View Full Version : Police Officers In NC Advised To Divest Property

28th October 2011, 04:35 AM
For Immediate Release



North Carolina Police Departments all over the state have warned their officers to put their personal property (houses, land, cars and other assets) into someone else’s name because they may now be subject to lawsuits from the People of North Carolina.

The warning was issued in response to the recent ruling that upheld that the local Police Departments in North Carolina are classified as “private entities” and NOT connected to the state of North Carolina.

Judicial Review Judge, Paul C. Ridgeway, Wake County General Court Of Justice, Superior Court Division, upheld a lower court ruling that most Public Officials / Agencies are “private entities.” Judge Ridgeway upheld the earlier (1.17.11) ruling of lower court Judge J. Randall May in Class v. NORTH CAROLINA, Case No. 10 DOT 7047 (now known as 11 CVS 1559).

The police officers will now also have to fund their own Surety Bonds.

Bears checking out to see if this is true. Wouldn't it be nice if policy men were responsible for their own crimes?

28th October 2011, 05:31 AM
For Immediate Release


Bears checking out to see if this is true. Wouldn't it be nice if policy men were responsible for their own crimes?

They already are responsible for their own crimes... They just aren't usually held accountable.

28th October 2011, 05:42 AM
If you find anymore information about this, please post it. This is very interesting!

28th October 2011, 05:50 AM
Good stuff!

28th October 2011, 05:59 AM
Hmmm.... they are advising the hired guns that they will be on their own for law suits so get skinny and have nothing of value that can be taken in a just lawsuit. Or- they don't trust the legal system either and the liability in unjust lawsuits will threaten their wealth.

28th October 2011, 07:37 AM
North Carolina Police Departments all over the state have warned their officers to put their personal property (houses, land, cars and other assets) into someone else’s name because they may now be subject to lawsuits from the People of North Carolina.

Wouldn't it be better if they told them to stop violating peoples rights?

28th October 2011, 07:43 AM
At least on the surface, this is EXTREMELY interesting. Are the cops just enforcers for corporate "law enforcement," in reality a private entity robbing the people? Is the County Sheriff the real law enforcement authority?

Very very interesting.

28th October 2011, 07:47 AM
Wouldn't it be better if they told them to stop violating peoples rights?

You mean stop all commerce in the State of North Carolina?

How would judges and legislators fund their vacations?

28th October 2011, 07:49 AM
Are the cops just enforcers for corporate "law enforcement," in reality a private entity robbing the people?

You can go to Manta.com and find the details of all corporations. This includes (as well as others): the federal government, the state government, county governments, courts.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th October 2011, 08:27 AM
Wouldn't it be better if they told them to stop violating peoples rights?

That wouldn't fit the agenda at all.

Hatha Sunahara
28th October 2011, 10:04 AM
Is the state trying to protect itself from legal liabilities associated with behavior of the police? Or is there some other motivation for this ruling that the police are private agencies? The criminal 'justice system' has for a long time deemed the police to be above the law, or at least more favored by the law than private citizens. This might be a fallout from the #OWS activism.

I just wonder if the judges are afraid that people brutalized by the police, or the families of people killed by police will fare much better in the courts with jury trials--awarding them large sums as damages. Maybe the judges see this coming, and they are circling the wagons by letting the state off the hook for damages caused by the police. I'd like to hope that the judges can be held accountable for their crimes, but that isn't on the horizon yet. I consider the judges the worst of the elite.

I can just see the Federal government stepping in and taking on the burden of damages resulting from police brutality.

I see this as a step in the right direction. If the cops can lose their asse(t)s in a lawsuit for brutalizing people, then they might behave better. I have noticed that there has been an exponential rise in police caused civilian deaths from their Israeli police training. Their model is the way Israelis treat Palestinians. I just hope all this insanity is starting to unravel, and we can see the end of it sooner rather than later.


midnight rambler
28th October 2011, 11:28 AM
This is the case Rod Class and team have been working on. It's apparently a very big deal and is not limited to NC.


midnight rambler
28th October 2011, 01:06 PM

North Carolina Police Warned To Put Their Personal Property Into Someone Else's Name !

Post Oak Public Relations
postoak.pr@gmail.com (postoak.pr@gmail.com)
978 – 635 – 9586For Immediate Release


North Carolina Police Departments all over the state have warned their officers to put their personal property (houses, land, cars and other assets) into someone else's name because they may now be subject to lawsuits from the People of North Carolina.

