View Full Version : Rise In Upper Class Theft Of Silver Shakes Airline Industry

8th October 2011, 04:17 AM
A sign of our times.
Although the virgin Doy Goy reports its desired because of the design.

Huff Post: Rise In Upper Class Theft Of Salt & Pepper Pots Shakes Airline Industry (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/07/virgin-atlantic-phasing-o_n_999990.html)
Oct. 7, 2011
No longer will Virgin Atlantic Upper Class passengers be able to season their in-flight meal from lavish silver pots. The airline announced Friday it will be discontinuing use of the airplane-shaped salt and pepper sets as it replaces all Upper Class cutlery and dining ware sets next month.

The unique condiment containers have been in use for 12 years, and thousands have not so suspiciously disappeared. Turns out these little trinkets have been turning up on eBay, fetching bids of £20 ($31.) Currently there is a set up for auction going for £28 ($44) at press time.

But prices might be on the rise.

“We’re expecting a last minute rush when fans realize that their supply is coming to an end," Virgin Atlantic spokeswoman Janine Doy said in a press release. “Prices for “liberated” examples may also increase as they do in any market when stock becomes scarce."

Doy added the thievery is a "back handed" compliment to how well they were designed by Virgin's in-house team.

Recently manufactured pots bear the stamp “Pinched from Virgin Atlantic" in a failed effort to deter thieving passengers.

8th October 2011, 04:28 AM
Boston.com: Historic silver items stolen from NC plantation (http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2011/10/05/historic_silver_items_stolen_from_nc_plantation/)
October 5, 2011 COOLEEMEE, N.C.—Silver spoons that may have been crafted by Paul Revere are among the items taken during a break-in at a historic plantation in Davie County.

The Winston-Salem Journal reported (http://bit.ly/phVKRA) that jewelry, dishes, silverware and tea sets also were taken during the break-in Sunday night at the Cooleemee Plantation.

The house was built in the 1850s and is recognized as a National Historic Landmark. Owner Peter Hairston often opens the house to groups, including school children.

Among the items taken was a tea set that a slave named John Goolsby hid in the woods when Union troops passed through the area during the Civil War. Hairston says a dozen spoons had the well-known "PR" hallmark, indicating they were made by the family of Paul Revere.

Annarber.com: U-M students carrying stolen silverware are ticketed for MIP, police say (http://annarbor.com/news/crime/u-m-students-carrying-stolen-silverware-american-flag-are-ticketed/)
Mon, Sep 26, 2011

Two University of Michigan students were ticketed Saturday for minor in possession of alcohol after police said they were running down the street carrying silverware and an American flag, both of which were stolen.

The men, ages 18 and 19, were ticketed in the 700 block of East University Avenue about 2:57 a.m. Saturday, police said.

The silverware was returned to Pizza House, and the flag was returned to a nearby apartment house, police said.