View Full Version : Massive quake March 21, 2012, exactly 6 months after Elenin? Not Joking. (Doom)
7th October 2011, 01:18 AM
Time to continue the astronomical-based doom with an update and a new target. As is the standard procedure, its 6 months out.
Lets start by asking why Elenin was blown up to huge proportions, then when it finally comes through, nothing happens. The reason Elenin was feared so much, is because Earth-Sun-Elenin alignment approximately happened on on key earthquake dates. However, the final alignment on September 27 was totally uneventful. The reason must be that the alignments were to a larger object behind Elenin, which is probably following Elenin's trajectory.
(A) February 27, 2010 - Chile 8.8 quake - nearside alignment (
188 days later: (
(B) September 03, 2010 - Christchurch 7.1 quake - farside alignment (
189 days later: (
(C) March 11, 2011 - Japan 9.0 quake - nearside alignment (
188 days later: (
(D) September 15, 2011 - Fiji 7.3 quake - farside alignment (
Plus...tremors felt around the globe! (
188 days later: (
(E) March 21, 2012 - California 9.2 quake - nearside alignment ??
Doom picture based on previous Elenin predictions (that didn't happen on the 27th):
The above dates show an unmistakable pattern. We can see that the nearside alignments are much stronger quakes than the farside alignments. The below image shows the points of Earth's orbit that the quakes happened.
Using the following tools, we can create a visual diagram of the quakes above:
Day of the Year Calendar:
HGI_LON (heliocentric coordinates of Earth):
Note that each successive quake has increased by 0.2 for each farside and nearside. So every alignment has been a bigger and bigger quake....if the pattern continues, we're expecting a 9.2.
TerralO3 on youtube has been one of the main people researching this. Here is his update that puts all this together:
By the way: note the date might not be exact because the mechanics of eliptical orbits aren't linear. Its an approximate date at the time of posting.
7th October 2011, 01:20 AM
Here's the diagram Terral refers to in his video:
7th October 2011, 01:25 AM
I'd like to point out that in recent weeks we've seen a few sun-diving comets, a few satellites have fallen out of the sky, and the international space station has been abandoned.
Obama was in Denver on the 27th, and there was a massive terror drill there just a day or so before. I get the feeling we're headed into a storm, and the the gov is just prepping and taking precautions like the rest of us....maybe they don't know exactly how it will play out.
7th October 2011, 01:29 AM
Start with the 'fact' that a huge Earthquake will happen in California soon, then cherrypick some occurances that would point in that direction, moron science at its finest!
7th October 2011, 01:42 AM
Start with the 'fact' that a huge Earthquake will happen in California soon, then cherrypick some occurances that would point in that direction, moron science at its finest!
Ok, I fail at marketing my doom thread...unlike some of the masters. California isn't important at all in this discussion.
And here is some science for you. There are about 16 ( 7.0 and higher earthquakes per year, on average. That means the chance of such a quake happening on any 1 day are 16/365 = 0.04 or 4%
To get such earthquakes happening on specific days, is (16/365)*(15/365)*(16/365)*(15/365) = about a 3 out of 1,000,000 chance that this 188 day cycle is a coincidence. Now multiply 3 by lets say 30 days to account for the 6 month near/far side effect we see here, and thats 90/1,000,000 or a 0.0009% chance this is a coincidence.
This doesn't factor in the successive increase in strengths of the quakes, nor the nearside/farside phenomena magitude. It also doesn't factor in the world-wide seismic activity on the 15th. The probability of those will add a few zeros on the 1 million number.
7th October 2011, 02:06 AM
Ok, I fail at marketing my doom thread...unlike some of the masters. California isn't important at all in this discussion.
And here is some science for you. There are about 16 ( 7.0 and higher earthquakes per year, on average. That means the chance of such a quake happening on any 1 day are 16/365 = 0.04 or 4%
To get such earthquakes happening on specific days, is (16/365)*(15/365)*(16/365)*(15/365) = about a 3 out of 1,000,000 chance that this 188 day cycle is a coincidence. Now multiply 3 by lets say 30 days to account for the 6 month near/far side effect we see here, and thats 90/1,000,000 or a 0.0009% chance this is a coincidence.
This doesn't factor in the successive increase in strengths of the quakes, nor the nearside/farside phenomena magitude. It also doesn't factor in the world-wide seismic activity on the 15th. The probability of those will add a few zeros on the 1 million number.The 188 day precedence was set between the first and second earthquake, the third ome had a 4% chance of occuring at the exact same day, but it will increase to a 12% chance if you include a day before and after, likewise with the 4th. In all there is about a 1.5% chance for this earthquake pattern to happen spontaneusly. I would be far more convinced if there was a fifth one on the 21st of March next year.z
7th October 2011, 02:17 AM
Also keep in mind
- near side quakes have been very big, far side quakes smaller
- they've been increasing in size
- they were aligned with Elenin much so there was even a scientific paper written about it back in August (
- The global siesmic event at 9:00 am on September 15th also happened
This is all on top of the 1.5% chance you quoted of it being random.
I know somebody thats not going to get a doom-related CUT...
7th October 2011, 02:30 AM
I know somebody thats not going to get a doom-related CUT...
No, no, no don't do that to me. I regret everything I wrote, and I'll make it up...
Doooom, Dooooooom, DOOOOOOOOOOOM! ;D
7th October 2011, 05:46 AM
I agree with Neuro. If the March 21st event comes off, there is probably something going on. This person is quite correct about the increase in orbital speed as it approaches the Sun. Without knowing exactly where this object is in space, the 188 day cycle could be affected significantly. I would guess 30 days either way.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 07:02 AM
In the little drawing above, it shows that Earth will have circled the Sun 2 times since the first quake happened, yet the the supposed "big object" the arrow is presunably pointing at is still off in the same direction without having circled the Sun.
ie it has only moved on its orbit the distance between "A" and "E" relative to the Earths 2 complete revolutions of the Sun. For that to occur and for it to have such an effect on the Earth, it would have to be both very distant and very large. If there were a large object in the vicinity between Jupiter and Neptune, {the distance required for it to moving so slowly as compared to Earth} it would be just as visible as all the other big planets as it too would be reflecting light from the Sun.
