View Full Version : Phoenix Jones: Seattle's self-proclaimed superhero arrested but no charges

13th October 2011, 07:25 PM
His name's Ben, but he calls himself Phoenix Jones: Seattle's self-proclaimed superhero has his day in court.

Self-proclaimed Seattle superhero Phoenix Jones, a vigilante crime-fighter accused of assault, made his first court appearance on Thursday, but prosecutors have so far declined to charge him.

The one-time mixed-martial-arts competitor whose real name is Benjamin Fodor was arrested on Sunday after police said he pepper-sprayed a group of innocent nightclub patrons he believed were involved in a street brawl downtown.

He was jailed briefly on suspicion of four misdemeanour counts of assault and released on $US3800 bail.

He showed up for a brief hearing on Thursday in Seattle Municipal Court wearing a pinstriped shirt and his black-and-yellow mask, which he removed at the request of a court officer. He donned it again as he left the courtroom.

Fodor, with his hooded mask and a black-and-yellow suit of body armour, has become something of a local celebrity since he began patrolling downtown Seattle streets about a year ago to break up fights and alert police to other petty crimes.

In addition to pepper spray, he is known to carry a stun gun and a cell phone on his late-night rounds. He also attends charity events on request.

Prosecutors said they have not filed charges against Fodor but that he remains under investigation, and a case could be brought against him at a later time.

Fodor said he felt confident that a 13-minute video of Sunday's altercation, taken by a member of his entourage, proved him innocent of wrongdoing.

Police said Fodor assaulted a group of men and women as they were leaving a nightclub early on Sunday morning "dancing and having a good time" in the street.
Much more @ the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/executive-style/his-names-ben-but-he-calls-himself-phoenix-jones-seattles-selfproclaimed-superhero-has-his-day-in-court-20111014-1lnt9.html)

It is interesting that he is on Bail but has not been charged. I'm not sure how that can be.

13th October 2011, 07:46 PM
LOL.. I saw this on the news the other day... they said the police confiscated his suit but he had a back up one that he would wear and will continue to patrol...

14th October 2011, 02:06 AM
LOL.. I saw this on the news the other day... they said the police confiscated his suit but he had a back up one that he would wear and will continue to patrol...

He's a committed guy. Thats what you want in a Super Hero. A commitment.

14th October 2011, 03:53 AM
I've actually seen this guy fight in the cage before, not too bad if I remember correctly, it's takes some balls to get in there. But this..... it takes some... crazy/stupid, I'm not sure of the ratio.

14th October 2011, 06:43 AM

Spend all their life on welfare watching teevee...lol.

14th October 2011, 06:48 AM
He has had his 15 minutes.

Does he CCW?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
14th October 2011, 06:48 AM
This guy is all ego.

14th October 2011, 06:53 AM
"It is interesting that he is on Bail but has not been charged. I'm not sure how that can be."

The bail thing is odd. Putting the bail thing aside I also thought it was a little strange that he isn't charged. Supposedly assaults 4 people wearing that suit and they don't have enough evidence to charge him? Then he shows up to court wearing it. Classic.

14th October 2011, 06:59 AM
there's actually ten of them- they're called the rain city superhero movement. i was reading up on them. apparently the cops kind of like them, they've been involved in a lot of crime prevention.

willie pete
14th October 2011, 07:13 AM
they should run his DNA against a data base, to see if he comes up for any un-solved serial rape cases >:D O0

14th October 2011, 07:27 AM
Cereal and rape shouldn't be used in the same sentence.

3rd November 2011, 05:28 PM
Self-styled superhero Phoenix Jones loses his job (http://www.komonews.com/news/local/133133893.html)

SEATTLE - The Emerald City's self-appointed superhero crime fighter has lost his day job.

Ben Fodor, aka "Phoenix Jones," was informed by the state Department of Social and Health Services he could no longer work with vulnerable children. He had been employed teaching life skills to autistic children.

The ban against working with children stems from his arrest on suspicion of assault last month.

So far prosecutors have declined to file charges against Fodor, but the case is still before the city attorney. An assault conviction would ban him permanently from working with vulnerable people.

Fodor says he was breaking up a late night fight and used pepper spray in self-defense after he was attacked.

On his Facebook page, Fodor, 23, says the loss of his job won't stop him from his mission as Phoenix Jones.

In fact, he says he'll start patrolling during the day when he isn't looking for a new job.

Here is the text of Fodor's Facebook message:

"I wanted to tell everyone I am fine. I realize when you make a stand against crime sometimes it fights back.

"I have always assumed my body could be injured or I could be seriously hurt. I never assumed I would lose a job that I have had for 5 years, for not being charged with assault.

"This has in no way going to stop me from my mission.As a result of my newfound free time I will be starting day patrols when I'm not looking for work.

"The real losers here are the kids that won't understand why I'm not able to see them anymore."

(Signed) Phoenix Jones

6th November 2011, 11:21 PM

Spend all their life on welfare watching teevee...lol.

So how much neighborhood watch have you stood?

I know no time right? I mean you have a job and average over 11 posts a day here and 2.5 at GIM2 so no time to help break up fights from the computer chair.

I am glad you hold yourself to the standards you try and hold the rest of society to.