View Full Version : ominous signs from the middle east

Large Sarge
24th October 2011, 05:01 AM
I know we all love doom here, and myself included.

but I wanted to start a list of worrisome signs.

I think the dreaded attack on Iran is close.

1. we have 1 carrier in the persian gulf right now, G. H. W. Bush, The stennis just left for the med sea.
Source ( Stratfor.com) & recent article on massive drill w/ Israel & S. Arabia.
Richard Maybury has always said that any attack on Iran would be preceded by carriers leaving the gulf, not entering it, they want those big ships out of missile range.

2. Troops massing on pakistan border (self explanatory, only preceding an invasion(or threat) would you get troops massing)

3. Invasion and take over of libya, libya has the 9th largest supply of oil in the world, and most of the country is unexplored (meaning huge reserves), the oil from libya is "high end, sweet crude", it also is pumped to the surface for under a dollar a barrel. and most importantly, libya is located in N. Africa, it is outside the the straits of hormuz and directly on the Med Sea. no tankers will be forced to enter the Iran kill zone to get their oil from libya. The U.S. now controls all that oil, and if the straits of hormuz are closed (from a war), then the value of this oil goes sky high (from its high quality, its strategic location, and its cost to bring to market)

4. the U.S. has recalled its ambassador from Syria, this is almost always only done as a prelude to war. the reason given was "instability in the region", but before we invaded Iraq the ambassador was recalled, and virtually every other country we have invaded we have done the same thing.

5. this nationwide terror drill on 11/9/11, a 3 minute blackout, I have not put together "what they might do", but that is frightening. considering the numbers involved.

I will be adding to this thread, as I gather more info...

Large Sarge
24th October 2011, 06:13 AM
I am researching this one, but the consensus seems to be that Sec. Gates was the primary blocker for an attack on Iran from Israel or the U.S. (I suspect the only way we block Israel from doing anything is by denying airspace over Iraq)

but Leon Panetta, the new Sec Defense, is an "unknown"

he strongly supports Israel, a quick search confirms this. (he has made all the covers of the zionist publications "another friend of Israel" )

former director of the CIA

CIA is not part of the regular govt at all, they work directly for the bankers. (shadow govt)

also, for those inclined to be superstitous, the G H W Bush is the first aircraft carrier in the history of the U.S. to have a female captain, and naval superstition is that a woman on board was bad luck.

Would they sacrifice the bush Carrier with a female captain?


and Panetta, he claims to be italian, but man he seems to really love Israel..... do we have a hidden jewish grandmother???

24th October 2011, 06:47 AM
only a few days left for an October Crash

next DOOM DATE on my Doom & Gloom calendar is Nov 11th

11 / 11 / 11

24th October 2011, 12:24 PM
an iran attack is GAME -OVER. it is that serious, its not just another middle east war. i can almost guarantee the chinks and the russkies are licking their chops at the prospect of us being embroiled in THREE wars at once, thus leaving the country totally depleted of military resources,an OPEN invitation to invasion.