View Full Version : Refund California Visits Wells Fargo CFO's Home

6th October 2011, 10:12 AM
Uploaded by ACCECalifornia on Oct 5, 2011

Refund California Protests Outside Wells Fargo CFO's San Marino Home (PHOTOS)
About a hundred people from the group Refund California Coalition protested with chants, signs and horns outside the San Marino home of Wells Fargo CFO Tim Sloan Wednesday, demanding that banks pay for the financial crisis.

6th October 2011, 01:23 PM
I'm calling setup. Too many logistics to organize, transport, and initiate not to have the cooperation of officials. Instead we get a lawn full of people obviously trespassing on private property and the cops basically did nothing until the end of the event when they provided traffic control and pretended to ask protesters to move their bus off the street. Look at the photos - it could easily have been a mob of SEIU people rented out for the occasion. Hopefully someone will bring out the facts on this, but I for one am not buying it. Not for one minute.

6th October 2011, 01:50 PM
I'm calling setup. Too many logistics to organize, transport, and initiate not to have the cooperation of officials. Instead we get a lawn full of people obviously trespassing on private property and the cops basically did nothing until the end of the event when they provided traffic control and pretended to ask protesters to move their bus off the street. Look at the photos - it could easily have been a mob of SEIU people rented out for the occasion. Hopefully someone will bring out the facts on this, but I for one am not buying it. Not for one minute.

Didn't that happen earlier in the year? A banker up in the N.E. had his house surrounded and he had to get in because his kids were there. It was all SEIU goons and the cops let it happen.