Then, in the following post it all seems to get blamed on Elenin, which is on the Sun side of Earth. How could it have been responsible for Earth quakes having occured when it wasn't even close yet?
Edited to add: If there is anything to the 188 day thing, it is not due to a <4mile diemeter chunk of rock.
7th October 2011, 07:03 AM
This all sounds like bullcrap to me. Is this whole thread a Joke?
7th October 2011, 07:13 AM
maybe the reason nothing happened is because it was really just a comet flying past.
7th October 2011, 07:14 AM
This all sounds like bullcrap to me. Is this whole thread a Joke?
I think Vacuum was just pointing out the strange coincidences involved with the massive earthquakes as of late. The Japan one was actually predicted a couple days in advance by some girl watching the alignment on youtube. It was predicted in this following video.
The link is here -->
Notice the posted date on March 8th.
I'm as scientific as the next guy, but when things happen in a cycle people tend to notice.
7th October 2011, 07:41 AM
Ok lets assume a massive object that comes into alignment farside and nearside every 188 days, which means that it rotates around the sun in the same direction as earth, but much slower, the earth rotates around the sun every 365.24 days, this object comes in alignment aproximately 11 days later a year later 188.3x2=376.6 days,". Thus at current speed it would take it about 35 years to circle the sun. If one assumes a very elliptical orbit where it is speeding up as it gets closer to sun now, the orbit time could be far longer, maybe even thousands of years, and if that is the case it could still be quite far out, maybe 2-4 times outside the orbit of Neptune, but going at a very high speed vs our giant gas planets, but if it had thus eliptical orbit one might also expect that the time between the earthquakes would get longer as it gets closer to the sun, and speeds up, and get further into the orbit of the earth before next alignment.
Still a very large object 2-4x outside the orbit of Neptune, should be visible with a telescope, unless the surface is dark.
At this distance from the sun, it may be cold enough for hydrogen to be frozen. What colour is frozen/liquid hydrogen? Dark? White? Would it readily reflect sun light like the gas giants?
Joe King
7th October 2011, 07:55 AM
maybe 2-4 times outside the orbit of Neptune, but going at a very high speed vs our giant gas planets, That would not be possible. The further out something is, the slower its orbital speed. So if it is 2-4 times as distant as Neptune, it would have to be moving much slower or else it wouldn't be in orbit.
There's a reason that the farther away you get from the Sun, the longer it takes to orbit the Sun.
It's the same reason that our LEO satellites must go faster relative to the Earths surface than do GSO satellites, and ones further out than that appear to move backwards.
7th October 2011, 08:14 AM
Lets start by asking why Elenin was blown up to huge proportions, then when it finally comes through, nothing happens.
Is he talking about Elenin's coma and the electrical capacitor coment model? I thought at first he was talking of the 'Elenin disintegrated ' disinfo (actually coma CME discharge), no he's talking (correctly) about the mainstream media's coma around Elenin. LOL
A bloogers version of the Elenin distractions that actually blends nicely with the 'too muching paying attention to Elenin to say don't pay attention' (by the MSM) that is has my attention".
7th October 2011, 08:21 AM
I wrote the I'm starting to think I should have just posted the youtube video and left it at that though.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 08:24 AM
I'd just like to know how a 4 mile wide chunk of rock can have such a large impact upon the Earth when it is so far away?
If it can, how is it that the Moon has not?
7th October 2011, 08:31 AM
That would not be possible. The further out something is, the slower its orbital speed. So if it is 2-4 times as distant as Neptune, it would have to be moving much slower or else it wouldn't be in orbit.
There's a reason that the farther away you get from the Sun, the longer it takes to orbit the Sun.
It's the same reason that our LEO satellites must go faster relative to the Earths surface than do GSO satellites, and ones further out than that appear to move backwards.
I am hypothesising a planet that has a very eliptical orbit, that at this particular point is accelerating towards the sun, and may be 2-4x the distance from the sun compared to Neptune, maybe its average distance is 100x that of Neptune and moving Really slow. Compare to comets they swish by earth at a much higher speed than the earth, and still go yowards the sun, the reason they can do that is because they have a very elliptical orbit, which make them slow in outer orbit and fast in close sun orbit...
Joe King
7th October 2011, 08:35 AM
If it were that far away, I really doubt it would have any noticable effect upon the Earth at all. If it did, so would Jupiter and Saturn and they'vee been aligned with the Earth/Sun with no noticable ill-effects due to it.
7th October 2011, 08:41 AM
Neuro, what if it wasn't a massive object, but a large asteroid field? It would then be distributed in space, and as we get closer to it, the center of gravity appears to shift towards the center of the field rather than staying with the leading objects, and also increasing in magnitude.
I agree the constant 188 day cycle doesn't make much sense for an elliptical obit of a large object. And if it wasn't elliptical, then the object wouldn't just appear there.
7th October 2011, 08:42 AM
I wrote the I'm starting to think I should have just posted the youtube video and left it at that though.
I think you may be onto something, and I do apologize for my first response. At this point none of us can be sure of anything really, but it is an interesting theory that maybe a large object is creating earthquakes on earth as it aligns up with the sun every 188-189 days...
7th October 2011, 08:52 AM
If it were that far away, I really doubt it would have any noticable effect upon the Earth at all. If it did, so would Jupiter and Saturn and they'vee been aligned with the Earth/Sun with no noticable ill-effects due to it.
