View Full Version : Canary Island volcano about to blow

Large Sarge
8th October 2011, 09:28 AM

Large Sarge
8th October 2011, 09:28 AM

8th October 2011, 10:06 AM
Isn't that where the lost city of Atlantis went under?

8th October 2011, 10:46 AM
Isn't that where the lost city of Atlantis went under?


8th October 2011, 10:55 AM
This would be the perfect solution for Wall Street! Bring it on God!

8th October 2011, 10:55 AM

8th October 2011, 10:59 AM
from the website

8th October 2011, 11:14 AM
Now this is what I call some "extra big ass doom!"

8th October 2011, 11:20 AM
Now this is what I call some "extra big ass doom!"

Why bring in Hillary into this discussion?

midnight rambler
8th October 2011, 11:25 AM
Why bring in Hillary into this discussion?

Wouldn't that be Chewbacca?

Large Sarge
8th October 2011, 11:42 AM
Isn't that where the lost city of Atlantis went under?

McCanney states atlantis was in the south china sea.

8th October 2011, 11:58 AM
And others: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53306-Latest-on-ELENIN&p=466715#post466715

McCanney states atlantis was in the south china sea.

Then obviously this whole volcano concern thing has been debunked then. Nothing to see or hear folks.

just Joking

8th October 2011, 12:04 PM
Damn hippies and their no-osphere, are responsible.



Infact is was Plato that once said that the country and the nation of Greece was decended from the lost continent island city civilization of Atlantis and was said to have created twelve seprete Kingdoms across the known world at the time meaning. Also Plato described "Atlantis" as having a very massive outstretched Kingdom that covered the Whole Earth at the time he also mentons that the Atlanteans and Atlantis was vary vary powerfull and mighty as well. Supposedly the lost continent island city civilization of Atlantis is said to return in or around the year 2012 of the Mayan Aztec Calendar and is also said to reveil the lost human knowledge and lost human history the people of the Earth forgot along time ago in the distant past and in of ancient times as well.


8th October 2011, 12:53 PM
This would be the perfect solution for Wall Street! Bring it on God!

OK- since you asked... it shall be granted.

8th October 2011, 05:38 PM
This would be the perfect solution for Wall Street! Bring it on God!

if that tidal wave scored a direct hit on Manhattan, Crown Heights, etc - I would not complain.

so - what effect would that Canary Island event have on the price of PM's ?

if the East Coast was hit by the big tidal wave they talk about, i think Obama might declare a State of Emergency.

and, not for our protection.

i think they would institute Continuity of Government procedures.

maybe it would be better if it didn't happen.

can't make up my mind.

i'm gonna go listen to the BoobTube.

8th October 2011, 09:06 PM

LOL, 3,000 ft? BS......

Joe King
8th October 2011, 10:01 PM
LOL, 3,000 ft? BS......I think he means that's how high the "splash" will be at the island itself when the side of the volcano falls into the sea.

As it spreads out and moves away, as any splash created wave would do, it's height will be drastically decreased by the time it reaches opposing shores.
Although they say it'd still be at least as high as the recent Japanese tsunami was.

Large Sarge
9th October 2011, 03:25 AM
6.1 magnitude earthquake strikes south of Kermadec Islands
Staring into the abyss: UK financial system inching closer to disaster →
El Hierro on the brink? 9,300 tremors have rattled the island since July
Posted on October 7, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol

October 7, 2011 – CANARY ISLANDS – Intense swarms of tremors beneath one of the volcanic Canary Islands has placed residents of El Hierro on alert for a possible eruption. Spain’s Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) reported the 9,300 seismic movements on the island since July 17 have caused measurable changes in the terrain. El Hierro’s only eruption during recorded history was in 1793, when the Volcano de Lomo Negro vent rumbled for a month and produced lava flows. Seismologists say they don’t know if the rising ball of lava causing the latest rumblings will break through the surface, but they have issued a “yellow” alert as a precaution. IGN Director Maria Jose Blanco told reporters that any eruption would most likely have a “low explosive value.” Tremors about 50,000 years ago produced an enormous landslide that cascaded into the ocean, creating a large tsunami that probably reached the North American coast. –Earth Week

9th October 2011, 06:37 AM
I never heard of this volcano before. I suspect that in the next couple years we will be hearing about many places theretofore unheard of.

midnight rambler
9th October 2011, 08:56 AM
I never heard of this volcano before. I suspect that in the next couple years we will be hearing about many places theretofore unheard of./

Do you mean "in divers places"?

