stepped On in China (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52066-White-Child-is-Beaten-and-Has-His-Hand-Broken-and-Stepped-On-in-China)

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=06a_1311109590If he had done something wrong like stealing, instead of street justice, he should have been turned over to the police.

Here we go again :roll:

1st October 2011, 08:55 PM
To set the story straight, I really do hate all races for the most part these days, but I will always stick up for my MY PEOPLE, just like ALL the other races do. The biggest thing that pisses me off is the people that always call racism because they have NO ARGUMENT when their race tends to be the worse offends, i.e. jews, blacks, everyone else. :)

Jews are not a race despite their illusion and claim to the contrary - that is well documented. However it is not difficult to see how you equate them to being racial offenders given their cunning racial brinkmanship that almost earns them a place at the table to claim genealogical lineage. Other than this correction, your moniker of "worst offenders" is spot on.

As a racialist myself I often struggle with the absolute of it all. Clearly there are some good people out there that are not white. The problem is except for whites, all other races are encouraged to pride themselves on who they are with third party ideals. This divide and conquer tactic creates the schism that leads to our problems with diversity and benefiting the creators of the division. It all seems to lead back to the same origins throughout history.

As for the "no argument" side of the house - obviously other races don't need to defend themselves against their abuses and contamination when the government, the law, and the social scientists are all in their corner. Just like the welfare junkies, non-white races will always play the race card knowing fully well they don't need an argument with the system backing them up. Hence the arrogance of victim-hood played for their advantage over us.

Whites will always be a convenient target for other races that ride our coattails. The illusion of melting pot co-existence is for fools, and white European culture remains the greatest the world has ever seen. Which is exactly why Jews and their operatives are hell-bent on using other races to advance their treachery. But keep in mind the same people manipulating the landscape consider all races equally inferior. Whites just happen to command most of their interest because we pay better attention and have superior intellect and skills that, given the right circumstances, would see our overlords decapitated.

2nd October 2011, 03:43 AM
Im Bear hunting in two weeks,the meat is absolutely AMAZING! Im going Bow hunting for Deer in about an hour from this post, and Ive hunted birds and rabbits for the last three weeks.
This Bear baiting is ridiculous,but is part of Pakistani and others culture. Point is, do you want to be independent or should the entire world construe to your values? if you believe the latter,are you a globalist? Many of you here complaining about the bear also complain about the lack of liberty concerning pot and guns,and even drivers licenses.

These bears, although this is a cruel practice IMO, are someones property.

2nd October 2011, 06:17 AM
This Bear baiting is ridiculous,but is part of Pakistani and others culture. Point is, do you want to be independent or should the entire world construe to your values? if you believe the latter,are you a globalist? Many of you here complaining about the bear also complain about the lack of liberty concerning pot and guns,and even drivers licenses..

That's a good point, praetorian. Personally, I think the line is drawn with animal cruelty. The Pakistani's (I could be wrong), don't they also believe women are a man's property too? It doesn't make it OK to beat women the 'thumb rule' of the past, we've at least become more civilized than that. Say their culture was to chain women and have their women humilated and attacked by dogs?

I don't think anyone is saying we should invade and push our cultural values onto them, however, their actions do speak volumes about their character. Anyone who gets enjoyment from that type of entertainment is a sick fuck, imo.

2nd October 2011, 06:30 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqHb4zb5OS4We must define cruelty first.To some cultures ,animal cruelty would be putting a chicken in a chute then loping its head off,or the same chicken never seeing the light of day.In Germany, catch and release fishing is considered cruelty,In some states, putting a bullet in you own dog that has turned vicious is punishable.I find the practice of bear baiting repugnant myself, but again,Its legal and customary there.Its simply not my business.

Do we not watch boxing? or UFC type events?Football, is only so popular because of the "hits" involved, not the player's abiltity to move the ball 100 yds. Again, its their affair, should it be practiced here? No, it is not a part of western culture. Although, in some of the Southern States, Deer are hunted with dogs LEGALLY! I find that especially cruel, since a deer can only run.Shooting a deer with a bow or gun doesnt cause the extreme terror before the kill, It can be argued however, that is part of the "Culture".

2nd October 2011, 09:25 AM
[video=youtube;hqHb4zb5OS4]http:We must define cruelty first.

