View Full Version : Why the New Security Zone along the Canadian Border?

4th October 2011, 07:54 PM
Written by Michael Collins
Daily Journal (Opinion), Politics, World News
Oct 2, 2011

By Michael Collins

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) just issued an environmental report on its enhanced security plan to cover an area extending from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the northern border of the United States to 100 miles south of the border. While there are few specifics on the new security measures, the environmental report offers enough to see how we will be protected against threats to national security coming from Canada. The Department of Homeland security will enhance efforts and technologies to reduce the danger from “known terrorist affiliates and extremist groups [that] have an undisputed presence along the Northern Border in both the United States and Canada.” Northern Border Security Programs, p. 1-3, September 2011 (Northern Border) (Image: thelastminute)

In 2006 the American Civil Liberties Union exposed the expansion of border control activities to within 100 miles of any point on the U.S. border. ACLU labeled this area the Constitution Free Zone. Search and seizure options at border checkpoints are not constrained by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S Constitution, which protects against unreasonable search and seizure. Now, thanks to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), just because they’re within 100 miles of the nearest border nearly 200 million citizens are subject to searching and procedures that previously were used exclusively at border checkpoints.

What do they have in store for citizens on the northern border?

Some highlights of the program include: checkpoints far from the border (but within the 100-mile limit); increased patrol activity; remote video surveillance system systems; upgraded surveillance and telecommunications systems; high-powered X-ray machines of various kinds; and fencing or vehicle barriers at selected points along the border.

The new and improved “High-Energy X-Ray Imaging Scanners” (Northern Border, p. 2-12) expand national security radiation exposure from airline passengers to the much broader audience of drivers and their families, for example, who choose to visit and return from Canada, as well as those who choose to visit the United States from Canada, and anyone unlucky enough to drive into a checkpoint in the Constitution Free Zone.

Buried within the report was this findings, DHS asserts that even though “exposure to high levels of radiation would increase a person’s probability of developing cancer and hereditary genetic damage,” (Northern Border, 8-13-10, p. 201), the impacts of this program will be “negligible.” One wonders if their analysis has considered the kids sitting in the back seat of the car, protected by nothing more than that back seat and their clothing, while a CBP agents X-rays the car’s trunk with a mobile device. It’s hard to feel warm and fuzzy about impacts being negligible when you can’t see any analysis to support that assertion.

With the expanded territory and array of new technologies, one can argue that the security measures represent a militarization of the Canadian border. The following illustration from the environmental report makes that point:

Northern Report, 1-6

The possibilities for a one-sided encounter with those who claim to protect us are endless. You may be driving to visit a friend in a car once owned by someone one on the Automated Targeting System (ATS), “a security and tracking program for cargo that DHS has extended to travelers by assigning all who cross the nation’s borders with a computer-generated risk assessment score that will be retained for 40 years — and which is secret and unreviewable.” A Homeland Security drone spots you and relays the message to the Customs and Border Protection command center. That alert sends a message to the “mobile data terminal” in a Border Patrol “agent vehicle” and it’s game on. You’re pulled over. Good luck explaining why you’re in a “dirty car.”

O Canada!

“CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) is the largest law enforcement component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It has a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the United States.” Introduction, p. 4

An enhanced security zone along the longest peaceful border in the world should raise suspicion. As Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out, there have been no successful terrorist attacks on the United States since 9/11, at least none conducted by foreign governments (arguably, the response to Hurricane Katrina can be seen as a de facto terror attack on the people of New Orleans). There were two cross-border threats intercepted in December, 1999 through the efforts of Customs and Border Protection agents and others at the Canadian border in Vermont and Washington state. But that was with the systems and technologies of that time.

Has Canada suddenly become a hotbed of virulent anti-American activity? Are the Mounties and other law enforcement agencies in Canada turning a blind eye to known threats? Are we expected to believe that the nation that turned down a featured role in the coalition of the willing has suddenly become lax on enforcing international law?

Keeping them out or us in? (Or is it all about the money?)

Is there another motive behind the seeming militarization of the Canadian border

My choice for primary motive is enhanced revenue opportunities for the defense and national security industries. The U.S.-Canada border is over 4,000 miles long. The opportunities of a 100-mile ribbon along that border are expanded by all those people living there, approximately 50 million. This could be a huge payday. After all, Iraq and Afghanistan must end at some point. What better project to take up the slack for defense industry taxpayer subsidies than a massive border build up in areas that provide safe working conditions?