Probably! Maybe its effect is on the sun, and the earthquakes are an effect of directing the suns eruptions etc, and the earth is in its way... If it has a very elliptical orbit, it would tug quite hard on the sun if its mass is large and the speed is great, and it is in close to the sun orbit...
7th October 2011, 09:00 AM
Neuro, what if it wasn't a massive object, but a large asteroid field? It would then be distributed in space, and as we get closer to it, the center of gravity appears to shift towards the center of the field rather than staying with the leading objects, and also increasing in magnitude.
I agree the constant 188 day cycle doesn't make much sense for an elliptical obit of a large object. And if it wasn't elliptical, then the object wouldn't just appear there.
Yes that is definetely a possibility, maybe a very large cracked up planet in billions of pieces, moving in an orbit as a group, each piece individually to small to be detected, not big enough to have an atmosphere, but collectively having a large gravitational pull...
7th October 2011, 09:04 AM
I think your article would introduce your thesis much better without all the Elenin references at the beginning. And that any larger object may be coming from the same source and/or point in sky sky location Elenin tracks from, not that it is 'following' Elenin. A planet sized rock coming in at the same speed and angle as a smaller one will not follow the same trajectory, whipping around the sun. And I'm not sure what the 'earth moves left to right' (relative to what?) is about.
The graphics near the end of the article also seem centred on Elenin to help with the distraction.
Upon second read, I was frustrated trying to understand what seem like a disinfo graph of a parallelogram over the pacific when the big red "188 days" finially caused my brain to daydream -'hey thats the spacing we would see between algnments between earth and sun's binary star or edge of solar system slow moving planet.'
I was able to block all the (for me at least) Elenin confusion and finially properly focus only on this:
It was like the large comet coma finially cleared away and I finially saw the nucleus of your post.
I'm warming to the Tyche NASA WISE conspiracy again (Tyche is NASA's name for 'Planet X'). We covered this before, perhaps on GIM.
NASA fully admits a large and dangerous Planet X could exist, certainly large Planet X's are expected to exist. They have a satellite that could find such a planet recently sent to orbit (WISE). They scanned our solar system then shut the satellite down, and the data they collected has yet to be analyzed they say.
Such moves my NASA would be entirly consistant with hiding such an object that your posts show could be related to an increase in large earthquakes (and more than normal comets coming into our inner solar system.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 09:06 AM
Neuro, what if it wasn't a massive object, but a large asteroid field? It would then be distributed in space, and as we get closer to it, the center of gravity appears to shift towards the center of the field rather than staying with the leading objects, and also increasing in magnitude.I hope you don't mind me answering, but if that were the case, they would have to have a total mass that would exceed that of Jupiter by many times in order to be at a distance that they remain un-seen while at the same time exerting great influence over our Earth.
I agree the constant 188 day cycle doesn't make much sense for an elliptical obit of a large object. And if it wasn't elliptical, then the object wouldn't just appear there.
Welcome aboard!
IMHO, all these alignment theories are nothing more than a re-vamped version of the dis-proven "Jupiter effect" theory.
BTW, the guy who first proposed the theory now regrets ever having brought it up.
7th October 2011, 09:16 AM
Sorry about the confusion with Elenin. The reason its mentioned so much is because TerralO3 and others noticed this pattern months ago and attributed it to Elenin, since the alignments were approximate with Elenin. Then the theory changed once the 9/27 date didn't happen.
And I also realize that when I said Elenin was "overblown" perhaps it wasn't so overblown on this site. But realize, Terral on youtube and others are literally living in caverns in the Appalachian mountains. They believed a pole shift would occur, and surface tempertures on earth would exceed 200 degrees. They believed Elenin might even take Earth from the sun into its own orbit.
And I'm not sure what youryour 'earth moves left to right' is about.
The periodicity means that the alignments keep occuring as if the "Big object" was moving from the left side of the image to the right side. Now, when the earth is also moving from left to right (nearside alignments), the alignment between sun-earth-object might last 3 days before the alignment breaks up. However, on the farside alignment, the alignment might only last 1 day or less, because the earth-sun-object alignment has the earth and the object moving in opposite directions.
7th October 2011, 09:26 AM
IMHO, all these alignment theories are nothing more than a re-vamped version of the dis-proven "Jupiter effect" theory.
BTW, the guy who first proposed the theory now regrets ever having brought it up.
All the earthquakes of 2010 with magnitude M6 and above all occurred on celestial alignments.
Just because all alignments don't cause earthquakes, doesn't necessarily mean earthquakes don't happen on alignments.
Btw keehah, this paper is another reason Elenin was a large part of the observations above. In hindsight it obviously was something behind it, but up until a few weeks ago most people thought it was the cause.
7th October 2011, 09:44 AM
Its not all about just gravity JoeKing. For a smart guy too many times you keep forgetting all but the worst food the sheep are fed.
[Edit (obviously my suggestion was ignored): JoeKing says below: even at 4 times the size of Jupiter it would have no noticable effect upon the Earth.....perhaps if it were 4,000 times the size of Jupiter it would.
Listen Joe, its fine for you to ignore any suggestion I offer that more than gravity forces between the planetary bodies. It is another thing for you to then keep trolling my posts saying events or theory is irrelevant or cannot happen because gravit forces are not large enough.]
IMHO, all these alignment theories are nothing more than a re-vamped version of the dis-proven "Jupiter effect" theory.
Are you stating that all alignments have no effects on earth or sun?
Anti-science trolling. Take a claim by one person who used valid theory to foolishly predict a specific event would take place, then when the event does takes place controllers use this to discredit the entire theory.
Here is an alignment theory: The sun and moon cause tides on earth.
Oh sure, the controller will backtrack when confronted and spout some simple rote reply like 'of course I did not mean tides, just other's like the Venus pentagram theory' but so what, he implanted what he wanted to in 95% or the people who read it "all these alignment theories...dis-proven"
Yes a person who predicted a date and place for an earthquake to happen in 1982 was dissapointed. But it would be more meaningful to used the upcoming (next year) Venus Transit theory.
