View Full Version : Banks cover Shorts, wipe out paper... physical price to rise...

6th October 2011, 10:17 AM
Silver Shorts Cover Nearly Half Their Position In One Week

We Knew This Was Coming...

As we anticipated earlier this year, commercial shorts including JPM are finally within grasping reach of covering their positions and transitioning to net long. For more than a decade, the large commercial trading banks have been trapped with an enormous short position in silver as the price has risen from its lows near $3 to its May high of nearly $50. Most analysts expected the commercial shorts to be broken in a short squeeze, likely launching silver above $100. However, this short squeeze will not occur.

In September 2010 these traders began to aggressively cover their short positions. Since then, commercial net short positions in silver have been reduced from over 65,000 contracts to 24,262 as of September 27, 2011 - and falling from 40,708 just one week earlier.

The large September take down from the $40 price level to the $30 price level has completely wiped out the small leveraged speculators, which saw their net long positions crash from 18,170 the previous week to 8,837. Meanwhile, open interest is threatening to break below the 100,000 level - indicating that speculative money has abandoned silver and sentiment is extremely low amongst investors. The combinational one-two punch of the May takedown and September takedown served to transition contracts from speculators to the commercial shorts at a much lower average price than most analysts ever expected.

The bullish trend line in silver that began in 2009 remains intact. However commercial shorts are now within a few weeks of trading their way out of an impossibly large short position to go net long. We expect the remaining positions to be covered within the $26 to $32 price range under the guise of bearish speculator sentiment.

This is extremely bullish for silver's long term trend, as the commercial banks will capture more profits from the bull market in precious metals than any other trading group. Once the commercial banks have a net long position their financial incentive will reverse from using takedowns to take-ups. This will likely coincide with the next round of monetary intervention by the Federal Reserve and the beginning of the third phase in the silver bull market - in which waves of retail investors push silver to its destined triple digit price level.


6th October 2011, 10:21 AM

If the shorts break silver goes to da moon.

If the shorts cover silver goes to da moon.

The shorts appear to be covering.

6th October 2011, 11:08 AM

If the shorts break silver goes to da moon.

If the shorts cover silver goes to da moon.

The shorts appear to be covering.

It would be interesting if the banks went long, however I am sceptical of that happening, who would take the short position? They could very well start increasing their short positions once the longs have licked their wounds and gets into the game again. Chances are though that small speculators will prefer to buy physical instead of bullshit paper. The banks may even be able to press the paperprice down to $20, but I doubt that physical will go below $28 if that was the case...

7th October 2011, 05:10 AM
To the coin shop I go this afternoon. I think I have a few pieces of paper somewhere around the house...

7th October 2011, 06:30 PM
Stellaconcepts says it might crash down to $23:


His previous calls on the Silver market have been very accurate. He sold 90% of his Silver when it almost hit $50, then bought back in when the price dropped radically.

13th October 2011, 10:09 AM
I could see it getting into the $25 range... but much depends on EURO. If the dollar increases against the Euro, we could see PMs slide.

Here we see the weekly chart with Fibonaci retracement overlay.


Here is the daily-


13th October 2011, 10:25 AM
I'm ready to strike myself... watching the spot closely... ;D

13th October 2011, 12:40 PM
I bet this means the american eagle sets are set to go down in price ::)

13th October 2011, 01:33 PM
The Euro has been rallying as if it is gaining in value. I think this is short-lived. Notice the corresponding respect for key points of "resistance". The traders seem to have programmed this game of high and low points from which to game the market. Programs must be looking at these and assessing risk values.... and the curve stops on a dime at that point.



14th October 2011, 01:39 PM
i don't think JPMorgue & h-BS-c are going to stop their market manipulating ways for one millisecond.

yes, the price drops gave them a chance to close out a bunch of short contracts at less of a loss, or no loss.

however, what stops them from adding a bunch more short contracts ?

the economy is in deep enough shyt that reality has to hit home sometime. when gold & silver dipped a few weeks ago, we got a chance to watch the pricing mechanism (the markets) deal with the combination of -
* quarter end redemptions - selling gold to offset stock market losses to dress up the balance sheet.
* hedge fund withdrawals - people were pulling money out of hedge funds, and they sold the only thing they had to sell that was worth anything - gold, Apple stock, etc.
* margin call covering - people just plain had to cover their losses, so they sold gold.
* continuing manipulation.

we won't have quarter end redemptions to deal with for another 2 1/2 months, but the other 3 forces are strong forces still.

because the economy is so weak, i don't think PM prices will rise to where we think they should be ($1800+ gold, $45+ silver) until the US announces QE3.

it's very odd about the Euro. the EFSF had said, "we need to print $450 Billion", now it's more like, "make that 2 to 3 Trillion Euro's" ... to prop up the Euro banks - AND THE EURO RALLIES ?

now that's counter-intuitive.

14th October 2011, 05:45 PM
it's very odd about the Euro. the EFSF had said, "we need to print $450 Billion", now it's more like, "make that 2 to 3 Trillion Euro's" ... to prop up the Euro banks - AND THE EURO RALLIES ?

now that's counter-intuitive.

Lot of people think like you, and they all shorted the euro. It did not go down (at least not as much as they bet), and they are all short covering now. Once the shorts are clear, the floor could fall out- except: a bunch more traders will probably buy shorts again. This is probably a real life example of how derivatives do create some stability. The true trend will occur eventually. the eurobankers are all hoping that they can buy enough time for the economy to reignite before the true trend bottoms, but so far no luck.