View Full Version : Anonymous - Manifesto Addresses Jewish Bankers & Israeli Involvement in 9-11 ?

7th October 2011, 07:12 AM
"Anonymous", the group that claims to have started the Wall Street protests, has an interesting manifesto.

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"Anonymous has begun a campaign against banks which are either heavily associated with Jewish people or are Jewish controlled. Bernanke from the Federal Reserve and King from the Bank of England are both Jewish.

Four of our more recent US Treasury Secretaries have been either the CEO of Goldman Sachs (Rubin and Paulson) or a protege of Rubin (Summers and Geithner.)

The Head of the World Bank and the IMF (Robert Zoellick and Dominque Strauss-Kahn) are former VPs at Goldman Sachs as is Mario Draghi the leading candidate to replace DSK at the IMF.

Anonymous does not mention the Rothschild family by name.

Anonymous is trying to separate the 80 million or so Jewish people in the world from the very few Jewish criminals who have stolen tens of trillions of dollars from the rest of us.

These same Jewish criminals are responsible for our wars and the planned genocide of a few billion poor people who can no longer afford to pay the vigorish.

I would like to repeat my earlier statement that the Zionist bankers want America to launch WW III by attacking Iran.

This war mongering is not going well for them because the Pentagon knows Israel did 911. Alan Sabrosky and Susan Lindauer have been telling them so.

Some of the Zionist goals for WW III are to exterminate the Muslims, steal the Mideast oil, make Israel a Super Power and reduce America to ashes so the impoverished citizens of the NWO are in no position to demand the return of the trillions of dollars Jewish criminals have stolen.

I wish Anonymous luck with their campaign to separate the Jewish man and woman in the street from their self-appointed leadership.

This has never happened before in human history but there is a first time for everything.

If you are wondering what the A99 Empire campaign is, I believe it has to do with an Egyptian style occupation of the criminal banking enterprises in Manhattan and Washington DC.

I would further assume Anonymous is expecting an economic collapse sooner rather than later as the A99 demonstrations could not succeed until the national unemployment rate goes above 30%.

I wonder how long it will take for Anonymous to be called anti-Semitic."


I still can't figure out if the leadership is controlled opposition or genuine patriotic rebels.

In any case, more power to the Truth they're telling.

7th October 2011, 07:58 PM
bump worthy

7th October 2011, 08:10 PM
Guys, it's from March.

7th October 2011, 08:27 PM
Guys, it's from March.

Yes it is. But still a good read and I would like
to see it happen. Would you not like to see it too?

8th October 2011, 07:56 AM
Yes it is. But still a good read and I would like
to see it happen. Would you not like to see it too?

It's words.