[Edit: JoeKing says below: What I was referring to was this. It was a book which espoused this theory and it was proven wrong.
Duh! Hence my reffering to the book's prediction of a 1982 earthquake! The reply reminds of JP's weakness.
JoeKing says below: Venus transit theory? Do people actually think this is some new thing that's never occured before?
You are the one that thought that. And you are wrong. Almost everyone has heard of dragons. :) ]
31st December 1983 Washington Post
14th February 2011 By DAILY MAIL REPORTER
Largest planet in the solar system could be about to be discovered - and it's up to four times the size of Jupiter (
Scientists believe they may have found a new planet in the far reaches of the solar system, up to four times the mass of Jupiter.
Its orbit would be thousands of times further from the Sun than the Earth's - which could explain why it has so far remained undiscovered.
Data which could prove the existence of Tyche, a gas giant in the outer Oort Cloud, is set to be released later this year - although some believe proof has already been garnered by Nasa with its pace telescope, Wise, and is waiting to be pored over.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 09:54 AM
They believed a pole shift would occur, and surface tempertures on earth would exceed 200 degrees. They believed Elenin might even take Earth from the sun into its own orbit.
IMO, "they" are crazy.
Even if a pole shift did occur, at any particular location on the planet it would be impossible for the temperature to exceed that of any other location on the planet.
IMO, the real danger in a "pole shift" would not be that of heat, but rather extreme cold....and probably massive earthquakes, which would make being in a cave the last place I'd want to be.
7th October 2011, 09:58 AM
NASA fully admits a large and dangerous Planet X could exist, certainly large Planet X's are expected to exist. They have a satellite that could find such a planet recently sent to orbit (WISE). They scanned our solar system then shut the satellite down, and the data they collected has yet to be analyzed they say.
We have covered this in year past in older threads, and here is a very recent NASA update (relevant part starts at 25:30 and ends with the NPR question):
Joe King
7th October 2011, 10:09 AM
Its not all about just gravity JoeKing. For a smart guy too many times you keep forgetting all but the worst food the sheep are fed.
Are you stating that all alignments have no effects on earth or sun?
Anti-science trolling. Take a claim by one person who used valid theory to foolishly predict a specific event would take place, then when the event does takes place controllers use this to discredit the entire theory.What I was referring to was this.
It was a book which espoused this theory and it was proven wrong.
Here is an alignment theory: The sun and moon cause tides on earth.Yep, and look at how big those objects must be at their respective distances to even have that much of an effect. If a 4 mile dia chunk of rock is supposedly capable of causing earthquakes, the Moon would have ripped the Earth apart by now.
Oh sure, the controller will backtrack when confronted and spout some simple rote reply like 'of course I did not mean tides, just other's like the Venus pentagram theory' but so what, he implanted what he wanted to in 95% or the people who read it "all these alignment theories...dis-proven"He wished he'd never brought it up due to fact of what some people have tried to apply it to.
Such as the theory of any alignments having some special effect upon the Earth.
Yes a person who predicted a date and place for an earthquake to happen in 1982 was dissapointed. But it would be more meaningful to used the upcoming (next year) Venus Transit theory.Venus transit theory? Do people actually think this is some new thing that's never occured before?
People seem to be really grasping at straws in order to try to explain the World around them in a laymans perspective.
31st December 1983 Washington Post
14th February 2011 By DAILY MAIL REPORTER
Largest planet in the solar system could be about to be discovered - and it's up to four times the size of Jupiter ( it's as far away as they say it is, even at 4 times the size of Jupiter it would have no noticable effect upon the Earth.....perhaps if it were 4,000 times the size of Jupiter it would.
Besides, even if there is another giant planet out there somewhere, who cares? If it's there, it's obviously been there for a long time now and with no apparent ill-effects upon Earth.
7th October 2011, 10:18 AM
Before the number of words in each subsequent post exponentially explodes, we can state some basic things very clearly:
(a) The arxiv paper I posted proves celestial alignments can cause quakes, especially what was assumed to be Elenin a few months ago.
(b) The diagram I created clearly shows a pattern of earthquakes moving around the earth. One would assume some body is causing it.
(c) Based on the above facts, TerralO3 on youtube has been researching this and thought Elenin was a brown dwarf because of the earthquake effects. Since the September 27 alignment was uneventful, he is revising his theory to be some other object in the background. You can see his video of the revised hypothesis in the OP.
(d) Without any further analysis, if the pattern just continues as it has, it would indicate March 21, 2012, could be a date where a large quake occurs.
7th October 2011, 10:41 AM
I'm all for a and b.
As for c, why make it a brown dwarf rather than just a large body. Projecting enough energy to affect the earth. KISS. And Tyche seems smarter than PlanetX as NASA also uses this term and the sheep have less training to reject it automatically.
As for d, why hook a solid theory to what is basically a weather prediction? (and who reports and can even alter such weather?) Your just going to "Jupiter Effect" yourself in the foot. Joe is already setting up the programming to help others reject your theory presented this way. Just as 'Mike Ruppert has been debunked' because the stock market crash did not happen in August. ;)
I'm open to either a large body, or more interstellar sources, like that giant ribbon in space in our solar systems bow shock, shaking and inflating our inner solar system as more 'space junk' flys in.
I'm also open to the fact that the preistly class reported in, and presented by the MSM and minds of Kings is as scared and untimately don't know much more so than the rest of us. Then when the economy collapses, we all tend to pay more attention to other threats too (that may have always existed to a large degree).
But less the we don't know theory, than purposely withholding data and shutting down equipment able to answer such angsts (WISE being the latest of many over the generations) would make a much more effective project bluebeam. One for the more aware slaves, not being open immediately to 'alien' probes.