9th October 2011, 09:54 AM

Do you mean "in divers places"?

That was it... in the back of mind. But you got it exact.

9th October 2011, 10:09 AM
Further north in Iceland Katla is also becoming active:


9th October 2011, 11:02 AM
Further north in Iceland Katla is also becoming active:


personally i think that God has a tendency to sometimes test people.

look at how close we are to the precipice.

the European economy is already on the edge. same for the Pacific Coast. California does not have the money to re-build after a quake.

i would not be at all surprised to see Katla blow AND a 7+ on the Pacific Coast, as the Pacific tectonic plate re-adjusts after being released recently on Northwest (Fukushima), Southwest (Bali), South (New Zealand) and Southeast (Chile) corners. what's left is the stretch of land from SoCal up to British Columbia.

timing-wise - next week ... who knows.

God and maybe the USGS & NOAA.

then we would see the economy do its imititation of the movie 2012. though it's actually doing a pretty good job of going over the cliff after just the one recent natural disaster, Fukushima.

the point being, there is no resilience built into the economy. it's all JIT, no local inventories. Los Angeles = 12 million people in the middle of the desert with a 3 day supply of food and water.

what if God wakes up some morning feeling a bit mischievous ?

9th October 2011, 11:37 AM
what if God wakes up some morning feeling a bit mischievous ?

He doesn't sleep - and I pretty sure He's PISSED.

Joe King
9th October 2011, 11:43 AM
He doesn't sleep - and I pretty sure He's PISSED.Why would He be pissed? Everything's going exactly according to plan as far as I can tell.
If your plan was being carried out without a hitch, wouldn't you be happy?

9th October 2011, 01:48 PM
Why would He be pissed? Everything's going exactly according to plan as far as I can tell.
If your plan was being carried out without a hitch, wouldn't you be happy?

With your dualistic nature I'd thought for sure you believed in two Gods.

Joe King
9th October 2011, 02:02 PM
With your dualistic nature I'd thought for sure you believed in two Gods.Nothing dualistic about it. I was just doin' the same as I always do.

9th October 2011, 02:35 PM
I found this recent info on El Hierro earthquakes:

Previously the eathquakes was centered at depths of 10-15 km. A day prior small earthquakes were reported at depths around 1.5-2.5 km. But the two most recent omes were reported at 900 and 500 meters depth! IMO it means that the magma can be on its way to surface, the frequency and magnitude has abated though after the biggest earthquake so far which meassured 4.3 prior to the recent very shallow earthquakes...

The calm before the storm, metaphorically speaking?

10th October 2011, 02:18 AM
Ok the latest report is suggesting that currently El Hierro may be experiencing Harmonic tremor, which is a precursor to a volcanic eruption...

DYODD, really!


10th October 2011, 03:22 AM
Ok the latest report is suggesting that currently El Hierro may be experiencing Harmonic tremor, which is a precursor to a volcanic eruption...

DYODD, really!

This is how it looked when it started:

Go in on this page, click on the right arrow to the right of the chart to follow the progression of the harmonic tremor:
http://www.02.ign.es/ign/head/volcaSenalesDiasAnterioresHora.do?nombreFichero=CH IE_2011-10-10_04-05&estacion=CHIE&Anio=2011&Mes=10&Dia=10&tipo=1&hora=04-05

10th October 2011, 03:48 AM
That looks like the steady rumble right before it pops it's top.

10th October 2011, 03:49 AM
wonder what this will do to the price of silver


10th October 2011, 03:55 AM
That looks like the steady rumble right before it pops it's top.

Apparently Etna looked like this a few years ago just prior to eruption. If it blows it may be just a few hours away!