Do we not watch boxing? or UFC type events?Football, is only so popular because of the "hits" involved, not the player's abiltity to move the ball 100 yds. Again, its their affair, should it be practiced here? No, it is not a part of western culture. Although, in some of the Southern States, Deer are hunted with dogs LEGALLY! I find that especially cruel, since a deer can only run.Shooting a deer with a bow or gun doesnt cause the extreme terror before the kill, It can be argued however, that is part of the "Culture".

Are you comparing boxing or UFC to cruelty? The fighters are atheletes and nobody forces them to fight at the end of a chain.

We must define cruelty first, I think you are correct here; causing extreme terror.

2nd October 2011, 10:33 AM
Its a bloodsport either way, athlete is a relative term, some call bowlers athletes,I consider neither fighters or bowlers athletes.To me an athlete is someone who can run faster,is more agile ,and in better physical condition than the average person,Kimbo Slice and his ilk fits none of the above,they are simply better at beating their fellow man in a fight.

Any fighting sport is done for the pleasure of the mob, be it animals fighting or two men. why is the WWE so popular? It is indeed staged, but yet the mob gets to see blood (fake or not) a

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 10:38 AM
Its a bloodsport either way, athlete is a relative term, some call bowlers athletes,I consider neither fighters or bowlers athletes.To me an athlete is someone who can run faster,is more agile ,and in better physical condition than the average person,Kimbo Slice and his ilk fits none of the above,they are simply better at beating their fellow man in a fight.

Any fighting sport is done for the pleasure of the mob, be it animals fighting or two men. why is the WWE so popular? It is indeed staged, but yet the mob gets to see blood (fake or not)Well there ya go.
The line is drawn between the fake and the not when it comes to the bloodsports to which you are referring.

2nd October 2011, 10:50 AM
so the Pakistani's enjoy watching a bear-dog fight ... Michael Vicks enjoys dog-fighting ... Vietnamese enjoy cock-fighting ... the Japanese eat live monkey brains in expensive Tokyo restaurants. i'm not sure which race or nation takes the cake for animal cruelty.

but i know which demographic takes the 'Prize' for cruelty to humans.

if the worst case of animal or human cruelty we had to worry about was Pakistani bear-dog fighting, we'd live in a much better world.

2nd October 2011, 10:54 AM
haha, So you are comparing chaining animals up and making them fight and they have no chioice in the matter, to a guy who trains for years to be, Your quote" (is in better physical condition then the average person,) more agile, and stronger, and is not forced to fight unless he feels compelled to. What about Judo or karate, wrestling? These are not what you consider a sport you don't need to be more agile, in better condition or faster then your opponet?

By the way I wouldn't compare Kimbo Slice to real althetes like Randy Couture, or Matt Huges.

2nd October 2011, 10:59 AM
I dont know what your drivng at,. Human boxing or ufc is a bloodsport, it is not fake.Point is, any bloodsport, fake or real is for the pleasure of the mob.

2nd October 2011, 11:03 AM
haha, So you are comparing chaining animals up and making them fight and they have no chioice in the matter, to a guy who trains for years to be, Your quote" (is in better physical condition then the average person,) more agile, and stronger, and is not forced to fight unless he feels compelled to. What about Judo or karate, wrestling? These are not what you consider a sport you don't need to be more agile, in better condition or faster then your opponet?

By the way I wouldn't compare Kimbo Slice to real althetes like Randy Couture, or Matt Huges.

Not at all, As mentioned I do not approve of bear baiting, and stand that none of the above are athletes, as they simply train to defeat other men in combat,not out perform them athletically.

2nd October 2011, 11:04 AM
Its really pretty simple, Nobody is forcing Boxers or MMA fighters to fight (the mob isn't chaining them up making them fight), the animals don't have a choice when they are chained up and put in a situation where they must fight.

Thats all. There is a big difference.

2nd October 2011, 11:07 AM
Its really pretty simple, Nobody is forcing Boxers or MMA fighters to fight (the mob isn't chaining them up making them fight), the animals don't have a choice when they are chained up and put in a situation where they must fight.

Thats all. There is a big difference.

Never said that, I just said they arent athletes. i stand by that. I also stand by the dislike of bear baiting. To judge the entire population of Pakistan because of a bloodsport concerning bears as the OP did by making the thread title as such is what Im driving at.

