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8th October 2011, 02:17 PM
TheNocturnalEgyptian's thread today has inspired me... big time! He made a bunch of Orgonite machines, and gave them away at a healthfood store. ;)

While I'm the LAST person on this forum to have any measure of superstition or wierd "universal" type beliefs, I absolutely KNOW that "what goes around comes around" is some kind of VERY REAL universal law. I've seen it in effect too many times to NOT be a believer! ;D

With that idea (what the Eastern religions call "Karma") in mind, I'd like to hopefully start a new forum "trend" or meme, if you will... the "Karma" giveaway.

I'm giving away two (2) 1-gram fractionals of 99.9% fine silver to someone in this thread. I'll decide who within a few days, then mail it. I haven't yet decided how I'll decide who gets it, I might roll dice, throw a dart, or just give it to whoever makes me laugh my ass off first. We'll see.

For the record, I'm hoping that other forum members will find some useful stuff they have that isn't doing them any good, and give it away to other forum members in a similar fashion.. Let's see how this thing turns out.

Be well, my friends... this forum has given me a lot, here's giving one of you something back!


8th October 2011, 02:32 PM
*is flattered*

I hope the metals go out to somebody that deserves them. My vote is to send one of them to the Outlaw Josey Whales.

Gaillo the Gifter O0

8th October 2011, 02:35 PM
OK then. Off to a an androgynous start. Yet still illuminating if you have the time to waste:

(aka CC's PM/OWS/CME Orgonite video)
Youtube: Culture Club - Karma Chameleon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcA9LIIXWw)

8th October 2011, 02:36 PM
Gaillo the Gifter O0

Nope. As a general rule, I'm a selfish bastard... I've often said that I'd gladly trade it all for more! ;D

You, Nocturnal, are the real "gifter" - I can't imagine how much time, materials, and money you had invested in all those Orgoneite machines you gave away... truly an awesome and generous thing you did there! ;)

8th October 2011, 02:49 PM
"Bhikkhus, this body is not yours, nor does it belong to others. It is old Kamma, to be seen as generated and fashioned by volition, as something to be felt. Therein, bhikkus, the instructed noble disciple attends carefully and closely to dependent origination itself thus: 'when this exists, that comes to be; with the arising of this, that arises. When this does not exist, that does not come to be; with the cessation of this, that ceases.That is, with ignorance as condition, volitional formations [come to be]; with volitional formations as condition, consciousness...Such is the origin of this whole mass of suffering. But with the remainderless fading away and cessation of ignorance comes cessation of volitional formations; with the cessation of volitional formations, cessation of consciousness...Such is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering." The Connected Discourse of the Buddha, Samyutta Nikaya, II. The Book of Causation(Nidanavagga) 12. Nidanasamyutta

8th October 2011, 03:33 PM
"All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine."

"Be as you wish to seem."

“It is not living that matters, but living rightly.”

“Let him that would move the world first move himself.”

“…all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them.”

“The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”

The shortest and surest way to live with honour in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them.

“He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy.”

"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing"


" The andidote of 50 enemies is 1 friend. "

" You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. "


"the PATRIOT is a scarce man and brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

Large Sarge
8th October 2011, 03:58 PM
I have several tonnes of nanothermite, I wish to give away as a gift to tel aviv....


just kidding, a bit.

anyway, yes I do believe in Karma also.

Great thread, great topic.

Old Herb Lady
8th October 2011, 05:03 PM
Nope. As a general rule, I'm a selfish bastard... I've often said that I'd gladly trade it all for more! ;D

Um, Gaillo, love, it's all about intention. If you give freely with NO expectation of something in return, that is the key.
If you go and try to manipulate your karma by gifting somebody something by their inspiring post doesn't sound like karma to me.
It sounds like gifting someone something cuz they just gifted you.
NE gave away freely with no expectation in return. That's different.
Hope that makes sense. PS. I don't need any silver.

Twisted Titan
8th October 2011, 05:05 PM
Sometimes I really grapple with Karma

As the most wicked individuals devoid of any humanity compassion or restraint have come to be the rulers of the planet.

yet if I was to steal a loaf of bread to feed my family I would be severly punished

something is not working

Rockerfeller,kissinger are going to die peacefully in their sleep when the time comes

I question karma at times......I really do

Old Herb Lady
8th October 2011, 05:10 PM
Sometimes I really grapple with Karma

As the most wicked individuals devoid of any humanity compassion or restraint have come to be the rulers of the planet.

yet if I was to steal a loaf of bread to feed my family I would be severly punished

something is not working

Rockerfeller,kissinger are going to die peacefully in their sleep when the time comes

I question karma at times......I really do

The physical life is very, very short, like a dot on an infinite line. Think eternity Twister, eternity !

8th October 2011, 05:11 PM
Um, Gaillo, love, it's all about intention. If you give freely with NO expectation of something in return, that is the key.
If you go and try to manipulate your karma by gifting somebody something by their inspiring post doesn't sound like karma to me.
It sounds like gifting someone something cuz they just gifted you.
NE gave away freely with no expectation in return. That's different.
Hope that makes sense. PS. I don't need any silver.

Maybe so... but I have zero altruistic tendencies - I like to see other people happy and prospering, so I pretty much ALWAYS get something back when I give. Would I give freely of my time, resources, etc. if I did not know who it was to, and had no expectation of seeing where it was going? Definitely not.

BTW, I suspect TheNocturnalEgyptian had similar motives when he gave away the orgonites, I'm sure he got a great feeling of satisfaction in seeing people appreciate what he had to offer, along with an excellent chance to spread the word about a little-known technology.

My theory? EVERYONE operates out of self-interest, it's just that many people are not conscious and rational about it.

Old Herb Lady
8th October 2011, 05:17 PM
Maybe so... but I have zero altruistic tendencies - I like to see other people happy and prospering, so I pretty much ALWAYS get something back when I give. Would I give freely of my time, resources, etc. if I did not know who it was to, and had no expectation of seeing where it was going? Definitely not.

BTW, I suspect TheNocturnalEgyptian had similar motives when he gave away the orgonites, I'm sure he got a great feeling of satisfaction in seeing people appreciate what he had to offer, along with an excellent chance to spread the word about a little-known technology.

My theory? EVERYONE operates out of self-interest, it's just that many people are not conscious and rational about it.

Not everyone. Only people that have not learned to let go & get rid of the ego.
Once one releases the ego ...... Then it is completely possible to "operate" with no self-interest.

8th October 2011, 05:22 PM
Not everyone. Only people that have not learned to let go & get rid of the ego.
Once one releases the ego ...... Then it is completely possible to "operate" with no self-interest.

That idea (getting rid of the ego) is at the CORE of many new-age and occultic belief systems. As for me, no thanks... if you (properly) define the Ego as one's "sense of self", then getting rid of it is the WET DREAM of globalists, collectivists, and all others who would prey on man's mind by first destroying the individualistic and self-identifying aspects of it.

8th October 2011, 05:41 PM
i think it may be more along the lines that our "pride" makes us think that we are the greatest thing since sliced bread, when in reality, on the grand scale of the infinite, we are mere specks of dust whirling about the galaxy between here and our own demise...

Old Herb Lady
8th October 2011, 05:41 PM
That idea (getting rid of the ego) is at the CORE of many new-age and occultic belief systems. As for me, no thanks... if you (properly) define the Ego as one's "sense of self", then getting rid of it is the WET DREAM of globalists, collectivists, and all others who would prey on man's mind by first destroying the individualistic and self-identifying aspects of it.

Nothing new agey or occultist about love. That's what the CORE of your karma is . ( or the opposite of love....hate) The whole "karma" thing sounds new agey & occultist to me.
Love is not new agey or occultist. Big tough ego guys can NEVER see /realize this.

Joe King
8th October 2011, 05:44 PM
Rockerfeller,kissinger are going to die peacefully in their sleep when the time comes

What makes you think that?

Twisted Titan
8th October 2011, 05:58 PM
The physical life is very, very short, like a dot on an infinite line. Think eternity Twister, eternity !

But nobody can say with absolute certainy what will become of them.

we just assume they will suffer......we tell ourselves that for our own peace of mind as the possibilty that they got over is just a tad to much for most to bear.

no one that has crossed the great chasm of death ever returned to show the living what becomes of those with intolerate moral behavior

8th October 2011, 06:31 PM
Nothing new agey or occultist about love. That's what the CORE of your karma is . ( or the opposite of love....hate) The whole "karma" thing sounds new agey & occultist to me.
Love is not new agey or occultist. Big tough ego guys can NEVER see /realize this.

Kamma in the sanskrit or karma as it came east is translated directly to mean 'action'. its not new agey, and is the teaching of antiquity as the proof of co dependent origination.

9th October 2011, 01:18 PM
I feel like I have always tried to help other people, not wanting anything in return. Not thinking about Karma, it's just something I do because it feels right. I have spent countless hours working on this wrongful conviction, the Cooper case. I don't know the guy and personally won't benefit if he is released but I couldn't sit back and watch the injustice without doing something about it. A lot of people have questioned why I'm so eager to help a stranger but honestly it amazes me that more don't. What happened to him could happen to any one of us and when it happens, we need to expose it.

I'm not sure I believe in karma. There are some pretty evil people who seem to get away with their evilness. The prosecutors and police in the case mentioned above for one.

9th October 2011, 03:46 PM
i think it may be more along the lines that our "pride" makes us think that we are the greatest thing since sliced bread, when in reality, on the grand scale of the infinite, we are mere specks of dust whirling about the galaxy between here and our own demise...

Yeah, but I would still say that even the most useless eater, a pitiful excuse of man, a badsmelling waste of space, is still a far greater thing than sliced bread... The real miracle is that molecules consisting of mainly carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen (stardust) has blended together to make an organism that is able to walk, talk, eat, recreate, think (sometimes even original thoughts), invent... I really don't know how this came about if by chance evolution, or by the hand of some god, which we cannot understand. Or through some other unknown sequence of events. But it is a miracle, and possibly the greatest miracle of the universe!

Celtic Rogue
10th October 2011, 06:12 AM
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/297740_2382384954921_1109621843_32780470_205522767 3_n.jpg

10th October 2011, 08:18 AM
Cool thread, Gaillo. I am with Old Herb Lady when she says that intention matters. I also agree with you that the givers do benefit from giving if they are honest with themselves about it.

The way I see it . . . giving for the purpose of getting good karma is not ideal. Giving for the sake of giving, for a smile, to make someone happy . . that's awesome. If you happen to feel good and benefit from the receiver's happiness, there's nothing wrong with that, but I don't think a karma lift is supposed to be the primary goal.

I can't imagine not having any ego at all. The thought of it makes my head spin. If it exists, it's got to be a very peaceful way of existence.

10th October 2011, 08:32 AM
I'm not sure I believe in karma. There are some pretty evil people who seem to get away with their evilness. The prosecutors and police in the case mentioned above for one.
Check out the last paragraph.


A type of spiritual debt or credit we accumulate ourselves, which is embedded in our soul energy field. This soul energy imprint biases probability to attract payback experiences, ones that compensate for the choices made in the past. If the choices were to help others in need and thereby assist freewill and balance, that brings one positive karma and perhaps in the future one will be helped in return. If instead one has chosen to hurt others who were innocent, that creates imbalance and violation of freewill, and that brings corresponding repercussions.

The difference between karma and fate is that fate arises from decisions made outside linear time, and karma from decisions made within linear time.

Karma is fundamentally about learning lessons. One learns through positive action that as you help others, so are you helped. It’s a rewarding teaching mechanism in that sense. And one learns through negative action that as one hurts others, so are you hurt, in order to understand the consequences of your actions. Negative karma can be resolved by discharging the soul imprint through forgiveness and understanding. Karmic experiences can be prevented by understanding their core lessons before they are attracted.

It follows that karma does not exist for two types of individuals: spiritless humans for whom it serves no purposes since any lessons they receive dissolve along with their consciousness upon death, and highly STS individuals who are on a negative evolutionary path and have no need for a corrective mechanism that teaches them to be ‘good.’ Thus the world is full of seemingly wicked people who never receive their comeuppance. Karma is not a moral thing, but an evolutionary catalyst for those who need it.

Joe King
10th October 2011, 08:57 AM
The difference between karma and fate is that fate arises from decisions made outside linear time, and karma from decisions made within linear time.
How is it possible to make decisions outside of linear time? Any decision you make has to occur at a particular time. Then time moves on and you make another decision. How are they all not linear relative to each other?

10th October 2011, 09:19 AM
I never believed in Karma. Hey if what goes around comes around, what do we need cops, laws and courts for? Criminals will be punished anyway, right?
I see it as just another feel good philosophy that has control value. The masses will behave better if they think there are consequences to their behavior.

Our rulers are smarter than us and they aren't worried about Karma.

10th October 2011, 09:34 AM
I agree Hoarder, I have seen it throughout my life, ruthless people who get away with everything living high on the hog, and the nice people who are trying to do the right thing getting screwed. I don't know?

10th October 2011, 10:19 AM
I see it as just another feel good philosophy...
Karma can only come from your reaction actions.
Not slackers.

And protection rackets spend a lot of your energy protecting themselves from karma.

Large Sarge
10th October 2011, 10:34 AM
I never believed in Karma. Hey if what goes around comes around, what do we need cops, laws and courts for? Criminals will be punished anyway, right?
I see it as just another feel good philosophy that has control value. The masses will behave better if they think there are consequences to their behavior.

Our rulers are smarter than us and they aren't worried about Karma.

I think you are missing some of the karmic value stuff, although I will say loud and clear "Hoarder is one of the wisest and smartest" folks I have ever conversed with, he was instrumental in "waking me up"

imagine you are a ruthless person, you cutthroat your way to the top, you have fame, riches, beauty (well paid plastic surgeons), and all the friends that money can buy.

the old lesson from Karma is be nice to the people on the way up, because they are the ones you will be dealing with on the way down. (thats part of it)

and the other one, is that lesson in life, "no pleasure from ill gotten gains"

A tyrannical ruler lacks judgment, but he who hates ill-gotten gain will enjoy a long life. ... A ruler with no understanding will oppress his people, but one who hates ... he is apt to prefer them who flatter him, and minister most to his pleasures

Karma is not always evident, Take O.J. Simpson, "he got way with it", but he lost all is fame (gained being infamous), lost all true friends and decent people in his life, and eventually got caught and sent to prison for something else.

Casey Anthony is another one, Karma is going to dish that young lady a whole bunch of shit, i can assure you of that, not only torment, but many bad things are soming her way.

part of dealing with Karma, is that the person so effected, does not realize he (or she) has stepped on a landmine.

if you could see, and avoid "bad karma", then it would not really exist.

O.J. thought he was "king of the world" after getting away with that horrendous crime.

The Rothschilds think they are "kings of the world", and then someone (not Al gore) invented the internet.

Israel thinks they are above the law,

Karma plays out, sometimes we see it, sometimes not, sometimes karma is getting what you want (fame, riches, power, etc), and it making you miserable (think of celebrity suicides)

Think back 10 years ago to public opinion on Israel, as compared to today (as more folks realize Israel did 9/11)


Israel will not even see the Karmic Blow it will receive for all the mischief, misery, and mayhem it has inflicted on innocent folks...

10th October 2011, 11:48 AM

Hows that karma thingie working out for Tibet (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/14th_Dalai_Lama) since 1959?


Large Sarge
10th October 2011, 11:59 AM

Hows that karma thingie working out for Tibet (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/14th_Dalai_Lama) since 1959?


Welcome Back Book, old friend!!!!

Great to see you!!!!

10th October 2011, 12:07 PM
TMW: The Philosophy of Karma (Action) (http://themiddleway.net/?p=21)

Karma has an interesting interpretation in the west. Most people believe the underlying philosophy of karma to be something along the lines of do bad and bad will come to you. Dictionary.com defines karma “as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation”. Karma to wikipedia is “the concept of “action” or “deed” in Dharmic religions, understood as a term to denote the entire cycle of cause and effect as described in the philosophies of Hinduism and Buddhism.”

The popular understanding, along with both dictionary.com and wikipedia are missing the actuality karma. The literal translation for karma is action, which is what wikipedia had it as.

This is where it all starts going wrong.

One of The Buddha’s Five Remembrances is what I used to reach the true nature of karma.

My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.

The Philosophy of karma is that you, in every moment, are the result of your karma. It is not something coming to you later on, or haunting you, it is every moment and only that moment. For any single action to take place, a multitude of other actions/events must have lined up allowing that event to be. Below are two examples of karma/action, then a wrap up on how karma is the result, not the cause.

Common examples of bad karma that will ‘catch up’ to a person are negative qualities like stealing, cheating, lying, etc. Each of these very actions when being committed/acted is punishment of itself. To steal, to cheat, to lie is not something that comes easy to humans, and once started, becomes easier and easier to continue(the continuation/development of bad karma). Each of these actions is like withholding water/sun and other quality from a flower. The flower get weaker and duller, slowly it shrivels up and dies as a result of the actions.

Common examples of good karma that will ‘catch up’ to a person are positive qualities like helping others, donating money, etc. Each of these actions, when being committed is the actual reward. The joy that is received from helping others in a tough situation or giving out of love and compassion is like a flower receiving fertilizer; the flower grows that much stronger and brighter.

Looking at action, regardless of positive/negative|good/bad, the action is the result of something; it is the effect of other causes. To end up in another country one does not just click their fingers. One must find a method to get there, pack up, make arrangements for transportation and living at both ends, communicate to their family/friends what is going to take place. Then after ALL of this, the person finally takes karma(action). They are living their karma, their action.


10th October 2011, 03:56 PM
That idea (getting rid of the ego) is at the CORE of many new-age and occultic belief systems. As for me, no thanks... if you (properly) define the Ego as one's "sense of self", then getting rid of it is the WET DREAM of globalists, collectivists, and all others who would prey on man's mind by first destroying the individualistic and self-identifying aspects of it.

It's funny seeing the "Buddha" thanks under the post, lol.

The ego is not YOU. YOU *have* an ego. The ego is a tool. It is not prudent to let tools dictate one's life.

If you want to know what YOU are, then simply think about it.

The Cosmos is a Non-Dual process. I didn't say "one" process because for there to be "one" something, there has to be something "other" (as in, outside the "one"). Everything is a manifestation of the entire universe; there is but one *source*, after all.

That Source perpetuates itself continually, outside of time, and is manifest as the conscious and unconscious. It is like a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.

The ego exists so species survive. An enlightened population might die out within a generation, or a few weeks (so I can see why some would say it's good for the NWO).

Enlightenment is a funny thing. But one need not permanently destroy their ego! That would be like having to physically throw away a television because you don't trust yourself not to watch it. Just realize who you are, or who I is, and all the illusions of the world (Maya) fall away.

I think it is worth noting that the meaning of "nirvana" is similar to a sigh of relief.

But being enlightened and knowing the Nature of Nature and God and Man and the Cosmos doesn't mean you have to lay down and die or be a monk or allow someone to harm you.

Ultimately, the Cosmos will unfold as it should; there is not a grain of sand out of place in the Universe!

Tat tvam asi!
तत् त्वं असि.
That thou art!

10th October 2011, 04:30 PM
Good post sirgonzo. I'd liken the ego to the body. You don't want to destroy the ego...without it, you'd be like an invalid in society. The goal is instead to subjugate it. Similar to how the body is precisely controlled by not over-eating, using the bathroom at specified times, demanding physical labor when necessary.

The body, or "flesh", is not evil, just like the ego isn't evil. But both do harm when they are running the show. Conversely, both are essential tools and shouldn't be damaged.

Old Herb Lady
10th October 2011, 04:34 PM
I think you are missing some of the karmic value stuff, although I will say loud and clear "Hoarder is one of the wisest and smartest" folks I have ever conversed with, he was instrumental in "waking me up"

imagine you are a ruthless person, you cutthroat your way to the top, you have fame, riches, beauty (well paid plastic surgeons), and all the friends that money can buy.

the old lesson from Karma is be nice to the people on the way up, because they are the ones you will be dealing with on the way down. (thats part of it)

and the other one, is that lesson in life, "no pleasure from ill gotten gains"

A tyrannical ruler lacks judgment, but he who hates ill-gotten gain will enjoy a long life. ... A ruler with no understanding will oppress his people, but one who hates ... he is apt to prefer them who flatter him, and minister most to his pleasures

Karma is not always evident, Take O.J. Simpson, "he got way with it", but he lost all is fame (gained being infamous), lost all true friends and decent people in his life, and eventually got caught and sent to prison for something else.

Casey Anthony is another one, Karma is going to dish that young lady a whole bunch of shit, i can assure you of that, not only torment, but many bad things are soming her way.

part of dealing with Karma, is that the person so effected, does not realize he (or she) has stepped on a landmine.

if you could see, and avoid "bad karma", then it would not really exist.

O.J. thought he was "king of the world" after getting away with that horrendous crime.

The Rothschilds think they are "kings of the world", and then someone (not Al gore) invented the internet.