10th October 2011, 04:12 AM
Here is a more practical chart encompassing 24h instead of just 1h:

http://www.01.ign.es/ign/head/volcaSenalesAnterioresDia.do?nombreFichero=CHIE_20 11-10-10&ver=s&estacion=CHIE&Anio=2011&Mes=10&Dia=10&tipo=1#

10th October 2011, 04:16 AM
She blows:

IMPORTANT UPDATE : Following the Spanish Newspaper El Mundo, a small submarine eruption has taken place 7 km out of the coast.* The eruption occurred at 1200 meter below sea level. The eruption took place in the Las Calmas sea to the south of the island at 10.43 local time (09:43 UTC). We expect an official statement soon.
Click here for the El Mundo article (in Spanish)

10th October 2011, 05:29 AM
She blows:

That is a very very good outcome.... in the short term.

10th October 2011, 08:07 AM
That is a very very good outcome.... in the short term.

Maybe she didn't blow yet!


IMPORTANT UPDATE 14:31 UTC : PEVOLCA has just published a Press Statement that it is still unsure that an eruption is going on* in the Las Calmas Sea. Scientists of IGN which make part of the PEVOLCA committee have stated that IGN has recorded the emission of volcanic gases at the south side of the island. The committee stresses that the gases are NOT dangerous for the population.
Additionally IGN reported that the emission might also be an eruptive phase but at the present time there is no 100% proof for it. A certainty however, IGN reported, is that “purely volcanic harmonic tremors” have started.
At 7 PM (19:00) local time later today, a new report will be published with the latest results and conclusions of the scientists.

Interesting they say volcanic gasses are harmless...

10th October 2011, 08:53 AM
I am thinking it can't be a good thing for Florida if this thing blows. I remember being doomish about this Canary Island volcano about 9 years ago, and my then-boyfriend thought I was crazy. (Well, most people do, anyway.) I did read somewhere recently that my area might be protected because of the Bahamas.

It's interesting . . . that's for sure.

Celtic Rogue
10th October 2011, 09:13 AM
The Bahamas may help in reduction of the waves... but the islands are pretty flat and the wave just might slide over them. Florida being not much above sea level could see some major damages occur if this thing ever comes to pass in our lifetime. Boston and NYNY will be in deep dodo. LOL So much doom... so little time!

Joe King
10th October 2011, 09:19 AM
Boston and NYNY will be in deep dodo. LOL So much doom... so little time!!

Could ya imagine the traffic jam that would ensue if they came on the TV/radio and said, 100' tsunami coming.....GTFO now!
It'd be sheer pandamonium up and down the whole East coast. As Ponce might say, many would die.....or is it millions?

10th October 2011, 10:54 AM
The intensity of the harmonic tremor seems to increase since it started:
16-17 UTC

14-15 UTC

11-12 UTC

10th October 2011, 11:03 AM
8-9 UTC

5-6 UTC

4-5 UTC

The amplitude of the tremors increase each three minute line is a separate color the later ones get more mixed up ! I think pressure is still increasing and I don't think there has been an eruption yet...

10th October 2011, 11:06 AM
A google search of "canary island earthquake" or "canary volcano" both return the number 1 result as a 10 year old Rense article.

Scientists Warn Of Massive Tidal Wave From Canary Island Volcano (http://www.rense.com/general13/tidal.htm)
The Independent - London 8-29-1

The current eruptions(El Hierro) are not at the same island discussed in the Rense article (La Palma, site of last 1971 eruption).

On a radio interview a few weeks ago, one of the webbot guys said it can't be as bad as some claim. The eastern continental shelf will attenuate any wave and these will not get more than a few miles inland.


Subsea Volcanic Eruption Underway Near El Hierro (The Canary Islands) (http://www.irishweatheronline.com/news/earth-science/geology/subsea-volcanic-eruption-underway-near-el-hierro-the-canary-islands/41266.html)
By MARK DUNPHY - Mon Oct 10,

The Mayor of La Frontera (El Hierro), David Cabrera, confirmed in an interview on Radio iron Garoé that ‘underwater eruption’ is taking place about 900 metres beneath the sea surface five kilometres south of La Restinga. The eruption has been ongoing for four hours, the Mayor said.

Spanish newspaper laopionion.es quoted the Minister of emergencies of the Cabildo of El Hierro, Maria of Carmen Morales, as saying the eruption is taking place because ‘the seismic movement of 4.3 occurred on Saturday afternoon caused a fissure, from where the energy is been released’. Scientists remain unclear if the emissions are gas or lava.

