View Full Version : The Shetars Effect On English Law

3rd October 2011, 12:30 AM
I've been delving into the material from Creditors in Commerce. This deals with the core principles of creditors, debtors etc. This is a subset of information that can be found in the knowledge sharing of other groups of legal lay people some of whom are called freemen, redemptionists etc. So we are talking Winston Shrout, Ted Turner etc but not the patriot soveriegn stuff.


These guys are not involved in redemption or freemanship discussions. They are only interested in Commerce and how to deal with it.

They have a web site with some audio from seminars (http://www.creditorsincommerce.com/audio-workshops.php). I have been listening to the Boston material. File 1 is very poor audio. From File 2 the audio quality excellent.

OK. Am trying to give some perspective. They recommend people read the document "The Shetars Effect on the English Law" (http://www.pdfdetective.com/pdf/the-shetars-effect-on-english-law-588941.html). It is an interesting read as it deals with creditors, debtors and how the current laws came into being.

Now they claim it provides the "get out of jail" information to redeem land/property titles. It didn't jump out at me but it might do for someone else.

For me an interesting thing is something called "Usufruct". I mentioned this in another post I made here about Fee simple and Land ownership (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54294-Fee-Simple-and-Land-Ownership-Rights-Explained&p=460645&viewfull=1#post460645). The meaning of Usufruct is basically that someone holds property in trust for another party and the trustee (the holder) may use and or consume said property or portion of said property for the purposes of maintianing themselves. This might be for using as shelter or as a location to conduct business. It might be that the trustee is transporting or storing food. The trustee has the right to consume part of that food as is necessary to sustain themselves.

The catch is that the trustee needs to make the trust (property) whole for presentation to the rightful owner. This ties directly into the land tenure system. Perhaps a tenancy could be considered a usufruct arrangment? Propbably not the best example. Someone carting food and supplies for someone else is probably a better example where they consume some of the goods during the journey.

3rd October 2011, 04:28 AM
If you hold something for someone, yet you can use said thing for your own needs, but on demand you must deliver that something in a condition as complete as you originally received it.

For land, I can be entrusted with it and I can plant or graze upon it or do whatever other thing and I can reap the rewards for the purpose of sustaining myself BUT when it is demanded I must hand over the something along with anything produced from the thing that was surplus to the sustenance. In some cases even the sustenance must be returned. I think this is Usufruct and I think you can overlay that concept onto a lot of things in todays world even though the principle is ancient.

I would suggest that surplus to the sustenance is something commonly known as
"profit". finding a solid definition of profit is pretty difficult. A lot of definitions are circular like: Profit is the result of the carrying on of a profit making enterprise.

It defines nothing. anyway I think the links between Usufruct and the Shetar is there and it comes from way back then right into the here and now.

3rd October 2011, 07:06 AM
tag for later

3rd October 2011, 09:49 AM
can't help but wonder if 'shetar' is linguistically connected to the word 'shit'.

3rd October 2011, 12:06 PM
Interesting site to listen to. They also offer a "Mastery in Commerce" course over a 4-5 month period. Undoubtedly some truth can be uncovered in what they teach but truth frequently does not provide a shield from prison sentences. Brandon seems to have become wrapped up with some things that got him indicted


The Montana Freemen fiasco shows that you are mostly free to do anything you like until you start messing with the monetary system. I guess this would be under the theory (Animal Farm) that while all animals are equal some animals are more equal that others.

3rd October 2011, 12:36 PM
thanks palani. Interestinger and interestinger......You don't hear any of that in their material. I know at least one of the 3 people presenting during the Boston seminar is still doing this work. Seems something's a miss here then doesn't it?

It does say it's a suit and not an indictment. There is no mention of criminal proceedings. I though that was interesting. I wonder how it is progressing. I wonder if his techniques work in this case.

Apparently not: http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2010/September/10-tax-1093.html

WASHINGTON - A federal court in Los Angeles has permanently barred three Huntington Beach men from preparing federal tax returns for customers, the Justice Department announced today. The civil injunction order, entered by U.S. District Judge A. Howard Matz, states that Alexander H. Adams, who does business as Adams Beach Income Tax, and his sons, Brandon A. Adams and Garrett R. Adams, prepare federal income tax returns claiming massive fraudulent tax refunds based on fabricated income tax withholdings.

The court order also bars the Adamses from promoting tax fraud schemes, including the 1099-OID program or "commercial redemption" program. The court held that the Adamses "promote a tax fraud scheme designed to siphon massive fraudulent tax refunds from the U.S. Treasury." The court found that under their scheme, the Adamses prepare various false IRS forms, such as Form 1099-OID, to request fraudulent refunds based on phony claims of large income tax withholding. The court order states that the scheme is based in part on defendants’ absurd claim that secret accounts exist that can be accessed to pay these refund claims.