Israel thinks they are above the law,

Karma plays out, sometimes we see it, sometimes not, sometimes karma is getting what you want (fame, riches, power, etc), and it making you miserable (think of celebrity suicides)

Think back 10 years ago to public opinion on Israel, as compared to today (as more folks realize Israel did 9/11)


Israel will not even see the Karmic Blow it will receive for all the mischief, misery, and mayhem it has inflicted on innocent folks...

Whew !! I thought that was going to say " I think you are missing some of the karmic value of vitamin C " !!

10th October 2011, 07:56 PM
Good post sirgonzo. I'd liken the ego to the body. You don't want to destroy the ego...without it, you'd be like an invalid in society. The goal is instead to subjugate it. Similar to how the body is precisely controlled by not over-eating, using the bathroom at specified times, demanding physical labor when necessary.

The body, or "flesh", is not evil, just like the ego isn't evil. But both do harm when they are running the show. Conversely, both are essential tools and shouldn't be damaged.

I agree.

A quick analogy in regards to the nature of the Self in the purest form, beyond ego and all else:

There are as many 'points' on the head of a pin as there are in the entire Universe.

The relationship between the pin and the rest of the Universe is the same as the relationship between the True Self and the "rest" of the Cosmos.

Infinity is infinity, and Isness is Isness.

Ehyeh asher ehyeh
אהיה אשר אהיה
"I Am That I Am!"

11th October 2011, 12:02 AM
The Philosophy of karma is that you, in every moment, are the result of your karma.

Great summary on karma, its not the evil whipsaw, or wheel of fortune as is given definition to in the West,

More an action to be mastered.

The religion itself has done very well in my estimation, of weaving its way into the fabric and acceptance of modern society.

11th October 2011, 02:11 AM
It's funny seeing the "Buddha" thanks under the post, lol.

The ego is not YOU. YOU *have* an ego. The ego is a tool. It is not prudent to let tools dictate one's life.

If you want to know what YOU are, then simply think about it.

The Cosmos is a Non-Dual process. I didn't say "one" process because for there to be "one" something, there has to be something "other" (as in, outside the "one"). Everything is a manifestation of the entire universe; there is but one *source*, after all.

That Source perpetuates itself continually, outside of time, and is manifest as the conscious and unconscious. It is like a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.

The ego exists so species survive. An enlightened population might die out within a generation, or a few weeks (so I can see why some would say it's good for the NWO).

Enlightenment is a funny thing. But one need not permanently destroy their ego! That would be like having to physically throw away a television because you don't trust yourself not to watch it. Just realize who you are, or who I is, and all the illusions of the world (Maya) fall away.

I think it is worth noting that the meaning of "nirvana" is similar to a sigh of relief.

But being enlightened and knowing the Nature of Nature and God and Man and the Cosmos doesn't mean you have to lay down and die or be a monk or allow someone to harm you.

Ultimately, the Cosmos will unfold as it should; there is not a grain of sand out of place in the Universe!

Tat tvam asi!
तत् त्वं असि.
That thou art!

LOL I found it funny thanking him too. I did it because it seemed as there was a battle of words between Gaillo and OHL, one saying never get rid of your ego, and the other saying let it go. You have already put me to shame with your words. However at the time I felt and still feel that there is a median in there somewhere. An ego is good to have, pride is a good thing to have. With out that why do anything? The whole concept of an unselfish good deed is foolish. You do unto others as you would do unto yourself. I myself take pride in helping people when I can, by helping them, I am helping myself. There is no shame in that. One should take pride in their works.

"Ehyeh asher ehyeh
אהיה אשר אהיה
"I Am That I Am!"

Didn't Popeye say that? ;D

I am what I am, and that's all that I am.

11th October 2011, 05:09 AM

::) the nonsense pot smokers buy is hilarious

11th October 2011, 05:51 AM

::) the nonsense pot smokers buy is hilarious

...geez, only back for a few days, and right back to your old bookish ways...i had hoped that maybe your posting style had matured since you went slumming over there, apparently not.

Old Herb Lady
11th October 2011, 06:02 AM
I think perhaps people don't understand what an "ego" is.


Like all strengths pride comes from within. I have pride in being a good person, making good decisions and I have pride in my life. Ego is an outer belief. Ego is comparing your self to others and thinking "I am to good for them" or "I have pride in my history and roots". People veil this as "pride" but it is centered in judging others and comparing them to you. it comes from an insecurity in yourself.

Most People in school have pride in their good marks since it was a challenge for them to better themselves. When it is just to be better then others, it is ego. Pride is healthy and ego is not. Ego creates divides and puts some above others, in an unhealthy and judgmental light.

When I and a friend ended up in a homeless shelter in Ottawa, we were so drunk and stupid we had lost any pride in ourselves we could of held on to. All we had left was ego. When we talked to the guy at the desk we said "we are just drunk, we are not homeless" It was all just ego and condescension. If we had had pride, we could of graciously accepted the help offered and seen we were just like all the others. We just need a place to sleep. With our pride gone all we had was ego and our choice of words and feeling of threatened superiority showed that.

Pride has little to do with situation but HOW you handle the situation. Just because you are down and out, it does not mean you have no pride. Many of the poor have lost their pride due to the habits and the brokenness of their lives, but there are many who still take much pride in the work they do like "binners". They work all night getting the bottles out of the trash, to make their small wage, but they have much pride in the money they make and that they can provide a small income for themselves. That is pride. The ability to live your life in your way; To hold your head high.

The rich as well, rarely have pride. They only have ego. Ego is why they look down on others. It is due to their own insecurities about their lives. With true pride in who you are, you can be in any situation from the streets to the suburbs, and be secure in yourself. rarely though, do you see that pride, only their insecure egos.

When the Pharisees told Jesus not to associate with the poor, the lepers, the prostitutes, the tax collectors etc. it was an attempt to see an ego in Jesus. Jesus being perfect; had no ego, but only pride. If he had had an ego, he would of been just like the pharisees; full of themselves and their hypocrisy. In every action and the words of Jesus, there was pride, and a security in himself.

Ego and hypocrisy often come hand in hand. we are all troubled people, but most will hypocritically say "at least I am not like them." When in the back of there mind, they know their own imperfections. Being able to say "at times I have messed up in my life" or "I am a flawed being" does not mean you do not have pride. Being able to admit flaws is a sign of pride since you are not trying to cover up your weaknesses.

Pride can accept help, ego cannot. You can still be secure in yourself but need help. where as, when you have ego, you are not able to accept help out of worry. Ego worries about "what will I look like?" or "others will think less of me".

When someone says "you need to swallow your pride" they really mean swallow the ego. The "I can do it all myself" or the "I am too good for that" is just ego. Pride can ask for help and accept that you can not do it all yourself. Pride would not see itself as too good for a task, it would accept graciously and be PRIDEFUL in doing it well.

When I busk, I am very prideful of working hard and sounding good. When people say "have you no pride, playing on the street?" It is the opposite! There is pride in every aspect of being out there for everyone to see. Often though, I respond to their criticisms with ego and say "at least I am not like others who beg". Instead of defending my own actions, I criticise others and the choices they make, instead of being accountable for my own.

The sad part of society is that, everyone has ego, but many have lost all pride. The faith they have in their own actions as legitimate, is gone. The belief they are good is gone. The rich do not want to help the poor, since if they did, their ego would not be fed. the rich need the poor so they can have a have a false sense of superiority. If everyone had pride society would be a much more Even in the middle. But nay, The ones who have lost their pride rarely get the support they need to gain it back and to be happy in themselves. While on the other side, the rich need the pride-less to keep them on to and full of themselves.

11th October 2011, 06:14 AM
Kamma: Acts of intention resulting in becoming and birth

Old Herb Lady
11th October 2011, 07:26 AM
I must run, but while I was getting ready to head out the door, I wanted to share one more thought before I run.

I have noticed throughout my life that MEN are much much more better at releasing their ego than women are.
A million times better at it then women. I'm not bashing women ! I am a woman ! Let me explain....

This is a male dominant forum so I hope this helps the men understand themselves a little better.

Men are simple creatures. They really are. They generally take pride in their work & like to keep busy doing productive things,
generally don't care all that much how they look every second of the day and generally will help people everywhere. Even if you don't think you're that type of man,
generally men are. They don't expect much back in return except from their wife/girlfriend. They want love, support, friendship, partner etc.
If they have that, they're generally good .

However, since most women on this planet are ego centered & only think about ME ME and ME and what you can do for ME ME and ME,
the men tend to get hard & tough & get surrounded by stuff like this from their wife " Well if you do this for me or that for me, THEN I'll
do this or that for you "

The men get controlled and then end up living in a constant POWER STRUGGLE.

Women are the ones who cannot give up their ego.

Now look at the women on this board. Very, very few women here. These ladies are ALL VERY VERY UNIQUE & different.
They want no power here, they contribute their love & wisdom without expecting to be bowed down to.

Now on another gold silver forum (AHEM, clears throat for a second) I have seen some woman's EGO very STRONGLY.

So my point is, is that the ego thing is a learned negative behavior .

And once people just live in peace with themselves and get rid of their negative beliefs & behaviors then it is much much easier to do more to help mankind freely instead of wanting /expecting something back.

Look at children. My little one fills up her little red wagon with an over abundance of veggies from the garden & wheels it down the road passing out her goods to neighbors just for fun. She doesn't want anything in return. She forgot that she even did it the next day.

Expect nothing back ever. If you get a good feeling in your heart. That's not selfish or self-interest.
It's not a material thing. That is your gift, free.

11th October 2011, 07:44 AM
It follows that karma does not exist for two types of individuals: spiritless humans for whom it serves no purposes since any lessons they receive dissolve along with their consciousness upon death, and highly STS individuals who are on a negative evolutionary path and have no need for a corrective mechanism that teaches them to be ‘good.’ Thus the world is full of seemingly wicked people who never receive their comeuppance. Karma is not a moral thing, but an evolutionary catalyst for those who need it. Vacuum, this is very interesting. What are spiritless humans?
And also, what are highly STS individuals? I have no idea what STS refers to.

A spiritless human(color of man)?? would be a fictitious entity such as a corporation, no?
Or a man made creation such as an automaton or robot or machine or something?

I'm finding it difficult to understand how a man or woman imbued with life from birth can exist without spirit, since as I understand it, spirit is the origin of life, the general intent behind conscious Life.

In other words, a man who exists without spirit, going by my current interpretation, would be non living. Maybe these creatures are something like Doppelgangers, or the Dark matter equivalent of conscious life or something?

Anyway, the idea of spiritless humans sure gave me a WTF moment.

11th October 2011, 08:20 AM
At the danger of possibly offending some people and getting in trouble, I'm going to throw these definitions out there. (I hope those who aren't interested in this subject aren't reading this thread....)


An artificial intelligence in the soul and brain that helps a being operate more successfully within a particular environment. The environment programs the ego into the soul through the intellect. Beings like plants and lower animals who lack intellect also lack egos.

When the ego is an instrument of Spirit, it provides an individuality and personality through which Spirit can accomplish its purpose in the physical realm. In that case the ego takes a large part of its programming from Spirit, as it’s partially operating in a spiritual context and thus a spiritual internal environment.

When the ego breaks away from Spirit, or if Spirit is absent, then the ego becomes solely a product of the physical environment and picks up all the traits of physical living – survival and competition primarily. Then it starts exploiting others for the sake of self gain. Lying, deception, manipulation, delusion — these are the properties of ego if left unchecked by Spirit. Ego removed from Spirit is the foundation of the STS pathway.
But it is as much an error to annihilate the ego, because then one becomes ineffectual in this world, unable to carry out the mission of Spirit with discernment, vigor, togetherness, and focus. Rather, the ego must be conquered and reprogrammed, refined and sharpened, to act in accordance with the impulse of Spirit.

Vacuum, this is very interesting. What are spiritless humans?
And also, what are highly STS individuals? I have no idea what STS refers to.

A spiritless human(color of man)?? would be a fictitious entity such as a corporation, no?
Or a man made creation such as an automaton or robot or machine or something?

I'm finding it difficult to understand how a man or woman imbued with life from birth can exist without spirit, since as I understand it, spirit is the origin of life, the general intent behind conscious Life.

In other words, a man who exists without spirit, going by my current interpretation, would be non living. Maybe these creatures are something like Doppelgangers, or the Dark matter equivalent of conscious life or something?

Anyway, the idea of spiritless humans sure gave me a WTF moment.

Here's a definition Santa:
The term denotes a person who has mind, body, and soul but lacks spirit. They are lacking the heart, crown, and third eye chakras since these are only uplinks to a spirit, which in their case is nonexistent. Therefore they are permanently incapable of experiencing genuine empathy or having sincere interest in anything outside material pursuits. They comprise the majority of psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and robotic background characters that pad the population.

And STS:

Service to Self. A metaphysical orientation where one serves self by exploiting and manipulating others, reducing their freewill to increase one’s own. Overall this creates a freewill imbalance. STS systems are closed systems, meaning they have to take material and energy from one place to feed another. Thus survival and competition, overpowering the weak, violence, and manipulation arise.

The most basic manifestation of STS is having to take life in order to live. We are all STS in our current human state, due to our genetics and environment causing it to be so. However, we are not all evolving in the STS direction. To be STS in a basic sense, but be committed toward living according to STO principles, is the best we can do in our 3D state. By pursuing this sufficiently, we can transform into Fourth Density STO eventually. By doing the opposite and sufficiently pursuing STS, one can likewise graduate into 4D STS existence.

11th October 2011, 09:09 AM
Enlightenment is a funny thing. But one need not permanently destroy their ego! That would be like having to physically throw away a television because you don't trust yourself not to watch it. Just realize who you are, or who I is, and all the illusions of the world (Maya) fall away.

A game of chess, the ego placed in check, while the sum of the game goes about what is.

11th October 2011, 10:06 AM
At the danger of possibly offending some people and getting in trouble, I'm going to throw these definitions out there. (I hope those who aren't interested in this subject aren't reading this thread....)


An artificial intelligence in the soul and brain that helps a being operate more successfully within a particular environment. The environment programs the ego into the soul through the intellect. Beings like plants and lower animals who lack intellect also lack egos.

When the ego is an instrument of Spirit, it provides an individuality and personality through which Spirit can accomplish its purpose in the physical realm. In that case the ego takes a large part of its programming from Spirit, as it’s partially operating in a spiritual context and thus a spiritual internal environment.

When the ego breaks away from Spirit, or if Spirit is absent, then the ego becomes solely a product of the physical environment and picks up all the traits of physical living – survival and competition primarily. Then it starts exploiting others for the sake of self gain. Lying, deception, manipulation, delusion — these are the properties of ego if left unchecked by Spirit. Ego removed from Spirit is the foundation of the STS pathway.
But it is as much an error to annihilate the ego, because then one becomes ineffectual in this world, unable to carry out the mission of Spirit with discernment, vigor, togetherness, and focus. Rather, the ego must be conquered and reprogrammed, refined and sharpened, to act in accordance with the impulse of Spirit.

Here's a definition Santa:
The term denotes a person who has mind, body, and soul but lacks spirit. They are lacking the heart, crown, and third eye chakras since these are only uplinks to a spirit, which in their case is nonexistent. Therefore they are permanently incapable of experiencing genuine empathy or having sincere interest in anything outside material pursuits. They comprise the majority of psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and robotic background characters that pad the population.

And STS:

Service to Self. A metaphysical orientation where one serves self by exploiting and manipulating others, reducing their freewill to increase one’s own. Overall this creates a freewill imbalance. STS systems are closed systems, meaning they have to take material and energy from one place to feed another. Thus survival and competition, overpowering the weak, violence, and manipulation arise.

The most basic manifestation of STS is having to take life in order to live. We are all STS in our current human state, due to our genetics and environment causing it to be so. However, we are not all evolving in the STS direction. To be STS in a basic sense, but be committed toward living according to STO principles, is the best we can do in our 3D state. By pursuing this sufficiently, we can transform into Fourth Density STO eventually. By doing the opposite and sufficiently pursuing STS, one can likewise graduate into 4D STS existence.

Is that a vacuum original? If so, consider me impressed.

I have always thought the ego was sort of a bad thing. When I think of ego, I think of a guy who cannot let another person pass him on the highway. (I actually know people like this.) I think of people who refuse to accept new information that could change their beliefs. The ego, to me, is greedy and closed minded. From your definition, it seems that what I have always thought of as the ego is one that is broken from the spirit.

11th October 2011, 10:08 AM
The term denotes a person who has mind, body, and soul but lacks spirit.To me you're describing "Lost souls," not souls that lack spirit,
but people who have forgotten they are the manifestation of spirit. They have become lost in the magnitude of life and
equate the sensation of being lost to that of being alone.

There is nothing more frightening in material existence to a
conscious soul than the certainty of being absolutely alone,
because it highlights the existential question, what then is the point of existence, but self?"

11th October 2011, 10:31 AM
How is it possible to make decisions outside of linear time? Any decision you make has to occur at a particular time. Then time moves on and you make another decision. How are they all not linear relative to each other?

Imagine empty space, with nothing in it at all except two spheres. If a sphere moves, how can you tell which one moved?

11th October 2011, 11:01 AM
Is that a vacuum original? If so, consider me impressed.

I have always thought the ego was sort of a bad thing. When I think of ego, I think of a guy who cannot let another person pass him on the highway. (I actually know people like this.) I think of people who refuse to accept new information that could change their beliefs. The ego, to me, is greedy and closed minded. From your definition, it seems that what I have always thought of as the ego is one that is broken from the spirit.
No, I'm not the originator. I agree with those definitions though.

To me you're describing "Lost souls," not souls that lack spirit,
but people who have forgotten they are the manifestation of spirit. They have become lost in the magnitude of life and
equate the sensation of being lost to that of being alone.

There is nothing more frightening in material existence to a
conscious soul than the certainty of being absolutely alone,
because it highlights the existential question, what then is the point of existence, but self?"
The "lost souls" you talk about, which have lost connection to the spirit, account for the vast majority of people with spirits (almost all of them). Reconnecting with the spirit is kind of like growing, but unlike your body and natural cognitive growth, nature doesn't do this automatically. It takes focused and sustained effort, and is what is known as being "born again" and other names.

People without spirits are different - they can't go down that path. Their purpose is to learn, as a group, from those who do have them. For those with spirits, their purpose is to provide resistance in life to provide an environment for development (because without resistance there can't be development).

Without connection to your spirit (vast majority), or if you don't have one, being alone is indeed the most scary thing possible. The reason for this is because, as mentioned above, you are mostly just artificial intelligence and require interaction with those around you to appear real. You reflect the emotions around you, etc. Once connection is made with the spirit, you have everything you need inside of you, and don't require anything else.

11th October 2011, 11:55 AM
I've been reading this discussion with great interest, but haven't had anything to contribute until now. I guess I let the ideas "percolate" until all of this sort of "distilled out" and became evident to me:

In this collectivist/socialist/controlled society, we are taught from the time we are VERY young that it is BAD to be more than just superficially concerned with ourselves and our own needs. We are taught that altruism (living for the benefit of others) is the highest ideal to which a human being can aspire, and that "pride", "selfishness" and "ego" are negative things that should be avoided. As I stated in my previous post, this type of indoctrination is highly treasured by TPTB, they WANT a population stripped of their sense of self, because such a population is EASY to manipulate through guilt, appealing to "communal" instincts, and taking advantage of charitable urges.

I am an egoist. I am unashamed and proudly proclaim it... because I ALSO have quite a bit of pride. I see pride as a virtue (when earned through proper action, not fantasies of greatness) and something that builds a person up, not a vice. I have a very strong sense of who I am, what I have accomplished in my life, and what my values, needs, and strengths are. Does this mean that I'm the kind of guy who cuts people off on the highway, jumps ahead of everyone in lines, and would claw my way to the top of a bloody hill of corpses to sieze power and be worshipped? Of COURSE NOT! Those are the marks of a diseased mind, the actions of a SELF-AGGRANDIZING individual - someone who has increased their own sense of who they are beyond what has been established by the facts of their existence and actions. I think that due to this society's social programming, the actions and nature of this type of person is OFTEN confused with "ego", even though the connection is superficial. Ego is the sense of self, a person's concept of who and what they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

I like who I am. I am proud of the things I've accomplished in my life. This is NOT a bad thing. Now all the metaphysicists will pile in (as programmed to do...) and tell me how I'm an insignificant speck of dust in a vast whirling universe beyond comprehension, and that my existence is short and unmemorable in the "big" scheme of things, blah blah blah. I reply SO FUCKING WHAT? I'm not running for the position of God, I have no illusions about my existence and what it represents in the big scheme of things! I live a harmless life, I treat other people the way I would like to be (though rarely am...) treated myself. I've contributed SOMETHING to the lives of the people I've come across in this brief life, and created an existence for myself that is comfortable and interesting without using the expedients of fraud and coercion. In the "big picture" or "long run" or whatever you want to call it, isn't that the only thing that's truly worth striving for anyway?