A meeting of PEVOLCA – Actualidad Volcánica de Canarias, comprising representatives of Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) and The Canary Islands Government, took place on the Spanish Island. In a statement issued shortly before 4 p.m. local time, the IGN stated (translated from spanish language press release): “…although there is no certainty that at the moment is producing an underwater volcanic eruption, since the last morning there has been a release of fluids and volcanic gas on the southern coast of the island.”

“Scientists from IGN have reported to the direction of the Plan all the indicators that have been analyzed to point towards the possibility of the beginning of an eruptive process that has changed the type of waves that have registered seismographs in the last hours, implying the beginning of emission of gases or lava…”

“The helicopter of the emergency and rescue of the Government of the Canary Islands (GES) group has done reconnaissance flights during the morning without exit of volcanic material to the surface.”..

10th October 2011, 11:12 AM
There was a county commissioners meeting a few months ago in Saint Lucie County Florida. An elderly gentleman steps up to the microphone and addresses the commissioners about the build up of pressure in a volcano on the Canary Islands. He was making a public statement that our government should be aware of the situation and take necessary steps to alert the federal government of the situation. After he finished talking, the officials thanked him and simply moved on to the next topic of discussion. Soon after that a public relations spokesman for Florida Power and Light gave a presentation to the commissioners on the safety features built into the Saint Lucie County nuclear plant and stated that they were well prepared for any crisis and that may arise. He explained how we would never experience a Fukishima or Chernobyl type event here in Florida.

At the time of this meeting, none of it seemed relevant to the county at the time but in retrospect, it now seems pretty eerie.

10th October 2011, 11:19 AM
At first glance I looked at the gradual slope of the land mass in question and thought that it would be unlikely that the speed of the decent of the rock would be anything like the Mount St Helens eruption or the crashing glacier in Alaska. The fact that the water depth off the coast of the island is pretty significant could mean that the land mass could hit the water pretty rapidly.

As far as the continental shelf blocking the wave action, isn't it still pretty deep and doesn't the wave energy travel near the surface?

10th October 2011, 11:22 AM
Watching the video in the OP, at 3:30, I would say Africa has a hell of a lot more to worry about than the east coast of USA and Canada.

10th October 2011, 11:30 AM
There is a chance that if what they predict would happen , the east coast of America would be screwed, blued, and tattooed.

Canary Islands

Geologists S. Day and S. Ward consider that a megatsunami could be generated during a future eruption involving the Cumbre Vieja (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumbre_Vieja) on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Palma), in the Canary Islands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_Islands), Spain.[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Day_et_al.-13)[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Ward_and_Day-14)

In 1949, the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted at its Duraznero (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Duraznero&action=edit&redlink=1), Hoyo Negro (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hoyo_Negro&action=edit&redlink=1) and San Juan (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=San_Juan_volcano&action=edit&redlink=1) vents. During this eruption, an earthquake with an epicentre near the village of Jedy (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jedy&action=edit&redlink=1) occurred. The following day Rubio Bonelli (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rubio_Bonelli&action=edit&redlink=1), a local geologist, visited the summit area and discovered that a fissure about 2.5 kilometers (1.6 mi) long had opened on the eastern side of the summit. As a result, the western half of the Cumbre Vieja (which is the volcanically active arm of a triple-armed rift) had slipped about 2 meters (6.6 ft) downwards and 1 meter (3.3 ft) westwards towards the Atlantic Ocean (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Ocean)[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)].

The Cumbre Vieja volcano is currently in a dormant stage, but will almost certainly erupt again in the future. Day and Ward hypothesize[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Day_et_al.-13)[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Ward_and_Day-14) that if such an eruption causes the western flank to fail, a megatsunami will be generated.