Look how quickly the government deployed full body scanners in airports across the country after the underpants bomber affair. Even though highly reliable witnesses saw that bomber bypass a security check at his point of departure, Amsterdam, the administration and security experts acted like a scanner would have somehow prevented events that had nothing to do with any type of security check.

The absurdity of government policies on war, defense spending, and the economy, and the elimination of more and more constitutional and other protections, opens the door for more sinister interpretations. There will be speculation that just maybe, the financial elite who run things see a total collapse of the economy. They should know, they created it. Or maybe they see a total loss of rights and an end to the pretense of freedom. Instead of letting all those consumers (aka citizens) cross the border in search of a reasonable life, they may just want to keep us around for the next big holiday shopping spree.

The border security program as prison bars for citizens is far-fetched but, arguably, it is no more far-fetched than a plan to beef up the border with a friendly, cooperative neighbor.

We live in a time of great decline. The cause of that decline is the ownership of virtually all of the tools of political control by those whose sole motive is to make more money than the huge sums they’ve already accumulated. For positive change to become an alternative, those who have failed so miserably need to be sent packing, replaced by true servants of the people.


4th October 2011, 08:44 PM
Eventually the hunters will become the hunted when they piss off the wrong people.

4th October 2011, 08:59 PM
Canada should build a fence to keep out Mexicans, NeoCons, Leftists,
Israeli citizens, heck keep all the Jews out, everyone connected to 9/11,
other high crimes, Canada should feel threatened by what the co opted
USA is doing, they got lots of oil and other good stuff for the taking.

Why the hell is Canada going along with all the madness ?

Canada should offer total asylum to all whistle blowers and political dissidents.
And support them and help get their story out.

Build the fence Canada, keep the criminals out, and become protector of truth.

5th October 2011, 06:10 AM
Build the fence Canada, keep the criminals out, and become protector of truth.

perhaps you're not aware that Stephen " i suck israeli cock " Harper is PM of Canada ?

5th October 2011, 07:04 AM

As TSA screening rolls into everyone's pants, does this mean Canadian Federal sexual assaulting for all may also be in the game?


A common set of customs requirements is being viewed as a big step forward...

Canada will have to make potentially expensive investments in screening and security technologies to keep pace with the Americans.

5th October 2011, 07:32 AM
It's because Americans are now the Canadian's Mexicans.

5th October 2011, 07:53 AM
It's because Americans are now the Canadian's Mexicans.

That's pretty damn succinct.

5th October 2011, 12:56 PM
perhaps you're not aware that Stephen " i suck israeli cock " Harper is PM of Canada ?

He may be PM but this guy is commander in chief.

The proprietor here is Jewish, an excellent blog, more radical than we are.
The Protocols are on there, 9/11, all sorts of crazy books, William Cooper and the ADL,
some of my favorite topics. This article sums up what you are saying good.
I am a big fan of Levant too, even though he is pro Israel.
He's been very effective.
Ezra Levant (http://ezralevant.com/)

These are Jews talking. :o

"As my own anti-Zionist Jewish mother-in-law (God bless her soul) use to say, “Enough already!” Enough of this endless stinking shit the Jew-controlled media calls “news” and “public opinion” and “parliamentary committees” and “anti-Semitism.” These wankers of pseudo-wisdom and “democracy” and “freedom” need to be exposed for what they really are: TRAITORS AND LIARS AND WAR CRIMINALS FOR THE RACIST, APARTHEID, SUPREMACIST, ZIONIST-JEW, FALSE STATE KNOWN AS ISRAEL."

5th October 2011, 12:58 PM
to keep whitey from sneaking over the border.

5th October 2011, 01:15 PM
to keep whitey from sneaking over the border.

To make travel difficult for everyone everywhere, NAU and their highway was
about this too. Training and propaganda purposes, conditioning people to live in
a surveillance society, making it easier to go after leaders if they have to.

It's surreal talking about this but they are doing it for real and people are feeling it.

Have a look at what Keehah posted, that's probably the quietest border region on the planet.
What a freaking joke. It's all white farmers both sides of the border.

5th October 2011, 01:18 PM
Gotta prevent white flight... You know whites are the only ones paying taxes these days...

mick silver
5th October 2011, 01:36 PM
when they build a jail it to keep people in it . well what do you think were in ... i one time i posted lock down was not to far off guest what people it HERE

5th October 2011, 04:30 PM
Reminds me of this.


5th October 2011, 04:53 PM
Cancer first attaches to the cell wall then spreads internally.

5th October 2011, 07:38 PM
To make travel difficult for everyone everywhere, NAU and their highway was
about this too. Training and propaganda purposes, conditioning people to live in
a surveillance society, making it easier to go after leaders if they have to.