Too much confusion of terms when people talk about these concepts... by deliberate design, I'm sure. :o

11th October 2011, 11:59 AM
too many words. "fuck off and leave me alone," is what i use. but, i hear you. ;)

11th October 2011, 12:09 PM
Once connection is made with the spirit, you have everything you need inside of you, and don't require anything else.

Confusion arrives at the being "made" part.

As its already there, no pilgrimage is required.

"We" are taught to avoid ourselves, and "be" pilgrims.

You don't know who you are.


11th October 2011, 12:16 PM
Now all the metaphysicists will pile in (as programmed to do...) and tell me how I'm an insignificant speck of dust in a vast whirling universe beyond comprehension, and that my existence is short and unmemorable in the "big" scheme of things, blah blah blah. I reply SO FUCKING WHAT? I'm not running for the position of God, I have no illusions about my existence and what it represents in the big scheme of things!

yeah... well... you started this thread...lol

11th October 2011, 12:18 PM
yeah... well... you started this thread...lol


Nice! ;)

11th October 2011, 12:49 PM
Iffen you state you know who you are, you are as far from freedom as possible.

11th October 2011, 04:24 PM
Iffen you state you know who you are, you are as far from freedom as possible.

Says "who"?


11th October 2011, 04:59 PM
Says "who"?



11th October 2011, 05:01 PM
First of all, my posts in this thread are an attempt to communicate the ineffable.

Don't get "trees" mixed up with those green things with branches that grow out of the earth. (That is an attempt, but since it uses words it still doesn't do justice)

The REAL WORLD (the Truth) is unspeakable.

I've been reading this discussion with great interest, but haven't had anything to contribute until now. I guess I let the ideas "percolate" until all of this sort of "distilled out" and became evident to me:

In this collectivist/socialist/controlled society, we are taught from the time we are VERY young that it is BAD to be more than just superficially concerned with ourselves and our own needs. We are taught that altruism (living for the benefit of others) is the highest ideal to which a human being can aspire, and that "pride", "selfishness" and "ego" are negative things that should be avoided. As I stated in my previous post, this type of indoctrination is highly treasured by TPTB, they WANT a population stripped of their sense of self, because such a population is EASY to manipulate through guilt, appealing to "communal" instincts, and taking advantage of charitable urges.

I am an egoist. I am unashamed and proudly proclaim it... because I ALSO have quite a bit of pride. I see pride as a virtue (when earned through proper action, not fantasies of greatness) and something that builds a person up, not a vice. I have a very strong sense of who I am, what I have accomplished in my life, and what my values, needs, and strengths are. Does this mean that I'm the kind of guy who cuts people off on the highway, jumps ahead of everyone in lines, and would claw my way to the top of a bloody hill of corpses to sieze power and be worshipped? Of COURSE NOT! Those are the marks of a diseased mind, the actions of a SELF-AGGRANDIZING individual - someone who has increased their own sense of who they are beyond what has been established by the facts of their existence and actions. I think that due to this society's social programming, the actions and nature of this type of person is OFTEN confused with "ego", even though the connection is superficial. Ego is the sense of self, a person's concept of who and what they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

I like who I am. I am proud of the things I've accomplished in my life. This is NOT a bad thing. Now all the metaphysicists will pile in (as programmed to do...) and tell me how I'm an insignificant speck of dust in a vast whirling universe beyond comprehension, and that my existence is short and unmemorable in the "big" scheme of things, blah blah blah. I reply SO FUCKING WHAT? I'm not running for the position of God, I have no illusions about my existence and what it represents in the big scheme of things! I live a harmless life, I treat other people the way I would like to be (though rarely am...) treated myself. I've contributed SOMETHING to the lives of the people I've come across in this brief life, and created an existence for myself that is comfortable and interesting without using the expedients of fraud and coercion. In the "big picture" or "long run" or whatever you want to call it, isn't that the only thing that's truly worth striving for anyway?

Too much confusion of terms when people talk about these concepts... by deliberate design, I'm sure. :o

I hear you. Kali Yuga is a bitch! ;D

I see that TPTB preach altruism/socialism, and I am not an altruist or a socialist. Neither am I an egoist.

Not to wax philosophical, but there are no words for what "I" quintessentially am.

first chapter of Tao Te Ching:

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders

I agree, words and languages are a problem, and this is coming from a guy who appreciates foreign languages.

I think part of the reason why I like languages, is so I can get a feel for the worldview and manner-of-thinking that is birthed by various types of languages, and thus "get beyond" it.

After learning a language, people generally *think* in language, which limits them, and causes confusion (the Tower of Babel comes to mind).

Western mind and Eastern mind is very different. The middle way is key. East and West meet exactly where you are. There is no 'time' but NOW, there is no 'space' but HERE.

Everything everywhere everywhen is a dream in the mind of God.

Sorry if this post is confusing - it was the words' fault! If words didn't exist everyone would know exactly what I mean.

Anyway, I wouldn't call you an insignificant grain of sand or whatever, more like the opposite. You are the entire *Cosmos*, experiencing itself, as centered on your being. What else could you be anyway?

*also called "the Universe", "God", "that which men have called God", "Ultimate Reality", "Truth" and countless other names in infinite incarnations and manifestations.*

The Universe is unfolding as it should.

In short, trust in God, but row away from the rocks!

Anybody having a hard time understanding what I'm talking about might do well to eat 5 grams or so of these and see if they don't have an "Aha!" moment (to some, it's an "Oh shit!" moment, lol):


11th October 2011, 06:59 PM
Says "who"?



What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!The air is serene after a storm,The air is so fresh that it already feels like a celebration.What a beautiful thing is a sunny day! But another sun,that's brighter still,It's my own sunthat's upon your face!The sun, my own sun,It's upon your face!It's upon your face! When night comes and the sun has gone down,I almost start feeling melancholy;I'd stay below your windowWhen night comes and the sun has gone down. But another sun,that's brighter still,It's my own sunthat's upon your face!The sun, my own sun,It's upon your face!It's upon your face!

11th October 2011, 08:00 PM
OK then... I've decided how to decide who gets the Silver Karma. The first person (who's posted in this thread) to PM me with their (postal) address will have an envelope of silver mailed to them tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for making this a much more interesting than expected thread! ;)

BTW, I'm making a 400 mile car trip tomorrow, so I'm not worried about "revealing" anything about my actual physical location, which only 4 of you on this forum know the general gist of anyway! ;D

11th October 2011, 08:18 PM
Confusion arrives at the being "made" part.

As its already there, no pilgrimage is required.

"We" are taught to avoid ourselves, and "be" pilgrims.

You don't know who you are.

I'm not sure what you're first sentence means, but you're right that it fundamentally comes down to what "I" means. Just like your body is made of many parts (systems, organs, cells) "you" are also made of many parts - the body and its parts, the ego and its parts (which are hundreds), non-physical bodies, and possibly a spirit.

Using descriptors to identify yourself "I am a basketball fan", "I am a smart person", "I know who I am and strongly believe in x, y, and z" gives you the illusion that you are one whole, self-consistent, individual.

The truth is, if you are nothing more than a scattered set of impulses than it doesn't really matter what you do. It doesn't matter if you're altruistic, or if you are a criminal. You can't make a difference in the world either way. It's only when you solidify inside and obtain a true Will that you and help others (or accomplish anything). The (truly) evil people in the world have developed a super strong and dominant ego, which is controls every impulse they have, and strives to consume everything around it. The "good" or "enlightened" people have connected to their spirit and it is that tiny spark which is able to control their actions.

Any talk of pilgrimages, altruism, or any other external focus as "the answer" is false.

11th October 2011, 08:22 PM
OK then... I've decided how to decide who gets the Silver Karma. The first person (who's posted in this thread) to PM me with their (postal) address will have an envelope of silver mailed to them tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for making this a much more interesting than expected thread! ;)

BTW, I'm making a 400 mile car trip tomorrow, so I'm not worried about "revealing" anything about my actual physical location, which only 4 of you on this forum know the general gist of anyway! ;D

Gaillo, John, Madfranks, you guys should be proud of yourselves, you have already given more than anyone.
Especially Gaillo. And everyone here benefited by the right thing being done by many working together.

I didn't want to ruin your thread so I dropped two posts, my first post is directly
related to both of the ones I dropped, I think you get it. I left the authors out,
Socrates, Aristotle, Mark Twain, cherry picked timeless quotes of truth,
Western, these forums are a microcosm of society, we lived those quotes.
First post I dropped was gim related, karma , she can be a real biatch,
second post was about Western Philosophy, these ideas are more developed,
this is not " eastern ", there are forces, they balance themselves out, self regulating,
and they have everything to do with doing the right thing and justice, freedom,
good order, peace, war, law, etc. The good outweighs the bad, society progresses,
these forums are proof of this as well, again, a microcosm of society.
This is Western Philosophy. You need people, leaders stepping up and doing
the right thing, that creates good " karma " for everyone.

I would like people to read my quotes again after reading this post.

This is a very interesting thread.

11th October 2011, 08:27 PM

What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!The air is serene after a storm,The air is so fresh that it already feels like a celebration.What a beautiful thing is a sunny day! But another sun,that's brighter still,It's my own sunthat's upon your face!The sun, my own sun,It's upon your face!It's upon your face! When night comes and the sun has gone down,I almost start feeling melancholy;I'd stay below your windowWhen night comes and the sun has gone down. But another sun,that's brighter still,It's my own sunthat's upon your face!The sun, my own sun,It's upon your face!It's upon your face!

Just checkin'.

Never can be too careful.

11th October 2011, 08:31 PM
You are the entire *Cosmos*

Where did you learn to speak Greek, you spoke strongly against
the Western Philosophers that built the Western World, making it
very clear your contempt for them.

So I can only ask, what are your sources, what are you reading ?
Where are you getting all these ideas from ? I give sources and
references, you don't seem to do that, so I would like some please.

11th October 2011, 08:34 PM
Where did you learn to speak Greek, you spoke strongly against
the Western Philosophers that built the Western World, making it
very clear your contempt for them.

So I can only ask, what are your sources, what are you reading ?
Where are you getting all these ideas from ? I give sources and
references, you don't seem to do that, so I would like some please.
Are you saying you agree with his statement because it aligns with Greek tradition, and want to know where else he is getting the idea from?

11th October 2011, 09:02 PM
You can't make a difference in the world either way. It's only when you solidify inside and obtain a true Will that you and help others (or accomplish anything).

No action is required to "solidify" in my estimation, only the relatedness on your own part will be enough of an example and "compel"-ation to help "make a difference".

Anything planned or sought, after relatedness, tends to end up in the land of click clack once again.

11th October 2011, 10:17 PM
Where did you learn to speak Greek

I can't speak greek; when I was a child, I tried to learn enough ancient greek to be able to better my understanding of the bible. I taught myself in my house and at the library. Same with ancient (gasp) hebrew. There is much more to the bible in the original tongues than the KJV, of course.

, you spoke strongly against
the Western Philosophers that built the Western World, making it
very clear your contempt for them.

False. I mentioned that ancient greeks liked to fuck little boys, and that that was gay and kinda puts a blemish on their otherwise agreeable existence.

I do not hold them in contempt. So it can't be "clear". I don't hate them at all.

So I can only ask, what are your sources, what are you reading ?
Where are you getting all these ideas from ? I give sources and
references, you don't seem to do that, so I would like some please.

Why don't you like to talk about Eleusis? What went on there went on for over 2000 years, and the same great men you glorify themselves spoke highly of it.

The ἐποπτεία of the Μυστήρια would know what I mean...

I did cite a source; for one, psilocybe cubensis mushrooms! Truth (in a metaphysical sense) is to be experienced, not written about. Words don't do certain things justice, no? Any decent book about Zen will tell you in the first pages that it isn't really a book about Zen.

My ideas don't come from any books or people - just direct experience with and without psychedelics (or better yet, entheogens) and logic. I appreciate buddhist teachings, but I do not follow Buddha or anyone else. Alan Watts was (and is, through his lectures available in audio) a pretty good entertainer type 'teacher' of Vedanta and buddhist thought for westerners. A friend of his, Suzuki Roshi was a Zen master, and a couple days ago I bought a book of anecdotes his students had put together. It is hilarious! I love Zen, but you can't really read or write about it. It's just Isness.

The Rig Veda, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, etc, written by the ancient aryans, contains more wisdom than many modern westerners would ever know. Sanskrit and greek, and english and german and scandinavian languages and latin and the romance languages all come from the same mother tongue.

The people who spoke that language would probably know what I mean.

12th October 2011, 12:09 AM
If you give for the purpose of receiving, you won't receive.

If giving doesn't come from the heart, it's best you sell it.

Old Herb Lady
12th October 2011, 05:57 AM
Where did you learn to speak Greek, you spoke strongly against
the Western Philosophers that built the Western World, making it
very clear your contempt for them.

So I can only ask, what are your sources, what are you reading ?
Where are you getting all these ideas from ? I give sources and
references, you don't seem to do that, so I would like some please.

Not sure where Gonzo's sources & references are coming from , Vacuum's are coming from Montalk

12th October 2011, 08:45 AM
OK then... I've decided how to decide who gets the Silver Karma. The first person (who's posted in this thread) to PM me with their (postal) address will have an envelope of silver mailed to them tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for making this a much more interesting than expected thread! ;)

Says, who got the plata?

12th October 2011, 08:57 AM
i know! i know! ;D

12th October 2011, 01:19 PM
Bump for Magnes.

12th October 2011, 03:26 PM
Bump for Magnes.

You are not a Western Man !

12th October 2011, 03:52 PM
Check your PM's.

Don't trust the mods?

12th October 2011, 04:39 PM
Oh oh... the typeface is growing bold.

The tension in the air is becoming palpable as Magnes the Greek squares off against Sir Gonzo of the Eleusian Forest. ;D

12th October 2011, 04:43 PM
Magnes' western Euro-man.


12th October 2011, 07:11 PM
You are not a Western Man !

What the fuck ever. You don't know me! I've always been cool with you but damn! You are just ridiculous!

What makes you say I'm not a western man? I was born in Kentucky and I've traced my family back to England, Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia, France, and Italy. No jews did I find, and I searched my maternal line waaaaaay far back. I found one non-white: a cherokee on my father's side over 300 years ago.

Is it because I can read some hebrew? I'm learning sanskrit now, will that be a problem?

Je parle français, aussi. *Ça*, c'est une problème? Pourquoi pas? Mon français est mieux que mon hébreu!

Just chill Magnes. I'm white. Get over it.

12th October 2011, 07:16 PM
Don't trust the mods?

Hahaha! Oh my god! That's a JOKE! It's just encouraging encryption. I'll take it down for you, buddy.

12th October 2011, 07:30 PM
Oh oh... the typeface is growing bold.

The tension in the air is becoming palpable as Magnes the Greek squares off against Sir Gonzo of the Eleusian Forest. ;D


All I was wondering is why Magnes, champion of western man and all things greek, would simply IGNORE the 2000+ years of HISTORY of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

What's stopping you from discussing it, Magnes? I'd seriously like to discuss it with you.

And if you quit all your bullshit about me not being white or whatever other delusions of me you might have, we can be friends again. We helped build this place together and now you're trying to run me out!

Not everyone is a jew troll, Magnes. I'm not exactly a fan of jews, as my posts may indicate, but because I know a liiittle hebrew I must be as evil as a Rothschild, right? lol

If you just apologize, we can put it all behind us. You can even do it in PM and no one will know. Your 'honor' will remain intact.

And dammit, let's talk about Eleusis!

12th October 2011, 07:54 PM
...ok, where's my popcorn?

Joe King
12th October 2011, 10:41 PM
...ok, where's my popcorn?

Here. I'll share some of mine with you. http://www.4smileys.com/smileys/food-smileys/popcorn_smiley.gif Feel free to keep passin' it around, too. Might get good in here. lol

12th October 2011, 11:31 PM
Damn, people... is the moon full or something? ??? :o

Joe King
12th October 2011, 11:54 PM
Damn, people... is the moon full or something? ??? :o
If you only knew the half of it.

12th October 2011, 11:57 PM
If you only knew the half of it.

Damn, people... is Elenin full or something? ??? ;D

13th October 2011, 12:05 AM
Its the shroom season full moon.



Around 300 BC, the state took over control of the Mysteries; they were specifically controlled by two families, the Eumolpidae and the Kerykes. This led to a vast increase in the number of initiates. The only requirements for membership were a lack of "blood guilt", meaning having never committed murder, and not being a "barbarian" (unable to speak Greek). Men, women and even slaves were allowed initiation.

I can't speak greek

Joe King
13th October 2011, 12:37 AM
Damn, people... is Elenin full or something? ??? ;D

The sky is blue and you've half a clue.

As for Elenin, I know it's full of something. http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/gasmaskf.gif

13th October 2011, 07:24 AM

13th October 2011, 08:55 AM
There is a reason why all these mystery schools forced everyone to take a vow of silence and secrecy. The reason is because the mysteries weren't an intellectual activity which can or should be debated (such as in this thread) but rather it was an emotional and (extra) sensory experience. Thats also why these things are always depicted in art rather than just plainly written down. Thats because they can't be fully represented in an intellectual form, and attempting to would only give the robots (regular society) an easier time diluting what they were doing.

So I don't think debates are helpful at all....only answering questions to those who are already interested is the best thing.

13th October 2011, 12:11 PM

I've tried to talk to you a few times, referencing your posts,
you don't respond, I know you saw them, and you see me
challenging people that seem to be allied with you on some
issues, non of that is new, I am not just commenting on this
thread but I think a lot of people get it, I am not going to play
games here with recent links or of past, if I do that I will open
one thread. I tried to talk to you, my comments speak to all
of your past posts and MO .

Awoke already told, in a nice way, you were very jumpy when
I called you Father John, that was the icing on the cake, till this
thread, the cherry on the cake.

You and I go back from before Awoke's time, I was your friend,
I don't think you were ever mine, I tried to be a bridge builder smoothing
thing over with people remember, supposedly we are allies on bigger issues,
that is how I saw it, I didn't jump on you and tried to talk to you, and left
you alone, but people told you, Awoke told you, here is the thing everyone
needs to understand, we have a history and you saw it all and you should
know better, and you should be a leader educating people here about the
scum Occult.

For someone that has some very controversial posts that many seem to have
missed, you sure have a very thin skin, you are more blatant than Goldissima
and you are allied with her it seems, you are more blatant than Masonic Plot,
on history, they corrupt Western history, you are almost there, when are you
ever going to post some Pro Western history, it might kill you maybe.

Again, for someone with very controversial posts you have a very thin skin.
They went unanswered for the most part, I see you here promoting the Occult
and Theosophist shit, openly, and the rest of your MO fits with it.

Loot at the trolls that come to your aid and the disinfo artists on real Pro West History.

Your posts are not going to get a free pass, cry all you want.

You talk 14 words on here, what a fucking joke.

If Awoke started posting what you posted I would throw him overboard faster,
harder, there would be some animosity there, because I would see that as an act
of betrayal to me personally, but Gonzo, I want you to know I would never feel
that way about you.

So before dummies read too much into what I am saying you need the facts.

Gonzo sounds like he is promoting Occult shit on here constantly, even after being schooled.
Theosophist voodoo symbols, promoting Pike, attacking Plato his anti
thesis, we already had these discussions, above he is talking new age and Kaballah,
I don't know to be honest, he won't give a source for a reason.

Plato is The West, target number one for the Occult and Jews.
Through him they get to Christianity. Gonzo claims to be a Christian
Minister yet is clueless.

" by their fruits/works ye shall know them " Jesus Christ

Father John seems to be promoting the Occult on here. Many various actions.

This will not stand.

There are other things as well.

13th October 2011, 12:21 PM
It seems we had two days of good Karma.

So now we get two days of bad Karma.

[Edit: And now I realize I've now just undone much of the insight into the real meaning of Karma by posting this trite statement that appeals to the West's common misconception of Karma.]

13th October 2011, 12:21 PM
There is a reason why all these mystery schools forced everyone to take a vow of silence and secrecy.

You talk like Albert Pike and that is not good, a freak .

I don't know what the hell you are paying attention to.

Gonzo opens a thread on Albert Pike, go read it, they are not my opinions in there.
Santa his buddy and Jew troll on here opens a thread on Kaballah and Plato, go
read it, they are not my opinions for the most part in there.

All of this " new age " shit is rip offs and corruptions, guess who is behind it ?

There is a thread in religion section, I outed goldie by MO, then she became more
blatant, go read it, Fred outed skyvike by MO, he had a hard on for key history.

Gonzo is more blatant on here than anyone of them were.
He knows it would not go unnoticed, makes me wonder
why he is posting what he is posting, to mock us and get
a rise out of us. He has seen it all, all the old key battles.
He references them some times, even quotes. We were
friends, which is why my subtle jabs hurt.

And here is this from before.

