View Full Version : MSNBC "start 2012 campaign" " if their message is heard by some candidate "

6th October 2011, 03:06 PM
Remember MSNBC " tea party is racist " .

It's official from the media itself, this is an answer to the Tea Party and Ron Paul.

This has been set up as a preemption of Ron Paul's message, as he leads
in debates and polls.

" this is the official start of the 2012 campaign "

" if their message is heard by some candidate " First 10 seconds.


Get everyone out, ignore them, and spin it.

" we create our own reality " David Frum

Ron Paul never existed.

6th October 2011, 03:09 PM
VIDEO - Ron Paul Speaks On The Wall Street Protests (http://dailybail.com/home/video-ron-paul-speaks-on-the-wall-street-protests.html)

Video - Ron Paul Discusses #OccupyWallStreet at the National Press Club - Oct. 5, 2011
Runs 2 minutes - Quotes transcribed below.

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said Wednesday that the Occupy Wall Street protests were a “legitimate effort.”

“I can’t speak for the people out there because I don’t know who they are or exactly what they are demonstrating against,” Paul told the National Press Club. “I can argue the case for their right to express their outright frustration with what is going on. Some are liberals and some are conservatives and some are libertarians and some are strict constitutionalists. And if you read carefully over what I’ve written over the past 10 or 15 years, I talk a lot about this, that eventually we will go bankrupt.”

“As far as the federal government involved in the practice of civil disobedience in the various states, it’s really up to the states to deal with it. I think that civil disobedience, if everybody knows exactly what they are doing, is a legitimate effort. It’s been done in this country for many grievances. Some people end up going to jail for this. But to speak for a special group and say, ‘Yeah, I like what they are doing or they are not doing,’ but what I want to do is try to sort it out and tell people why they are struggling and that this was a predictable event.”

6th October 2011, 03:19 PM
The other thread is too wild, my RP posts are going here, I will still contribute to other thread.

where are the RP signs, where are the End the Fed signs

Occupy Wall Street Photos, 30 September 2011, Day 14 (http://cryptome.org/info/occupy-wall-st7/occupy-wall-st7.htm)

Occupy Wall Street Photos, 27 September 2011, Day 11 (http://cryptome.org/info/occupy-wall-st6/occupy-wall-st6.htm)

Cryptome has a really good archive on all this.

edit add,
HaHa, it's still there but not headline, and I think Drudge is mocking some of them.
No damage done, everyone's aware, this is just a leaderless steam release valve.


"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." --Lenin

26th October 2011, 04:22 AM
Thanks for the links.
? What would ows peeps say if they knew mossad did 911?