History shows solar system energies commonly rudely intrude on human civilzations and cause collapses.
With the state global civilization is in, won't take much of anything to intrude to cause a collapse.
I wonder how the ribbon location direction lines up with our planets and incoming comets.
Mystery Space "Ribbon" Found at Solar System's Edge (
Ker Than for National Geographic News October 15, 2009
Ribbon a Sign of Heliosphere Being Squeezed?
The ENA ribbon's existence suggests the atoms are produced in higher densities in some parts of the outer heliosphere than others, McComas said, although scientists aren't yet sure why that would be the case.
One idea is that, wherever the Milky Way's magnetic field presses on the heliosphere, more ENAs are created.
"Exactly where the [galaxy's] magnetic field is most wrapped around the outer boundary of the heliosphere, that's where the ribbon runs," McComas said.
"That could be an unbelievably remarkable coincidence, or it could be a fabulous clue that somehow this external magnetic field is actually imprinting onto our heliosphere through some process that we don't yet understand."
The team is currently putting together the second IBEX sky map of the heliosphere, and there are already indications that the ribbon's shape is changing, McComas said.
"There's some suggestion," he said "that it's actually slightly different and maybe evolving over the 6 months since the [first sky map]."..
"Exactly where the [galaxy's] magnetic field is most wrapped around the outer boundary of the heliosphere, that's where the ribbon runs," McComas said.
"That could be an unbelievably remarkable coincidence, or it could be a fabulous clue that somehow this external magnetic field is actually imprinting onto our heliosphere through some process that we don't yet understand."
7th October 2011, 12:13 PM
Has anyone found a large earthquake that happened lets say 186 days prior to the Chilean earthquake +- 2 days or one that occurred about 371 days +-3 days prior to the Chilean earthquake, that IMO would be consistent with a large body (bodies) accelerating in towards the outer solar system as we know it?
Joe King
7th October 2011, 12:22 PM
Before the number of words in each subsequent post exponentially explodes, we can state some basic things very clearly:
(a) The arxiv paper I posted proves celestial alignments can cause quakes, especially what was assumed to be Elenin a few months ago.
(b) The diagram I created clearly shows a pattern of earthquakes moving around the earth. One would assume some body is causing it.
(c) Based on the above facts, TerralO3 on youtube has been researching this and thought Elenin was a brown dwarf because of the earthquake effects. Since the September 27 alignment was uneventful, he is revising his theory to be some other object in the background. You can see his video of the revised hypothesis in the OP.
(d) Without any further analysis, if the pattern just continues as it has, it would indicate March 21, 2012, could be a date where a large quake occurs.If in his view that was even a remotely plausible theory, he's wacked. To be a brown dwarf it'd have to still be huge relative to Earth and elenin has always been known to be very very small relative to the Earth.
What I see is someone grasping at anything that might possibly explain the conclusions they've already arrived at.
ie he's doing the research backwards.
As to the Earthquakes moving around the Earth, the diagram shows them on all three sides of a particular tectonic plate. One I might add that has a long history of producing quakes and volcanic eruptions. What we're seeing is that plate moving some.
As for the "group of asteroids" theory, would that be something like the Trojans, Hildas and Greeks that also have no effect upon Earth, and that reside in Jupiters Lagrange Points?
IMo, if earthquakes are caused by the gravitational effects of other heavenly bodies, that body is the Sun.
Duh! Hence my reffering to the book's prediction of a 1982 earthquake! Your starting to come across like the JP Webbot
What I was referring to was that other people dusted off his flawed theory and started applying it to all sorts of fanciful ideas.
7th October 2011, 12:34 PM
I found two that occured 183 days prior to the Chilean earthquake one in Banda sea at 6.9 and one in northern China Quinghai at 6.2, but those are a Tad bit late IMO...The earlier significant one occured 11 days prior which would make it 194 days...
There was one in Kermadec sea at February 18th 2009 at 7.0 which is 374 days prior to the Chilean earthquake, which would fit the schedule 374/2=187...
My conclusion is that prior earthquakes don't offer strong support of the theory of a large outer solar system body being a causative factor...
Joe King
7th October 2011, 12:44 PM
Has anyone found a large earthquake that happened lets say 186 days prior to the Chilean earthquake +- 2 days or one that occurred about 371 days +-3 days prior to the Chilean earthquake, that IMO would be consistent with a large body (bodies) accelerating in towards the outer solar system as we know it?
On August 28th 2009 there was an Earthquake in China that was 6.2, one in Indonesia on Sept 2nd, and a 6.6 in Samoa.
However, this 188 day theory is flawed due to the fact that earthquakes happen with such regularity that you'd be able to pick any date you want and show the same pattern. After all, there were at least 55 earthquakes in the World in 2009 with a magnitude greater than 6.0
That means that on average, every week there is a relatively large quake somewhere in the World.
Also, if you'll notice on that list there are quakes listed in both NewYork as well as Colorado.....likely caused by underground nukes in tunnels, no doubt. lol
7th October 2011, 12:56 PM
Each of the planets exerts a gravitational tidal pull on the sun. When aligned, their combined force will substantially affect the sun.
The sun will respond with increased surface activity in the form of sunspots and eruptions. This also implies an increase in ejected solar wind particles (charged particles such as electrons and ions) throughout the solar system. Those impinging on the earth will cause large-scale movement of air masses.
The resulting atmospheric disturbance will alter the earth's rotation rate. Variations in the earth's spin will trigger regions of geologic instability, causing widespread earthquakes.
I probably need to state the third time for Joe we agree he was a failed weatherman (his prediction for 82 was not sucessful). Does not mean everything we think is correlated in predicting weather is wrong though. What came first the earthquake or the rotational change? We are left arguing over a chicken and egg type question.
