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7th October 2011, 03:13 PM

Thought for the weekend.......;D

7th October 2011, 03:49 PM
Ive decided Im in the 1%.

The 1% of Americans who can spot the Zionist using their Bolshevik tactics to overthrow what's left of this once great country.

7th October 2011, 03:52 PM
99%, 1%, 53%, whatever percent, it's all a well designed program to make everyone turn against each other and from the chaos will arise the new "whatever" to save us all. i'm calling bullshit on this percent business.

7th October 2011, 04:13 PM
The banksters are not finished growing, they need to keep the people alive, so they feed on the people's blood and touch none of the vital organs. This uneasy truce will not last. Within days, the banksters bellies are fat... For the past few days, the surrogate womb of the people has protected the banksters, but now the peeps are no longer needed. The thick skin of the peeps should be a good barrier against the parasitic bankster, but the banksters use weapons and chemicals against the people... The banksters enter a new phase of development... Incredibly, the very people the banksters consume, help the banksters out...


7th October 2011, 04:22 PM
Ive decided Im in the 1%.

The 1% of Americans who can spot the Zionist using their Bolshevik tactics to overthrow what's left of this once great country.
Is that 1% of the 99%......

7th October 2011, 05:40 PM

i've got to come back and watch that while i'm eating dinner !

i think the tape-worm metaphor works also - i found this portrait of Israel on-line ... it's pretty gross ~ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ~


7th October 2011, 05:50 PM
But ticks can be popped.

7th October 2011, 05:55 PM
But ticks can be popped.

or burned

7th October 2011, 06:15 PM
or burned

Or stabbed by our pitchforks? I'm getting some renewed optimism around here!

I'm looking forward to a "toss a banker overboard" day. We could make this at least an annual festive rejoicing...weekly would be better though. :)

7th October 2011, 06:42 PM
But ticks can be popped.

But is the head removed

7th October 2011, 07:51 PM
But is the head removed

Heads coming off is not a bad thing :D

7th October 2011, 08:18 PM

thought for the weekend.......;d

*Calls the ADL*

Twisted Titan
7th October 2011, 08:51 PM
I would always stand in awe of how a tick after it is nice and fat will still stay latched on.

It would rather die then let go of its meal ticket.

Thats pretty accurate i would say.

7th October 2011, 08:51 PM

8th October 2011, 05:57 AM
But is the head removed

well, that reminds me of Head Tick FBI (Federal Bureau of Israel) Head Robert Mueller



"Testifying yesterday in Congress, FBI Director Robert Mueller and National Counterterrorism Center director Matthew Olsen both agreed that the seldom used “lone wolf” provision of the USA PATRIOT Act, a provision which allows broad intelligence gathering of people with no actual terrorism ties, would become much more widely used in the months and years to come."

the FBI protects Warner Brothers against IP theft ... but the 4 Warner Brothers stole Edison's movie invention to start their company. makes perfect sense - if your mission statement is to protect the Self-Chosen People.

8th October 2011, 07:40 AM
The Elite are like a giant TICK sucking the life force from the 99%....

Thought for the weekend.......;D

For the weekend? That's my first thought of the day when I get out of bed!

8th October 2011, 08:04 AM
For the weekend? That's my first thought of the day when I get out of bed!

I think about taking a shit, same difference.

Hatha Sunahara
8th October 2011, 09:14 AM
I'd like to know if the 1% includes politicians. That is, all the Congress, and the top echelons of the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court. The politicians are more worthy of the wrath of the people because they sold us out to the banksters. If heads start to roll, I'd like to see our politicians first in line. It was the politicians who voted in the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax, and it was them who started all the wars by lying to us. Their only saving grace is that they talked us into voting for them.


Twisted Titan
8th October 2011, 01:18 PM
well, that reminds me of Head Tick FBI (Federal Bureau of Israel) Head Robert Mueller



"Testifying yesterday in Congress, FBI Director Robert Mueller and National Counterterrorism Center director Matthew Olsen both agreed that the seldom used “lone wolf” provision of the USA PATRIOT Act, a provision which allows broad intelligence gathering of people with no actual terrorism ties, would become much more widely used in the months and years to come."

the FBI protects Warner Brothers against IP theft ... but the 4 Warner Brothers stole Edison's movie invention to start their company. makes perfect sense - if your mission statement is to protect the Self-Chosen People.

and Edison stole numerous patents and credit from Tesla.

no love lost on anything stolen from edison

Joe King
8th October 2011, 01:24 PM
I'd like to know if the 1% includes politicians. That is, all the Congress, and the top echelons of the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court. The politicians are more worthy of the wrath of the people because they sold us out to the banksters. If heads start to roll, I'd like to see our politicians first in line. It was the politicians who voted in the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax, and it was them who started all the wars by lying to us. Their only saving grace is that they talked us into voting for them.

HathaIMO Hatha, it doesn't. At least not for most of the "99%" anyways. From what I've seen, many of them want big gov to "fix it" for them and in their eye you can't do that if gov is small with limited powers as defined by the Constitution. If this thing grows and heads in the direction I'm increasingly concerned that it might go, the Constitutionally defined principles like that will be given the blame and possibly even used as an excuse to re-write it.

8th October 2011, 05:40 PM
and Edison stole numerous patents and credit from Tesla.

no love lost on anything stolen from edison

between Edison & the Warner Brothers, i root for Edison.

even if he was a schmuck to Tesla.

i had admired them both, i didn't know about Edison lifting Tesla's IP.