View Full Version : Court of Appeals Rules Semi-Autos Rifles & Many Magazines Illegal

6th October 2011, 08:43 AM
Salem, Oregon --(Ammoland.com (http://www.ammoland.com/2011/10/05/))- The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has ruled that semi-automatic firearms and “large capacity” magazines may be banned.

In their ruling, the Court makes this bizarre assertion in reference to common semi-automatic rifles:
“Nevertheless, based upon the record as it stands, we cannot be certain whether these weapons are commonly used or are useful specifically for self-defense or hunting and therefore whether the prohibitions of certain semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than ten rounds meaningfully affect the right to keep and bear arms.”
The ruling is not a very big surprise in light what the Courts concluded in “Heller” but are a serious blow to gun rights non the less.

Given the clear language of the Second Amendment, and the finding in the Miller case, (US VS MILLER http://tinyurl.com/3cmsoa4 ) which concluded that only military weapons are protected, this is a strange and dangerous decision. But perhaps no stranger than others.

You can read the Court’s ruling here: http://tinyurl.com/18r


The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org (http://www.oregonfirearms.org)


big country
6th October 2011, 09:07 AM
without getting into the whole "federal territory us citizen" debate, does this ruling only apply in DC? Similar to DC's old handgun ban?

6th October 2011, 09:54 AM
Why the heck is the DC Court of Appeals in Oregon??

6th October 2011, 10:04 AM
Why the heck is the DC Court of Appeals in Oregon??In truth , it beats the heck out of me! Just posting what I found. Feel anything that relates to any type of ban or restriction, needs to be noted.

6th October 2011, 12:18 PM
These "judges", I'm pretty sure it's their own Ass-ets their worried about.

Read this article Mr Dogman, I think you will get a kick out of it.


6th October 2011, 05:43 PM
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:59jVKdjraGQJ:www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/DECA496973477C748525791F004D84F9/%24file/10-7036-1333156.pdf+Nevertheless,+based+upon+the+record+as +it+stands,+we+cannot+be+certain+whether+these+wea pons+are+commonly+used+or&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

GINSBURG, Circuit Judge: In June 2008 the Supreme
Court held the District of Columbia laws restricting the
possession of firearms in one’s home violated the Second
Amendment right of individuals to keep and bear arms. See
District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570. In the wake of
that decision, the District adopted the Firearms Registration
Amendment Act of 2008 (FRA), D.C. Law 17-372, which
amended the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, D.C.
Law 1-85. The plaintiffs in the present case challenge, both
facially and as applied to them, the provisions of the District’s
gun laws, new and old, requiring the registration of firearms
and prohibiting both the registration of “assault weapons” and
the possession of magazines with a capacity of more than ten
rounds of ammunition. The plaintiffs argue those provisions
(1) are not within the District’s congressionally delegated
legislative authority or, if they are, then they (2) violate the
Second Amendment.
The district court granted summary judgment for the
District and the plaintiffs appealed. We hold the District had
the authority under D.C. law to promulgate the challenged
gun laws, and we uphold as constitutional the prohibitions of
assault weapons and of large-capacity magazines and some of
the registration requirements. We remand the other
registration requirements to the district court for further
proceedings because the record is insufficient to inform our
resolution of the important constitutional issues presented

Joe King
6th October 2011, 09:03 PM
Why the heck is the DC Court of Appeals in Oregon??Isn't it becoming obvious that what some of us are trying to point out, is actually true?

midnight rambler
8th October 2011, 08:34 AM
without getting into the whole "federal territory us citizen" debate

It's very naive to think that it's about anything else. DC is foreign to state citizens, several courts have ruled this way.