View Full Version : Moron of the Week: Congressman Keith Ellison

11th October 2011, 05:22 AM
Mamboni comments: What scares me is that these clowns really believe the idiocy they are spewing. This is what happens when a government is populated with ideologues who have no real world experience mananging or building a business, no understanding of basic economics, and a mind filled with Socialist-Marxist abstractions having no basis in truth or reality. This Congressman is the poster child for why America is doomed. Only a complete system meltdown will permit us to flush out all these morons, and restart the economy based on time-tested free market principles and lead by men and women with functioning logical brains.

Applying this moron Ellison's logic, we can eliminate unemployment by requiring community lemonade stands to:
1. be licensed (creates government jobs)
2. have strict quality control (creates government jobs)'
3. enforce frequent health and safety standards (creates government jobs)
4. purchase liability insurance (creates government jobs - employs lawyers)
5. hire only union workers

In the end, there will be no unemployment as everyone will be either a government employee, a lawyer or member of the Lemon Workers and Juicers Union. However a glass of lemonade will cost $8.

Dem Congressman Keith Ellison: Regulations Create Jobs

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) tells MSNBC regulations create jobs because a business will have to hire people to help them comply with the new requirement.

"I think the answer is no," Ellison said when asked if he believes regulations kill jobs. "And here is why: When we talked about increasing fuel efficiency standards, the industry responded, and they need engineers and designers and manufacturers, and they need actually more people to help respond to the new requirement."

"I believe if the government says, look, we have got to reduce our carbon footprint, you will kick into gear a whole number of people that know how to do that or have ideas about that, and that will be a job engine. I understand what you mean, because if anything adds a cost to a business, you could assume that that will diminish that business's ability to hire. But I don't think that's actually right. I think what businesses want is customers and what -- if they are selling product, if they have a product to sell they will do well even if they have some new regulations to meet," the Congressman said.

Rep. Ellison tells MSNBC that he is against Republican attempts to defund the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because doing so would "make us sicker and add to heart disease as well as everything else."

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/09/dem_congressman_keith_ellison_regulations_create_j obs.html

11th October 2011, 05:28 AM
since i live right next door, i hear about this clown all the time. he's had his license suspended 13 times for nonpayment of parking tickets and he's failed to pay taxes 5 times between 1992 and 2000. minnesota public radio had him on once and he declared he had "more importnat work to do for the american people than worrying about filing my irs forms on time."

11th October 2011, 05:38 AM
since i live right next door, i hear about this clown all the time. he's had his license suspended 13 times for nonpayment of parking tickets and he's failed to pay taxes 5 times between 1992 and 2000. minnesota public radio had him on once and he declared he had "more importnat work to do for the american people than worrying about filing my irs forms on time."

Right! "I'm doing the people's work dammit!!! I'm creating a brave new world for the people!!! I don't need to obey the people's laws!!! But, they better obey them!!!"

11th October 2011, 07:12 AM
Straight out of Orwell.


11th October 2011, 07:27 AM
i thought he might be one of the chosen

He is the first Muslim[2][3] to be elected to the United States Congress

...I want to be clear that the murderous Nazi regime is historically distinct and the horror of the Holocaust must be acknowledged as a unique event in human history. I did not intend any direct comparison between the totalitarian state of Nazi Germany and the current administration. I have taken consistent and strong stands against Holocaust denial throughout my life in public service.


is it possible to be a muslim and believe in the Holohoax ?

11th October 2011, 07:42 AM
Straight out of Orwell.

Exactly! This is mental illness on a mass scale. These people are so brain damaged and convinced of their "entitlements" that there is no reasoning with them. I heard Sharpton dragging out the "redistribution of wealth" diatribe this AM. This is going to end in a climax of violence. These Socialist morons will push and demand and push and try to take too much from the working people. Those working people are hurting now and have no more to give. They will defend what they do have with force if necessary.

11th October 2011, 07:47 AM
Exactly! This is mental illness on a mass scale. These people are so brain damaged and convinced of their "entitlements" that there is no reasoning with them. I heard Sharpton dragging out the "redistribution of wealth" diatribe this AM. This is going to end in a climax of violence. These Socialist morons will push and demand and push and try to take too much from the working people. Those working people are hurting now and have no more to give. They will defend what they do have with force if necessary.

i believe this is the beginning of the end stage. occupy wall street is bordering on violence. the next phase is violence.

when they had our legislature up here in wisconsin running away to illinois & the endless madison "recall walker" protests, i saw it myself. there were people there who if they could have gotten away with it would have done serious bodily harm to others. you could see it in their eyes. i haven't ever seen creepy "i want to harm you because of politics" before the last year or so. once you see it, it's scary as hell.

11th October 2011, 07:51 AM
i believe this is the beginning of the end stage. occupy wall street is bordering on violence. the next phase is violence.

just waiting for " a Kodak moment " to light the fuse

Chittum's Civil War 2 Checklist

Item 36: Watch for a certain picture. We ve all seen this picture countless times before, a picture from Beirut, Budapest, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Somalia a burnt out tank, perhaps the charred corpse of a crewman protruding through a hatch, and jubilant rebels posing atop the tank waving assault rifles and a flag. Someday we will shall see this picture in our newspapers yet again, and this time taken on American soil

Twisted Titan
11th October 2011, 09:37 AM
i thought he might be one of the chosen

is it possible to be a muslim and believe in the Holohoax ?

Is he really muslim?


11th October 2011, 09:50 AM
Donmeh for sure.

11th October 2011, 12:05 PM
Mamboni, just curious, why do you call it "lemon aid" instead of "lemonade"?

BTW your synopsis is perfectly spot on and articulate, any chance you'll be running for any public office any time soon?

11th October 2011, 12:06 PM
Some people really believe that all productive jobs can be shipped elsewhere, automated, or regulated out of existence, and things will be better. Service-based economy. We're all gonna get paid $25+ an hour and not do anything hard or boring or dangerous or even dirty.

Once you outsource the dirty manufacturing jobs to china, it leaves all those geniuses who were polishing hubcaps free to follow their true calling of being a talented engineer or architect. The kids that used to pump gas can become successful financial planners instead. Janitors can go to med school and we'll have tons of skilled doctors and surgeons. It'll be a wonderful green world of flowers and unicorns. China will do everything for us, leaving us to blossom and hold hands and seek enlightenment.

I exaggerated but there a lot of people who really do believe that kind of thing will work. They took a first year economics course or something.

11th October 2011, 12:46 PM
i thought he might be one of the chosen

is it possible to be a muslim and believe in the Holohoax ?

good catch CG

11th October 2011, 01:34 PM
Mamboni, just curious, why do you call it "lemon aid" instead of "lemonade"?

BTW your synopsis is perfectly spot on and articulate, any chance you'll be running for any public office any time soon?

Because I am an idiot!!!! I have corrected said malapropisms!!!