CSMonitor ( ( By changing the distribution of mass on the earth, Japan's earthquake sped up the planet's rotation, shortening the day by 1.8 microseconds, a new analysis has found.
NationalGeographic ( Saturday's Chile earthquake was so powerful that it likely shifted an [?] Earth axis and shortened the length of a day [1.26 microseconds], NASA announced Monday.
NASA News: ( NASA scientists using data from the Indonesian earthquake calculated it affected Earth's rotation, decreased the length of day [2.68 microseconds], slightly changed the planet's shape, and shifted the North Pole by...about 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) in the direction of 145º East Longitude. This shift east is continuing a long-term seismic trend identified in previous studies.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 01:08 PM
The only thing that shows is a measurable effect upon the Sun, not the Earth.
...and the fact an Earthuake can alter something like the Earths rotation does not mean it was caused by anything beyond the Earth.
As I said, the theory was dis-proven, but others after the fact choose to resurect it to support their new theories about things like elenin.
7th October 2011, 01:17 PM
Joe King why do you keep harping about Elenin? It was only brought in by the OP and vacuum has already apologized about it.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 01:19 PM
Joe King why do you keep harping about Elenin? It was only brought in by the OP and vacuum has already apologized about it.I was just using it as an example of a recent incarnation of the "alignment theory" dooom stuff that over the years keeps getting re-hashed with a new spin put on it.
Edited to add: One thing I find frustrating about many of these theories is that the people who originally came up with them rarely ever seem to come back and say they were waaay off base and how wrong they were and apologize to all the people they've mis-lead, but instead they just move on to some new made-up dooom scenario while simply forgetting they ever talked of the prior one.
ie the name of Sorcha is one that comes to mind. Why anyone listens to him is beyond reason.
7th October 2011, 01:47 PM
Sorcha exists for you to do what you just did JoeKing.
Occasionally, the slope of the secular drift changes rather suddenly; that is, the change takes place in a time period less than one year. These magnetic jerks do not occur periodically, the most recent occurred in 1969, 1979, 1992 and
2003. It is thought they may be caused by differential movement between Earth’s core and the outer crust. The 1969 magnetic jerk was not a global phenomenon. It was quite clear in Europe but undetectable at most observatories in North America...
Earth’s field experiences a slow westward drift. The drift rate corresponds to a complete circuit around Earth in about 700 to 2000 years (depending on who is making the calculation), although it is unlikely that any individual feature of the field survives that long.
Joe King
7th October 2011, 01:51 PM
Sorcha exists for you to do what you just did JoeKing.What are his successful predictions? I've always seen a lot of hype. The little boy who cried "wolf!" comes to mind. Sorry, just callin' it the way I see it and I used it as an example of what I was referring to in my previous post.
8th October 2011, 11:24 PM
Before 2004, the last pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The first of a pair of transits of Venus in the beginning of the 21st century took place on 8 June 2004 and the next will be on 6 June 2012. After 2012, subsequent transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.
Venus transits are rare, and tend to come in pairs. The current pair occur during 2004 and 2012. The previous pair occurred back in 1874 and 1882 (, then 1761 and 1769, and so on back through history. Venus is our nearest neighbour, and during this transit, or conjunction with the Sun, is only about 26 million miles away from the Earth. I present here an edited version of Pavel's explanation of his theory:
"The earthquake that occurred on 12/26/2004 had very close ties with Venus transit on 6/8/2004. The Earth, Venus and the Sun were on one line, and furthermore this line pointed toward constellations Taurus ,Orion, Gemini, where the main gravitational tug from space, closest stars, and nebulas comes from.
"The Earth's axis is tilted toward those constellations during the present era, and during that time there was also grouped the inner planets.
Additionally, the Moon was (end of spring, beginning of summer) was in its highest position in the sky, so its tidal forces were strongest. During the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami Venus was again in the identical position 6 months before.
"There was similar catastrophe on 8/26/1883, what happened Less than 9 months after Venus transit from 12.6.1882, when Krakatoa volcano erupted, accompanied with earthquakes, tsunami killing 10000 people died.
November 17, 1882 - During the November 17, 1882 Great Aurora, the telephone lines of the Metropolitan Telephone Company refused to work until after 2:00PM. Disruptions were also reported on the cables to Cuba and Mexico. The Chicago stock market was severely affected all day. It produced a compass bearing deflection of nearly 2 degrees, All telegraphic transactions east of the Mississippi River and north of Washington D.C came to a halt. The Chicago stock market was severely affected all day, There was an electric storm which downed the wires and left members of the Board of Trade largely to the devices of their own heads." [New York Times 11/18 p. 1]
Joe King
8th October 2011, 11:41 PM
"The earthquake that occurred on 12/26/2004 had very close ties with Venus transit on 6/8/2004. The Earth, Venus and the Sun were on one line, and furthermore this line pointed toward constellations Taurus ,Orion, Gemini, where the main gravitational tug from space, closest stars, and nebulas comes from.
What exactly, were the "very close ties"?
Also, if a transit of Venus means it passes across the face of the Sun as seen from Earths perspective, how could a transit that happened 6 months earlier have any effect at all? Earth would be on the opposite side of the Sun and Venus would no longer be in-line.
...and yea, solar storms can cause problems on Earth. So?
9th October 2011, 12:13 AM
Perhaps there will be babblers who claim to be judges of astronomy although completely ignorant of the subject and, badly distorting some passage of Scripture to their purpose, will dare to find fault with my undertaking and censure it. I disregard them even to the extent of despising their criticism as unfounded. For it is not unknown that Lactantius, otherwise an illustrious writer but hardly an astronomer, speaks quite childishly about the earth's shape, when he mocks those who declared that the earth has the form of a globe. Hence scholars need not be surprised if any such persons will likewise ridicule me. Astronomy is written for astronomers. -Nicolaus Copernicus
9th October 2011, 02:56 AM
Forget the doom its not going to happen ,no Niribu ,no elinin no nothing...........!
