View Full Version : Earth is not revolving around the Sun!

27th October 2011, 02:07 PM

27th October 2011, 04:33 PM
ok. sounds good. I always wondered if the sun stayed in one position and how the planets tracked it when it moved. If the universe is expanding then it would make sense the objects in the universe would be moving as well. How does this affect the positions of the constellations in our skies? Wondering if they change over time, how long they take to change and have they changed position in the past. I guess it depends on how fast the sun is moving and it's direction relative to the constellations..

27th October 2011, 07:27 PM
I've realized this myself about 10 years ago. I instantly drew a parallel to the DNA double helix structure with powers of 10, and plasma streams being a double helix, and cold dark matter simulations resembling a boiling/frothing plasma field. More powers of 10/Mandelbrot sets anyone?

This is why the time machine concept is somewhat silly.

It's not when did you beam back to...but where, and if even you have .0000000000001 percent of error in your circuitry (which is nuts), and were able to somehow predict the exact position of where to appear, you're screwed unless you make the time machine the size of a football field or larger, and have it float safely up in the sky away from anything.

Forward time travel is like playing Russian roulette unless you could calculate the positions of everything within hundreds of quadrillions of miles (and more) and account for it all with razor like precision.

Uncle Salty
27th October 2011, 07:35 PM
He is basically showing a Rodin coil with his U4 bubble.

27th October 2011, 08:27 PM
Earth is not revolving around the Sun!

Well O.K. so its "flying" around the Sun, same difference.

Its a Ying-Yang Universe...that part was more interesting.

7th trump
27th October 2011, 08:53 PM
Still rotating around the sun on a flat plane just like we were taught in school.
But how does Haley's comet come and go over hundreds of years time?
You'd think once haley's went around the sun and headed in the opposite direction it could never catch up as its not orbiting the sun on a flat plane like the planets.
With Haley's the sun isnt even its center so how does it keep returning over so many decades?
Just saying!
He doesnt make much logic when applying his thesis to comets.

Joe King
27th October 2011, 09:13 PM
Still rotating around the sun on a flat plane just like we were taught in school.
But how does Haley's comet come and go over hundreds of years time?
You'd think once haley's went around the sun and headed in the opposite direction it could never catch up as its not orbiting the sun on a flat plane like the planets.
With Haley's the sun isnt even its center so how does it keep returning over so many decades?
Just saying!
He doesnt make much logic when applying his thesis to comets.

What happens is that the entire system gets pulled along with the Sun as it travels through space in it's orbit of the Milky Way Galaxy.

To imagine our actual path through space it's important to know which way the Sun is moving in relation to the Planets orbital plane.
ie if, for example, the Sun is moving upwards relative to the Planets plane of orbit, their path through space will be a spiraling corkscrew shape.
If on the other hand the Sun is moving parellel to the Earths orbital plane, the Planets will take a much different path through space if observed from a neutral location outside our Solar System.

27th October 2011, 09:19 PM
The opposite reaction of planets & comets "flying" around the Sun is called Sun Wobble.


Not sure how that might factor into a Ying-Yang Universe.