View Full Version : Where's the pre-sale on the 2012 Koala?

18th October 2011, 06:26 AM
Apparently the 2012 Koala from Perth Mint releases on November 1st.

Kooks and Lunars had big pre-sales. Why no such love for the Koalas?

Will I be able to buy them even come 11/01/2011?

20th October 2011, 12:25 PM
Shall we say that interest is underwhelming?

1st November 2011, 06:18 AM
This must be the biggest snooze of the year.

Gainesvillecoins and Apmex are sold out of 2011 and not even mentioning the 2012 that released today.

Can it be had from anywhere at all?

1st November 2011, 12:34 PM
Koalas and Kangaroos never took off like Kooks and Lunars. I've been buying a couple each year just in case. I did find through Sliver Stackers, an Australian PM site, that the carded Koala is due during the 2nd week of November but don't know how that relates to the BU coins in capsules.

Here's the series to date, such as it is. 2007-1011 (in sequence) Not too sure about the 2011, looks weird to me.






1st December 2011, 06:16 AM
Here we are a month after the release and these coins still cannot be obtained through any reputable vendor and they are not to be found even on eBay.

These may become the least owned release of this Perth series. Even those who want to own them cannot. What is Perth doing with all those Koalas?

1st December 2011, 06:26 AM

I thought, "What the hey, I'll bite the bullet and just order straight from Perth". This coin is not even listed on Perth's site.

Is it just a myth?

1st December 2011, 06:30 AM
Anybody ever ordered anything from govmint.com?
The site gives me the heebie jeebies so I won't order without some positive reviews from you guys.

9th December 2011, 11:52 AM
Here's a link to an Australian PM site called Silver Stackers. There's been a thread going on about the 2012 Koala, apparently they are just now becoming available. The 1st poster to say he had some in hand was yesterday (Dec 9th). If that sounds like today to you, remember where they are.


10th January 2012, 11:26 AM
Gainesvillecoins had the balls to actually sell me a 2012 Koala for a respectable price.
Went ahead and got the Kookaburra and the Maple for the year while I was at it. The Kookaburras carry a higher premium than the Koala?!

Apmex still showing as out so no price comparison from them.

eBay will sell you one for $50/ea.

Thanks, Gainesville!

10th January 2012, 01:15 PM
Here's the 2012 Kook, haven't gotten a Koala yet.