According to the court order, the Adamses prepared tax returns claiming huge false tax refunds, often exceeding $500,000. Two of the returns, including one for Garrett Adams, included fraudulent claims of $2.5 million. Other courts have enjoined return preparers for promoting the same type scheme.

The court order also requires the Adamses to provide a list of their customers to the United States and to notify their customers of the injunction.

3rd October 2011, 02:23 PM
Ahhh ... Injunction = Equity law

Probably getting into a copyright infringement ... only Treasury can inflict fraud upon people.

3rd October 2011, 02:40 PM
I wish I could remember the name of the fellow who had a radio program called "creditors in commerce"? There was some sort of scandal involved and he just disappeared... some thing about having about 3 different names.


Creditors in commerce, how we lost our sovereignty, how we became bonded slaves, reason for our Birth Certificate, Solutions, Remedy, Natural Law, Commercial Law, Common Law, Statutory Law, Political Law ... the five basic Laws that we live with & by .. info on solutions in commerce, merchant law, foreign situs trust, uniform commercial code, (ucc) habeas corpus, admiralty jurisdiction, US bankruptcy fund bond, corporate franchise, benefit privileges, acceptance or accepted for value. Law workshops & audio seminars with, Brandon Alexander Adams Gordon Hall Jack Smith

If you Became a Friend or Subscribed to this channel to receive Commercial Law Information, then this is for you & Only you.
These videos set out "The Inner Workings" of commerce & Commercial Law, explaining the reasons why we find ourselves within our present system, why we're no longer sovereign people, and what we can do to become again sovereign & benefit from Laws that are in place to "protect us"

This list of audio seminars will take many hours of listening, therefore, only those of us who really want to comprehend will wish to continue ..

Enjoy, learn & please spread the word.

How We lost our Sovereignty & how the American & Other Peoples became Bonded Slaves To The Bankers ...

24 Must Listen To Audio Seminars. More information and audio links on the Creditors In Commerce Website http://www.creditorsincommerce.com

These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. The ideas, concepts, processes and procedures discussed in these videos is not meant as legal advice.

We are requested to Listen to session 001's Legal Warning Preamble
before continuing further into these seminars ..

Session 001 .. Intro

Session 002 - Money & Original Issue (01/15/2009)
Session 003 - Strawmen as Trusts (01/22/2009)
Session 004 - Private & Public Records (01/29/2009)
Session 005 - Administrative Procedure (02/05/2009)
Session 006 - Principal & Interest (02/12/2009)
Session 007 - Banking Overview (02/19/2009)
Session 008 - Creditors Control (02/26/2009)
Session 009 - Quantum Language (03/05/2009)
Session 010 - Admiralty (03/12/2009)
Session 011 - Surety & Escrow (03/26/2009)
Session 012 - Faith, Spirit & Energy (04/02/2009)
Session 013 - Principles & Concepts (04/30/2009)
Session 014 - Creation of Money (05/07/2009)
Session 015 - Accepted For Value (05/14/2009)
Session 016 - Conditional Acceptance (05/21/2009)
Session 017 - Claim by Contract (05/28/2009)
Session 018 - The Way of the Creditor (06/04/2009)
Session 019 - Creditors Forum I (06/11/2009)
Session 020 - Title & Possession (06/18/2009)
Session 021 - Remedy Demand (07/02/2009)
Session 022 - Due Process (07/09/2009)
Session 023 - Commercial Liens (07/23/2009)
Session 024 - Paradigm Shift (07/30/2009)

Watch Videos at Creditors In Commerce


My Gratitude goes to Creditors in Commerce & http://www.youtube.com/justplay man for his help & assistance.

3rd October 2011, 05:53 PM
Thank you for the links.
B safe..

3rd October 2011, 06:43 PM
I remember now, his name or at least the name he was using was Sam Kennedy.

Dr Sam Kennedy Archives - UCC / Redemption / Dealing With The Judiciary And Private Corporations (Fictions)
Wed, 05/14/2008 - 22:06 — Arthur Cristian

Dr Sam Kennedy Archives
Power of the Notary - Trial by Notary - Collecting in Bankruptcy - BIC Enforcement - Intense BIC Presentation In Federal Court Case

*BIC = Beneficiaries-in-common

Dr. Sam Kennedy - The Save America Crusade

Government public policy

As to the inability of the corporate United States to recognize and to work with any entity other than another artificial corporate type structure can be found in the case which is known as S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane's Administraters 3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54

“In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality or substance is foreclosed from creating and obtaining parody with the tangible, the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency, aspect , court etc.. can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them.”

