View Full Version : Readings guidance please

3rd October 2011, 06:16 AM

I asked advice on choosing a bible. It was probably on an earlier forum. I have a new international. When I was a youngster my Grandmother gave me a pocket Old Testament. It is a work of art. Very small. Pocket sized. She was very devout.

When I was looking for a bible I spoke with my Aunt, on my GM's side. I wanted advice on a bible because I felt I needed to be very confident in it. I wanted to find something that was perhaps truer to the original form. It's a big ask I know.

My Grandmother has an old bible that she cherished. It's an American one. My Aunt offered this Bible to me. 48 hours later the 1st quakes hit Christchurch, NZ. It took a while to be in communication again but my Aunt managed it. She was sharing her house with a few other people who's houses were destroyed or uninhabitable. Power was unreliable. No running water, telephones etc.

A couple days after this there were the second quakes. My Aunt and her friends had to move to some kind of camp or something and I didn't hear from her again.

She passed away Friday before last. Apparently she broke her leg and it was not nitting properly so they wanted to rebreak it and reset it. She didn't wake up. Today was the service in NZ. Her brothers went there and my uncle will bring her ashes home.

I asked my Dad to keep the bible in mind when dealing with her possesions. He told me he would send it back with his brother if he finds it. I'd like to read something from my Grandmothers bible at the memorial but I don't know where to start.

Any suggestions?

I'm obviously going to do a bit of reading myself. usually these things work where you just open it up and what you need is right there. In my experience anyways. Perhaps I just got what I need.

3rd October 2011, 09:58 AM
Condolences on your Grandmother's passing.

I like to scan the concordance at the end of the Bible if I get stuck.

3rd October 2011, 10:39 AM
My condolences, Glass.

21st November 2011, 10:45 AM
The King James bible is the only way to fly imo.