Greek tradition

I'd say that is the wrong term to use, it starts with Hesiod, then Hales,
when you mention " philosophy " people automatically assume abstract
ideas, but this is a mistake, these people were recording/explaining and
trying to understand the world they lived in, they took each other apart,
argued, elaborated, debated, refuted, they were the first scientists,
they invented the scientific process, they were also huge observers of
man and society, they even have mythology that does this, recognizing
natural forces, there is evolution of ideas, these ideas ruled Rome and
became Christian forever ingrained as Western History. I don't care
for " eastern " ideas, they built nothing and never will build anything ever.
Because of beliefs. New Age Jewjitsu is all bullshit, rippoffs and corruptions.
The civilization destroyers have been doing this for a long time, they are the
" gnostics " of old, they hate nature, God, man, good, beauty, they are the
founders of the Occult, they are Satanists, much of my assessment comes from
the Jew approved horses mouth that hates Christians, they admit this.
Contrast to the Greeks who were the force in the area, who they always hated,
who loved nature, God, beauty, man, goodness, and celebrated it.

Some famous historian , " we are all greeks "

Some famous historian, " all western philosophy is footnotes to plato "

You will see both quotes constantly being referenced as how true they are
by almost every legitimate historian, that I find amazing myself.

Jewjitsu new age rippoff and corruptions is not taught.
They would quickly discredit themselves, because the people
that promote this are sick bitches easily discrediting themselves.

13th October 2011, 12:23 PM
Jeebus people...


BTW... The popcorn icon was chosen especially for General of Darkness...

13th October 2011, 12:34 PM
Be careful with that popcorn ximmy.

Here. I'll share some of mine with you. http://www.4smileys.com/smileys/food-smileys/popcorn_smiley.gif Feel free to keep passin' it around, too. Might get good in here. lol

13th October 2011, 12:39 PM
It seems we had two days of good Karma.

So now we get two days of bad Karma.

No, no the leaves on our Karma tree grew so large, they fell off. :rolleyes:

With about one hundred thousand verses, long prose passages, or about 1.8 million words in total, the Mahabharata is roughly ten times the length of the Iliad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iliad) and Odyssey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey) combined, or about four times the length of the Ramayana. W. J. Johnson has compared the importance of the Mahabharata to world civilization to that of the Bible (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible), the works of Shakespeare (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare), the works of Homer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homer), Greek drama (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_drama), and the Qur'an (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qur%27an).


13th October 2011, 12:52 PM
Magnes, you are a tad delusional.

I am not a christian minister and never claimed to be so. I'm ordained, and hold a doctorate of divinity. I lead no congregation.

If I ignore your posts, it's because I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Or I don't feel like correcting your false assumptions.

When did I say anything bad about western history? I mentioned some greeks were pedophiles and that it taints their writing when they get a bit gay with it.

Western and Eastern history are both products of the Ancient Aryans who spoke the mother tongue from which latin, greek, sanskrit, english, german, etc have descended. I don't bash them or anything.

I suppose you could call me a "theosophist" with a lower case "T" because I enjoy θεός Σοφία. I've not really read Blavatsky or any of that shit. I just like knowing God. It's easier without words to confuse you.

I pefer direct experience, like back at Ελευσίνα.

I cannot argue with the motto: "There is no religion higher than Truth." Can you seriously argue with that statement? Would Plato have agreed?

I stand by the motto above as much as I stand for the 14 Words. I don't particularly care how you feel about that, but feel free to share anyway.

Why aren't *you* a christian, since you seem to constantly glorify christianity and the church?

And why the FUCK are you so scared of the Ελευσίνια Μυστήρια? The great greek minds you so revere were not afraid...

I don't like New Age shit. I'm old school. Give me that "Old Time Religion"!

Joe King
13th October 2011, 01:01 PM
I tried to be a bridge builder smoothing
thing over with people remember,
What kind of twisted logic do you use to arrive at that conclusion?
IMO, you are anything but a bridge builder between people. Bridge builders don't go off half cocked the way you do, accusing anyone and everyone who makes a post you don't agreee with, or have read stuff into that wasn't there. Typically it's the latter.

disinfo artists on real Pro West History.By defining it as "pro" West history, you are admitting a bias in your view of that history.

Why can't it just be plain history without being "pro" or "con" for any of it?
After all, the only way to determine the actual truth is to examine it without bias'.
...and you are obviously biased.

13th October 2011, 01:06 PM
and hold a doctorate of divinity.

sirgonzo, I have a ThM... but as you know it doesn't matter here, everyone who has not studied religion is an expert in it... ::)

13th October 2011, 01:27 PM
I mentioned some greeks were pedophiles and that it taints their writing when they get a bit gay with it.

Case of Shlomo Aviner (Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel)

Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years' probation.)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980's. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.)

Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young women)

Case Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen - Montreal and Toronto Canada (Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants)

Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg - Boca Raton, Flordia (Pled guilty to one misdemeanor count of exposure of sexual organs in a washroom at a Palm Beach Mall.)

Case of Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg (Convicted of molesting children. The first complaints came in 1971. He was finally convicted in 1997.)

Case of Cantor Joel Gordon (Convicted of having keeping a house of prostitution and involvement in a prostitution ring.)

Case of Rabbi Israel Grunwald (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. The charge against him were dropped after agreeing to perform 500 hours of community service and to seek counseling. Grunwald was the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas).

Case of The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender (Convicted of repeated rape and forced molestation of his graddaughter.)

Case of Yehudah Friedlander - Rabbi 's Assistant (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas)

Case of the Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL (A teacher at the Chicago school was accused of child molestation. His name was not released. The school did everything correctly in attempting to keep the children safe once accusations were made.)

Case of Rabbi Solomon Hafner (Accused of sexually abusing a developmentally disabled boy)

Case of Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz (Convicted and sentenced to 10 - 20 years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric patient. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J. Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke University, and was a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).

Case of Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum (Accused of child pornography on the internet)

Case of Rabbi Robert Kirschner (Accused of sexually exploited or harassing three congregants and a synagogue employee)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch (Convicted of molesting students at Rosh Yeshiva, Netiv Meir yeshiva high school)

Case of Rabbi Baruch Lanner (Convicted - child molestation.)

Case of Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy (Convicted of two counts of soliciting sex through the Internet and two counts of child pornography. He was sentenced to six years and sex in prison. He was caught in the "Candyman" year-long sting operation by the US government.)

Case of Rabbi Pinchas Lew (Accused of exposed himself to a woman.)

Case of Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey (lost his license to practice in the State of Missouri because of his sexual misconduct with his patients.)

Case of Rabbi Richard Marcovitz (Convicted of indecent or lewd acts with a child, and sexual battery)

Case of Rabbi Juda Mintz (Convicted - internet sting on child pornography)

Rabbi Yona Metzger (Accused of sexually misconduct with four men)

Case of Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz (Accused of two counts of sex abuse with boys at a special education school in New York)

Case of Cantor Howard Nevison (Accused of molesting his nephew)

Case of Rabbi Michael Ozair (Accused of sexual molestation of a then-14-year-old girl)

Case of Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld (Convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy he was tutoring.)

Case of Rabbi Charles Shalman (Accused of sexual misconduct toward female congregational members)

Case of Cantor Robert Shapiro (Accused of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault and battery to a mentally retarded woman)

Case of Cantor Michael Segelstein (Accused of attempted rape; Chabad - Las Vegas, Nevada)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovitch (Accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva)

Case of Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum (Accused of three counts of sex crimes against two boys under the age of 14, and one count of assault with intent to commit rape against one boy's mother. The charges were dropped for lack of evidenced)

Case of Rabbi Isadore Trachtman (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Hirsch Travis (Rabbi in Monsey, accused of posing as a Brooklyn doctor specializing in infertility problems, and allegedly sexually abusing and assaulting a patient.)

Case of Rabbi Matis Weinberg (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner (Accused of molesting boy at Camp Mogen Avraham, New York)

Case of Rabbi Don Well

Case of Cantor Phillip Wittlin (Convicted of molesting two girls)

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov (Convicted of sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys)

Case of Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman (Violated guidelines concerning "sexual ethics and sexual boundaries," )

Case of Rabbi Max Zucker (Accused by three women of improperly touching)

And Other Trusted Officals (Parents, Teachers, Camp Counselors, etc.)

Case of Arie Adler and Marisa Rimland, NY (Arie Adler was accused of molesting his daughter. Marisa Rimland murdered her daughter, and then committed suicide).

Case of Simcha Adler - Ohel Counselor, NY (Plea-bargained charges of sodomy, sexual abuse and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child down to attempted sodomy.)

Case of Eugene Loub Aronin - School Counselor, TX (Convicted in 1984 of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy)

Case of B'Nai Torah Congegation - Hillel Community Day School janitor, Boca Raton, FL (Accused of child molestation)

Case of Chaim Ciment (Accused and charged with first-degree sexual abuse, after allegations were made that he fondled a 17 year old girl in an elevator).

Case of James A. Cohen - Jewish Youth Group Leader (Convicted child molester, sentenced to 9 years for assaulting 4 boys)

Case of Larry Cohen - Soccer Coach, Lake Oswego, OR (Accused of molesting two individuals.)

Case of Lawrence Cohen - School Teacher, NJ (Convicted and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for transmitting child pornography through his home computer).

Case of Phillip "Eli" Cohen, London, England (Accused of 13 charges of indecently assaulting a boy and four offences of indecently assaulting a girl)

Case of Stuart Cooperman, MD - Pediatrican, Merrick, New York (Accused of molesting six female patience).

Case of Delaware Family (Father accused of alleged child molestation)

Case of Mordechai (Morton) Ehrman - Simcha's Play Group, Brooklyn, NY (Accused of molesting dozens of students).

Case of Hbrandon Lee Flagner (Convicted of the kidnapping and aggravated murder of Tiffany Jennifer Papesh a 8-year-old girl. Flagner also claimed to have molested hundreds of girls during his life. While in prison, Flagner convert to Judaism by an Chasidic rabbi.)

Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman (Capturing the Friedmans) (Convicted sex offender)

Case of Richard "Steve" Goldberg (Allegedly engaging in sex acts with several girls under 10 in California. He is on the FBI's ten most wanted fugitives list)

Case of Ross Goldstein (Convicting of sodomy in the first degree (three counts) and use of a child in a sexual performance. He was Sentenced to four concurrent indeterminated terms of 2 to 6 years imprisonment. Also see: Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman)

Case of Several Child Sex Offenders in Har Nof 0 Jerusalem, Israel (Outlines several cases of alleged child sex offenders in the charedi town of Har Nof)

Case of David B. Harrington - School Principal / Big Brother, Rockville, MD (Convicted sex offender. Cases from the 1960's - 1980's.)

Case of State of Israel Vs. a Sex Offender (Convicted - 68 year old Israeli religious man pled guilty to repeated molestation of his granddaughter, was sentenced to 19 years in jail.

Case of Eric Hindin - Jewish Big Brother Volunteer, Newton, MA (Convicted of 35 counts of child rape. He was sentenced to 20-22 years in prison).

Case of Judge Ronald Kline, CA (Accused of possessing child pornography and for allegedly molesting a neighborhood boy 25 years ago).

Case of the Kosher Butcher in Chicago (Accused of molesting children for over 30 years)

Case of Lawrence Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his nephew. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

Case of Stuart Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his cousin. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

The Case of the Students of Ner Israel Yeshiva in the 1950's (Students accused of sexually molesting a younger student)

Case of the New York Society for the Deaf's Home (Accused of treating disabled patients ``like animals,'' beaten, drugged and robbed of their government checks).

Case of Ozzie Orbach, M.D. (Accused of molesting his daughter)

Case of the Rogers Park JCC, Chicago Illinois (This was the first case of alleged mass molestation recorded in Illinois to involve accusations of sexual abuse by a group of adults, consists of 246 allegations that staff members abused children enrolled at the center, according to the Illinois Department of children and Family Services).

Case of Jonathan Rosenthal - Community Police Liason, London, England (Acquitted of sexually assaulting a few children, after a jury used ancient common law right, deciding evidence wasn't strong enough.)

Case of Adam Theodore Rubin - Teacher, Coach and Girl Scout Coordinator (Accused of using a computer to solicit sex with a minor, possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia).

Case of Georges Schteinberg - Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Schteinberg fled the country).

Case of Aryeh Scher - Israeli vice-consul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Scher fled the country).

Case of David Schwartz - Camp Counselor, Culver City, CA (Convicted and sentenced to one year in residential treatment and five years' probation for molesting a 4-year-old boy in his care at summer camp. A six-year prison sentence was suspended).

Case of Jerrold Schwartz - Scoutmaster, NY (Convicted and sentanced to 8 years in prison for multiple counts of sodomizing his former scout ).

Case of Irwin Silverman - Chief Counsel to U.S. secretary of interior 1933-53 (Accused of molesting his daughter Sue William Silverman. )

Case of Paul Slifer - Teacher (Accused of sexually assaulting a several students, and impersonating a doctor. )

Case of Ari Sorkin - Synagogue Youth Worker, Elkins Park, PA (Accused of molesting a 16 yr. old girl)

Case of Tel Aviv Arts School, Tel Aviv, Israel

Case of Dr. Saul and Judith Wasserman (Accused of molesting their daughter)

Case of David Douglas Webber - Mashgiach (Kashrut Supervisor), Canada (Convicted and sentenced to six years for possessing child pornography and molesting seven boys over the past eight years).

::) yeah...look at all those Greek names!

13th October 2011, 01:28 PM
You talk like Albert Pike and that is not good, a freak .

I don't know what the hell you are paying attention to.
The civilization destroyers have been doing this for a long time, they are the
" gnostics " of old, they hate nature, God, man, good, beauty, they are the
founders of the Occult, they are Satanists, much of my assessment comes from
the Jew approved horses mouth that hates Christians, they admit this.
Contrast to the Greeks who were the force in the area, who they always hated,
who loved nature, God, beauty, man, goodness, and celebrated it.

I don't think that I've read any of the books that you have read, or visa versa. (I haven't read Pike's book either.) But I do have my own understanding of "how everything works", and some of it would be labeled "new age".

However, I appreciate your posts on western civilization and take what I can get from them. (I don't totally understand your second paragraph above though).

So my goal here is teaching/learning: teach those willing to listen , learn from those willing to share. I take what I can get from any source, at any time.

13th October 2011, 01:35 PM
Case of Shlomo Aviner (Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel)

Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years' probation.)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980's. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.)

Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young women)

Case Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen - Montreal and Toronto Canada (Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants)

Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg - Boca Raton, Flordia (Pled guilty to one misdemeanor count of exposure of sexual organs in a washroom at a Palm Beach Mall.)

Case of Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg (Convicted of molesting children. The first complaints came in 1971. He was finally convicted in 1997.)

Case of Cantor Joel Gordon (Convicted of having keeping a house of prostitution and involvement in a prostitution ring.)

Case of Rabbi Israel Grunwald (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. The charge against him were dropped after agreeing to perform 500 hours of community service and to seek counseling. Grunwald was the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas).

Case of The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender (Convicted of repeated rape and forced molestation of his graddaughter.)

Case of Yehudah Friedlander - Rabbi 's Assistant (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas)

Case of the Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL (A teacher at the Chicago school was accused of child molestation. His name was not released. The school did everything correctly in attempting to keep the children safe once accusations were made.)

Case of Rabbi Solomon Hafner (Accused of sexually abusing a developmentally disabled boy)

Case of Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz (Convicted and sentenced to 10 - 20 years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric patient. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J. Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke University, and was a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).

Case of Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum (Accused of child pornography on the internet)

Case of Rabbi Robert Kirschner (Accused of sexually exploited or harassing three congregants and a synagogue employee)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch (Convicted of molesting students at Rosh Yeshiva, Netiv Meir yeshiva high school)

Case of Rabbi Baruch Lanner (Convicted - child molestation.)

Case of Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy (Convicted of two counts of soliciting sex through the Internet and two counts of child pornography. He was sentenced to six years and sex in prison. He was caught in the "Candyman" year-long sting operation by the US government.)

Case of Rabbi Pinchas Lew (Accused of exposed himself to a woman.)

Case of Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey (lost his license to practice in the State of Missouri because of his sexual misconduct with his patients.)

Case of Rabbi Richard Marcovitz (Convicted of indecent or lewd acts with a child, and sexual battery)

Case of Rabbi Juda Mintz (Convicted - internet sting on child pornography)

Rabbi Yona Metzger (Accused of sexually misconduct with four men)

Case of Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz (Accused of two counts of sex abuse with boys at a special education school in New York)

Case of Cantor Howard Nevison (Accused of molesting his nephew)

Case of Rabbi Michael Ozair (Accused of sexual molestation of a then-14-year-old girl)

Case of Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld (Convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy he was tutoring.)

Case of Rabbi Charles Shalman (Accused of sexual misconduct toward female congregational members)

Case of Cantor Robert Shapiro (Accused of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault and battery to a mentally retarded woman)

Case of Cantor Michael Segelstein (Accused of attempted rape; Chabad - Las Vegas, Nevada)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovitch (Accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva)

Case of Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum (Accused of three counts of sex crimes against two boys under the age of 14, and one count of assault with intent to commit rape against one boy's mother. The charges were dropped for lack of evidenced)

Case of Rabbi Isadore Trachtman (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Hirsch Travis (Rabbi in Monsey, accused of posing as a Brooklyn doctor specializing in infertility problems, and allegedly sexually abusing and assaulting a patient.)

Case of Rabbi Matis Weinberg (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner (Accused of molesting boy at Camp Mogen Avraham, New York)

Case of Rabbi Don Well

Case of Cantor Phillip Wittlin (Convicted of molesting two girls)

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov (Convicted of sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys)

Case of Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman (Violated guidelines concerning "sexual ethics and sexual boundaries," )

Case of Rabbi Max Zucker (Accused by three women of improperly touching)

And Other Trusted Officals (Parents, Teachers, Camp Counselors, etc.)

Case of Arie Adler and Marisa Rimland, NY (Arie Adler was accused of molesting his daughter. Marisa Rimland murdered her daughter, and then committed suicide).

Case of Simcha Adler - Ohel Counselor, NY (Plea-bargained charges of sodomy, sexual abuse and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child down to attempted sodomy.)

Case of Eugene Loub Aronin - School Counselor, TX (Convicted in 1984 of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy)

Case of B'Nai Torah Congegation - Hillel Community Day School janitor, Boca Raton, FL (Accused of child molestation)

Case of Chaim Ciment (Accused and charged with first-degree sexual abuse, after allegations were made that he fondled a 17 year old girl in an elevator).

Case of James A. Cohen - Jewish Youth Group Leader (Convicted child molester, sentenced to 9 years for assaulting 4 boys)

Case of Larry Cohen - Soccer Coach, Lake Oswego, OR (Accused of molesting two individuals.)

Case of Lawrence Cohen - School Teacher, NJ (Convicted and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for transmitting child pornography through his home computer).

Case of Phillip "Eli" Cohen, London, England (Accused of 13 charges of indecently assaulting a boy and four offences of indecently assaulting a girl)

Case of Stuart Cooperman, MD - Pediatrican, Merrick, New York (Accused of molesting six female patience).

Case of Delaware Family (Father accused of alleged child molestation)

Case of Mordechai (Morton) Ehrman - Simcha's Play Group, Brooklyn, NY (Accused of molesting dozens of students).

Case of Hbrandon Lee Flagner (Convicted of the kidnapping and aggravated murder of Tiffany Jennifer Papesh a 8-year-old girl. Flagner also claimed to have molested hundreds of girls during his life. While in prison, Flagner convert to Judaism by an Chasidic rabbi.)

Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman (Capturing the Friedmans) (Convicted sex offender)

Case of Richard "Steve" Goldberg (Allegedly engaging in sex acts with several girls under 10 in California. He is on the FBI's ten most wanted fugitives list)

Case of Ross Goldstein (Convicting of sodomy in the first degree (three counts) and use of a child in a sexual performance. He was Sentenced to four concurrent indeterminated terms of 2 to 6 years imprisonment. Also see: Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman)

Case of Several Child Sex Offenders in Har Nof 0 Jerusalem, Israel (Outlines several cases of alleged child sex offenders in the charedi town of Har Nof)

Case of David B. Harrington - School Principal / Big Brother, Rockville, MD (Convicted sex offender. Cases from the 1960's - 1980's.)

Case of State of Israel Vs. a Sex Offender (Convicted - 68 year old Israeli religious man pled guilty to repeated molestation of his granddaughter, was sentenced to 19 years in jail.

Case of Eric Hindin - Jewish Big Brother Volunteer, Newton, MA (Convicted of 35 counts of child rape. He was sentenced to 20-22 years in prison).

Case of Judge Ronald Kline, CA (Accused of possessing child pornography and for allegedly molesting a neighborhood boy 25 years ago).

Case of the Kosher Butcher in Chicago (Accused of molesting children for over 30 years)

Case of Lawrence Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his nephew. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

Case of Stuart Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his cousin. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

The Case of the Students of Ner Israel Yeshiva in the 1950's (Students accused of sexually molesting a younger student)

Case of the New York Society for the Deaf's Home (Accused of treating disabled patients ``like animals,'' beaten, drugged and robbed of their government checks).