9th October 2011, 10:37 AM
"Forget the doom its not going to happen ,no Niribu ,no elinin no nothing..........."
The illogicality of that statement can indicate this is an emotive outburst (to deny doom fears?).
For myself I'd like to understand how things relate, and our planet dances. Perhaps understand threats that could affect food production for a few years.
Once one understands real doom, and most truth seekers today are still in denial of this, one is more easily able to try to understand the cosmos more scientifically.
Real doom brought to you by controlling psychopaths and breeding consumptive zombies with the technical ability to take from anywhere on the planet.
We (humans) don't need no stinking planets, no comets, no outside forces to make doom happen....
The Sixth Great Extinction: A Status Report ( (2004)
Almost 440 million years ago, some 85 percent of marine animal species were wiped out in the earth's first known mass extinction. Roughly 367 million years ago, once again many species of fish and 70 percent of marine invertebrates perished in a major extinction event. Then about 245 million years ago, up to 95 percent of all animals—nearly the entire animal kingdom—were lost in what is thought to be the worst extinction in history.
Some 208 million years ago, another mass extinction took a toll primarily on sea creatures, but also some land animals. And 65 million years ago, three quarters of all species—including the dinosaurs—were eliminated.
Among the possible causes of these mass extinctions are volcanic eruptions, meteorites colliding with the earth, and a changing climate. After each extinction, it took upwards of 10 million years for biological richness to recover. Yet once a species is gone, it is gone forever.
The consensus among biologists is that we now are moving toward another mass extinction that could rival the past big five. This potential sixth great extinction is unique in that it is caused largely by the activities of a single species. It is the first mass extinction that humans will witness firsthand—and not just as innocent bystanders.
Joe King
9th October 2011, 11:07 AM
"Forget the doom its not going to happen ,no Niribu ,no elinin no nothing..........."
The illogicality of that statement can indicate this is an emotive outburst (to deny doom fears?).Did you watch the video? Do you know what texts were used to come up with Nibiru as it is popularly theorized about today? It's seems that it was just made up. If it wasn't, he should be able to provide the texts he used to determine it.
The fact he wouldn't screams fraud.
For myself I'd like to understand how things relate, and our planet dances. Perhaps understand threats that could affect food production for a few years.That's comendable, wanting to further ones understanding about the World in which one lives.
However, when people throw these wild theories around for others to eat up with no proof at all, it should be looked at skeptically.
Almost 440 million years ago, some 85 percent of marine animal species were wiped out in the earth's first known mass extinction. Roughly 367 million years ago, once again many species of fish and 70 percent of marine invertebrates perished in a major extinction event. Then about 245 million years ago, up to 95 percent of all animals—nearly the entire animal kingdom—were lost in what is thought to be the worst extinction in history.As they say, stuff happens.
Some 208 million years ago, another mass extinction took a toll primarily on sea creatures, but also some land animals. And 65 million years ago, three quarters of all species—including the dinosaurs—were eliminated.I'd say that was a good thing. Could ya imagine tryin' to live with dinosaurs running around eating people?
Among the possible causes of these mass extinctions are volcanic eruptions, meteorites colliding with the earth, and a changing climate. After each extinction, it took upwards of 10 million years for biological richness to recover. Yet once a species is gone, it is gone forever.
The consensus among biologists is that we now are moving toward another mass extinction that could rival the past big five. This potential sixth great extinction is unique in that it is caused largely by the activities of a single species. It is the first mass extinction that humans will witness firsthand—and not just as innocent bystanders.I agree, we should quit killing species.
11th October 2011, 09:25 PM
Japan Eathquake May Have Struck Atmosphere First ( By Ewan Palmer | October 11, 2011 12:34 PM GMT
The devastating earthquake that struck Japan earlier this year may have rattled the highest layer of the atmosphere before it shook the Earth, a discovery which could be used to provide warning for big earthquakes.
The magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the coast of Tohuku in March and ushered in what might be the world's first complex "megadisaster", as the quake triggered off a tsunami and a series of small quakes and tremors around the globe.
Scientists recently found that the surface motions and tsunamis the earthquake triggered also generated waves in the sky that reached all the way to the ionosphere, one of the highest layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
Now geodesist and geophysicist Kosuke Heki at Hokkaido University in Japan has reported that these ripples in the ionosphere could have in fact occurred before the quake struck.
Heki gathered data from thousands of GPS receivers - which communicate with satellites using signals than are easily disrupted by a slight surge in electrons.
He discovered a rise of around 8 per cent in the total electron content in the ionosphere about the area hit by the quake around 40 minutes before the temblor. The increase was at its highest around the epicentre and diminished further away.
"Before finding this phenomenon, I did not think earthquakes could be predicted at all," said Heki.
"Now I think large earthquakes are predictable."
After analysing date from other huge earthquakes, including the Sumatra magnitude 9.2 earthquake in 2004 and the 8.8 Chile earthquake in 2010, Heki found that a similar pattern occurred.
Right now the anomaly is only seen with earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.5 or higher. Heki also warned that solar storms can trigger changes in electron content, so before researchers can develop an early-warning system for earthquakes based on ionospheric anomalies, they would have to rule out non-earthquake causes.
21st October 2011, 10:34 AM
Jupiter hard to miss in the October night sky (
The clear and crisp nights of October are a great time to catch autumn stargazing showpieces. And headlining is the king of all planets, Jupiter.
For the past month it's been hard to miss Jupiter in the late night sky since it outshines all other stars. Over the course of October, things will get more interesting, as it continues to crank up its brightness as it reaches opposition on Oct. 29 - making for a spectacular sight both with the naked eye and telescopes.