It's surreal talking about this but they are doing it for real and people are feeling it.

Have a look at what Keehah posted, that's probably the quietest border region on the planet.
What a freaking joke. It's all white farmers both sides of the border.

...absolutely right, Magnes. if memory serves, this also plays into the Security & Prosperity Partnership as well.

all of this has been quietly ongoing for sometime now, but with everything else going on in the world, Fukishima, and others, we have shifted our attention away from these issues. i bet if one looked at the latest free trade agreement, there would be some indicators as to their intended path of progression...

damn, now i've gone and given myself MORE research! lol

5th October 2011, 08:02 PM
As a Canuck I would absolutely put that fence up to keep out a lot of American city raised libtards that want to show up an mooch off our system when things go boom and then take it over. No thanks..All honest yanks that want to work for a living welcome, wish we had more of you up where I work. We have a screaming shortage of capable willing to work hard and use their heads guys. Even idiots don't get fired, just moved to another job. No shit folks..I hear that our fucked up gov'ts may be trying to fix that, get more people up here that know how to work. As in you southern boys. Gotta be able to handle some brutal winters tho..

Joe King
5th October 2011, 08:48 PM
Gotta be able to handle some brutal winters tho..

Apparently so.


5th October 2011, 08:57 PM
As a Canuck I would absolutely put that fence up to keep out a lot of American city raised libtards that want to show up an mooch off our system when things go boom and then take it over. No thanks..All honest yanks that want to work for a living welcome, wish we had more of you up where I work. We have a screaming shortage of capable willing to work hard and use their heads guys. Even idiots don't get fired, just moved to another job. No shit folks..I hear that our fucked up gov'ts may be trying to fix that, get more people up here that know how to work. As in you southern boys. Gotta be able to handle some brutal winters tho..

Really?? Wow, I was under the impression Canada was being invaded by a lot of 3rd worlders. Sening back boats of refugees, et al. I didn't realize the left coast (USA) was inflitrating there too.

You have my sympathies.

Your neighbor to the immediate south,

MN (as in Minnesota, USA) eagle

5th October 2011, 09:48 PM
Apparently so.


at least its not going to be hot pretty much everywhere...


5th October 2011, 09:51 PM
Apparently so.
LOL That video is blocked in Canada.


All was fortold. ;)
The [New] Saskatchewan Pirate by the Arrogant Worms


Joe King
5th October 2011, 10:02 PM
LOL That video is blocked in Canada.

How about this one?


5th October 2011, 10:20 PM
...absolutely right, Magnes. if memory serves, this also plays into the Security & Prosperity Partnership as well.

all of this has been quietly ongoing for sometime now, but with everything else going on in the world, Fukishima, and others, we have shifted our attention away from these issues. i bet if one looked at the latest free trade agreement, there would be some indicators as to their intended path of progression...

damn, now i've gone and given myself MORE research! lol

I don't know if you ever watched Lou Dobbs, he totally destroyed them on the NAU,
outing the CFR even, he went after almost all major policies of CFR, border control
or non control is a big part of this, basically there is no border with Mexico, SPP is
what is left over from the NAU, they are doing it in pieces, standardizing regulations,
this ain't good for anyone, the Trans Texas Corridor was the beginning of the superhighway
that would of broken the USA up into major security zones, it would be militarized,
Texans fought against this, they outed CINTRA, the King of Spains company that would of
owned it expropriating millions of acres of farmland.

They shot up Lou's home and made him go away.
I dumped CNN after that and my cable bill totally.

6th October 2011, 06:48 AM
Reminds me of this.


Wait til they put a hundred mile zone around the international airports too...

Joe King
6th October 2011, 09:12 PM
Why the New Security Zone along the Canadian Border?
I'd say it's pretty obvious as to why. They know that trouble is brewing. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54693-anyone-interested-in-a-Canadian-quot-DOOOOOM-IN-THE-WOOOODS!!-quot-weekend)

7th October 2011, 12:39 PM
Wired: Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet (http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/10/virus-hits-drone-fleet/)
Oct 7, 2011

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones.

The virus, first detected nearly two weeks ago by the military’s Host-Based Security System, has not prevented pilots at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada from flying their missions overseas. Nor have there been any confirmed incidents of classified information being lost or sent to an outside source. But the virus has resisted multiple efforts to remove it from Creech’s computers, network security specialists say. And the infection underscores the ongoing security risks in what has become the U.S. military’s most important weapons system.