View Full Version : On monetization of gold, silver, Gaddafi & Central Banks... A Must Read!!!

26th October 2011, 11:41 PM
“By and large all of the Congressman are in favor of monetizing silver in Mexico. The dirty work is how to get around the blocking that is presented by three or four important party leaders who are bought off by the central bank or intimated by the central bank. They are afraid to go against the central bank’s desires.”

Hugo Salinas Price continues:

“So that is the problem here. As I said Congress is all for it. If we had those three or four guys say, “Yes it’s green light,’ we would practically get a unanimous yes vote, practically unanimous in both houses. But we have that obstacle.

The central bank is definitely afraid of doing anything that is not being done by all of the other central banks. They feel they are part of a brotherhood and they can’t betray the rest. They don’t want to present a currency that would be viewed as out of line, that’s the way they think. It’s a sad thing but this is the mentality.

Thinking about it a little bit more, what happened to Mr. Gaddafi, many speculate the real reason he was ousted was that he was planning an all-African currency for conducting trade. The same thing happened to him that happened to Saddam because the US doesn’t want any solid competing currency out there vs the dollar. You know Gaddafi was talking about a gold dinar.

We have to realize that this is a strategic thing of great importance. So we want to proceed and let the Congress make its decisions democratically. You see these three or four leaders want a political future and they don’t want the central bank as an opponent that doesn’t like them.

What I would like to mention, Eric, is that others should start with the idea of monetizing silver in their own countries. This is one thing I wanted to pass on to your readers around the world.

“They should be pushing for this in other countries, not just in Mexico. The Chinese could do it. Imagine if the Chinese would launch a 3 gram silver coin, about the size of a dime, and quote it in Yuan price. There would be hundreds of millions of Chinese buying those little coins for their savings....

The same thing could happen in the United States. The dollar, the half dollar, the quarter and the dime can be remonetized. Somebody should take that up because the movement in Utah is significant, it shows how the wind is blowing. Somehow among the patriotic leadership in the United States they should raise the flag of silver once again....

As long as this present system endures we will see a rising gold price, as long as we have paper money. I don’t see any limit because the more money they print, and that’s all they know how to do, the higher the price of gold will rise and silver. I don’t see any top in sight.”