Opposition is an extra special time for stargazers because that's when Jupiter shines throughout the course of the night from dusk till dawn and represents the time when Earth comes closest to the gas giant. And Jupiter, in turn, shines most brightly in our sky. If we could look down from above the plane of the solar system, we would see the sun, Earth and Jupiter in near perfect alignment during this time.
Making it extra special this year is that gas giant is the nearest to Earth until the year 2022.
A whole lot of tweeking going on:
Series of thumps may have thrown Uranus off-kilter (
Oct. 7, 2011
Astronomers say they may have figured out why the planet Uranus seems to be lying on its side with respect to the Sun. A series of bumps from other solar system objects early in its life could explain the odd alignment, they propose.
Most planets spin along roughly the same plane they inhabit with respect to the Sun. That is, if we could picture the Sun as a big spinning top on a table, most planets would be small tops around it on the same surface, spinning normally. But Uranus would have to be envisioned as a member of this group that is for some reason spinning on its side. To be more precise, its spin axis is tilted by 98 degrees compared to its orbit around the Sun. Jupiter’s axis, by contrast, is tilted by only 3 degrees; Earth’s by 23; Saturn’s and Neptune’s, 29.
The conventional explanation is that Uranus was at some point knocked on its side by an impact from an object a few times heavier than Earth, which weighs a fifteenth as much as Uranus...
There remained one problem: in the simulations, the moons ended up orbiting Uranus backward compared to how they are really moving. A tweak fixed this, Morbidelli’s group found...
The finding is at odds with current theories of how planets form, which may now need adjusting, Morbidelli said. “The standard planet formation theory assumes that Uranus, Neptune and the cores of Jupiter and Sat*urn formed by accreting only small objects in the protoplanetary disk,” he explained. “They should have suffered no giant collisions.” Morbidelli presented the research Oct. 6 at the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Sciences and the European Planetary Science Congress in Nantes, France.
21st October 2011, 03:38 PM
Series of thumps may have thrown Uranus off-kilter (
The noosphere truly works wonders doen't it, keehah?
Its as if a brown dwarf previously tread thru there.
26th October 2011, 08:35 PM
Jupiter ...continues to crank up its brightness as it reaches opposition on Oct. 29 - making for a spectacular sight both with the naked eye and telescopes.
Leader of the Gods; Jupiter means "Sky Father."
Mentor/Guru /teacher of gods.
Always helped gods in war against demons. Guru means "teacher" or "priest." Brihaspati means "lord of prayer or devotion."...
In Roman mythology, Jupiter is the ruler of the gods and their guardian and protector, and his symbol is the thunderbolt. In the same way, the planet Jupiter is the king of the other planets, a giant in size with spectacular, brightly colored clouds and intense storms.[citation needed] Astronomers believe that it plays an important protecting role in using its massive gravity to capture or expel from the solar system many comets and asteroids that would otherwise threaten Earth and the inner planets.
Jupiter Effect Right Now.
A king tide will be running Wednesday and Thursday because gravitational forces of the sun, the moon and the earth will be lined up in a cue shot of fleeting geometry and rare power. It will raise the water level between one and two feet above normal high tides for many areas on the Atlantic coast.
Alignment.. will cause unusually high tides (
[October 25, 2011]
South Jersey bays and tidal creeks will see unusually high tides today and Thursday. An unusual alignment of the sun and moon and their proximity to the Earth will cause these highest water levels of the year...
But this so-called “king tide”...
Thursday’s tide will be the highest of 2011, but will not be at a historic level, said Stew Farrell, director of the Coastal Research Center at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in Galloway Township.
“This just happens to be the biggest one of the year and probably a couple of years, but the difference we’re talking is tenths of a foot,” he said.
The king tides occur when the Earth, moon and sun are aligned at perigee and perihelion. On Australia's East Coast, the highest tides occur during the winter months of June, July and August, and the summer months of December, January and February. The highest of each of these periods (i.e., one in winter and one in summer, totaling two per year) are known as the king tides.
The winter king tide usually occurs at night and therefore goes unnoticed. Consequently the summer king tide usually catches the most attention. On such days the surf is particularly dangerous — tall waves, long clean breaks, strong rips, consistent sets: ideal for surfing, but seductive and dangerous for inexperienced swimmers.
King tides are particularly formidable on the island country of Tuvalu, where they can devastate the low lying atoll's people and wildlife. Sea level rise may exacerbate these effects.
As with all spring tides, king tides occur with the coming of new and full moons. Some traditional mythologies hold that such times cause madness, a possible origin of the word "lunacy".
26th October 2011, 10:07 PM
Published on Tuesday 4 October 2011 06:51
LIFEBOAT crews were scrambled after a caller thought they saw distress flares over the North Sea – which turned out to be the planet Jupiter.
Humber Coastguard launched a lifeboat at about 7.45pm yesterday after a report of flares six miles off the coast.
A rescue helicopter from RAF Boulmer was called out, but a search proved fruitless. The caller had mistaken Jupiter, which is low in the sky at this time of year, for flares.
Adrian Don, of Tynemouth RNLI, said: “Although this was a false alarm, it was made with the best intentions, and we urge anyone who thinks they’ve seen someone in distress to do the same.”
30th October 2011, 11:21 PM
31st October 2011, 07:33 AM
Uhh, did Elinen fly by already?
And I missed it?
And we're not all dead?
31st October 2011, 09:51 AM
Uhh, did Elinen fly by already?
And I missed it?
And we're not all dead?
31st October 2011, 09:56 AM
Uhh, did Elinen fly by already?
And I missed it?
And we're not all dead?
Yep we are all dead or just missed it? :p
31st October 2011, 10:15 AM
Hmm. Interesting.
31st October 2011, 10:17 AM
31st October 2011, 10:21 AM
Uhh, did Elinen fly by already?
And I missed it?
And we're not all dead?
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