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 11:13 AM
Never said that, I just said they arent athletes. i stand by that. I also stand by the dislike of bear baiting. To judge the entire population of Pakistan because of a bloodsport concerning bears as the OP did by making the thread title as such is what Im driving at.That I agree with. Just because some people in particular nations support and derive pleasure from activities as as portrayed in the OP, does not mean all of them do.

2nd October 2011, 11:16 AM
Then we agree on one point, not judging the entire population because of the bloodsport with bears,

and I will stand by my point that Boxers and MMA fighters are true athletes.

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 11:22 AM
IMO, any activity that includes the infliction of involuntary and un-necessary suffering on either man or beast, is immoral and should be condemned.

2nd October 2011, 11:27 AM
And Ill add too, that anyone that enjoys UFC or MMA events would surely watch and enjoy a deathmatch fight.It would not sicken them.

2nd October 2011, 11:29 AM
And Ill add too, that anyone that enjoys UFC or MMA events would surely watch and enjoy a deathmatch fight.It would not sicken them.

Well you would be dead wrong then.

2nd October 2011, 11:31 AM
Well you would be dead wrong then.

Dead wrong...was the pun intended? ;D

2nd October 2011, 11:46 AM
Sounds like Zap gots da hots for Randy... ;D


2nd October 2011, 11:47 AM
We must define cruelty first.

How about using some common sense first, instead of mixing issues.

There is nothing in that video dude, where's the action, where is the deer ?
Where are the cheering crowds ? In some places deers are pests like varmints, and
who uses dogs for deer, dogs don't stand a chance, nobody needs that many dogs either.
We train our dog to stay away from deer, always, we don't want him to end up at the North Pole.

I have never seen or heard of a deer being tortured, I have never heard
of country hillbilly hicks collecting cash to showcase their killer dogs
killing the deer for a crowd or attacking and torturing it, if they tried that
sort of shit at the local farmers market, they would get their faces smashed in fast.

You people are comparing apples and oranges and are insulting,
first it's " modern society " , now these comparisons to hunters and farmers.

I got lot's of bear stories too, the kind people won't believe, leave the bears alone.

2nd October 2011, 12:14 PM
LOL, Im not going to post a nasty video with deer being torn to pieces. I posted that so people can research deeper if they like. Just because YOU never heard of it doesnt make it untrue. go look it up for yourself, I provided the lead.since your not an American, Ill post a couple retorts.
1.People use dogs to hunt deer iin certain states. No the deer arent tied up.
2.Bears are also a pest in many places and need to be controlled. but not by using them in a bear baiting show.
3. Hillbillies (and others) here use dogs to fight each other and other animals in illegal matches.

other nasty shows are rooster fights, pit bull matches,pit bulls on defenseless older dogs of small breed,rottweilers,dobermans on smaller animals, the list goes on.

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 12:36 PM
LOL, Im not going to post a nasty video with deer being torn to pieces. I posted that so people can research deeper if they like. Just because YOU never heard of it doesnt make it untrue. go look it up for yourself, I provided the lead.since your not an American, Ill post a couple retorts.
1.People use dogs to hunt deer iin certain states. No the deer arent tied up.
2.Bears are also a pest in many places and need to be controlled. but not by using them in a bear baiting show.
3. Hillbillies (and others) here use dogs to fight each other and other animals in illegal matches.

other nasty shows are rooster fights, pit bull matches,pit bulls on defenseless older dogs of small breed,rottweilers,dobermans on smaller animals, the list goes on.
And everyone of the people {I use the term loosely here} who engage in those things are severely deficient in their thought processing power.

2nd October 2011, 01:24 PM
If there is to be a fair fight, don't beat one side down so that it has no chance to win. I will stand for the oppressed underdog or underbear- however that may be, when I see cruelty being exercised.

2nd October 2011, 02:04 PM
Never said that, I just said they arent athletes. i stand by that. I also stand by the dislike of bear baiting. To judge the entire population of Pakistan because of a bloodsport concerning bears as the OP did by making the thread title as such is what Im driving at.

that reminds me of the classic Peanuts cartoon


i think 'hating mankind' is a normal reaction when you see exceptional cruelty inflicted by humans on people or animals.

made me think of this


i couldn't bring myself to watch it.

2nd October 2011, 04:03 PM
That is from an old faces of death episode.,It looks like the monkey was dead before they eat it though, no matter how disgusting. They did kill it although ritualistically ,before eating it.