Case of Ozzie Orbach, M.D. (Accused of molesting his daughter)

Case of the Rogers Park JCC, Chicago Illinois (This was the first case of alleged mass molestation recorded in Illinois to involve accusations of sexual abuse by a group of adults, consists of 246 allegations that staff members abused children enrolled at the center, according to the Illinois Department of children and Family Services).

Case of Jonathan Rosenthal - Community Police Liason, London, England (Acquitted of sexually assaulting a few children, after a jury used ancient common law right, deciding evidence wasn't strong enough.)

Case of Adam Theodore Rubin - Teacher, Coach and Girl Scout Coordinator (Accused of using a computer to solicit sex with a minor, possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia).

Case of Georges Schteinberg - Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Schteinberg fled the country).

Case of Aryeh Scher - Israeli vice-consul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Scher fled the country).

Case of David Schwartz - Camp Counselor, Culver City, CA (Convicted and sentenced to one year in residential treatment and five years' probation for molesting a 4-year-old boy in his care at summer camp. A six-year prison sentence was suspended).

Case of Jerrold Schwartz - Scoutmaster, NY (Convicted and sentanced to 8 years in prison for multiple counts of sodomizing his former scout ).

Case of Irwin Silverman - Chief Counsel to U.S. secretary of interior 1933-53 (Accused of molesting his daughter Sue William Silverman. )

Case of Paul Slifer - Teacher (Accused of sexually assaulting a several students, and impersonating a doctor. )

Case of Ari Sorkin - Synagogue Youth Worker, Elkins Park, PA (Accused of molesting a 16 yr. old girl)

Case of Tel Aviv Arts School, Tel Aviv, Israel

Case of Dr. Saul and Judith Wasserman (Accused of molesting their daughter)

Case of David Douglas Webber - Mashgiach (Kashrut Supervisor), Canada (Convicted and sentenced to six years for possessing child pornography and molesting seven boys over the past eight years).

::) yeah...look at all those Greek names!


Yeah no shit. I don't like kikes either.

Of course they are worse than the greeks diddlers were!

Speaking of greeks, consider brushing up on logic.

13th October 2011, 01:41 PM
Are we in a 'release language' phase?


Thursday October 13, 2011

The World Ends Next Week

There...now I've said it; do you feel any better about things? Probably not, besides, I'm likely wrong, but just to put this into perspective, next Monday Greek tax inspectors are planning to go on strike for four days. Greek customs officials will be out for four business days...

13th October 2011, 01:59 PM
Wise man say; if one cannot defend themselves properly, the only strategy is cursing to the exit.

13th October 2011, 04:33 PM
Hey, I kinda liked Goldissima. What was supposedly wrong with her?

Didn't Twisted get together in a meet up with her in NYC a few years back?

Twisted, what sort of vibe did you get from Goldi?

13th October 2011, 04:42 PM
Hey, I kinda liked Goldissima. What was supposedly wrong with her?

She was pummeled by so much good evil from Magnes & Book the lines started to blur, she was inevitably drawn to the darkside of the force by them & evaporated.

13th October 2011, 04:44 PM
Hey, I kinda liked Goldissima. What was supposedly wrong with her?

Didn't Twisted get together in a meet up with her in NYC a few years back?

Twisted, what sort of vibe did you get from Goldi?

I remember she was into sacred geometry and she didn't disagree with "As Above, So Below" (known to the ancient GREEKS as macrocosm/microcosm), and so she was kinda run out like a witch.

I'm not an expert in sacred geometry or even regular geometry, but "As Above, So Below" is highly agreeable to me.

Just check out the picture Buddha posted showing the neurons compared to galaxies (in the picture thread). Or consider the likeness of an atom to a planet's orbit around a star.

Wise man say; if one cannot defend themselves properly, the only strategy is cursing to the exit.

What the fuck are you talkin' about? ;D

13th October 2011, 05:08 PM
What the fuck are you talkin' about? ;D

The power of ignorance is a mighty steed, only to be reckoned with by the most skilled duelists.

13th October 2011, 05:49 PM
Magnes, you are a tad delusional.

I am not the one promoting drug use, weed, LSD, mushrooms.

The very few words I had till now counted and stick, which is why you are
so defensive, when I called you Father John, and now, everything you posted
is only confirmation to what I was saying.

Awoke already told you , you are not a Minister, and he told you a lot more.

I am not a christian minister and never claimed to be so.
I'm ordained, and hold a doctorate of divinity. I lead no congregation.

You led people on to believe such which is why Awoke confronted you.
You present yourself as a student, on our numerous talks I suspected otherwise,
I am referring to the ones that involve some history that is not disputed.

Ximmy also asked you a long time ago, why do you have 5 threads on the same issues ?
Because you are trolling the Christians, keep going till you get some result.

I suspected you were a spokesperson for the Masons, Occult , Theosophists, Jews,
and you have proven such and again above in your post.

You post " stars of david " on here and tell us it is truth.
You give yourself " star of david " titles which are associated with similar awards,
" star of david " medals. You tell people you are joking.

You promote Albert Pike on here in your thread and other comments,
I totally destroyed him with his anti thesis that they themselves target,
to you Plato's Republic is his coming out party, a smear that can only
come from an idiot or Jew. That is how you talk issues.

Masonic Plot ran far away from Pike because he is easily discredited.

You are more blatant.

You promote the " the sophists " on here, new world order freaks easily discredited,
I am the one that mentioned them to goldie because of what she was doing and that
shut down discussion, she knew I was on to her, I confronted her on here, again,
for a video she put up, I mention them, I put their symbol up, she ignores what I post,
I got her by MO, then she openly starts posting about lucifer and leaves.

You are far more blatant, while she played dumbed and didn't want to be associated
with them, you are their spokesperson.

Your hebrew doesn't bother me, what makes me think is why you come to the
support of trolls on here early, egging them on, antonio, santa, joe king, that is
a noticeable pattern, especially antonio, you also have some things in common
with their tag team, antonio/aeondaze , anti West, queer greeks, Western history
bothered them and it bothers you.

Have a look at all the trolls that are allied with you against me.

Trolls like Keehah and Horn constantly posting garbage anti Western History.

When are you going to post anything Pro Western ?

You are totally allied with the new age freaks, Masons, Theo Sophists, Pike , the Blat witch.
The trolls on here as well.

You are not a Western Man.

I will gladly elaborate on anything I state, but you know already, I have been paying attention.

13th October 2011, 05:58 PM
I am not the one promoting drug use, weed, LSD, mushrooms.

The very few words I had till now counted and stick, which is why you are
so defensive, when I called you Father John, and now, everything you posted
is only confirmation to what I was saying.

Awoke already told you , you are not a Minister, and he told you a lot more.

You led people on to believe such which is why Awoke confronted you.
You present yourself as a student, on our numerous talks I suspected otherwise,
I am referring to the ones that involve some history that is not disputed.

Ximmy also asked you a long time ago, why do you have 5 threads on the same issues ?
Because you are trolling the Christians, keep going till you get some result.

I suspected you were a spokesperson for the Masons, Occult , Theosophists, Jews,
and you have proven such and again above in your post.

You post " stars of david " on here and tell us it is truth.
You give yourself " star of david " titles which are associated with similar awards,
" star of david " medals. You tell people you are joking.

You promote Albert Pike on here in your thread and other comments,
I totally destroyed him with his anti thesis that they themselves target,
to you Plato's Republic is his coming out party, a smear that can only
come from an idiot or Jew. That is how you talk issues.

Masonic Plot ran far away from Pike because he is easily discredited.

You are more blatant.

You promote the " the sophists " on here, new world order freaks easily discredited,
I am the one that mentioned them to goldie because of what she was doing and that
shut down discussion, she knew I was on to her, I confronted her on here, again,
for a video she put up, I mention them, I put their symbol up, she ignores what I post,
I got her by MO, then she openly starts posting about lucifer and leaves.

You are far more blatant, while she played dumbed and didn't want to be associated
with them, you are their spokesperson.

Your hebrew doesn't bother me, what makes me think is why you come to the
support of trolls on here early, egging them on, antonio, santa, joe king, that is
a noticeable pattern, especially antonio, you also have some things in common
with their tag team, antonio/aeondaze , anti West, queer greeks, Western history
bothered them and it bothers you.

Have a look at all the trolls that are allied with you against me.

Trolls like Keehah and Horn constantly posting garbage anti Western History.

When are you going to post anything Pro Western ?

You are totally allied with the new age freaks, Masons, Theo Sophists, Pike , the Blat witch.
The trolls on here as well.

You are not a Western Man.

Not sure entirely what you're talking about, especially the "star of David" thing or whatever.

I liked antonio and some others because they provide differing opinions. Discussion forums are more fun when everyone isn't constantly nodding in agreement with each other.

You want me to talk about Western history?

Let's start with Eleusis!

13th October 2011, 05:58 PM
She was pummeled by so much good evil from Magnes & Book the lines started to blur, she was inevitably drawn to the darkside of the force by them & evaporated.

She likes to post the same type of history you do , Occult Disinfo,
she was confronted on this and her MO was outed as TheoSophist,
she proved that by becoming more blatant posting about Lucifer.

There is a thread in religion section, it is a real eye opener, she was always
allied with skyvike, we have screens, I post about the Theosophist freaks
and their beliefs, everything goldie did.

Go to the thread.

She posts a video attacking key history, I do some research, the author is some
guru that is a lucifer lover. LOL On gim it was the Zeitgeist thread, she was corrupting
Plato and pretending she did not understand what I am stating. I mention the Theosophists,
is shuts down discussion.

You too Horn are one of them, your Mason buddies on gim, and Keehah does the same thing. You people are allied with the Jews attacking key western history and leaders.

Goldie also joined some cult, where you get to live in a mushroom. Going off the grid. ROFL !

Goldie can't take the heat of being exposed.

13th October 2011, 06:01 PM
You people are allied with the Jews attacking key western history and leaders.

What exactly do you mean... "you people"

13th October 2011, 06:03 PM

They are just keeping the goys here preoccupied with this New Age nonsense while their fellow jews rob them blind...lol.

:D karma...lol.

13th October 2011, 06:03 PM
Let's start with Eleusis!

I am trying real hard not to use emotionally charged terms against you.

You started this first.

" what is your problem magnes " twice from you

" what did I do magnes " etc

You should be ashamed of yourself, we go back.
I defended you, you know I am a bridge builder.

I don't go after people for one post or another.

I started to pay close attention to you from your Albert Pike thread,
I totally check mated you and destroyed your promotion, and you
still did not answer my question, like above, where are you getting this
from, are these your ideas, no they are not.

" I liked antonio and some others because they provide differing opinions. "

What antonio did was unforgivable, he too comes after me after talking about killing all the Germans.
And his buddy aeondaze, opening a " gay greeks " thread, where I destory his thesis with sources, he
was surprised to see the laws the Greeks had against gays, and beliefs, that is how you debate issues,
smear like some of these people who were trolls, which makes you dishonest at the least, it ain't one thing.

Now your posts and beliefs are being challenged, you don't like that, I do give you breaks , big ones.

You are a totally different person on other forums for one.

I know you been paying attention to my posts here referring to you.
We been talking above everyones head.
I don't care if you are here to relax and let your afro down, accepting
some of the stupidity to keep it different.

But at this point I don't trust you, you are just too much, and like I stated before,
you should know better, you should be the leader and educator on here against
the Occult.

13th October 2011, 06:04 PM
What exactly do you mean... "you people"

People outside his head.

I may troll a bit, although I wouldn't really call it that. I can be sarcastic sometimes I guess.

But I am not a jew.

13th October 2011, 06:08 PM
People outside his head.

I may troll a bit, although I wouldn't really call it that. I can be sarcastic sometimes I guess.

But I am not a jew.

I'd still like to know where you got your D.D. degree??

13th October 2011, 06:11 PM
You are not a Western Man.

Does gonzo need to start smoking Marlboro's? ;D

13th October 2011, 06:13 PM
I am trying real hard not to use emotionally charged terms against you.

You started this first.

" what is your problem magnes " twice from you

" what did I do magnes " etc

You should be ashamed of yourself, we go back.
I defended you, you know I am a bridge builder.

I don't go after people for one post or another.

I started to pay close attention to you from your Albert Pike thread,
I totally check mated you and destroyed your promotion, and you
still did not answer my question, like above, where are you getting this
from, are these your ideas, no they are not.

Damn magnes! What DID I do? Said that it sucks some greeks were gayish?

Said that Pike's book was "interesting" (though it was full of drawn out bullshit)?

I don't have a problem with western history. The other day I bought a 100+ year old book called "The Origin of the Aryans". I study western languages to get a feel for the original proto-indo-european, Aryan language that was spoken by the ancestors of ALL westerners, myself obviously included.

You are confused if you think I am somehow your enemy. I'm not. Really. Take it or leave it.

And WHY won't you talk about Eleusis, whose Mysteries SHAPED the ancient greek mind and led to western civilization.

Seriously, why can't you discuss it?

13th October 2011, 06:15 PM

While the jews are stealing them blind they study Hebrew and post threads pondering karma.

::) feel the love in my sig line Magnes...lol.

13th October 2011, 06:16 PM
Does gonzo need to start smoking Marlboro's? ;D

You are not a Marlboro Man.

Oh god!! http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/images/smilies/laughing_smiley.gif


13th October 2011, 06:25 PM

While the jews are stealing them blind they study Hebrew and post threads pondering karma.

::) feel the love in my sig line Magnes...lol.

Yes. We realize what's up. But we talk about jews all the fucking time, myself included, do we not? Can't we have *a few* posts here that are about other stuff?

By the way, I'm not actively studying hebrew, and I'm not a big expert, lol. I *am* studying sanskrit right now, and brushing up on latin and greek. In my home, my wife and I often speak french. I'd like to learn german and a few other languages before I'm done.

13th October 2011, 06:29 PM
Can't we have *a few* posts here that are about other stuff?


::) oy vey...there went the neighborhood

13th October 2011, 06:32 PM

::) oy vey...there went the neighborhood

Book , everything is cool, let me handle this, there is a lot out there.

I don't have a problem with that thread, I bumped it, it shows their MO.

It's comical cause this is exactly what I am talking about, corruptions that defy reason.
Many straw man arguments are made, and the way they deal with Plato is smears, even
the Masons and Rabbi's claim him as their own. It's funny.



13th October 2011, 06:39 PM
This is Gaillo's good-spirited Karma thread. I think it's bad karma, for folks to go at each other and derail it.

13th October 2011, 06:44 PM
Book , everything is cool, let me handle this, there is a lot out there.

I don't have a problem with that thread, I bumped it, it shows their MO.

It's comical cause this is exactly what I am talking about, corruptions that defy reason.
Many straw man arguments are made, and the way they deal with Plato is smears, even
the Masons and Rabbi's claim him as their own. It's funny.

Here ya go Magnes:

Plato: "the ultimate design of the Mysteries … was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended, … a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good."

Sounds like your boy Plato was an ἐποπτεία!

Now can we *please* talk about the 2000+ year HISTORY of the ANCIENT GREEK Eleusinian Mysteries that shaped the minds of the men who built WESTERN civilization?

13th October 2011, 06:45 PM
This is Gaillo's good-spirited Karma thread.


::) oh...sorry Solid. My bad.

13th October 2011, 06:51 PM
Book , everything is cool, let me handle this,

13th October 2011, 06:56 PM

lol :)

13th October 2011, 08:08 PM
This is Gaillo's good-spirited Karma thread. I think it's bad karma, for folks to go at each other and derail it.

I tried hard, new age voodoo, hebrew, " kaballah quotes ", drug use is truth.

Put me down in your books as the shit, I'll be your whipping boy.

Good " karma " or whatever you want to call it comes from good actions,
my first post here, Western Man has his own tradition of this and it rules.

And solid, why don't you go after the people here that tell Gaillo he is a greedy.
Cause that is how I read it.


13th October 2011, 08:18 PM
I tried hard, new age voodoo, hebrew, " kaballah quotes ", drug use is truth.

Put me down in your books as the shit, I'll be your whipping boy.

Good " karma " or whatever you want to call it comes from good actions,
my first post here, Western Man has his own tradition of this and it rules.

And solid, why don't you go after the people here that tell Gaillo he is a greedy.
Cause that is how I read it.

I'm not into New Age. More like the ancient.

Like ancient Greece.

Like Ελευσίνα.

Like the Μυστήρια.


13th October 2011, 10:09 PM
And solid, why don't you go after the people here that tell Gaillo he is a greedy.
Cause that is how I read it.

I don't know why anyone would call Gaillo greedy, he's giving away free silver! Just for the heck of it.

I wasn't singling anyone out by my post either.

In the spirit of this thread, I am giving away all my TP. I know that sounds funny, but it's true. I've got to give away all my TP, and restock it all again. The TP is fine...it's all in like-new condition, it's just not the right kind if you can believe that. Anyway, I refuse to ship TP, that would be ridiculous. But if anyone local to me here is in dire need of TP, let me know. I plan on making sure my family has plenty of TP also.

Joe King
13th October 2011, 10:16 PM
it's all in like-new condition, it's just not the right kind if you can believe that..
Awww, does it chaffe your tooshie? ;D

13th October 2011, 10:21 PM
Awww, does it chaffe your tooshie? ;D

It doesn't chaffe my tooshie, but it chaffes alright...the TP I have is not "marine rated". It's the regular kind. Apparently, I need to have quick dissolving TP to avoid the occasional plumbing accident. Of course, the marine kind is 10 times the price.

Don't ever buy a boat, unless you can laugh at yourself...and your unfortunate TP situation.

13th October 2011, 10:28 PM
It doesn't chaffe my tooshie, but it chaffes alright...the TP I have is not "marine rated". It's the regular kind. Apparently, I need to have quick dissolving TP to avoid the occasional plumbing accident. Of course, the marine kind is 10 times the price.

Don't ever buy a boat, unless you can laugh at yourself...and your unfortunate TP situation.

just how "quick" are we talking about here, 'cause there is such a thing as TOO quick! lmao!! ;D

13th October 2011, 10:38 PM
just how "quick" are we talking about here, 'cause there is such a thing as TOO quick! lmao!! ;D

I don't know, but I'm going to find out just how "great" the marine rated TP is soon. If there's one term that really chaffes...it's "marine rated". Too many times, you hear "Say, is that marine rated?" "What you need, is something that's marine rated..." "See...there's your problem, It's not marine rated."

13th October 2011, 10:50 PM
lol...yeah, i hear ya! just tell 'em "ya know what else is marine rated? the crack of my ass! go ahead, give it a lick! you'll see the finish is totally unaffected by the moisture!!"



...and can be easily wiped off without marring the finish by using your marine rated TP!!

13th October 2011, 11:00 PM
If marine rated tp is official, it's probably some genetic mutation that eliminates any possibility for shit to ever be useful to any other life form on earth.

14th October 2011, 12:02 AM
Don't ever buy a boat, unless you can laugh at yourself...and your unfortunate TP situation.

BOAT - An acronym meaning:

Break Out Another Thousand (frn's, for repairs, etc.), or...
Bend Over And Take it.

Having never owned a (real) boat myself, I have no idea which is the correct acronym... but I suspect there's more than a bit of truth to both.
One thing for sure, though... boats DO seem to be "magnets-for-the-furry-female-genitalia" so to speak... so ownership can't be all THAT bad! ;D

14th October 2011, 03:34 AM

While the jews are stealing them blind they study Hebrew and post threads pondering karma.

::) feel the love in my sig line Magnes...lol.

LOL while we post about karma, you are on GIM2 with over 1000 posts thanking the mods there.

14th October 2011, 06:15 AM
LOL while we post about karma...




Bernie Buddha sells the goyim Kosher Kabbalah at GSUS...lol.


14th October 2011, 06:26 AM
Is this no Karma or bad Karma?


14th October 2011, 11:28 AM
She posts a video attacking key history, I do some research, the author is some
guru that is a lucifer lover. LOL On gim it was the Zeitgeist thread, she was corrupting Plato and pretending she did not understand what I am stating.

I mention the Theosophists, is shuts down discussion.

You too Horn are one of them, your Mason buddies on gim, and Keehah does the same thing. You people are allied with the Jews attacking key western history and leaders.

Goldie also joined some cult, where you get to live in a mushroom. Going off the grid. ROFL !

Goldie can't take the heat of being exposed.

One problem I've noticed with you, Magnes is you're not opening yourself to further spiritual exploration. This is hindering your advancement into deeper Karmic realms.

When and if you are needed in some Tool capacity for the Jew you will be ready available to them as a "Western Euro-man".

All threads you enter end up in the same manner. You are trapped by them, and yourself, inherently not free.


Joe King
14th October 2011, 12:45 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=470555#post470555)

While the jews are stealing them blind they study Hebrew and post threads pondering karma.

::) feel the love in my sig line Magnes...lol.

