View Full Version : 5 questions … for Ron Paul

12th October 2011, 11:25 PM
http://caucuses.desmoinesregister.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/RON-PAUL4.jpg (http://caucuses.desmoinesregister.com/2011/09/30/ron-paul-returns-to-iowa-oct-10/ron-paul-28/)

1. You voted for the initial Afghanistan invasion, targeting those who attacked the U.S. on 9/11. Many people view you as a complete pacifist. Are those people correct or is your foreign policy view misunderstood?

A: I don’t like war, I like peace — and we should have a lot more peace and a lot less war — but I’m not a pacifist. I’m a stickler for the Constitution. If we fought wars only when they were declared, we’d have a lot less fighting. Going after the people who were responsible for 9/11 is a different story. As a matter of fact, I did vote for the authority (to target the 9/11 terrorists), but immediately I realized that the authority would be abused, so I introduced a resolution to re-emphasize the principle of letters of marque and reprisal, which would be the authority to go after specific groups. They used that in our early history to go after the pirates. I thought this would be a good example where you can’t declare war against a country, but you can go after a smaller group. So, I was strongly opposed to occupation and taking over countries that had nothing to do with (9/11). Besides, if they were following that logic, they should have invaded Saudi Arabia. Fifteen of (the 9/11 terrorists) came from Saudi Arabia.
2. Could you beat President Obama in a debate?

A: I would have to believe I could (laughs), but I don’t go around talking about that. I think that I’ve been known to be very, very consistent, and he hasn’t been. So I think that would be enough to win the debate.

3. Even in a free market, costs for hospitals, doctors, drug and insurance companies can be high. You don’t support Obamacare. What could be done to correct that situation?

A: If you take something that is completely out of the government’s realm like computers and cellphones and televisions — even with inflation — prices go down because there is competition. Can you imagine if there were one (cellphone) company, or if we had government regulations requiring cellphones for everybody? It would have been a rip-off. The corporations would have run it, and prices would have skyrocketed. So there should be more competition in medicine.… There’s too many regulations. The drug companies and the insurance companies come in and they control it. They make more money, and patients get poorer medical care, and the doctor-patient relationship is destroyed.… Prices would go down — even on services — if the market was allowed to operate. There’s not been a market in medicine since 1965 (when Congress adopted Medicare and Medicaid).

4. Is it true that you have nothing to do with lobbyists? If so, why? And is it true that you accept no campaign donations from corporations?

A: I actually take a position where lobbying is petitioning, and you have to protect the right of all citizens to petition the government. But lobbyists generally stay away from me because they know where I stand…. They’re not going to change my vote, so they tend not to come to my office.… As far as funding goes, there are some corporations that believe in free markets, so they would send donations. It’s just so small compared to everybody else’s.
5. You have many positions that do not resonate well with either Republicans or Democrats. Very simply: How would you get anything accomplished if both sides of the aisle are not willing to work with you?

A: In reality, that sets the stage for me because people are sick and tired of a system that doesn’t work. Republicans and Democrats are always fighting. I work very well with opposition. I put coalitions together. You take, for instance, auditing the Fed. I had Democrats and Republicans support that. And a lot of Democrats and progressives don’t like the foreign policy that we have, and they’re unhappy with Obama. Civil liberties is something that both conservatives and libertarians and Democrats are concerned about. So actually, it’s a plus to say that the establishment Republicans and Democrats don’t agree with a lot of the things I say.… I think the people are closer to my positions than they are to either party’s leadership.


13th October 2011, 12:02 PM
Question #6 "Are you a Mason?"

14th October 2011, 06:28 PM
Question #6 "Are you a Mason?"

If he answers that, regardless of how he might answer, the next question will be asking if he is a reptilian.

14th October 2011, 08:23 PM
Question #6 "Are you a Mason?"

You think so?

17th October 2011, 08:09 AM
I'm not sure where you guys live, but the structure above you was likely built by masons.

17th October 2011, 08:28 AM
I'm not sure where you guys live, but the structure above you was likely built by masons.

Shit! Was it designed to crash down into it's own footprint at some predetermined point in time? :)

Is RP a Mason?

Danny0125 (http://www.livefyre.com/profile/1750996/) 5 ptsDoes it matter people?!? Ron Paul is a GOOD man and has got my vote :) I know nothing of politics, I am 20 years old, live in Florida, & a simple man... I've felt so demoralized over the past years, all this crazy 'nwo' & taking over the world stuff, brainwashing America, & secret societies that really run the world as we know it, It all left me feeling hopeless. But when I came across Ron Paul on the television, I felt a sense of happiness, hope :) the things he says is just absolutely inspiring to me, & I Hope America will WAKE UP & really see what I see. Google him. YouTube him. The man is Real. This is the Revolution. Do the right thing people. :) peace!

17th October 2011, 08:46 AM
Shit! Was it designed to crash down into it's own footprint at some predetermined point in time? :)

Is RP a Mason?


I personally don't care if the guy is a mason or not.

Actions speak louder than associations.

I know some decent christians too.

D sciple
26th October 2011, 04:28 PM
There is an option that Gods people have forgotten about. Ron Paul appears to be the best choice, but consider this http://jahtruth.net/politics.htm

Basically you guys forgot about the government that God gave.

"The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone"

Large Sarge
26th October 2011, 04:45 PM
Ron Paul is electable IMO

Cynthia McKinney has some serious cajones, but is not electable

RP knows about 9/11, he might not know Israel did it, but he knows the country is not ready to deal with it.

people go into denial about it, my own brother shuts down on it, and he is an engineer, he will be ready to take a swing at me, and I just have to leave it alone, meanwhile my folks are aware of the plot and the conspiracies....

just not ready to handle it, its pretty painful for most folks, americans are taught govt is a good thing, to take care of you, etc

then you get this big disconnect.

in some regards, except for the anti-semite thing, telling folks "Israel did 9/11" is easier than telling them our own govt did it.

26th October 2011, 06:02 PM
Ron Paul is electable IMO

Cynthia McKinney has some serious cajones, but is not electable

RP knows about 9/11, he might not know Israel did it, but he knows the country is not ready to deal with it.

people go into denial about it, my own brother shuts down on it, and he is an engineer, he will be ready to take a swing at me, and I just have to leave it alone, meanwhile my folks are aware of the plot and the conspiracies....

just not ready to handle it, its pretty painful for most folks, americans are taught govt is a good thing, to take care of you, etc

then you get this big disconnect.

in some regards, except for the anti-semite thing, telling folks "Israel did 9/11" is easier than telling them our own govt did it.

Some thoughts are too big to fit in to peoples head.

This adage comes to mind "How do you eat en elephant?.....One bite at a time."

The non-PC Sailor version:

If you are going to fuck somebody in the ass with knowledge you can't jam it in with force. They will try to reject it and fight you. Slip it in with a bit of TLC and they will come to like the new found knowledge in short order.

27th October 2011, 12:11 AM
I prefer inalienable rights to life, natural and personal liberty, and the absolute ownership of my private property, under the republican form of government, where the governments serve the people, not rule them.