View Full Version : Milwaukee Cops replace nametags, guard Chase Bank...

17th October 2011, 04:13 PM

video in link...

17th October 2011, 05:38 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsJEcmPm3Fo&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.copblock.org%2F9083%2Fmilwau kee-officers-replace-name-tags-for-occupy-milwaukee-protest%2F&feature=player_embedded

17th October 2011, 06:38 PM
why are the city cops guarding a bank? does the bank not have it's own security guards?

17th October 2011, 07:03 PM
Off duty cops pick up lots of additional $$$ hiring themselves out as private security, while still in uniform.

17th October 2011, 08:47 PM
i know, i had an old landlord that was retired cop.

do they not realize they are clearly showing where their allegiances lie? they are clearly stating they are standing for the corporations, etc., and therefore the oaths they swore are void and meaningless, just like the authority they pretend to wield, and the laws they attempt to enforce.

18th October 2011, 10:57 AM
You're 100% right Freespirit.

The sooner the people realize the truth about the allegiance of the NWO pigs, the better.

midnight rambler
18th October 2011, 11:14 AM
Off duty cops pick up lots of additional $$$ hiring themselves out as private security, while still in uniform.

It could be that they are acting as private security guards and receiving a paycheck from Chase and not the PD.

18th October 2011, 01:09 PM
It could be that they are acting as private security guards and receiving a paycheck from Chase and not the PD.

would that not represent a further conflict of interest? they are public servants as police officers, and should be able to do other work through the dept, but not be paid by private business, no?

Twisted Titan
18th October 2011, 01:43 PM
When has conflict of interest ever stopped a bacon boy from going hog wild?

just another indicator you better be ready when the hammer falls......cause I can tell you a lot of pork is going to get skewered as people square up old bets with invidual members of the bacon brigade

18th October 2011, 02:31 PM
all i'm saying is if it really is a conflict of interest, and i bet it is, why are people allowing it to continue? the pigs are only getting away with it because WE ALLOW IT.
when do the people finally say enough?

18th October 2011, 02:39 PM
all i'm saying is if it really is a conflict of interest, and i bet it is, why are people allowing it to continue? the pigs are only getting away with it because WE ALLOW IT.
when do the people finally say enough?

If conflict of interest were enough to get people to put their feet down, they would have done it a long time ago. All courts are predicated on conflict of interest. All wars are predicated on conflict of interest. All taxes are predicated on conflict of interest. All campaign contributions are predicated on conflict of interest. Pretty much the whole world is based on conflict on interest. Most people even realize this. I must conclude that people care more about authoritarianism than conflict of interest.


Joe King
18th October 2011, 02:59 PM
would that not represent a further conflict of interest? they are public servants as police officers, and should be able to do other work through the dept, but not be paid by private business, no?
If it's anything like where I live, they aren't working through the department and the dept isn't paying them. They're just wearing their uniform while off-duty from the dept working a side job.
Anyone willing to pay can get an off-duty cop{s} for security/traffic detail. I see 'em out front directing traffic at liquor stores on busy nights and churches on Sundays all the time.

midnight rambler
18th October 2011, 04:51 PM
would that not represent a further conflict of interest? they are public servants as police officers, and should be able to do other work through the dept, but not be paid by private business, no?

No, this is done all the time where cops are hired as 'private security guards' for private property while wearing their full uniform with gun, badge, Sam Brown, etc. Sometimes a private individual or company can even hire them with a fully equipped straight off the fleetline patrol car (through the PD, SO, Constable's office, etc.)

midnight rambler
18th October 2011, 04:56 PM
If it's anything like where I live, they aren't working through the department and the dept isn't paying them. They're just wearing their uniform while off-duty from the dept working a side job.
Anyone willing to pay can get an off-duty cop{s} for security/traffic detail. I see 'em out front directing traffic at liquor stores on busy nights and churches on Sundays all the time.

A local church (religious business enterprise) hires the local cops to direct traffic on Sundays, and they bring their patrol cars. Dunno if the city PD subs them out and bills the church directly or whether they're off the clock and they bill the church directly. Whole Foods hires off duty DPS Troopers in their complete uniform and Sam Brown to stand around in the evenings as a 'presence'. Apt. complexes trade out apt. rent to cops in exchange for them walking the property at night. This is neither new nor unusual - has been going on for decades, however there may be more of it going on, therefore it's much more noticeable.

18th October 2011, 05:47 PM
still seems like a pretty gross misrepresentation to me...it's like, what are they cops? or security guards?
know what i mean?

18th October 2011, 06:28 PM
still seems like a pretty gross misrepresentation to me...it's like, what are they cops? or security guards?
know what i mean?

They're also hired as hit men, drug dealers and gay strippers.

18th October 2011, 06:36 PM
well, ain't that peachy...

quite the system, eh?