View Full Version : 2 year old chinese toddler struck by two cars and nobody offers aid

Twisted Titan
18th October 2011, 07:45 PM
Chinese express horror at public indifference to toddler hit-run victim

Chinese express horror at public indifference to toddler hit-run victim | The Envoy - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/envoy/chinese-express-horror-public-indifference-toddler-hit-run-192407296.html)

Surveillance video of passersby ignoring the plight of a Chinese toddler hit-and-run victim has sparked international expressions of shock and horror--together with a bout of soul-searching in Chinese society.

The video is obviously disturbing. It shows a 2-year-old girl who was run over by a van that then drove off, leaving her bleeding on the street in the city of Foshan, in China's southeastern Guandong province, on October 13. For the next seven minutes, passersby ignored the injured toddler, who was then hit by a second vehicle.

Video of incident, since aired on Chinese television and posted to Twitter and Chinese social networking sites, shows "more than a dozen people over the next seven minutes walk or drive past the girl on bicycles" as the girl is then "run over by a second truck," Reuters Michael Martina reported (http://news.yahoo.com/hit-run-china-sparks-soul-searching-114932177.html) Monday. "A woman then pulls the girl to the side of the street before her mother, a migrant worker in the city, rushes into the frame."

The girl is now in a coma and hospitalized, Reuters reporting, citing a dispatch from China's state-run Xinhua news agency.
"Both drivers who ran over the girl have been arrested, Xinhua said, but Internet users have flooded microblogs decrying the apathy of the people who left her for dead," Reuters wrote.

"The shame of the Chinese people," wrote one user, Xiaozhong001, on Chinese social networking site Weibo, Reuters reported. "Really, what is up with our society? I saw this and my heart went cold. Everyone needs to do some soul searching about ending this kind of indifference."

"Many people in China are hesitant to help people who appear to be in distress for fear that they will be blamed," Reuters' Martina wrote in his report. "High-profile law suits have ended with good Samaritans ordered to pay hefty fines to individuals they sought to help."

18th October 2011, 07:49 PM
it's a beautiful world, ain't it?
makes me sad for the future...

18th October 2011, 07:52 PM
No surprise here, that culture does not value others than their own, family/friends. And they think of other people if not Han as less than human. (seems familiar)

Twisted Titan
18th October 2011, 07:54 PM
And to think

These are the People that hold the debt of America

You Think they will have any pity or remorse for any hardship that is placed on you so they collect on their T Bills?

They let the most innocent die a horrible death...... what do think they will do you ???

midnight rambler
18th October 2011, 08:02 PM
And the single one who demonstrated humanity and compassion was the lowest in the food chain, a 'scavenger'.

18th October 2011, 08:02 PM
In chine, from what I understand, if you help you are on the hook for liability. Bring em to the hospital, they go after you for the bill, they die while you're helping, you get charged, however there is no law against helping and apparently no law against hitting the person either if they are "jay walking" so this is not an irregular occurance.

Boggles the mind...

midnight rambler
18th October 2011, 08:07 PM
if you help you are on the hook for liability

I'm relatively certain the Chinese people don't have an overabundance of professional lyin' parasitic bottomfeeders aka 'personal injury lawyers' standing around waiting for ambulances to chase.

18th October 2011, 08:16 PM
no, but they do have an oppressive, over-sized, over aggressive communist government. And you bet your ass they have lying parasitic attorneys just like we do.

Chinese law isnt like ours, and over there, if you help you're on the hook, if you dont, nothing happens, so they just keep on their way. They also are in a socitey with the largets population on the planet. To them, life is cheap, theres so much of it.

Twisted Titan
18th October 2011, 09:05 PM
Yeah I heard if they excute you in china

They will send a bill for the bullet that was used to kill you to the next of kin.

18th October 2011, 10:28 PM
Same thing in the Philippines

Chinese law isnt like ours, and over there, if you help you're on the hook, if you dont, nothing happens, so they just keep on their way.

18th October 2011, 10:41 PM
Yeah I heard if they excute you in china

They will send a bill for the bullet that was used to kill you to the next of kin.

I heard this too. If you want to see modern day tyranny look at China and NK. There was a video I had of the Chinese version of eminent domain. This process was: 1. Police come over and throw you out into the street 2. They demolish the building. They had elderly women and very young children living in cardboard boxes in the street.

18th October 2011, 10:52 PM
I saw the actual video. I don't recommend anyone see it, its very disturbing.

The first van is only going about 15 - 20 mph. He's driving, assuming the kid is going to get out of the way. I guess drivers assume people will move out of the way over there. Anyway, the kid just stands there and he hits her and his front wheel goes over her body. Then he stops, with the kid underneath the vehicle for a few seconds. Then he slowly starts moving again, crushing the child with his back tire.

Then you see people walking by, ignoring the kid. It seemed like 25 people, but the dozen cited in the article is probably right. Anyway, another vehicle, this time a small truck (like those mitsibishi ones, much heavier than the van) is driving at 15 or 20 mph, and just completely crushes the kid. At that point people are still walking by but someone decides to drag the body out of the way. It doesn't look like a road even, its just a back alley. The reason they crushed the kid is because it was too narrow to go around, and they didn't feel like stopping.