View Full Version : GMOs & Ormus * Where To Find Ormus * How To Make Ormus

14th October 2011, 08:57 PM


Great stuff this...

from utube.......

Hello everyone! Here's another video with my friend Dave sharing more information on Ormus. In this video, he talks about the incredible effects Ormus has on GMO's, the effects of Ormus on your seeds & plants, where Ormus can be found, how he makes his Ormus & how you can too! ***FYI: In a future video (I'll upload soon), Dave will talk in more detail about how he makes his Ormus*** I still have a lot of footage of Dave & I, so check in... oh, I'd say within the next few days to a week for the rest of the videos. I feel that the information Dave is sharing with us is fascinating, very valuable & to be looked into further.

There is not nearly as much information on Ormus as we'd like, which can be attributed to various reasons. For instance, the powers that be do NOT want this info out there so they do their best to... well, not even acknowledge it, and when it is brought up, it is suppressed. The people who are involved with Ormus research know this so they do their best keep it on the down low, and are very conservative in the information they DO disclose to the public, since they don't want certain organizations after them! Since Ormus is not even acknowledged by mainstream, old-school, Newtonian-esque "science", there is a lack of clinical studies because, well, who's going to fund them? It's really up to people like you & me to take it upon ourselves to do our own research & connect/ collaborate with others, and then share our findings with others. The benefits of ormus pose as a major threat to the "healthcare" industry, Big Pharma & other corporations like Monsanto... so it's like we have to continue to keep it grass-roots...errr youtube-roots??? :P Umm... yeah, I guess we'll all see how much youtube will allow us to keep sharing this stuff. There's lots of censorship going on these days with google & youtube. We shall see. Hopefully this information will become mainstream though. Common' shift in collective consciousness!!!! =)

14th October 2011, 09:04 PM
I have a friend who was scammed out of about $1,000 by the "discoverer" of ORMUS... the con-man David Hudson. I'm not saying that the whole thing is BS, but rather that I am EXTREMELY sceptical.

14th October 2011, 09:15 PM
I have a friend who was scammed out of about $1,000 by the "discoverer" of ORMUS... the con-man David Hudson. I'm not saying that the whole thing is BS, but rather that I am EXTREMELY sceptical.

He isnt involved with it ,but Barry Carter is..http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/cone.htm

I have found ormus to be amazing as it can be made from sea water at little cost. Just recently my mother passed away and I decieded to take some ormus a few weeks after her funeral.what I found was that it shifted my inner depression from me and thats when I kind of stepped back and went wow.
Anything story or suspicion you have heard about this stuff is only that.Ormus can be made from sea water and anyone can make it that bothers to try and understand it.
The only reason I am posting this is that I am now sure it is well, great stuff ...........
Ormus can help you miss the Karma............

15th October 2011, 12:03 AM
I have spoken with someone that taught themselves to make both gold and silver ORMUS. White gold powder, Mono-atomic gold, etc.

I guess the claim is they are breaking the bonds between the atoms that make up the gold. It is no longer a metal without these bonds.

He who was a big well known maker of the stuff eventually stopped taking it, because he claimed that it was "literally prying open his third eye."

Zecharia Sitchen writes a lot about the white gold and it's use in the ancient world in his book "The 12th Planet"

The hieroglyphic for this is the steep cone shape.http://www.awakening-healing.com/images/M3/ankh.gif This man is holding some. Lucky him:


15th October 2011, 06:31 AM
I have spoken with someone that taught themselves to make both gold and silver ORMUS. White gold powder, Mono-atomic gold, etc.

I guess the claim is they are breaking the bonds between the atoms that make up the gold. It is no longer a metal without these bonds.

He who was a big well known maker of the stuff eventually stopped taking it, because he claimed that it was "literally prying open his third eye."

Zecharia Sitchen writes a lot about the white gold and it's use in the ancient world in his book "The 12th Planet"

The hieroglyphic for this is the steep cone shape.http://www.awakening-healing.com/images/M3/ankh.gif This man is holding some. Lucky him:


Is there any connection between the ormus this guy is holding and the boner he appears to be sporting? Sorry to ask, but it seems important.

15th October 2011, 12:08 PM
Is there any connection between the ormus this guy is holding and the boner he appears to be sporting? Sorry to ask, but it seems important.

Well ormus can benefit a person there as well