View Full Version : Lindsay Williams on Jeff Rense Oct 13th, 2011

15th October 2011, 05:16 PM
(that intro music is spooky as hell)


- 2012 will be the most startling, eventful, and unusual for the past 2000 years.

- The (Illuminist) elites have planned for 2012 some of the most unusual events.

– The elites intend to create massive debts globally before they crash the system.

– After the collapse, they will be in place to takeover and own everything.

– It is all about control – the New World Order.

– Rothschild, City of London banking cartel, Federal Reserve ….

– By the end of 2012, all private fortunes that are secured with paper will be lost! USD will be ‘dead’ by end 2012 ie. lose purchasing power massively.

– In the first 2 days of the new financial year, the US chalk up an additional US$142B of debts.

– The US will default on its debts.

– The elites are buying physical gold and silver to secure their fortunes.

– The US Mint sold a record 737,000pcs of 1 oz silver eagles on 1st October.

– They have taken the price of gold & silver down so that they can accumulate physical gold/silver at a cheap price.

– Gold and silver will soar after this correction, Gold towards US$3000/oz. Silver : US$ 75-100/oz.

– Welfare recipients, food stamps recipients, social security … will continue to receive their checks until the US defaults on its national debts. The last thing the elites want is riots & social unrest.

– You must have enough gold/silver to pay your taxes for 3-5 years. If not your property, house, farm, company … will be confiscated.

- Fear is the elite’s method of securing more power. Using fear to shut your brain down. Fear will be used in 2012 by the elites as a control tactic.

– The Devil’s Messiah. 2012 & Divine Manifestation! The demoralization of America. The removal of the God that made America great. Removing Bibles from school, prayer ….introducing evolution etc..

– The agenda to destroy Christianity worldwide.

– America will be like Greece in 3 years.

– The elites are approx. 3 months behind their Middle East agenda schedule because of Gaddafi, Libya.

– There is big discord and dissension amongst the elites right now.

– The elites know: something is about to happen in 2012. They are not sure what it is. 2012: we will see some ‘divine manifestation’. What is it? No one knows for sure. It is not the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ! Lindsey Williams speculates on some possibilities.

http://ts1.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1230693793904&id=4ffb4c9d85e9b02625fa817f6732c326&url=http%3a%2f%2fs4.hubimg.com%2fu%2f4412515_f496. jpg (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=grain+of+salt&view=detail&id=7FABF362427A58AE2018363974317E4160FA7596&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR)

Joe King
15th October 2011, 05:35 PM
(that intro music is spooky as hell)

Gotta set the mood for the dooom somehow. lol

16th October 2011, 10:37 AM
Jeff says too many off key things to make me regularily check out his show and site even though I have no qualms with his articles and links and so often what I search for takes me to links to his site with the answers and more.

But his probably off the cuff opening with the comet slander against fellow internet truth seekers when he is so ignorant on the issue and he ends being more a fool than the MSM.

When Elenin was aligned on the earth sun axis this spring and summer and had not had its capacitance drained by the sun, we had very large earth quakes at key alignment dates (x and z axis). Now since late August the comet is not aligned on the earth sun axis, it has lost its charge (after the CME), and in fact all publicly available evidence indicates THE COMET NO LONGER EVEN EXISTS! Yet Jeff goes on to slander and joke about his fellow travelers and truth seekers who noticed the correlation because one months back predicted comet alignment (x axis only) in September did not have a large earthquakes.

And thanks for the rundown Joboo. I fell asleep before the first break. Williams is like listening to the same tape loop (years old) the entire time he is not dribbling out his few sentences of new gossip.

16th October 2011, 01:22 PM
- Fear is the elite’s method of securing more power. Using fear to shut your brain down. Fear will be used in 2012 by the elites as a control tactic.

This is nothing new, fear is used to control everyone, every day in one form or another. One should reflect on their life and what their fears are because usually you focus more on your fears than what you really want. That is why I think religion and doom are not good pursuits for your mind. If you fear lack/loss you will probably have lack/loss because you can't focus on sufficiency or excess.

16th October 2011, 11:02 PM
I listened. compare to this a year ago:
recap of Pastor Lindsey Williams' interview on AJ show 10/21/10 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?37519-recap-of-Pastor-Lindsey-Williams-interview-on-AJ-show-10-21-10&highlight=lindsey+williams)

The big predictions: new mideast war, oil to the moon by end of summer '11, and gold/silver to the moon with timeline unknown; well he gets mixed reviews.

- no new mideast war (at least not with USrael as the usual aggressors, though NATO is proxy for the banksters and they bombed Libya), and oil's been in the same general price range since a year ago. LW explained this by saying that the Libya thing "set back the elites' timeline by 3 months" - implying that a new war was still imminent this Fall, and oil will still respond with an epic run. We'll know soon enough if there's anything to this recent claim:
Green Light for WWIII! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54985-Green-Light-for-WWIII%21)

- said elites took down gold/silver, "so they could buy up more"... hmm, we'll keep watching prices and judge that claim in hindsight!
On his big new prediction about everything dollar-denominated being nearly worthless by end of 2012, well that's a bold claim, difficult to remark on it...