La Palma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Palma) is currently the most volcanically active island in the Canary Islands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_Islands) Archipelago (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archipelago). It is likely that several eruptions would be required before failure would occur on Cumbre Vieja.[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Day_et_al.-13)[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Ward_and_Day-14) However, the western half of the volcano has an approximate volume of 500 cubic kilometres (120 cu mi) and an estimated mass of 1,500,000,000,000 metric tons (1.7×1012 short tons) If it were to catastrophically slide into the ocean, it could generate a wave with an initial height of about 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) at the island, and a likely height of around 50 metres (164 ft) at the Caribbean (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caribbean) and the Eastern North American (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_America) seaboard when it runs ashore eight or more hours later. Tens of millions of lives would be lost as New York, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Miami, Havana, and many other cities near the Atlantic coast are leveled. The likelihood of this happening is a matter of vigorous debate.[16] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-Pararas-Carayannis-15)

The last Cumbre Vieja eruption occurred in 1971 at the southern end of the sub-aerial section without any movement. The section affected by the 1949 eruption is currently stationary and does not appear to have moved since the initial rupture.[17] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatsunami#cite_note-16)

Geologists and volcanologists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanologist) also disagree about whether an eruption on the Cumbre Vieja would cause a single large gravitational landslide or a series of smaller landslides.


Rubber duck's anyone?

10th October 2011, 11:30 AM
The current eruptions(El Hierro) are not at the same island discussed in the Rense article (La Palma, site of last 1971 eruption).


10th October 2011, 01:52 PM
Intensity continues building...

19-20 UTC

midnight rambler
10th October 2011, 03:40 PM
Intensity continues building...

19-20 UTC

Ooooh! What pretty colors!

10th October 2011, 07:39 PM
If you cross your eyes while looking into that graph it says Happy Hanuka.

10th October 2011, 10:30 PM
Update 10/10 – 21:31 UTC : Fishing vessels have been ordered not to throw their nets in the expected eruption area.* As far as now, no gases or bubbles have been detected in the area which is supposed to be the eruption area. This does not necessarily mean that there is no eruption, but that the depth of the magma vent is at least several hundred meters below sea level.
In the meantime, the harmonic tremors are unchanged* (see link below).
So no eruption yet, but the harmonic tremors intensity continues to increase... The color stripes is getting more disorderly on the seismogram!

11th October 2011, 09:16 AM
Ooooh! What pretty colors!

Yes how about this one (the latest):

You really can't dustinguish that there is lines any longer...
They have stated that there is an eruption occurring in the sea now, but they haven't offered much in support of that yet...

11th October 2011, 09:18 AM
It looks like a wall hanging I saw for sale at a grateful dead concert.,, that can't be good.

11th October 2011, 09:23 AM
Ok it seems like they are admitting that no eruption has occurred yet:

Update 11/10 – 16:08 UTC : The Canary Islands Maritime Authority has recommended ships NOT to enter a 4 nautical miles radius zone around the presumed eruption location.
Click here for a great 3-D Google map from ElMundo showing the eruption location with the islands.
Update 11/10 – 15:27 UTC : *A few moments ago the following message has appeared on the Emergencia El Hierro website :
RED ALERT – Phase pre-eruptive. It involves the initiation of a preventive evacuation. Make yourself available to the authorities.
FASE PRE-ERUPTIVA. Implica el inicio de la evacuación preventiva. Póngase a disposición de las autoridades.
In a first measure only the southern part of the island (mainly La Restinga) will be evacuated to the northern part of the island (to Valverde and other northern localities). The authorities are pressing that there is NO immediate danger and the measure is purely precautionary.
Update 11/10 – 14:40 UTC : Following Joke Volta, a Dutch artist living on El Hierro and talking to Earthquake-Report.com, a RED ALERT has been declared for La Restinga, the southernmost city on the island. The Yellow Alert remains for the rest of the island. The precautionary measure has been taken as the eruption might come nearer to the island (ER: it is far from sure that such an eruption will occur on the island itself). We have still NO official press report of this measure in Emergencia El Hierro.* La Restinga has a population of 547 people.
IMPORTANT UPDATE 14:04 UTC : The government of the Canary Island has asked the population of the Southernmost City of La Restinga (also an important port) with an urgent call to come together on the local football field.* People at the island think that the meeting is scheduled to prepare for an eventual opening of vents closer towards the island.
The authorities have called a press conference in Valverde soon to give more information about their decision.* We will bring you the information as it is published. We will however not speculate on the next measure to be taken. Click here for the latest news in one of the best

11th October 2011, 09:35 AM
It looks like a wall hanging I saw for sale at a grateful dead concert.,, that can't be good.

If you squint it looks like Osama Bin Laden is tongue kissing Glen Beck!