LOL while we post about karma, you are on GIM2 with over 1000 posts thanking the mods there.
He's just been there showing his normal self, biding time waiting for things to cool off here. This is where he wants to be, after all.
...and you had to know he'd come crawling back. He always does. I would've bet on it.

He can't take much heat though, so everytime he starts getting out-Booked, he disappears for awhile and then slowly starts easing his way back in.
...and then before long it's just like it was before. ie tortured logic, half-truths, ridicule and insults. That's all you'll get from Book. Book is incapable of anything else, which is why he's so easy. :D

The funniest thing about Book is Books complaints about how the Jews run everything and control the World, but what does Book actually do about it? Why goes along with it as a Bull with a ring in its nose led along by a chain to slaughter would.

I think Book's funny.

14th October 2011, 12:51 PM
I think Book's funny.

You're starting to twist the truth again, DJ.

Some might even consider that a personal attack.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 01:51 PM
You don't think he's funny?

14th October 2011, 02:55 PM
You don't think he's funny?

I don't think he thinks he is funny.

Though I did chuckle with the "Eating Hypertiger in cave" post a few years back.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 02:57 PM
I don't think he thinks he is funny.

Though I did chuckle with the "Eating Hypertiger in cave" post a few years back.
I don't care whether he thinks he's funny. Although I think that he tries to be.

14th October 2011, 03:22 PM
I don't care whether he thinks he's funny. Although I think that he tries to be.

We all know you don't care, DJ

That is self evident from you being renamed Dysentery Joe in Thunderdome a couple days back.

You don't have to repeat it.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 03:35 PM
We all know you don't care, DJ
It's not that I don't care in general, I just don't care if Book thinks he's funny or not. It was a very specific and narrowly defined statement.

Also, when you have to resort to name calling in an attempt to say anything at all, what you're saying is that you have nothing of substance to say.

That is self evident from you being renamed Dysentery Joe in Thunderdome a couple days back (http://gold-silver.us/forum/report.php?p=470873).

Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other gold-silver.us sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?25692-The-Thunderdome-Rules)Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?25692-The-Thunderdome-Rules).

You don't have to repeat it.I didn't have to because you already did.
Way to go there, pal. :D
...and in one of the Admins own threads, no less. :D

Edited to add: I added a funny link to Horns quote above. Click it for good times.

14th October 2011, 04:06 PM
Oh how I hate a guy who quotes from the rule book.

You quoted me so you are just as guilty and bannable in my estimation.

I'm going to take this opportunity and ban myself for awhile.


Joe King
14th October 2011, 04:15 PM
Oh how I hate a guy who quotes from the rule book.I only reminded you of the rule, nothing more. Had you not attempted to be insulting, it would have never happened, so blame yourself.

You quoted me so you are just as guilty and bannable in my estimation.I quoted you to make sure you couldn't go back and change or delete your post to make it look like you didn't say it.
In fact, that's why I've started quoting most of those I respond to because there've been too many times I'll respond without a quote only to have the person I was responding to go back and change what they'd said.
Can't have that, now can we?

I'm going to take this opportunity and ban myself for awhile.

CiaoI just love it when post before they think. :D

So Horn, are you finished with your attempts at sparring with me? It's been an on-going thing with you for awhile now and to be honest, I've been tiring of it. You're nowhere near as fun to spar with as Book is. So let him defend himself, ok?

14th October 2011, 05:22 PM
He's just been there showing his normal self, biding time waiting for things to cool off here. This is where he wants to be, after all...and you had to know he'd come crawling back. He always does. I would've bet on it. He can't take much heat though, so everytime he starts getting out-Booked, he disappears for awhile and then slowly starts easing his way back in...

...So Horn, are you finished with your attempts at sparring with me? It's been an on-going thing with you for awhile now and to be honest, I've been tiring of it.


::) Doktor Joe Kingbergstein projecting (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection) again at GSUS...lol.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 05:33 PM
Are you saying you don't want to be here? I mean, here you are. You left implying that you felt unwelcome here, so you must have had a change of heart.

Are you wanting play catch again? Bring your glove? I got mine.


14th October 2011, 05:41 PM
Are you saying you don't want to be here? I mean, here you are. You left implying that you felt unwelcome here, so you must have had a change of heart.


Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Defense_mechanism) where a person subconsciously denies (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Denial) his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.[1] (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection#cite_note-0)

Projection reduces anxiety (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Anxiety) by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

An example of this behavior might be blaming another (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Blame#Blame_shifting) for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.


14th October 2011, 05:44 PM
Gee, guys...
THANKS for taking my thread about giving, and turning it into this shit. ::)

14th October 2011, 05:47 PM
A few days ago, before my net went down this seemed to me to be the start of a pretty cool thread. Damn, I feel like Rip Van Winkle now cause it sure has morphed.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 05:53 PM
Gee, guys...
THANKS for taking my thread about giving, and turning it into this shit. ::)
Keep in mind that since Books return I had not responded to him at all until he started his crap with me. ie If it's thrown to me first, I'm going to throw it back in-kind.

Personally, I'd felt that things had been being pretty nice around here in Books absence.

14th October 2011, 05:58 PM
Keep in mind that since Books return I had not responded to him at all until he started his crap with me. ie If it's thrown to me first, I'm going to throw it back in-kind.

Personally, I'd felt that things had been being pretty nice around here in Books absence.

I'm innocent...http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1317&d=1318640210

14th October 2011, 06:02 PM
I'm innocent...http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1317&d=1318640210



Joe King
14th October 2011, 06:05 PM
I'm innocent...

That, you most certainly are Ximmy. Only "problem" is that it's the kind of innocent that'd make most men sweat bullets. lol

Me, I happen to like that type of innocence. ;)

14th October 2011, 06:28 PM
Gee, guys...
THANKS for taking my thread about giving, and turning it into this shit. ::)

...don't let 'em get you down Gaillo...this was an excellent exercise that brought about some very different viewpoints. that's all. FWIW your kindnesses in this life will not go unnoticed in the next.

14th October 2011, 06:52 PM
101 Karma Quotes


Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.

Sakyong Mipham
Give up your selfishness, and you shall find peace; like water mingling with water, you shall merge in absorption.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don't even notice it.

Sakyong Mipham

I'm a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it's bad or good.

Sandra Bullock
You must acknowledge and experience this part of the universe. Karma is intricate, too vast. You would, with your limited human senses, consider it too unfair. But you have tools to really, truly love. Loving the children is very important. But love everyone as you would love your children.

Kuan Yin
Still others commit all sorts of evil deeds, claiming karma doesn't exist. They erroneously maintain that since everything is empty, committing evil isn't wrong. Such persons fall into a hell of endless darkness with no hope of release. Those who are wise hold no such conception.

People are entangled in the enjoyment of fine clothes, but gold and silver are only dust. They acquire beautiful horses and elephants, and ornate carriages of many kinds. They think of nothing else, and they forget all their relatives. They ignore their Creator; without the Name, they are impure.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib
My Karma ran over your dogma.

When someone has a strong intuitive connection, Buddhism suggests that it's because of karma, some past connection.

Richard Gere
Karma, ahhh. We sow what we reap... We reap what we sow! We reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect. And we are all under this law.

Nina Hagen
As long as karma exists, the world changes. There will always be karma to be taken care of.

Nina Hagen
I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well.

Yannick Noah
Karma is not just about the troubles, but also about surmounting them.

Rick Springfield
I would never disrespect any man, woman, chick or child out there. We're all the same. What goes around comes around, and karma kicks us all in the butt in the end of the day.

Angie Stone
I never kill insects. If I see ants or spiders in the room, I pick them up and take them outside. Karma is everything.

Holly Valance
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched... but are felt in the heart.

Helen Keller
When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel.

Harold Kushner
The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.

Frederick Buechner
There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else.

Peyton Conway March
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

Anne Frank
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.

Albert Schweitzer
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Everybody comes from the same source. If you hate another human being, you're hating part of yourself.

Elvis Presley
Such is the moral construction of the world that no national crime passes unpunished in the long run... Were present oppressors to reflect on the same truth, they would spare to their own countries the penalties on their present wrongs which will be inflicted on them in future times. The seeds of hatred and revenge which they sow with a large hand will not fail to produce their fruits in time. Like their brother robbers on the highway, they suppose the escape of the moment a final escape and deem infamy and future risk countervailed by present gain.

Thomas Jefferson
To live without risk is to risk not living.

Pope Pius XII
Contrary to popular misconception, karma has nothing to do with punishment and reward. It exists as part of our holographic universe's binary or dualistic operating system only to teach us responsibility for our creations-and all things we experience are our creations.

Sol Luckman
We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.

Thich Nhat Hanh
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.

Elbert Hubbard
Who so diggeth a pit shall fall therein.

The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.

George Bernard Shaw
The jealous are troublesome to others, but torment to themselves.

William Penn
By a divine paradox, wherever there is one slave there are two. So in the wonderful reciprocity's of being, we can never reach the higher levels until all our fellows ascend with us.

Edwin Markham
No man who continues to add something to the material, intellectual and moral well-being of the place in which he lives is left long without proper reward.

Booker T. Washington
Did ever a man try heroism, magnanimity, truth, sincerity, and find that there was no advantage in them -- that it was a vain endeavor?

Henry David Thoreau
Do good with what thou hast, or it will do thee no good.

William Penn
Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.

They who live have all things; they who withhold have nothing.

Hindu proverb
Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.

No man is more cheated than a selfish man.

Henry Ward Beecher
Karma does not bind one who has renounced work.

Bhagavad Gita
Work done with selfish motives is inferior by far to the selfless service or Karma-yoga. Therefore be a Karma-yogi, O Arjuna. Those who seek [to enjoy] the fruits of their work are verily unhappy [because one has no control over the results].

Bhagavad Gita
In Karma-yoga no effort is ever lost, and there is no harm. Even a little practice of this discipline protects one from great fear of birth and death.

Bhagavad Gita
A man who sees action in inaction and inaction in action has understanding among men and discipline in all action he performs.

Bhagavad Gita
The person whose mind is always free from attachment, who has subdued the mind and senses, and who is free from desires, attains the supreme perfection of freedom from Karma through renunciation.

Bhagavad Gita
As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, similarly, the fire of Self-knowledge reduces all Karma to ashes.

Bhagavad Gita
Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed.

Bhagavad Gita
There is neither this world nor the world beyond nor happiness for the one who doubts.

Bhagavad Gita
One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor; and is ever steadfast with the Supreme Self.

Bhagavad Gita
One gradually attains tranquillity of mind by keeping the mind fully absorbed in the Self by means of a well-trained intellect, and thinking of nothing else.

Bhagavad Gita
The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.

Bhagavad Gita
The person who is basically evil by nature will always be averse to virtuous deeds. He is always engaged in bad karma.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Delusions are states of mind which, when they arise within our mental continuum, leave us disturbed, confused and unhappy. Therefore, those states of mind which delude or afflict us are called 'delusions.'

Dalai Lama
Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Dalai Lama
When you lose, do not lose the lesson.

Dalai Lama
Happiness is not something ready made. It is comes from your own actions.

Dalai Lama
Follow the 3 RES. RESpect for others. RESpect for yourself. RESponsibility for all your actions.

Dalai Lama
If you have a particular faith or religion, that is good. But you can survive without it.

Dalai Lama
Sometimes not getting what you want is an amazing stroke of luck.

Dalai Lama
Always learn the rules so you can break them properly.

Dalai Lama
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Dalai Lama
Do not let a small dispute injure a great relationship.

Dalai Lama
Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.

Dalai Lama
When you realize you have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Dalai Lama
Spend some amount of time alone everyday.

Dalai Lama
Open yourself to change, but do not let go of your values.

Dalai Lama
With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.

Dalai Lama
Remember that silence can sometimes be the best answer.

Dalai Lama
Live a good and honorable life. Then, when you are older you can look back and enjoy it a second time.

Dalai Lama
A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for a great life.

Dalai Lama
In disagreements with loved ones, only deal with the present. Do not bring up the past.

Dalai Lama
Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.

Dalai Lama
The best relationship is one which your love for each other exceeds your need for one another.

Dalai Lama
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to achieve it.

Dalai Lama
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Dalai Lama
All major religious traditions carry basically the same message; that is love, compassion, and forgiveness are the important things that should be part of our daily lives.

Dalai Lama
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

Wayne Dyer
Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.

Wayne Dyer
You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being -- not because anybody says so, not because you're successful, not because you make a lot of money -- but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason.

Wayne Dyer
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.

Wayne Dyer
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.

Wayne Dyer
Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.

Wayne Dyer
Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.

Wayne Dyer
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Wayne Dyer
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

Wayne Dyer
You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back.

Wayne Dyer
Our life is what our thoughts make it.

Marcus Aurelius
People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead.

Edith Wharton
Luck is a word devoid of sense. Nothing can exist without a cause.

We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold in them.

Elbert Hubbard
Act so as to elicit the best in others and thereby in thyself.

Felix Adler
Doubt breeds doubt.

Franz Grillparzer
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Any man will usually get from other men just what he is expecting of them. If he is looking for friendship he will likely receive it. If his attitude is that of indifference, it will beget indifference. And if a man is looking for a fight, he will in all likelihood be accommodated in that.

John Richelsen

If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet.

Isaac Bashevis
Realize that everything connects to everything else.

Leonardo DaVinci
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.

Barbara De Angelis
The point is to create a system where individuals don't work simply for money or personal gain but to support the planet and its inhabitants in entering the next stage of evolutionary progression.

Michael Bernard Beckwith
Contrary to popular misconception, karma has nothing to do with punishment and reward. It exists as part of our holographic universe's binary or dualistic operating system only to teach us responsibility for our creations-and all things we experience are our creations.
Sol Luckma

14th October 2011, 07:00 PM
And what about the karma sutra ,isnt that more interesting.....;D


14th October 2011, 07:29 PM
And what about the karma sutra ,isnt that more interesting.....;D

Kama and Karma are different. For anyone actually interested in these two topics (and more), you can read all about them here:

That guy really has everything mapped out, and explains how it fits together.

14th October 2011, 07:46 PM
Gee, guys...
THANKS for taking my thread about giving, and turning it into this shit. ::)

After starting this thread, what a great opportunity for you to also show us Karma in action. Its been an in your face psychopathic gong show showing disregard to Karma. These sort of people need to be shamed before they see any Karmic threat. They did it to your thread about gifting of silver. You have the power to shame them. Change their avatar descriptions to just what you think they deserve right now.

Change it back in a month.

And for those who wine about freedom and tyrants, well any other Mod would have banned us all and let god sort it out. Appropriate shaming is part of freedom.

This is basically in jest. Heck I may be on the list, but Karma speaks to me that it should happen.

Bugs Bunny on Karma:


14th October 2011, 07:57 PM
Do I get extra karma credit if I call myself a dick? :)

Joe King
14th October 2011, 08:01 PM
Do I get extra karma credit if I call myself a dick? :)Only if you don't like it. lol

14th October 2011, 08:06 PM
After starting this thread, what a great opportunity for you to also show us Karma in action. Its been an in your face psychopathic gong show showing disregard to Karma. These sort of people need to be shamed before they see any Karmic threat. They did it to your thread about gifting of silver. You have the power to shame them. Change their avatar descriptions to just what you think they deserve right now.

Change it back in a month.

And for those who wine about freedom and tyrants, well any other Mod would have banned us all and let god sort it out. Appropriate shaming is part of freedom.

This is basically in jest. Heck I may be on the list, but Karma speaks to me that it should happen.

No... there's no "punishment" I could dish out even comes CLOSE to the punishment they're already inflicting on themselves... after all, it's them and ONLY them who have to live with themselves... and the kind of people that they are... all the time.

I kind of see it the same way with TPTB... people might think that they escape accountability and punishment by dying at home in bed surrounded by wealth and family - but I wouldn't trade places with ANY of them for all the wealth in the world! They drag around the mental decay and lack of integrity that is the natural result of their actions EVERY... SINGLE... MOMENT... of their artificially extended lives. Fuck that.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 08:08 PM
After starting this thread, what a great opportunity for you to also show us Karma in action. Its been an in your face psychopathic gong show showing disregard to Karma. These sort of people need to be shamed before they see any Karmic threat. They did it to your thread about gifting of silver. You have the power to shame them. Change their avatar descriptions to just what you think they deserve right now.

Change it back in a month.

And for those who wine about freedom and tyrants, well any other Mod would have banned us all and let god sort it out. Appropriate shaming is part of freedom.

This is basically in jest. Heck I may be on the list, but Karma speaks to me that it should happen.Sorry, but that sounds more like vengence than karma.

14th October 2011, 08:14 PM
Sorry, but that sounds more like vengence than karma.
If the shoe fits you better I'm fine with it. Its still basically an answering action. Perhaps a month is too long.


Vengence 12 up, 23 down
verb. Justifiable force against one group violently discriminating against another group. A form of retaliation. An answering action to an act of aggretion. Not to be confused with revenge or an act of vengeance. Vengence is specifically an act of violence in response to an act of violence.
Blacks or jewish people may commit vengence against skinheads.

[Edit: Its the ONLY definition on google for "vengence" JoeKing]

14th October 2011, 08:20 PM
Gee, guys...
THANKS for taking my thread about giving, and turning it into this shit. ::)

Like I said, I tried hard, first I ask for sources, non given other than mushrooms,
and I don't believe that, sources not provided for a reason.

I am way ahead of you, I already took responsibility, this is a very revealing thread.

Nobody is trolling your thread, just comments being met with others.

I tried hard, new age voodoo, hebrew, " kaballah quotes ", drug use is truth.

Put me down in your books as the shit, I'll be your whipping boy.

Good " karma " or whatever you want to call it comes from good actions,
my first post here, Western Man has his own tradition of this and it rules.

And solid, why don't you go after the people here that tell Gaillo he is a greedy.
Cause that is how I read it.


Joe King
14th October 2011, 08:23 PM
If the shoe fits you better I'm fine with it. Its still basically an answering action. Perhaps a month is too long.


You're cherry picking your definition. Vengeance doesn't have to mean violence. It means paybacks, revenge, retribution, etc for wrongs whether perceived or real.

Nobody is trolling your thread, just comments being met with others.Horn was.

14th October 2011, 08:26 PM
After starting this thread, what a great opportunity for you to also show us Karma in action. Its been an in your face psychopathic gong show showing disregard to Karma. These sort of people need to be shamed before they see any Karmic threat. They did it to your thread about gifting of silver. You have the power to shame them. Change their avatar descriptions to just what you think they deserve right now.

You and your allies earned lots of bad Karma or whatever you want to call it.

Constantly posting disinformation history with your buddy Horn, goldie, skyvike,
going after the usual people, TheoSophist MO, you and the rest are more
blatant and you know what you are doing. You already got lots of bad Karma
for knowingly posting lies because hatred drives you against Western Man.
Like an idiot I still thank you for your good posts and work sourcing stuff.
No more, all of you are evil, the people you are allied with, Horn, Goldie,
Skyvike, they were outed by MO, spot on MO, you people are far more
blatant, and when confronted you become more blatant, when are you going
to start posting about lucifer just like goldie on here ?

Nobody is saying anything bad , in this thread it is a little more personal especially
to you, now, you people deliberately lie, deliberately post trash, on a forum that is
concerned for the most part about corruption and the dumbing down of society,

they need look no further than you people on a personal level , lying .

This is a very revealing thread, notice Gonzo refuses to give sources, notice who is allied.

Ximmy , thank you for your post, Old Herb Lady, thank you for your post and source.
Ximmy , you won't get an answer.

People go around here calling the Catholics " kaballists " , " satanists " and nobody says anything but me.

You fuckers want a free ride posting like that, FUCK YOU !

I am Hellenic Orthodox, " stone them " " stone the orthodox " , acceptable on gim, no bans.




Joe King
14th October 2011, 08:37 PM
People go around here calling the Catholics " kaballists " , " satanists " and nobody says anything but me.

You fuckers want a free ride, FUCK YOU !

I am Hellenic Orthodox, " stone them " " stone the orthodox " , acceptable on gim, no bans.




My my, threats of violence now? That doesn't sound like the makings of good Karma for you, Magnes.

Have you ever considered that if you don't like the things you like or do or believe in, being trashed by others, perhaps you should start by not doing that to others first?

No, of course you haven't.
...but you'll get it one of these days.

14th October 2011, 08:40 PM
My my, threats of violence now? That doesn't sound like the makings of good Karma for you, Magnes.

On the contrary, to specific posts and behavior it is perfect response.

Good Karma. They should try it in real life. Getting their heads kicked in
would be a good lesson for them.

No Jew dared talk like that, unfortunately it is some fundie evangelical, divided we fall.

But the forums remain silent, supporting trolls is more important.

I am not angry, I mean every word, because it is correct response.

Shame on those remaining silent.

And Anty Ep was right about the divisions being damaging, didn't
realize it till I did later research. They hate on each other and to
do a one up it is stone the orthodox or call the Catholics evil names.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 08:41 PM
Please note the question I posed in my post above yours, 'k? TIA. I added it while you were posting and you were quicker on the post button than I. lol

14th October 2011, 08:45 PM
I came for the crazy, but I stayed for the gold and silver.

