View Full Version : Venezuela expects all 200 tonnes of phys gold in 6 weeks (wow!)

Large Sarge
7th October 2011, 08:53 AM

Venezuelan Gold Repatriation to Begin by Mid-November
The cartel had best begin bracing for a 200 ton withdrawal of the PHYZZ in November.
Look for major ripple effects throughout the gold market as the actual inventory is withdrawn from cartel vaults.

CARACAS Oct 5 (Reuters) - Venezuela will begin repatriating its gold reserves from Western nations by mid-November, the central bank head said on Wednesday.
"We're in the final phase of the logistics ... Soon the Venezuelan people will know when the first boat is coming," Nelson Merentes said, according to state news agency AVN.
President Hugo Chavez announced in August that the South American OPEC member nation would bring bring home almost all its $11 billion in gold reserves held abroad -- a nationalistic move that has hurt market confidence.

Analysts have said bringing the gold physically to Venezuela is a slow, complex and expensive process. Officials have given few details of how that will happen.
Merentes said the first boat laden with reserves would be back by mid-November. "It will be here as soon as possible, no later than in a month-and-a-half," he said.
Read more:


General of Darkness
7th October 2011, 10:22 AM
So WTF are THEY going to do if they don't get it? The answer, NOTHING.


I'm reminded of the movie Dune.

Once the flow of spice (oil) is stopped, all eyes will turn to Arakas (Venezuela). So Chavez could say. No Gold, no Oil, but then it's on. I think they're our second largest supplier of Oil after Canada.

7th October 2011, 01:35 PM
So WTF are THEY going to do if they don't get it? The answer, NOTHING.


I'm reminded of the movie Dune.

Once the flow of spice (oil) is stopped, all eyes will turn to Arakas (Venezuela). So Chavez could say. No Gold, no Oil, but then it's on. I think they're our second largest supplier of Oil after Canada.

just for kicks, i looked on APMex.

then i thought - no, this is a job for Tulving.

i think between APMex & Tulving, they could come up with


6846.5 ounces, $11.7 Million.

a ton is 30,000 ounces, more or less.

i'm sure Tulving has a comparable amount.

sure is fun window-shopping !

wouldn't want to do this drunk ... might end up placing a buy order ;)

maybe Harvey O. knows how many 400 ounce bars are theoretically at the COMEX.

it shows how fragile the gold supply is. imagine if Steve Job's wife Charlene decided to diversify into gold. she's prettier than Hugo Chavez (no arguments there, eh ? ;)

if Venezuela's gold ain't in the vault ... maybe the Rothschild's would step forward to rectify this embarassing situation from their own personal reserves ... they're such nice people ... Jesus we need a sarcasm emoticon.

7th October 2011, 03:42 PM
"a nationalistic move that has hurt market confidence."

Hasn't hurt my confidence, actually the opposite. I don't see how this would hurt anyone's confidence besides TPTB who want all of the gold, and those who want to keep the price down. I think it's rather bullish that Chavez is making his move to get the gold. Of course GoD is right in the fact that they don't have to give it to him and there is nothing that he could do about it. They've been looking to get his ass and the oil. This is the emptying of a safe deposit box on a grand scale.

Oh, and GoD, if you haven't read the book Dune, you should, it's fantastic. I saw the movie first, and hated it, but I've read the entire series 3 or 4 times.

Large Sarge
7th October 2011, 03:51 PM
"a nationalistic move that has hurt market confidence."

Oh, and GoD, if you haven't read the book Dune, you should, it's fantastic. I saw the movie first, and hated it, but I've read the entire series 3 or 4 times.

I did the reverse order, book first (loved it ), movie second (it sucked)

he is right though, great series of books.

7th October 2011, 04:57 PM

7th October 2011, 05:10 PM
"Soon the Venezuelan people will know when the first boat is coming,"

I bet lots of other people want to know too.

7th October 2011, 05:21 PM
Chavez wants it by November.

Large Sarge
7th October 2011, 05:43 PM
for the record, I think chavez has "gone off the reservation", as they might term it.

I realize the zionists own/control virtually all of the worlds leaders,

but chavez is just months aways from the grave, from his cancer.

I think he has decided to go out in style

I do not see any of this "in the script", as they might say.

