View Full Version : A nickel is worth less than, well, 5 cents!

3rd October 2011, 04:50 PM
The nickel has just dropped in value to a bit less than 5 cents (03OCT2011).

4.87 cents


A pre-1982 penny is still worth 2 cents:

2.04 cents


3rd October 2011, 04:52 PM
So everyone that bought at 6-7 cents are now down 20-40% in melt value terms. It can be nice to have denominated metal coins.

3rd October 2011, 06:09 PM
So everyone that bought at 6-7 cents are now down 20-40% in melt value terms. It can be nice to have denominated metal coins.

True, but they were bought at 5 cents, and are still worth 5 cents, so no loss. If you used the nickels to buy palladium, you would be in good shape!

I have bought a couple of bunches of nickels, and automatically sort them out, and see no long term reason to stop.

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 06:13 PM
True, but they were bought at 5 cents, and are still worth 5 cents, so no loss. If you used the nickels to buy palladium, you would be in good shape!

I have bought a couple of bunches of nickels, and automatically sort them out, and see no long term reason to stop.What do you sort them for? Dates? I just throw all the ones I get in a big jar. Sometimes I even ask for my change back in nickels to get more. They add up fairly quick.

3rd October 2011, 06:25 PM
TPTB... "More for us... None for you..." Bwahahahaha!

3rd October 2011, 06:26 PM
What do you sort them for? Dates? I just throw all the ones I get in a big jar. Sometimes I even ask for my change back in nickels to get more. They add up fairly quick.

I do the same. Nickels are nickels (unless you get real lucky and find a buffalo). I also try and buy Canadian .999 nickel nickels, but they are hard to get these days (I have one roll).

3rd October 2011, 08:15 PM
What do you sort them for? Dates? I just throw all the ones I get in a big jar. Sometimes I even ask for my change back in nickels to get more. They add up fairly quick.

I always sort my nickels too, yes searching for dates. Silver war nickels are the ones from 1942-45 and have a huge mint mark on the reverse:


They are worth $1.73 in silver content right now.

Then there's the 1955-D Jefferson nickel which in mint state shape is worth $75.

Also, there's the occasional Buffalo Nickel as well, but those are hard to come by in circulation, harder than the silver nickels!

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 08:37 PM
How many have you actually found? I haven't gotten a war nickel in change {that I've noticed} since I was a kid. Although I'm sure there are some still out there. Maybe I just notice the dimes quarters and halves more often due to the obvious edges.

3rd October 2011, 08:43 PM
How many have you actually found? I haven't gotten a war nickel in change {that I've noticed} since I was a kid. Although I'm sure there are some still out there. Maybe I just notice the dimes quarters and halves more often due to the obvious edges.

Here's my confession: I started buying boxes of nickels just to store, but the numismatist in me couldn't keep them sealed, so I opened them all and sorted them. I averaged about two silver war nickels per 3 boxes of nickels. So yes, they're hard to come by, but there are few people who know a silver silver coin when they see it, even fewer who recognize a silver nickel. Keep your eyes open and you'll find them.

4th October 2011, 01:44 AM
Here's my confession: I started buying boxes of nickels just to store, but the numismatist in me couldn't keep them sealed, so I opened them all and sorted them. I averaged about two silver war nickels per 3 boxes of nickels. So yes, they're hard to come by, but there are few people who know a silver silver coin when they see it, even fewer who recognize a silver nickel. Keep your eyes open and you'll find them.

So you came out of the closet! You silver collector you! ;D