View Full Version : Republican debate tonight @ 8 EST

11th October 2011, 02:04 PM
You can view it at this link. We'll see if they'll continue to ignore Ron Paul.


11th October 2011, 02:46 PM
I was considering watching it while I paint tonight . . . but I think it will piss me off too much.

11th October 2011, 03:03 PM
I was considering watching it while I paint tonight . . . but I think it will piss me off too much.

paint angry . . .

11th October 2011, 03:39 PM
There's a lot more cerebral stimulation to be had by simply watching Ren & Stimpy videos.

11th October 2011, 05:23 PM
Listening/watching now . . . it's funny how this dude inflection will change when he thinks he's going to get applause. It's awesome when the applause doesn't happen.

11th October 2011, 05:27 PM
Listening/watching now . . . it's funny how this dude inflection will change when he thinks he's going to get applause. It's awesome when the applause doesn't happen.

Thanks for that post. I can almost hear/see that situation in my mind. LOL.

So I don't have to watch it. :)

11th October 2011, 05:29 PM
And now Mitt Romney just went into a question/answer session with himself. Arrrgh, I can't stand that. Total pet peeve.

11th October 2011, 05:32 PM
And now Mitt Romney just went into a question/answer session with himself. Arrrgh, I can't stand that. Total pet peeve.

Bahahhahaha! Yeah I know what you mean!

11th October 2011, 05:48 PM
Bachman just said if you turn the 999 plan upside down . . . the devil's in the details. Ha! I bet she's been holding on to that one for a while!

11th October 2011, 05:51 PM
Romney is declaring war on China. Strong words, big boy.

Edit: He said that one if his first acts in office would be to declare China as a currency manipulator.

11th October 2011, 05:54 PM
greg stillson sure is full of himself tonight.

11th October 2011, 05:54 PM
WTF, now Santorum said he doesn't want a trade war with China . . . he wants to go to war with China and beat them! Uhhhhh

11th October 2011, 05:59 PM
Well, I was initially impressed in the beginning of the debate that they gave any time at all to Ron Paul, but it seems that was the only time they gave him.

They get to answer each other's questions next, so I am sure he will be ignored.

BTW, I am painting, listening, and typing. :)

General of Darkness
11th October 2011, 06:06 PM
I just started watching, is RP getting a fair shake, or did I just answer my own question?

11th October 2011, 06:07 PM
I just started watching, is RP getting a fair shake, or did I just answer my own question?

ignore central.

11th October 2011, 06:16 PM
oww, i didn't expect ron paul to get owned by herman cain.

11th October 2011, 06:16 PM
Herman Cain's voice is exactly the same as the big lazy black dude on The Office.

It scares me how much applause he is getting.

General of Darkness
11th October 2011, 06:19 PM
Herman Cain's voice is exactly the same as the big lazy black dude on The Office.

It scares me how much applause he is getting.

Have you noticed that he's a LIAR and sounds like the RENT IS TO DAMN HIGH idiot when he says his 999 bullshit?



11th October 2011, 06:24 PM

General of Darkness
11th October 2011, 06:29 PM

11th October 2011, 06:40 PM
Ron Paul was talking about repealing Sarbanes Oxley (sp?) and he was totally cut off.

11th October 2011, 07:00 PM
The announcers (what are they called?) are calling it for Romney and Cain, and I think they said Perry is the loser of the night.

11th October 2011, 07:06 PM
Ron Paul is backed by populist support by the same general public that has done nothing to stop the influence and corruption in the halls of power already. Even if miracles happened and he was elected, the same behavior of ignoring him would follow him into office. His arrival at the 11th hour is limited to state triage while the host is killed off.

While the focus is on Republicans right now, the opposing team is busy getting Obama's exit ready. He has played the damaged goods sap perfectly, and the story needs a champion. Enter Hillary Clinton with an attitude that won't take running mate as a slot, a laundry list of impressive accomplishments, and oh - she's a democrat. Instant landslide they hunger - they thirst for her.

Zio-monkey Republican debates are bread and circuses with no intention to be taken seriously. Things are going to get worse, not better. The economy has yet to reach total collapse. The sabers of world war are rattling, the police state is getting more belligerent. Thoughts today, crimes tomorrow. It is coming, it is almost here. Any of the dog and pony candidates at the debate would be dorks for Israel - Republicans: covered. Democrats: already covered with Hillary. Either way: same shit, different day. Doom on.

11th October 2011, 07:30 PM
Herman Cain's voice is exactly the same as the big lazy black dude on The Office.

It scares me how much applause he is getting.

He was on Dave Ramsey's show a day or two ago. He has been getting a lot of press in the last few weeks.

11th October 2011, 07:37 PM
He was on Dave Ramsey's show a day or two ago. He has been getting a lot of press in the last few weeks.

I don't think he can win, but I also didn't think Obama could. So . . .

11th October 2011, 07:58 PM
Cain lied to Ron Paul about his position on auditing the FED


11th October 2011, 08:00 PM
He was on Dave Ramsey's show a day or two ago. He has been getting a lot of press in the last few weeks.

And another weird thing . . . Obama came out of nowhere, too. I never heard of Cain except in the past few months. Granted, I am not nearly as attentive to politics as I was back in 2008, but shouldn't I have heard about him before now?

11th October 2011, 08:02 PM
Cain lied to Ron Paul about his position on auditing the FED


What a joke! They have so many internal audits . . . that's like me being my own home inspector or appraiser! I might be a little biased, and have my own agenda, right? Ugh.

11th October 2011, 08:05 PM
The debate was another dud.

This format, which all the networks use, is woefully ineffective for communicating any points that haven’t already been accepted MSM talking points. They’ve created an echo chamber. It is painful watching such a controlled environment and expecting anyone involved to acknowledge something outside of ‘their’ talking points. There is zero back and forth dialogue between them. Show me something resembling a conversation or quit wasting my time with this BS.

At least give someone in denial a chance to have their hands held against the fire.

11th October 2011, 08:11 PM
Show me something resembling a conversation or quit wasting my time with this BS.

Excellent point!

11th October 2011, 08:12 PM
You can view it at this link. We'll see if they'll continue to ignore Ron Paul.


Hey sunshine05, thanks so much for posting this and providing the link. I wouldn't have listened to it (or even known about it) otherwise.

11th October 2011, 08:15 PM
You're welcome:). I'm usually doing other things too but casually listen. They've been pretty bad.

12th October 2011, 12:18 AM
Distractions. The president has very little power. He can ask congress to go to war (or illegally just do so, if they fail to exercise responsibility). Ron Paul is the guy to fix it, but he doesn't have a wrench, a shop, a jack, or any kind of help with parts. He or any other man cannot change anything as president, because the president has NO POWER. Congress and the senate can override anything that the prez thinks he can do short of illegal exec orders. So who do we need to replace?

You are watching the puppies and pussies show.

16th October 2011, 11:48 AM
SNL GOP Debate

Ron Paul's spot is near the end.