11th October 2011, 09:38 AM

11th October 2011, 10:28 AM
Some evacuations have begun:

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – people denied to enter their own houses while returning home (http://earthquake-report.com/2011/09/25/el-hierro-canary-islands-spain-volcanic-risk-alert-increased-to-yellow/)

Update 11/10 – 17:17 UTC : People in La Restinga have been evacuated to Valverde with buses and private vehicles. They are asked to stay with family if possible or can spend the night in a student home or in tents in Valverde. La Restinga people who were not at home when the Red Alert was called were denied to enter their homes. This happened also to people living in the higher parts of La Restinga! Police threatened people protesting against the fact they could not get belongings from their houses with high fines. Only the press is admitted to La Restinga!

11th October 2011, 10:30 AM
Some evacuations have begun:

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – people denied to enter their own houses while returning home (http://earthquake-report.com/2011/09/25/el-hierro-canary-islands-spain-volcanic-risk-alert-increased-to-yellow/)


11th October 2011, 10:34 AM

No kidding! Me and the lady, last night, were looking at elevation maps since we live close to the Hudson River. Scouting out places to hold out until a wave settles - head for the hills!!

11th October 2011, 12:50 PM
There is no way of really knowing which way a wave will propagate with the most intensity. If the south side of this thing goes - I would think you would be looking at more of an African / S. American continental coast event. If the west side goes...

11th October 2011, 01:11 PM
Up in Alaska:


Volcano on Alaska's remote Aleutians oozes lava
DAN JOLING,Associated Press September 26, 2011

A volcano in Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands has begun oozing lava, a signal that the mountain could explode and send up an ash cloud that could threaten aircraft.
... Waythomas said a satellite image indicated the lava dome was about 65 feet below the low point on the crater rim.

"The crater is starting to fill up," he said. "This could take another week or two and it will be there. And then we're not sure what will happen."

Observatory spots lava at edge of summit crater of volcano on Alaska’s remote Aleutians (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/observatory-spots-lava-at-edge-of-summit-crater-of-volcano-on-alaskas-remote-aleutians/2011/10/07/gIQAGme6TL_story.html)

AP October 7, 2011 ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Lava has reached the edge of a crater in a volcano in Alaska’s remote Aleutian Islands, indicating the mountain could explode and send up an ash cloud that could threaten aircraft.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory says satellite images show lava at the edge of the crater rim of 5,675-foot Cleveland Mountain on uninhabited on Chuginadak Island, about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage.

A little west of the Canary Island antipode:

thejakartapost.com: Six volcanoes on high alert, but no evacuations for now: BNPB (http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/10/09/six-volcanoes-high-alert-no-evacuations-now-bnpb.html)

Despite increasing activity at six volcanoes across the country, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) says there is no need to evacuate residents for now.

BNPB spokesperson Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said on Sunday that the volcanoes on high alert were Mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara, Anak Ranakan in East Nusa Tenggara, Papandayan in West Java, Karangetang and Lokon in North Sulawesi, and Anak Krakatau in the Sunda Strait.

“These volcanoes are on alert level III, which means all volcanic parameters show that activities could develop into an eruption or disaster,” he told The Jakarta Post via text message.

He said that Anak Krakatau was producing five thousand tremors per day. A 2-kilometer exclusion zone has been set up around the volcano.

Sutopo said the volcanoes were being monitored 24 hours a day. (rpt)

Coping story: BBC Oct.4: Puyehue volcano ash still clouds life in Argentina (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-15148876)

"For seven hours we had sand coming down. It was like an infernal storm with thunder and lightning," he says.

What used to be a lush green farm ended up covered with a layer of almost half a metre deep of sand and ash.

13th October 2011, 02:39 PM
Uploaded by MaryGreeley on Oct 13, 2011

New images of the spot of volcanic emissions on the coast of El Hierro

13th October 2011, 05:22 PM


15th October 2011, 03:10 PM
Uploaded by MaryGreeley on Oct 15, 2011

17th October 2011, 09:34 AM
Did it blow yet?

18th October 2011, 09:02 PM
Uploaded by MaryGreeley on Oct 18, 2011

19th October 2011, 04:51 AM
Youtube is blocked here, so I will have to wait till later to see that.