Damned if they do (finding 200 tonnes of gold at todays prices is going to be real tough)

and if they say "no delivery", it could cause a global bullion run based on lost confidence.

there is no win for anyone out of this, but Chavez, and other gold owners around the planet...

imminent death can really change a person, I suspect he has had a change of heart...

7th October 2011, 06:47 PM
for the record, I think chavez has "gone off the reservation", as they might term it.

I realize the zionists own/control virtually all of the worlds leaders,

but chavez is just months aways from the grave, from his cancer.

I think he has decided to go out in style

I do not see any of this "in the script", as they might say.

Damned if they do (finding 200 tonnes of gold at todays prices is going to be real tough)

and if they say "no delivery", it could cause a global bullion run based on lost confidence.

there is no win for anyone out of this, but Chavez, and other gold owners around the planet...

imminent death can really change a person, I suspect he has had a change of heart...

200 tonnes to keep him quiet ....cheap

gold buyers.........gotta find 200 tonnes of gold and the price is a bit expensive.......

friends of gold buyer.......dont worry we will crash the market for you then so its cheaper.........

7th October 2011, 07:23 PM
Hey all you "Dune" guys...

I've also read the entire series (and the first book probably 5 times), and I agree that for the most part, the movie sucked. However, there was also a multi-part television miniseries for Dune and Children of Dune, and it was (at least in my opinion) a bit better of a film adaptation than the movie... they diverged from the story line of the books quite a bit less than the movie did. I also found the visual depiction more in line with how I imagined the books would look in real life. If you haven't seen those mini-series yet, I recommend them. Still, the books were the best... as is almost always the case.

7th October 2011, 10:15 PM
The spice must flow.

“Beyond a critical point within a finite space, freedom diminishes as numbers increase. This is as true of humans as it is of gas molecules in a sealed flask. The human question is not how many can possibly survive within the system, but what kind of existence is possible for those who so survive.”
― Frank Herbert

8th October 2011, 10:10 AM
"Soon the Venezuelan people will know when the first boat is coming,"

I bet lots of other people want to know too.

No doubt the bars are mysteriously irradiated in transit.


8th October 2011, 10:18 AM
I see a boating accident in my crystal ball...

8th October 2011, 10:39 AM
Should we watching the inventories of Tungsten for a large drop?

8th October 2011, 10:52 AM
Should we watching the inventories of Tungsten for a large drop?

No, they have already made the gold plated Tungsten bars!

27th October 2011, 12:31 PM

* Chavez ordered $11 billion worth of bullion brought home

* Source says ingots with be flown back, beginning in Nov.

By Eyanir Chinea

CARACAS, Oct 26 (Reuters) - At the foot of a dimly lit spiral staircase far below Venezuela's Central Bank, workers prepare for an unusual arrival: 17,000 gold bars being shipped back on the order of President Hugo Chavez.

Repatriating about 190 tonnes of bullion worth more than $11 billion from banks in the West will be risky, slow and expensive, experts say.

It is just the latest in a string of grand gestures and controversial plans by the unpredictable socialist leader that are easier for him to order than to put into practice, and it has set officials scurrying to make it happen.

His political opponents accuse Chavez of planning to use the country's gold to boost his campaign war chest ahead of next year's presidential election, and others say bringing the gold home is a waste of money and effort.

"It doesn't make sense. It would be cheaper to sell the gold and at the same time buy gold in closer locations," said Russ Dallen of Caracas Capital Markets.

Chavez's government insists the operation will not cost much, and that Venezuela's reserves will not be put at risk....

More: http://af.reuters.com/article/metalsNews/idAFN1E79P1B120111026

27th October 2011, 12:35 PM
TpTb's movin south.

27th October 2011, 12:42 PM
Happy to say that Chavez canser is gone.........also, the first thing that the US (NATO) does when they are going to declare the "liberation" of a country is to freeze the contrie's assets overseas so that Chavez knows that something is up and getting ready for it......................"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce........Chavez read this.

Twisted Titan
27th October 2011, 12:42 PM
The blood of kaddaffi will still be quite fresh on the Gold Bars Chavez gets

27th October 2011, 01:14 PM
The City of London & Eurozone has become to unstable to store their goods in, much safer in Venezuela these days.

27th October 2011, 01:17 PM
The City of London & Eurozone has become to unstable to store their goods in, much safer in Venezuela these days.