The various bankruptcies

The legally created fiction called the UNITED STATES is bankrupt and holds no lawful Constitutionally mandated silver or gold coin to back up or pay their debts. Privately held and federally held gold coins and bullion in America were seized by Executive Order of April 5, 1933 and paid to the creditor, the private Federal Reserve Bank Corporation (FRB) under the terms of bankruptcy.

Congress -- still meeting under Executive Order authority -- confirmed this bankruptcy through the Joint Resolution to Suspend The Gold Standard And Abrogate The Gold Clause, June 5, 1933 in H.J. Res. 192, 73rd Congress, 1st session, Public Law 73-10. Within this 1933 Public Law, it states in part:

“...every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy.”

In 1950, the corporate U.S. declared bankruptcy a second time, whereby the Secretary of Treasury was appointed as “Receiver” of the bankruptcy in Reorganization Plan No. 26, Title 5 USC 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, page 5967.

The only asset the UNITED STATES has, in order to pay their bankruptcy debt since 1933, is the people themselves. If the UNITED STATES openly declared this, the people would never allow their labors and futures to be collateral to this bankruptcy debt. Consequently, they legally pledge the future labor and tax revenues of Americans, by and through the ALL CAPS fictional legal persons they have created, as collateral for credit to pay daily operational costs and the ever increasing debt.

ALL CAPS legal person v. the lawful being

Just who is the full caps person, i.e. JOHN JAMES SMITH? He's the legal fiction the government created to take the place of the real being, i.e. John James Smith. The lawful name of birthright has been substituted by a legal fiction created by the government. If the lawful Christian name answers as the legal person, the two are recognized as being one and the same. However, if the lawful being refuses to accept the legal fiction, the two are separated. Therein lies the simple solution: Refusal by the lawful person to accept or answer for the legal person.

How did this happen? A result of the federal government bankruptcies was their creation of a legal fiction known as THE UNITED STATES as a part of their legal reorganization. Each STATE was also converted to their respective fictional legal person, i.e. THE STATE OF IDAHO. Legal fictions can create further legal fictions, such as corporations or any other fictional person easily identified by being written with ALL CAPS.

All areas of government, including the purported courts of law, are currently authorized by, and operating as, legally created fictions. For example, the FIRST DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO or the U.S. DISTRICT COURT can only recognize other legal persons. This is why your lawful name is never entered in their records. It has been substituted with the legal person written with full caps. Jurisdiction in such legal fiction courts is only with other legal fictions. The only jurisdiction a lawful being can enter into is a lawful constitutional court.

(Note: While it does seem to be true the legal fiction governments and their legal fiction courts have no lawful jurisdiction over natural persons, they gladly use police power to arrest, assault and imprison natural persons until they acquiesce to their fictional authority. Justice, therefore, has nothing to do with what is right and wrong under the law, it is dominance and submission; one must either bow to the will of the state or be subject to its wrath).

The “catch 22” is that lawful courts no longer exist. Only “legal” courts are available to Americans.

ALL CAPs intent revealed

The purpose and reason for the government use of proper names written in ALL CAPS is now revealed. The only way to counter this is for lawful Americans to stop accepting the use of the substituted legal fiction the STATE has given them. Most documents now issued by government addresses the person written in ALL CAPS. Lawful Americans must insist that they are not that legal fiction and refuse to accept it. By joining together and doing so from the local level, each community will begin to upset the legal order. Lawful Americans must begin to demand lawful government and lawful courts. The legal fictions can only come to an end when the people refuse to use or recognize them.

The only way to restore lawful government in America is for the people to refuse the privileges of the legal government now unlawfully in place. We've all been duped. The use of full caps to write a proper name is absolutely no mistake.


A marriage made in heaven: the BIC method of setoff, payment, transfer of liability, and enforcement, and the use of tax forms to recover all funds due the source as previously published in major patriot journals. It is my belief that the joining of these two breakthroughs is momentous; marking the beginning of the final chapter in the status quo.

All indicators suggest that by exposing in 2007 and the coming year the transparency of the judiciary AND adopting as our remedy the “evil” tax system we spent years vilifying, these two commercial remedies comprise a paradigm of consciousness and reality, a reservoir of change not witnessed since the New Deal swept across the Land like a plague in 33. So while the fiction tosses scraps from its table to ensure it’s subjects’ obsession with the ongoing election method of preserving the status quo, the real thrust for truth and improvement will be unfolding before their very eyes – and you will be at the core of the harvest.

It is my intention that listeners to the broadcast will emerge bearing a visceral consciousness transcendent to the mere intellectual understanding in which they may have been mired for years; an explosive intrinsic reality steeped in the marrow; LIVING rather than seeking their sovereign destiny, boundless remedy, and unlimited abundance as they access our own credit and reap the fruits of their own labor.


