View Full Version : Did Steve Jobs hate the state?
10th October 2011, 07:53 AM
Very interesting perspective, I didn't know Steve Jobs was a gold bug!
Twisted Titan
10th October 2011, 08:30 AM
Screw that......
jobs loved the protected him when him and his cronies needed it.
spare me the token commentary about gold
rockerfeller and kissinger offer sound advice on how to protect oneself as they are perpetraitors of atrocitity
10th October 2011, 11:05 AM
"Apple spent $560,000 lobbying the federal government in the first quarter of 2011 roughly one-third the amount that Google and Microsoft each spent in the same period"
Oh wonderful only $560,000....
"The company's first-quarter filing lists lobbying activity for "issues related to transportation of batteries." That is, in April, the House of Representatives passed a bill protecting Apple and other electronics manufacturers from limitations that would classify lithium batteries as hazardous materials."
Aren't they?, I know I used to work as a truck loader, and even finger nail polish and cosmetics were labeled ORM-D. Now I'm not saying that they need to be but I think that there would be more important issues to take up with the government.
"Apple also is part of the "Win America Campaign" lobbying group that is calling for tax breaks for corporations who repatriate offshore earnings."
Tax breaks for corporate buddies, swell.
"Apple also signed up to a campaign against US government's ability to inspect customer data on computers without warrant."
Doesn't the iPhone keep a record of everywhere you go and everything you do?
"And that brings us to the other aspect to this mystery. How exactly did Steve Jobs drive a plateless car for four years without ever getting ticketed for the infraction?"
Because he's Steve Jobs, It's good to be worth a billion dollars.
This article is full of shit.
midnight rambler
10th October 2011, 11:31 AM
How exactly did Steve Jobs drive a plateless car for four years without ever getting ticketed for the infraction?
Only a fucking statist complains about someone else not having 'registration' on their automobile. Mine hasn't had a 'state registration tag' on it since I purchased it new 11 years ago and I have absolutely no intention of getting it 'registered'.
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