Yes 60 tons stored in S America somewhere ....much safer.....

27th October 2011, 01:20 PM
Yes 60 tons stored in S America somewhere ....much safer.....

You don't see anyone in Venezuela complaining about illegal phone taps the way you have in England.

27th October 2011, 01:21 PM
You don't see anyone in Venezuela complaining about illegal phone taps the way you have in England.

Really would be safer in their own hands at the moment......

27th October 2011, 01:28 PM
Chavez (the wild card) is being used in this hand.


27th October 2011, 01:33 PM
What America holds, America will keep.............Ponce's law.

27th October 2011, 02:43 PM
200 tons being a serious amount - i was just reading about one of the biggest boating accidents EVER, the Central America, 49'er gold that went down off the Carolina. 30 tons total, from back when gold was plentiful, mines yielded 8 ounces a ton and up.

200 tons for Hugo ... i'm sure they'll make it their HIGHest priority.

i wouldn't be surprised to see Hugo die before Venezuela gets their gold.

or - Venezuela asks to be paid for their oil in Gold. they have a humongous amount of oil, between conventional AND tar-sands. HUMONGOUS. given how much attention the US gives to countries that have oil, i have a feeling that US troops will be visiting Venezuela in the next few years.

27th October 2011, 03:00 PM
200 tons being a serious amount - i was just reading about one of the biggest boating accidents EVER, the Central America, 49'er gold that went down off the Carolina. 30 tons total, from back when gold was plentiful, mines yielded 8 ounces a ton and up.

200 tons for Hugo ... i'm sure they'll make it their HIGHest priority.

i wouldn't be surprised to see Hugo die before Venezuela gets their gold.

or - Venezuela asks to be paid for their oil in Gold. they have a humongous amount of oil, between conventional AND tar-sands. HUMONGOUS. given how much attention the US gives to countries that have oil, i have a feeling that US troops will be visiting Venezuela in the next few years.

Or they could use the gold from fort Knox to trade with....er.......OK send in the troops then

27th October 2011, 03:07 PM
Herr Hitler lost WWII because, at the same time, he had to many troops in to many places......same will happen to the US, only thing is that the US will have a lot more enemies than Germany did......I would like to say that I'll sit back and enjoy the war but I danm well know that Uncle Sugar will figure out a way not to leave me alone.

28th October 2011, 06:30 AM
Herr Hitler lost WWII because, at the same time, he had to many troops in to many places......same will happen to the US, only thing is that the US will have a lot more enemies than Germany did......I would like to say that I'll sit back and enjoy the war but I danm well know that Uncle Sugar will figure out a way not to leave me alone.

i thought your Driveway Flag already earned you a spot on their radar map - something to be proud of - i just hope they don't breach your perimeter defenses.

28th October 2011, 09:34 AM
Something will happen before the gold gets to Venezuela.......

Most people no longer believe in the American flag, I had one tied to the back of my scooter and when I came out of the market I found it torn up and on the ground next to the back wheel of the scooter......If I ever find anyone doing this I will turn their head backwards.......to me the flag represents the country and not the government.

First post of the day.............good morning to one and all.

28th October 2011, 10:16 AM
Something will happen before the gold gets to Venezuela....

Chavez is as much in the bag as any other nation dictator, he might have some deal working with Colombia that is unannounced who knows?

I think "they" rather like to keep the gold in large bulk lock & key rather than having it distribute to the masses.

If Chavez holds it together and uses it to back his paper banks is all that matters to tptb.

28th October 2011, 11:37 AM
Horn? you have been brainwashed by the imperialist yanky warmongers......ufffffffffffffff........remember that Chavez was choosen with a 58% of the votes, and the votes were counted by hand and not with rig up machines like in the US.

Chavez, like Kadafy?, uses the countries oil money to help the people and not himself (well, maybe a little) so that the US would love to make him into a target............if Nomerica were to go in to "LIBERATE" Venezuela then the whole of Samerica would come to its rescue.................dogs will fight among themselves till a wolf come into their circle and then all the dogs will attack the wolf.

28th October 2011, 11:44 AM
There is already a large BRIC alliance in opposition to Yankee imperialism already, Chavez an outspoken supporter of.

Chavez has a price I'm sure, this shipment could be it.

He will then be all cozy warm after reception, to any "partnering" plans BRIC countries or U.S. oil cartel.