With Dr. Sam Kennedy

Dr. Sam Kennedy, author of the Instant Criminal Complaint, is known around the world for his creative court-stopping solutions to personal tragedy. Having taught thousands of men and women to settle their cases honorably, pay the bill, and use proof of claim, Sam reveals the intricacies of cutting-edge law merchant remedies in "Take No Prisoners" every Sunday night at 8 PM CST. Whether you are warehoused as a political prisoner or on the fast track to a debtors nightmare, or simply want to know more about converting liability to 3rd party defendants using the Beneficiaries-in-Common payment method, Sam may have the tonic for what is ailing you. A semi-retired doctor who treats pain disorders, Sam served as a journalist and professional writer for many years. Especially if you are in the battle of your life, tune in "Take No Prisoners" every Sunday night.



Dr Sam Kennedy Audio Archives

2007 Audio Archives:

2008 Audio Archives:

Try Also


Index of Main Audio Files For Dr Sam Kennedy:



Parent Directory 06-May-2008 00:34 -

2007/ 02-Jan-2008 02:56 -

2008/ 04-May-2008 23:28 -

Manual_Of_Freedom.doc 30-Jan-2008 04:25 60k


Index of Main Transcripts For Dr Sam Kennedy: http://www.commonlawvenue.net/main/Transcripts/Sam%20Kennedy/


Parent Directory 15-Feb-2008 01:55 -

-=== Get Sams CD'z ===-.txt 07-Sep-2007 01:30 0k

-Attorney attacks notary.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:01 36k

-Attorney-coverletter to CC.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:02 39k

-BIC_Process.doc 07-Nov-2007 23:13 115k

-Chap 13 Strategy Manual w Links.doc 16-Sep-2007 14:33 303k

-Chap 5. Handling Judicial Resistance.doc 16-Sep-2007 14:42 162k

-Chap 7 US Court Notes.doc 16-Sep-2007 14:30 303k

-Chap 7. Sam's Top Ten List of Constitutional Rebukes1.doc 16-Sep-2007 14:41 100k

-Comprehensive Show Cause-ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.doc 08-Sep-2007 23:55 185k

-Comprehensive_Show_Cause.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:12 117k

-Enforcement Strategies 90207.doc 07-Sep-2007 23:01 62k

-Hellfire_Strategies.rtf 30-Aug-2007 01:13 616k

-IB_OB_PN_Explained.doc 30-Aug-2007 00:41 43k

-Instant Criminal Complaint-ICC.doc 16-Sep-2007 14:37 54k

-NotaryProcess.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:10 112k

-OPTNL Not of Resciss of Appear Bond-SPN.doc 28-Jan-2008 02:02 143k

-Option3-Strict_Preliquidation_Public_Policy_Admin.rtf 30-Aug-2007 01:14 195k

-Pauper's Affidavit.doc 08-Sep-2007 23:54 41k

-Rebuff Package-ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:09 213k

-Rebuff_Package.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:12 213k

-Request To File Evidence-Records.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:02 24k

-Response to Request for Fees JHD.doc 08-Sep-2007 23:55 33k

-SK-IB-OB-BPN explained.rtf 08-Sep-2007 23:54 29k

-Show Cause-ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:09 117k

-Your threat to notary public.doc 30-Aug-2007 01:01 25k

2007/ 29-Apr-2008 18:12 -

2008/ 06-May-2008 00:04 -

Manual_Of_Freedom.doc 30-Jan-2008 04:23 60k





Sam promises he will visit periodically.








State-of-the-art enforcement strategies for administrative and judicial cases. If you need an IMMEDIATE remedy, I am pleased to announce the availability of a long list of tangible weekend procedures to delay or abort nasty situations, move offensively, and collect on liabilities, assembled on the COLLECTING IN BANKRUPTCY CONFERENCE CD which is now available from Brian at TakeNoPrisoners@hush.com

Please send an email with the subject line CIB CD for ordering instructions. The bankruptcy seminar is specifically for folks who are facing foreclosure, eviction and collecting procedures, or who wish to collect on commercial liens or explore a vast panorama of strategic thinking to be expanded and applied at their leisure and DISCRETION. As far as I know, it is the only step-by-step roadmap to the creative art of transforming a bankruptcy proceeding into Disneyland. I believe it was my most effective seminar in dispensing CONCRETE STEPWISE ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION of genuine
benefit to attendees.


Dr Sam Kennedy Covers subjects like


- Applying BIC to an ongoing GRAND JURY harassment investigation

- The specifics of using BIC for PRISON EXTRACTION

Concentrating on new technology including the revised BIC instruments, linking to existing BC bonds, application of the commercial lien process, three day Stage 1 and Stage 2 liquidation, enforcing with bankruptcy, Trial by Notary, and plaintiff lawsuits in admiralty, holding your own lien sale of THE BANK'S PROPERTY, and legal and lawful enforcement of converted liability using 1099s.
~more at link~