BTW thanks for the history posts, magnes. I haven't had a chance to read them yet, but I posted in a thread about needing re-read history as I have always studied it, particularly before I woke up, so I need to go back through. Then you start posting threads. Weird. Either you read what I wrote, or things just have a way of working out. I think it's the latter. I thought it proper for this thread.

14th October 2011, 08:47 PM
Please note the question I posed in my post above yours, 'k? TIA. I added it while you were posting and you were quicker on the post button than I. lol

Looks like you answered your own question... why should he bother replying to it? ???

14th October 2011, 08:48 PM
I came for the crazy, but I stayed for the gold and silver.


Best thing I've read here all week.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 08:50 PM
Looks like you answered your own question... why should he bother replying to it? ???I didn't ask for an answer from him, but rather simply asked him to take note of it.
ie that's a question he needs to ask himself.

14th October 2011, 09:10 PM
I didn't ask for an answer from him, but rather simply asked him to take note of it.
ie that's a question he needs to ask himself.

At least Horn had the good sense to ban himself... while you don't seem to know when to STFU. You, sir, who were already on my "highly suspicious" list, have now achieved "shit list" status. You and Book should form a club... it takes a LOT of crap to ruffle my feathers to such an extent! :(

14th October 2011, 09:14 PM
SO this thread is supposed to be about karma, which is when you do the right thing or do something for somebody it somehow counts as brownie points for you and good things will come your way? HAHAH Please

Sorry it just doesn't work that way, helping old folks, taking care of stray dogs, giving to those who are in need, I have done all of it, being nice and doing the right thing and giving, being generous cause I have it and they don't.

You all know my story where the hell is all this wonderful Karma ?

The older I get the more cynical I am because I have lived it.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 09:28 PM
At least Horn had the good sense to ban himself... while you don't seem to know when to STFU. You, sir, who were already on my "highly suspicious" list, have now achieved "shit list" status. You and Book should form a club... it takes a LOT of crap to ruffle my feathers to such an extent! :(You seem to be saying that I'm not supposed to respond to Book, but no one says anything about his bs posts that he makes first.

He came back and started posting and I was politely ignoring him until he came pickin' again.
As I said, when he throws his crap at me, I'm going to dump a truckload back onto him. We've been down this road before and I'm long past taking his bs with the proverbial grain of salt.
ie he picked the wrong fight and Horn chose to defend him and tried taking his gloves off while doing so. So I handed him his head on a silver platter using his own words against him.

What would you have me do instead? Sit here and let them keep pulling their crap? Or give back in kind?

14th October 2011, 09:43 PM
SO this thread is supposed to be about karma, which is when you do the right thing or do something for somebody it somehow counts as brownie points for you and good things will come your way? HAHAH Please
Well one of the other reasons was for people to grow out of their passive misconceptions of Karma. Then one can better practice Karma, or psychopathically laugh at other members for better reason than a failed strawman born of ignorance.

Sorry it just doesn't work that way, helping old folks, taking care of stray dogs, giving to those who are in need, I have done all of it,
Thats communism not Karma.

Help folks you want to help, take care of dogs you like, give to those you want to give to.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 09:50 PM
Thats communism not Karma. .Not if you're doing it because it's just what you want to do. As example, if I'm going down the road and I see someone with a broke down car in an unsafe spot and I choose to stop and help push the car out of the road, or if I find a stray dog and help get it home, or any other spontanious act of helping someone simply because I can, how do you see anything like that as being communism? I call just being nice and tryin' to lend a hand where you see that you can, when you can.

14th October 2011, 09:58 PM
I am Hellenic Orthodox...




Another Satanic outburst from Manges. Had not even consided you as one of the trolls in this thread. You opened my eyes to Greek history a lot the last few days.

It WAS in a good way. And now you are one bitchy overcompensating repressed homo. Keep off my tall olympian body!

Take your sexual aggression and kick it up your own ass. Perhaps it is what you need to reinflate your head.

14th October 2011, 10:10 PM
I reported this to the police. Told to go in tomorrow to discuss.

Had not even consided you as one of the trolls in this thread. You opened my eyes to Greek history a lot the last few days.

Chill... it was obviously not a real threat of violence, or he would be banned already. Greek is his main language, if you haven't noticed he writes English kind of strange and occasionally gets it wrong. He's saying he WOULD stomp them/you/whoever in real life, not that he's going to.

Joe King
14th October 2011, 10:19 PM
Chill... it was obviously not a real threat of violence, or he would be banned already. Greek is his main language, if you haven't noticed he writes English kind of strange and occasionally gets it wrong. He's saying he WOULD stomp them/you/whoever in real life, not that he's going to.Not that my opinion matters, but I took it as him advocating that's what some people deserve for posting things he doesn't personally like.

....to specific posts and behavior it is perfect response.
Huh? Stomping someoine in real life is seen as a "perfect" response to typed words on a forum?

If so, just for sake of being able to say something I know he won't like, I'm going to post that the Pope is the AntiChrist. That way he can want to stomp my ass in real life too.

14th October 2011, 10:26 PM
You all know my story where the hell is all this wonderful Karma ?

I have this work philosophy, where ever I end up, I leave the place better than I found it. Each job at a time, even if it's only just a little better. If the whole world did that, we'd be in a lot better shape than we are now. I'd like to look back on life, when I'm older, and be able to say I left this world a little better than when I entered it.

I really don't care about karma actually. Karma means we hope we are rewarded for the good things we do. It's the fact that we are alive, and have the gift of life, that matters. We should be thankful, for that, and for the opportunity to pursue what makes us happy.

I will say this though, often when you help others...you are not thinking about yourself, at all. Like you don't even exist. That says a lot about a persons character.

14th October 2011, 11:36 PM
Just for the record....I don't really get the sense that anyone is really and truly mad at anyone else in this thread. This seems more like a family argument where everyone is raising their voice and trying to make their point. I keep smiling at some of these over-dramatic posts.

15th October 2011, 07:08 AM
I keep smiling at some of these over-dramatic posts.

You fuckers want a free ride posting like that, FUCK YOU !

I am Hellenic Orthodox, " stone them " " stone the orthodox " , acceptable on gim, no bans.



I'LL KICK YOUR FUCKING HEADS IN REAL LIFE ! Haha, yeah, me too... and I was sympathetic toward Gaillo and his thoughtful karma thread, but the question is, should I smile about it? Should I just shrug it off?

No, I don't think I should. Why?

Because I believe in justice and fair play.

And I believe that the rules, short and relaxed as they are, have clearly been broken. Badly. And ironically, I believe Magnes would agree with me, at least in principle, I hope.

For Magnes not to be banned for his latest outburst against other members represents cronyism writ small, pure and simple.

Who needs such mystical spiritual bullshit as Karma when one has a Mod force, or a Cop force, or a Government force in their pocket?

And what's the excuse given? Oh, he's Greek and occasionally struggles with the English language? Ha! Poor poor Magnes.

What a laugh. GoD is Croatian. Does he receive such favoritism? No. He's been banned for far less.

Even Mamboni was banned for far less. In fact, I've never seen any other poster make such a baldfaced attack on other posters and get away with it on this site or any other. Ever.

Gaillo, I just want you to know that I'm dyslexic and currently seem to have a touch of Tourette Disease, so if I have a temper tampon and attack other posters, please give me a huge fucking pass too.

Thank you in advance for your loving generosity.

15th October 2011, 07:22 AM
SO this thread is supposed to be about karma, which is when you do the right thing or do something for somebody it somehow counts as brownie points for you and good things will come your way? HAHAH Please

Sorry it just doesn't work that way, helping old folks, taking care of stray dogs, giving to those who are in need, I have done all of it, being nice and doing the right thing and giving, being generous cause I have it and they don't.

You all know my story where the hell is all this wonderful Karma ?

The older I get the more cynical I am because I have lived it.

...you should try to shift your perspective, zap...for example, if i help someone or do something nice for someone, it truly is a selfish act. i do it because it makes ME feel good for doing something for someone other than myself. the fact that it helps someone else is secondary to my reasons for doing it. I feel good when i help others, but if they aren't thankful, it doesn't diminish how good i feel, my reward is how helping makes ME feel. any thanks i get would be icing on the cake...

15th October 2011, 07:24 AM
Maybe not bannable, but obviously the opposite of LIVE.

Ps. Karma is not "New Age"

15th October 2011, 08:21 AM
Today I am in Barcelona, with wife and kids. We visited la Sagrada Familia, the Gaudi built/inspired cathedral... Sad to see they have incorporated a gift shop into the cathedral, didn't Jesus kick out these types of people from the temple? And that was the main reason he was crucified...

Amazing construction though (still going on since 1882)...

15th October 2011, 08:34 AM
winning gives birth to hostility.
losing, one lies down in pain.
the calmed lie down with ease,
having set
winning & losing aside. -Samyutta Nikaya III. 14

15th October 2011, 09:22 AM
...you should try to shift your perspective, zap...for example, if i help someone or do something nice for someone, it truly is a selfish act. i do it because it makes ME feel good for doing something for someone other than myself. the fact that it helps someone else is secondary to my reasons for doing it. I feel good when i help others, but if they aren't thankful, it doesn't diminish how good i feel, my reward is how helping makes ME feel. any thanks i get would be icing on the cake...

True FS, That is what I am saying,you are not going to have anything good happen to you just because you do the right thing.

15th October 2011, 09:25 AM
Had not even consided you as one of the trolls in this thread. You opened my eyes to Greek history a lot the last few days.

It WAS in a good way. And now you are one bitchy overcompensating repressed homo. Keep off my tall olympian body!

Take your sexual aggression and kick it up your own ass. Perhaps it is what you need to inflate your head.

You are a little satanist on here and you never speak up against people
that attack the Christians calling them " Satanists and Kaballists ", you are one
of those Satanists, Kaballists, openly posting crap from the Blat witch
with no shame, openly calling yourself a mason, have a look at your allies,
goldie, skykvike, horn are your allies, non of them speaks
out against the freaks nor others for that matter calling for stoning and smearing.
They all troll history as a target and key posters that post good Western stuff.

You people are the haters, different degrees, you want join them, try it in real life clowns.

You support those that call for stoning, smearing, cause you are a hater of Christians/WesternMan.

You ain't white Keehah, neither is horn, neither is goldie, all of you hate on whitey,
then from the inside you have the evangelical fundies calling for death, I don't know
who is worse.

Keehah, you are a kabbalist and self proclaimed mason and theosophist.

Scientist my ass.

And it is very clear what I am writing and to who troll.

Goldie can't take the heat, like you, getting outed.
Parallel Universes exist, time travel possible (tough one for Religions) (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?24194-Parallel-Universes-exist-time-travel-possible-%28tough-one-for-Religions%29)
then she becomes more blatant
Lucifer is a Latin word literally meaning "light-bearer" (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26550-Lucifer-is-a-Latin-word-literally-meaning-quot-light-bearer-quot)

People don't speak out, and that is what bothers me about this forum,
if you people can't stick together against disinformation artists that are
blatant and obvious , well then , we are doomed, keep talking freedom.

Notice the trolls speak out against me RESPONDING, I had enough,
Notice they will never speak out against the over the top calls and smears,
because those calls and smears make them happy, they are allied, and they
then cry victim.

Trolls. You have no face to speak.

15th October 2011, 09:41 AM
Haha, yeah, me too...

You joined as a troll on here from day one and first thing you did was go after Gaillo.

Nobody here did more damage than you skyvike cheerleader, proof with screen I
have posted numerous times, skyvike your buddy never banned anyone calling
for death to the Orthodox and their stoning, this happened twice on gim,
WAog I believe was one of those, and recently others have been close to that,
those people are okay in your book.

You also got away with smearing, crying, turning it around, then swearing,
both against me and against Gaillo. Cause you are a troll, you never thought
you would make it this far. Where I draw a line to people that are over the top
already calling for violence, fuck them, and fuck all of them allied with them,
you want to put yourself on that list go ahead.

Santa. More like Satan, RealJack is another name for Satan too.
Go post some more nonsense, most likely you are a Kaballist too, since
you are putting yourself on that list. Maybe you are a Scientologist, thanking
skyvike. ROFL !

Santa's Coming HoHoHo (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?40111-Santa-s-Coming-HoHoHo)


15th October 2011, 09:54 AM
Chill... it was obviously not a real threat of violence, or he would be banned already. Greek is his main language, if you haven't noticed he writes English kind of strange and occasionally gets it wrong. He's saying he WOULD stomp them/you/whoever in real life, not that he's going to.

These are direct threats against me and my people, yet nothing is done.

That is my response to them and it is appropriate, I gave quotes.

They should try it in real life, the death threats happened on gim,
the smearing happened here, dysgenic calls the Catholics " kaballists ",
and even says, " crosses are satanic " , StreetsOfGold openly posts,
" catholics = satanists ", then he goes on to post bible verses, these
people are all allied, the Occult Satanic Group on here supports these
people, their main MO is trolling, like Horn, that is all he does, nothing
else, I did give Keehah some credit, but on some issues that is all he
does, troll. That is exactly what skyvike and goldie were doing and when
pressed they were outed. Horn is the guy that was also involved with the
gim round, he is one of them too, maybe he is the corruptor with the masonic

And Keehah is very blatant about it, posting " thesophist " links and even calling himself a mason.
And more importantly he does their work.
He even posts Sorcha Fail as truth too.

Ban me for being an asshole and ruining your thread, I demand it.

This is a very revealing thread.

I been sworn at a few times on here and no bans,
if certain clowns don't like my response to belligerence,
that I will never apologize for, they should try it in real life.

15th October 2011, 09:54 AM
You ain't white Keehah, neither is horn, neither is goldie, all of you hate on whitey,
then from the inside you have the evangelical fundies calling for death, I don't know
who is worse.

Keehah, you are a kabbalist and self proclaimed mason and theosophist.

Scientist my ass.

And it is very clear what I am writing and to who troll.
It would seem you don't have the intellectual ability to logically respond to anything actually posted that you don't yet understand, or need clarification of, or your mind control has shut you down to.

Instead you make up things about people, like the members here you hate are not your chosen colour of person, and threaten to beat them up for it.

What a shame if you came all the way out to my hamlet to kick head in, then failed because you only kicked the heads in of the coloured people in my neighbourhood and mistakenly left me unharmed. Come to think of it, you may not even find a coloured person in my hamlet. You may have to retreat to the nearest city and kick in some coloured heads there.

You are so not saved.

Joe King
15th October 2011, 10:06 AM
Trolls. You have no face to speak. . [/B]You wanna see a troll? Go look in your mirror.

Edited to add:

These are direct threats against me and my people, yet nothing is done.

That is my response to them and it is appropriate, I gave quotes.Could you re-post them please? I'm asking nicely because you are the only one I've seen post here that has said some people deserve to stomped in real life for what they've posted.

They should try it in real life, the death threats happened on gim,
the smearing happened here, dysgenic calls the Catholics " kaballists ",
and even says, " crosses are satanic " , StreetsOfGold openly posts,
" catholics = satanists ", then he goes on to post bible verses, these
people are all allied, the Occult Satanic Group on here supports these
people, their main MO is trolling,StreetsOfGold is as free to post what he wants as you are. In he hardly posts at all. How 'bout you growing a pair and learning to accept that if we have to read your baseless accusations over and over, you can at least extend the same to others. Get off your Shetland Pony for a minute, stand up and see the whole World, not just the ass of the pony in front of yours?

like Horn, that is all he does, nothing
else,I tend to agree with you on this one.

I did give Keehah some credit, but on some issues that is all he
does, troll. That is exactly what skyvike and goldie were doing and when
pressed they were outed. Horn is the guy that was also involved with the
gim round, he is one of them too, maybe he is the corruptor with the masonic
eye.Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Were you there? Obviously not. Quit accusing others of things you couldn't possibly know.

And Keehah is very blatant about it, posting " thesophist " links and even calling himself a mason.
And more importantly he does their work.
He even posts Sorcha Fail as truth too.He has a Right to post it if he wants to, and everyone else has the Right to question his position on it too. Same as he has a Right to question what he sees others post, too. Fair is fair.
So why do you have a problem with that?

Ban me for being an asshole and ruining your thread, I demand it.

I been sworn at a few times on here and no bans,Quotes please? Or is asking for proof of your claims too much to ask from you?

if certain clowns don't like my response to belligerence,
that I will never apologize for, they should try it in real life.I've never seen you apologize for anything. Why should anyone think you'd start now?

15th October 2011, 10:09 AM
Instead you make up things about people, like the members here you hate are not your chosen colour of person, and threaten to beat them up for it.

Don't put words in my mouth troll.
That is all you do on some issues.
I have had enough of your shit.

The common denominator is you and your allies are the haters.
It takes effort to post the garbage you people post with a attempted straight face.

And when did you or any one of your friends speak out against antonio,
with his open comments about germans and palestinians, you are on his
team. That is just another two instances. I did speak out.


Goldie, skyvike, is that you ?

Why are you posting occult theosophist blavatsky bullshit in my thread.

That witch is no source for anything, she is a loon and satanist.

Are you mocking my thread full of real history with your one world NWO source ?

Every once and a while you post dribble garbage that fits a pattern.

15th October 2011, 10:11 AM
Like I said, I tried hard, first I ask for sources, non given other than mushrooms,
and I don't believe that, sources not provided for a reason.

I am way ahead of you, I already took responsibility, this is a very revealing thread.

Nobody is trolling your thread, just comments being met with others.

You want a source besides psilocybin, how about ancient Ελευσίνα?

Why are you afraid to go there?

I'm not trying to fuck with you Magnes. I'm not your enemy. You are just the resident greek scholar and I'd love to get your opinion on the biggest event in ancient greek life for over 2000 years.

I thought you *liked* history...

15th October 2011, 10:19 AM
You want a source besides psilocybin, how about ancient Ελευσίνα?

Dude, that is not my thing, I already explained it to you, that is your area it seems.

Knock yourself out.

And on another topic, did you ever see me going after antonio on here openly
posting about his drug use destroying himself, you people think that's funny.
He does not need old enemies like me when he has friends like you.

15th October 2011, 10:22 AM
I don't give a fuck if I get banned.

I am not out of control or angry.

I am not even trying not to swear at people, that ain't my thing,
never was, I would rather post their history and posts, MO.

I stand for something.

If you don't get it , read the thread.

If you still don't get it read the signature.

You can clearly see the allied lines here and what they stand for and their MO.

Gaillo ban me for ruining your thread.
I already put my hand up. I know you
were calling me a dick, no problem , do it.

I tried hard, new age voodoo, hebrew, " kaballah quotes ", drug use is truth.

Put me down in your books as the shit, I'll be your whipping boy.

Good " karma " or whatever you want to call it comes from good actions,
my first post here, Western Man has his own tradition of this and it rules.

And solid, why don't you go after the people here that tell Gaillo he is a greedy.
Cause that is how I read it.


15th October 2011, 10:26 AM

I'm not sure what your issue with this link is about but you have trolled with it often and it seems to have set off your latest Satanic activity the last few weeks. Do you realize the article was not written by Blavatsky? Its basically a religion free article on Atlantis (Guanches) archeology.

I thought some info regarding ancient Atlantis culture of the Libya area may be relevant to the NATO takeover. Much in the same way it was suggested and evidence offered in past years that the Iraq war involved destruction and looting of ancient cultural sites.

15th October 2011, 10:27 AM
Dude, that is not my thing, I already explained it to you, that is your area it seems.

Knock yourself out.

And on another topic, did you ever see me going after antonio on here openly
posting about his drug use destroying himself, you people think that's funny.
He does not need old enemies like me when he has friends like you.

Ok. That's fine. At least you came out and said you don't want to talk about it instead of ignoring it.

That is fine.

But whether you wish to admit it or not, the Mysteries at Eleusis PROFOUNDLY influenced greek/western mind and history.

I understand that you prefer things that words can describe.

That's ok, just don't pretend there is no such thing as the ineffable.

And by the way, I am no junkie.

15th October 2011, 10:31 AM

I'm not sure what your issue with this link is about but you have trolled with it often and it seems to have set off your latest Satanic activity the last few weeks. Do you realize the article was not written by Blavatsky? Its basically a religion free article on Atlantis (Guanches) archeology.

This is how your ally presents himself here.
Maybe he is your sockpuppet.

You want to make real life threats, bring it asshole.

If you think I am going to do proskenesis to you or your mud cops .

This is why people should stay anonymous here, cause of little troll freaks like you.

Your buddies are the blatant attackers and you are like the little dog gnawing at the ankle.
Waiting for opportunities.


KEEHAH, I have never told anyone to fuck off, but you should fuck off,
Horn should fuck off too, and Santa should too, I don't know who is worse,
there is nobody else on my list that I am telling to fuck off, you 3 are very
deliberate and do nothing but troll .

I want a ban.

Joe King
15th October 2011, 10:32 AM
True FS, That is what I am saying,you are not going to have anything good happen to you just because you do the right thing.
What if you do something just because it's the right thing to do at the time?

