View Full Version : Detroit goes into darkness ....contractor takes back 1400 street lamps

Twisted Titan
11th October 2011, 06:39 PM

Twisted Titan
11th October 2011, 06:42 PM
After they took the street light from in front of my business, someone climbed onto my roof and stole an air conditioning unit," said Bobby Hargrove, owner of Hargrove Machinery Sales on Oakland Avenue, who also claims a police officer asked him for money to beef up his protection. "I feel like I'm being punished —I've always paid my bills on time, but they took the street light anyway."

Highland Park Mayor Hubert Yopp insists that crime has not increased since the lights were removed. "I had the police chief work up the crime stats, and found that most of our burglaries are taking place during the daylight hours," Yopp said.

That is just priceless.......

11th October 2011, 06:45 PM
or is that when the crime is discovered & reported?

11th October 2011, 06:46 PM
it's detroit. i was under the assumption that most crime was going on 24/7.

General of Darkness
11th October 2011, 06:53 PM
They better send in Snake Plissken to put in some light bulbs, because dis shit gonna get real ugly.


Twisted Titan
11th October 2011, 07:23 PM
I just about died laughing when I saw the cop shaking down the sheep

we talked about things like that coming to past.

The corruption will reach a fever pitch when the hammer falls for real

11th October 2011, 08:27 PM
After they took the street light from in front of my business, someone climbed onto my roof and stole an air conditioning unit," said Bobby Hargrove, owner of Hargrove Machinery Sales on Oakland Avenue, who also claims a police officer asked him for money to beef up his protection. "I feel like I'm being punished —I've always paid my bills on time, but they took the street light anyway."
Ok, there are at least 3 things seriously wrong with this.

11th October 2011, 08:57 PM
Ok, there are at least 3 things seriously wrong with this.
The Business owner needs to stop paying taxes.
Hook up his power to the street light.
And ask the police for money to help with the power bill since he is making the street safer.

11th October 2011, 09:12 PM
I just about died laughing when I saw the cop shaking down the sheep

we talked about things like that coming to past.

The corruption will reach a fever pitch when the hammer falls for real

This reminds me of South Africa, that is where we are going, not just because of
black crime which has exploded in SA, they can't keep the lights on and have
destroyed their infrastructure, now Detroit is doing the same thing, LOL .

I laugh too, but I don't laugh when I read stuff about SA, knowing where
we are going. Much of what we discussed using common sense reasoning
has come to pass, especially the build up of the Police State targeting regular
people with the media helping and being more blatant even attacking patriots.

TA, you ever see that blog with ZIM, ghost town Zimbabwe ?
Many cities are already on that path, some are there like Detroit,
and if we don't reverse this trend, the entire West is going down
this path. GofD is right to post that, stay armed and aware with a
bug out plan, out of the cities.

General of Darkness
11th October 2011, 09:19 PM
This reminds me of South Africa, that is where we are going, not just because of
black crime which has exploded in SA, they can't keep the lights on and have
destroyed their infrastructure, now Detroit is doing the same thing, LOL .

I laugh too, but I don't laugh when I read stuff about SA, knowing where
we are going. Much of what we discussed using common sense reasoning
has come to pass, especially the build up of the Police State targeting regular
people with the media helping and being more blatant even attacking patriots.

TA, you ever see that blog with ZIM, ghost town Zimbabwe ?
Many cities are already on that path, some are there like Detroit,
and if we don't reverse this trend, the entire West is going down
this path. GofD is right to post that, stay armed and aware with a
bug out plan, out of the cities.

Kinda crazy Magnes, I've been gearing up for a while to be able to bug out from Los Angeles

11th October 2011, 09:31 PM
Kinda crazy Magnes, I've been gearing up for a while to be able to bug out from Los Angeles

My uncle is coming for a visit from Deeetroit, this is going to be fun.
He is careful what he says, I was there a while ago, scary shit,
I don't remember it being that bad when we were kids visiting, it wasn't.

California is already there in some places, and it's going to get worse,
we see it happening slowly, so you think there is no alarm.
Brown is doing crazy things now.

I live in a relatively safe city on the outskirts, I too need to bugout, I spend
the entire summer out of the city working, it is much nicer too, people are
much nicer, many of them are white flight, about 1 million + , they know the
score. Properties are cheaper, my entire family and friends are here though.

11th October 2011, 09:35 PM
I can't believe this is still up.

This is SA, not ZIM, my mistake.
There are other blogs listed, most are goned,
including detroit blog on there, " ruins of detroit " .

11th October 2011, 10:09 PM
Kinda crazy Magnes, I've been gearing up for a while to be able to bug out from Los Angeles

Get out of there. We bugged out 2 years ago almost to the day and still don't have our stuff in order. One cannot just drive into Mordor. Book reading is fun and enlightening, but actually setting up shop out of the city somewhere relatively safe(r) is quite a different thing. You probably need three to five years lead time. I am not kidding.

12th October 2011, 04:27 AM
Kinda crazy Magnes, I've been gearing up for a while to be able to bug out from Los Angeles

Holy crap, General. If TSHTF, the FIRST thing you want to do is GTFO of LA!!!

You aren't considering staying there, are you?!?!?!

12th October 2011, 04:31 AM
I fail to understand how people can stay in shitholes after reading that article.

If the area around me was a shithole, I would pack up my family and leave, simple as that.

Twisted Titan
12th October 2011, 06:09 AM
This reminds me of South Africa, that is where we are going, not just because of
black crime which has exploded in SA, they can't keep the lights on and have
destroyed their infrastructure, now Detroit is doing the same thing, LOL .

I laugh too, but I don't laugh when I read stuff about SA, knowing where
we are going. Much of what we discussed using common sense reasoning
has come to pass, especially the build up of the Police State targeting regular
people with the media helping and being more blatant even attacking patriots.

TA, you ever see that blog with ZIM, ghost town Zimbabwe ?
Many cities are already on that path, some are there like Detroit,
and if we don't reverse this trend, the entire West is going down
this path. GofD is right to post that, stay armed and aware with a
bug out plan, out of the cities.

I just read a article from simon black about gunbermint blackouts.......and corruption


Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th October 2011, 07:28 AM
This article doesn't surprise me at all. This is Highland Park, a city within a city. It's so goddamned awful that you truly have to visit it to realize the scope of desolation.

There is one section of Highland Park that they barricaded off and the whole neighborhood behind the barricade has fallen into a extreme state of urban decay. It's spooky the way giant trees are growing through the dilapidated houses, like something out of a horror movie.

The city is so poor that if there is a fire they have to rely on the neighboring cities, mostly Detroit, to come put the fire out. It's like Detroit poverty on steroids.

12th October 2011, 09:40 AM
Yeah, wow, do an image search for "Highland Park detroit".