Kinda like my example of helping someone push their disabled car from a dangerous spot? Or helping a lost dog get home? I've done both and never thought of it as, "oh, I'm doing good deeds and I hope I get a reward for it." I just did what I could do and then go about my business. Does stuff like that make me feel good afterwards? Yea, but that wasn't why I did it to begin with. It was just the right thing to do at the time, and I feel that any other person in the same circumstances would have done the same.

15th October 2011, 10:41 AM
Gaillo ban me for ruining your thread.
I already put my hand up. I know you
were calling me a dick, no problem , do it.
Why wait for Gaillo to ban you? You broke the rules and you know it. Show some honor for a change.
Fall on you own Greek sword. Ban yourself for 30 days.

If you do, thereby alleviating Gaillo's uncomfortable responsibility as Moderator, I will begin to respect you for a change.


15th October 2011, 10:48 AM
Why wait for Gaillo to ban you? You broke the rules and you know it. Show some honor for a change.

Santa's Coming HoHoHo (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?40111-Santa-s-Coming-HoHoHo)


15th October 2011, 10:50 AM
You are so not saved.

Depends on what the POV's perspective, and amended goal is.

Sales pitches created from potent genetic disinfo, fear ultimately going sour and balking at the last moments to lean back on the same rules. Homogeneous downsizing comes in preparation for what the rule(rs) have in mind for them again. East/West, Black/White, Siege like starvation ensues. CEO's and accountants forming palatable excuses the entire time to keep it all on & under the level.

Some are even so wise to only be born/made from their mothers mother to keep themselves in check.

15th October 2011, 10:50 AM
You want to make real life threats, bring it asshole.
In any case, continuing to build up your homosexual side here the next few days can only help. Best to lay low on the I can't stand coloured people on this forum side though.

15th October 2011, 10:51 AM
In principle karma good or bad is more of a internal thing for the individual and the life they live.And not so much at all, as for the way others perceive each other.

They that believe in it gives a path to walk in life and the choices one makes at the cross roads we come to. Doing the right thing is always good, even if there is no personal reward for doing it.

And in general the ones that do the right thing, with out looking for reward will live a far more happier life. And are missed and remembered when they move on.

Sure there are a bunch that do the wrong thing and could not care less, they are the ones that do not have a conscience or empathy or sympathy for others.

In general they are the ones that live lonely life's. And they disappear from memory.


15th October 2011, 10:57 AM
Anyone need any of these?


Take two and do not call in the morning!

15th October 2011, 11:02 AM
some of you have apologized for derailing gaillo's thread, and that's cool, but then you keep on derailing it!
some of us in this thread are trying to put it back on track.

i have a suggestion...

see, there's this sub-forum called "THUNDERDOME".
maybe the derailers should take their problems there, and keep it out of the thread. those that want to keep up with who's trolling who, or whatever, can follow the action there, not here.

15th October 2011, 01:41 PM
I just arrived after a rather difficult morning, to find all this. WOW :o

I figured you had mangled your meaning last night and the "threat" was a transposition of "I'll" for "I'd", but reading through this today it looks like I was wrong. You are on the offensive amd instead of stating that you'd made a mistake, the attacks and insults are getting worse!

Take 3 days off to chill out, and regain your normal somewhat reasonable composure. I'm not banning you for "ruining my thread" as you keep saying, but for all the personal attacks.

Joe King
15th October 2011, 08:35 PM
Sooo,.....who's gettin' the silver?

With that idea (what the Eastern religions call "Karma") in mind, I'd like to hopefully start a new forum "trend" or meme, if you will... the "Karma" giveaway.

I'm giving away two (2) 1-gram fractionals of 99.9% fine silver to someone in this thread. I'll decide who within a few days, then mail it. I haven't yet decided how I'll decide who gets it, I might roll dice, throw a dart, or just give it to whoever makes me laugh my ass off first. We'll see.

After your last response to me, I was thinkin' that if you were actually going to throw a dart to decide, it might just get thrown at me. :p

16th October 2011, 06:00 AM
I think there is truth in alot of what Magnes says about posts promoting things from the occult and going after catholics/christians. I've noticed it to. Magnes is well read and well spoken and he does a good job in my opinion of pointing this out.

Just like GoD he had some things he wanted to say and was willing to take a banning to say them. I approve of that and hope he comes back just like GoD. I wish Anty Ep was on this forum. I used to enjoy his posts on GIM1 and I enjoy Magnes posts as well.

16th October 2011, 08:09 AM
posts promoting things from the occult and going after catholics/christians.Do you think we should refrain from discussing "karma" because it basically represents an early occult Pagan non Christian belief structure?

If you believe its ok to discuss "karma," then why not discuss other early Pagan non Christian religious cosmologies, such as Pythagoreanism, for example?

Why should that or many other supposed occult subjects be made taboo... today...in this cyber information culture?

The word, "occult" means hidden knowledge. Becoming well read and sharing information is the antidote to hidden knowledge.
Attempting to stifle certain others from reading and viewing any information at all is exactly what occult means. It means to control through limiting access to information.

The reason we're a flock of sheep at the mercy of an elite to begin with, is that they've always managed to control the information we have access to. At least until now.

And finally, I don't like or appreciate anyone attempting to prevent me from reading, studying, or discussing anything at all and Magnes or anyone else can kiss my ass if they try to limit the information I care to read, view or share on a forum.

Controlling information, and therefore controlling knowledge is THE
PRIMARY OCCULT PRACTICE in the world today.

A concept of karma (along with samsara (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsara) and moksha (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moksha)) may originate in the shramana (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shramana) tradition of which Buddhism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism) and Jainism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jainism) are continuations. This tradition influenced the Brahmanic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedic_Brahmanism) religion in the early Vedantic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedantic) (Upanishadic) movement of the 1st millennium BC. This worldview was adopted from this religious culture by Brahmin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedic_Brahmanism) orthodoxy, and Brahmins wrote the earliest recorded scriptures containing these ideas in the early Upanishads (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upanishads).

16th October 2011, 08:23 AM
threads like this are what worry me about SHTF. if the .00000001% of people that realize what's going on can't even get along, then we are fucked.

16th October 2011, 08:32 AM
threads like this are what worry me about SHTF. if the .00000001% of people that realize what's going on can't even get along, then we are fucked.

I do think though, our petty differences will disappear in a true crisis situation. For the most part, the .0001% are the like-minded type, and good people who see what's really going on..and how we got here. People will come together. Good people find each other when challenges are are met.

16th October 2011, 08:41 AM
'The truth of the Buddha's understanding of the processes of kamma-as informed by this/that conditionality, dependent co-arising, and the four noble truths-was proven by the knowledge of Unbinding that followed immediately on his mastery of the fourth type of kamma.He found that when skillfulness is intentionally brought to a point of full consummation, as expressed in the direct awareness of this/that conditionality, it leads to a state of non-action, or non-fashioning, that forms the threshold to a level of consciousness in which all experience of the cosmos has fallen away. When one's experience of the cosmos resumes after the experience of Awakening, one sees clearly that it is composed entirely of the results of old kamma; with no new kamma being added to the prcess, all experience of the cosmos will eventually run out-or, in the words of the texts "will grow cold right here" ' The Wings to Awakening, I. Basic Principles B. Kamma -Thanissaro Bhikku

16th October 2011, 08:56 AM
threads like this are what worry me about SHTF. if the .00000001% of people that realize what's going on can't even get along, then we are fucked.

I used to argue with my Father back in the 70's about Corporatism long before I knew of Mussolini's connection to Corporatism with Fascism.
He loved, absolutely LOVED his Corporate affiliations. According to the mind set of the post WW2 50's was that the "green revolution" was feeding and therefore saving the world. My contention was that it was destroying the world.

I dearly loved my Father, but we argued. And I'm grateful that we were able to argue, yet still respect one another.

If we aren't able to argue with one another, with respect, then we truly are fucked.

16th October 2011, 10:04 AM
I do think though, our petty differences will disappear in a true crisis situation. For the most part, the .0001% are the like-minded type, and good people who see what's really going on..and how we got here. People will come together. Good people find each other when challenges are are met.

I think it depends whether or not they come together as people, or with monikers placed above their heads like Christian, Western European and the like.

Anytime they place a label on themselves heads start to roll.

Afterall that's the only thing that is being "defended" in this thread, a bumpersticker for the forehead.

Joe King
16th October 2011, 10:10 AM
Afterall that's the only thing that is being "defended" in this thread, a bumpersticker for the forehead.

You have a bumper sticker on your forehead that says "Book"? lol
After all, you were certainly defending him.
...and what happened to your "self imposed ban" Gaillo said you were on?

16th October 2011, 11:01 AM
And as I defended you from him at one point, yes.

But since then you've taken the troll label they have branded you with.

16th October 2011, 11:09 AM
Some will argue that a nameless & "labeless" crowd is what the jew wants to conquer,

I can only suggest its a matter of cycles that they control.

If I were in their shoes a nameless crowd right about now would have me running towards Adam.

16th October 2011, 11:12 AM
Do you think we should refrain from discussing "karma" because it basically represents an early occult Pagan non Christian belief structure?

If you believe its ok to discuss "karma," then why not discuss other early Pagan non Christian religious cosmologies, such as Pythagoreanism, for example?

Why should that or many other supposed occult subjects be made taboo... today...in this cyber information culture?

The word, "occult" means hidden knowledge. Becoming well read and sharing information is the antidote to hidden knowledge.
Attempting to stifle certain others from reading and viewing any information at all is exactly what occult means. It means to control through limiting access to information.

The reason we're a flock of sheep at the mercy of an elite to begin with, is that they've always managed to control the information we have access to. At least until now.

And finally, I don't like or appreciate anyone attempting to prevent me from reading, studying, or discussing anything at all and Magnes or anyone else can kiss my ass if they try to limit the information I care to read, view or share on a forum.

Controlling information, and therefore controlling knowledge is THE
PRIMARY OCCULT PRACTICE in the world today.

Santa when someone verbaly smacks chritianity around then presents something non christian are they discussing or promoting? Looks like promoting an alternative to christianity to me.

Magnes appears to have gotten tired of it and he spoke up about it. He told you and others exactly what he thinks, how he feels and the reasons why.

I don't really think Magnes was trying to shut you up he was pointing out what you and others seem to be doing and like any real man he'd like to kick your asses.

16th October 2011, 11:40 AM
Santa when someone verbaly smacks chritianity around then presents something non christian are they discussing or promoting? Looks like promoting an alternative to christianity to me.

Magnes appears to have gotten tired of it and he spoke up about it. He told you and others exactly what he thinks, how he feels and the reasons why.

I don't really think Magnes was trying to shut you up he was pointing out what you and others seem to be doing and like any real man he'd like to kick your asses.

I guess what "others seem to be doing" came between his suggestions of carrying a double headed Eagle flag into battle,

I may have missed it.

I've never seen bashing of Christians here, only people noting their vicarage towards Jerusalem.

My guess is they bash themselves quite a bit enough "as they do" after digesting the info..

16th October 2011, 12:02 PM
Some may think or take, that if any other belief system other than Christianity is discussed about their merits and comparing those other beliefs to Christianity. Is an attack on Christianity.

There are some that are very intolerant in their thinking that it is ether their way or no way.

Some fail to understand there are other religions and belief systems in the world that are light years older than the one god Christianity belief.

It is believed that Hinduism is the oldest by + 6500-4600 + years young. There is nothing wrong in comparing the different belief systems/religions on their merits or shortcomings.

Just saying IMHO

16th October 2011, 12:26 PM
Magnes wanted to kick some asses and verbaly he did just that. He won;D

16th October 2011, 12:38 PM

One can win but still lose over all.

And his branding and calling everyone names that does not agree with him in lockstep, trolls and worse. That is not being civil in an adult grownup discussion.

And instead of discussing the topic at hand just posts repetitious links from the past in his never ending troll/Mason hunt.

Does not help his case with others that post their viewpoints , Sort of narrows his popularity with some.

He is a very smart person with a very narrow world view.


16th October 2011, 01:45 PM
Some may think or take, that if any other belief system other than Christianity is discussed about their merits and comparing those other beliefs to Christianity. Is an attack on Christianity.

There are some that are very intolerant in their thinking that it is ether their way or no way.

Some fail to understand there are other religions and belief systems in the world that are light years older than the one god Christianity belief.

It is believed that Hinduism is the oldest by + 6500-4600 + years young. There is nothing wrong in comparing the different belief systems/religions on their merits or shortcomings.

Just saying IMHO

...i don't care what religion people want to follow, i just pray for them to have a good relationship with God, i don't feel the vehicle is as important as the path and destination...

just my 2 cents...

16th October 2011, 02:00 PM
Magnes wanted to kick some asses and verbaly he did just that. He won;D

I guess if you call editing previous posts "winning" then yes, one could always claim victory when retreating.

16th October 2011, 03:22 PM
Santa when someone verbaly smacks chritianity around then presents something non christian are they discussing or promoting? Looks like promoting an alternative to christianity to me.

Magnes appears to have gotten tired of it and he spoke up about it. He told you and others exactly what he thinks, how he feels and the reasons why.

I don't really think Magnes was trying to shut you up he was pointing out what you and others seem to be doing and like any real man he'd like to kick your asses.

Hahahaha...Fantasize much? ;D

Just so you know, there's only one way to kick my ass online, and that's to convince me, using words, that I'm wrong and you're right.

Good luck with that.

All the rest is some strange fantasy like out of a teen Romance Novel.

That makes me sad. :'(

16th October 2011, 03:35 PM

One can win but still lose over all.

And his branding and calling everyone names that does not agree with him in lockstep, trolls and worse. That is not being civil in an adult grownup discussion.

And instead of discussing the topic at hand just posts repetitious links from the past in his never ending troll/Mason hunt.

Does not help his case with others that post their viewpoints , Sort of narrows his popularity with some.

He is a very smart person with a very narrow world view.


Magnes links and posts are meant to teach. They may be repetitive but he posts them for the same people over and over again because they don't seem to get it.

His posts remind me of Dr. Martin Luther in his book "The Jews and Their Lies". He tried to educate them but they chose satan instread and he finaly gave up. It reminds me alot of what Magnes is working against here.

Magnes is working against Satan and he wins any way you want to look at it.

It's up to all of us which path we want to follow and the consequences of that choice we will face alone. You're on your own to do and think as you please.

16th October 2011, 03:49 PM
The expected sort of projection from death worshiping blood cults.

Has the time passed for a religion of peace?

16th October 2011, 03:59 PM
The sort of response I'd expect from a freemason.

16th October 2011, 04:18 PM
If I need a label what seems to best fit right now is: Dualist Physicalist Pantheism with Aetheric Panentheism.
My Birth Certificate is singed by a Roman Catholic Priest.
I live on land with all subsurface rights claimed by an old German lady in London.
All sorts of official protection rackets demand money.
Zionism fills the air.
A lot of baggage, I'm leaning more towards Survivalism with time.


Meditations (Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, literally "thoughts/writings addressed to himself") is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor 161–180 CE, setting forth his ideas on Stoic philosophy.

Marcus Aurelius wrote the 12 books of the Meditations in "highly-educated" Koine Greek as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement...

His stoic ideas often involve avoiding indulgence in sensory affections, a skill which, he says, will free a man from the pains and pleasures of the material world. He claims that the only way a man can be harmed by others is to allow his reaction to overpower him. An order or logos permeates existence. Rationality and clear-mindedness allow one to live in harmony with the logos. This allows one to rise above faulty perceptions of "good" and "bad."...

Marcus Aurelius has been lauded for his capacity "to write down what was in his heart just as it was, not obscured by any consciousness of the presence of listeners or any striving after effect." Gilbert Murray compares the work to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions and St. Augustine Confessions. Though Murray criticizes Marcus for the "harshness and plainness of his literary style," he finds in his Meditations "as much intensity of feeling...as in most of the nobler modern books of religion, only [with] a sterner power controlling it." "People fail to understand Marcus," he writes, "not because of his lack of self-expression, but because it is hard for most men to breathe at that intense height of spiritual life, or, at least, to breathe soberly."

16th October 2011, 04:47 PM

In the West, Pantheism went into retreat during the Christian years between the 4th and 15th centuries, when it was regarded as heresy. The first open revival was by Giordano Bruno (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno) (burned at the stake in 1600).

16th October 2011, 05:11 PM
Wasn't there a clause in the U.S. Constitution about burning witches?

Or lemme guess was that included because the founders were polluted by masonry & occult at that time.

General of Darkness
16th October 2011, 05:13 PM
Holy shit balls does this thread deliver.

Magnes, Love Ya Brother. You are the guardian of truth.

The only problem I have with this thread is having to click the ignore thing to read their responses. Good fucking times.

16th October 2011, 05:38 PM

We should all be praying for brother Gaillo's quick medical recovery in his own Karma thread.

:) that is if all the crypto-jews and heathens here don't mind, of course...

16th October 2011, 05:47 PM
holy shit, book! when you're right, you're right.

16th October 2011, 06:05 PM

We should all be praying for brother Gaillo's quick medical recovery in his own Karma thread.

:) that is if all the crypto-jews and heathens here don't mind, of course...

there is no need to pray when one truly lives by kamma. or laws for that matter

16th October 2011, 07:32 PM

As the Egyptians considered themselves oppressed during the period of the Hyksos rule, the victory accomplished by pharaohs who worshipped Amun, brought him to be seen as a champion of the less fortunate. Consequently, Amun was viewed as upholding the rights of justice for the poor. By aiding those who traveled in his name, he became the Protector of the road. Since he upheld Ma'at (truth, justice, and goodness) , those who prayed to Amun were required, first, to demonstrate that they were worthy by confessing their sins. Votive stela from the artisans village at Deir el-Medina record:

[Amun] who comes at the voice of the poor in distress, who gives breath to him who is wretched..You are Amun, the Lord of the silent, who comes at the voice of the poor; when I call to you in my distress You come and rescue me...Though the servant was disposed to do evil, the Lord is disposed to forgive. The Lord of Thebes spends not a whole day in anger; His wrath passes in a moment; none remains. His breath comes back to us in mercy..May your ka be kind; may you forgive; It shall not happen again.

Much later, because of the evidence of the adoration given to Amun in many regions during the height of his cult, Greek travellers to Egypt would report that Amun—who they determined to be the ruler of the Egyptian pantheon—was similar to the leader of the Classical Greek pantheon, Zeus, and therefore they became identified by the Greeks as the same deity. Likewise, Amun's consort Mut became associated by these Greeks with Zeus's consort in the Classical pantheon, Hera.

Praises of Amun on stelae are strikingly similar in language to those later used in the reign of Akhenaton, in particular the Hymn to the Aten :

"When thou crossest the sky, all faces behold thee, but when thou departest, thou are hidden from their faces.. When thou settest in the western mountain, then they sleep in the manner of death..The fashioner of that which the soil produces,...a mother of profit to gods and men; a patient craftsmen, greatly wearying himself as their maker..valiant herdsman, driving his cattle, their refuge and the making of their living..The sole Lord, who reaches the end of the lands every day, as one who sees them that tread thereon..Every land chatters at his rising every day, in order to praise him."

16th October 2011, 09:37 PM
Magnes, Love Ya Brother. You are the guardian of truth.

Yup, I may not agree with with everything you post Magnes, but you are a respected member of this forum. Hope you return quickly. Heck, a lot of us have been banned here on occasion..welcome to the club. :)

Joe King
16th October 2011, 09:38 PM
Yup, I may not agree with with everything you post Magnes, but you are a respected member of this forum. Hope you return quickly. Heck, a lot of us have been banned here on occasion..welcome to the club. :)What were you banned for? Was that when I was on sabbatical?

16th October 2011, 09:40 PM
What were you banned for? Was that when I was on sabbatical?

Personal attacks. I've since mellowed out a bit, I'm new to forum posting...I had to ease into it. :)

16th October 2011, 11:23 PM
Hahahaha...Fantasize much? ;D

Just so you know, there's only one way to kick my ass online, and that's to convince me, using words, that I'm wrong and you're right.

Good luck with that.

All the rest is some strange fantasy like out of a teen Romance Novel.

That makes me sad. :'(

You can deny it all you want Santa but Magnes verbaly kicked some asses. The General of Darkness and Book have done the same here and on Gim1.

Reminds me of when Jesus Christ himself kicked over the tables, grabbed a whip and ran the Jews out of the Temple. HaHaHa!;D

Joe King
16th October 2011, 11:43 PM
You can deny it all you want Santa but Magnes verbaly kicked some asses. The General of Darkness and Book have done the same here and on Gim1.

Reminds me of when Jesus Christ himself kicked over the tables, grabbed a whip and ran the Jews out of the Temple. HaHaHa!;DThat doesn't really make a lot of sense. Are you comparing Magnes/Book/GoD to Jesus and in turn Gaillo to ol' whathisname that killed him?
Or do you mean they were the so-called money changers run out of GSUS?