The warning was issued in response to the recent ruling that upheld that the local Police Departments in North Carolina are classified as "private entities" and NOT connected to the state of North Carolina.

Judicial Review Judge, Paul C. Ridgeway, Wake County General Court Of Justice, Superior Court Division, upheld a lower court ruling that most Public Officials / Agencies are "private entities." Judge Ridgeway upheld the earlier (1.17.11) ruling of lower court Judge J. Randall May in Class v. NORTH CAROLINA, Case No. 10 DOT 7047 (now known as 11 CVS 1559).

The police officers will now also have to fund their own Surety Bonds.

Judge Ridgeway's September 15, 2011 ruling creates a conflict in the public's perception of basic government legitimacy because Judge Howard E. Manning, Jr (who recused himself in August 2011) declared in Mr. Class' 4.21.11 hearing that "the Defendants were NOT 'private entities' or 'private contractors' ", but were "public officials."

Are the judges confused ? Are these "government" agencies and officials NOT what they're portraying to their constituents ? Are they immune because they're "private" ? Do we actually have government "agencies" and elect "Public" Officials OR do we deal with "Private Entities" ? Is the public being frauded ? So many questions ! So many conflicts !

Here's some background:

Judge May's original 1.17.11 ruling:
Page 1 http://min.us/mbmc4SfNoQ (http://min.us/mbmc4SfNoQ)
Page 2 http://min.us/m9ygLN5Fe (http://min.us/m9ygLN5Fe)
Page 2A (marked for emphasis) http://min.us/myxFZuE3d (http://min.us/myxFZuE3d)
Page 3 http://min.us/mbrIPmoLma (http://min.us/mbrIPmoLma)

Judge Ridgeway's 9.15.11 ruling upholding Judge May is viewable at:
http://min.us/mbi7bovuy0 (http://min.us/mbi7bovuy0)
Mr. Class' filing, that caused Judge Manning's rambling recusal statement, that was the subject of the Ridgeway ruling, is viewable at http://min.us/m6M40HRrB (http://min.us/m6M40HRrB)

Judge Manning's rambling recusal: http://min.us/muCmadmgF (http://min.us/muCmadmgF)

Mr. Class' original suit (Case No. 10 DOT 7047) accused the named North Carolina State departments and individuals with charges of Embezzlement of Federal funds from the local political subdivisions, and violations of the Right To Travel issue.

Mr. Class was acting as a Private Attorney General under provisions of an 1866 Federal Act, and was acting on behalf of all People, and political subdivisions "similarly situated" and affected by the charges in his Judicial Review.

Rod Class will be broadcasting live Friday night (10.28.11) at 9:00pm Eastern on his Talkshoe channel at:
http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=48361 (http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=48361)

Mr. Class conducts twice weekly radio shows (Tues and Fri) on Talkshoe and archives of previous shows are available at the above link.

Mr. Class may be contacted at itconstitutional@aol.com (itconstitutional@aol.com) or his office 704-742-3123 (file:///tel/704-742-9907) for details regarding the implications of Judge Ridgeway's ruling and the court's behavior in this action.

The website for all things Rod Class, including other actions he has in play, is at http://rodclass.com (http://rodclass.com/). For a copy of one of the early filings that may have caused both court's consternation: http://www.rayservers.com/blog/rod-class-traffic-filing (http://www.rayservers.com/blog/rod-class-traffic-filing)

Mr. Class has posted all of his filings, and responses from the court, and the defendants, on the Internet at various sites for the benefit of those in their efforts and interactions with these purported "private entities" (contractors), and to ensure that these rulings stay in the public domain and do not disappear !

- 30 -

midnight rambler
28th October 2011, 01:06 PM
Should be a good show/conference call tonite - http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=48361 (http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=48361)

28th October 2011, 01:16 PM
Interesting. Almost sounds like officers may have lost their insurance. A lot of cops pay for individual 'insurance' against civil lawsuits in case they fuck up, and get sued.

No point in changing your assets if you have million dollar civil suit insurance.

BTW, I'll keep my opinions to myself, just thought I'd point that out.

10th December 2011, 09:17 PM
Midnight Rambler,

I just happened to stumble across a Tim Turner Talkshoe 11/29/2011 9 PM EST interview conducted with Tad and his "You Have The Right.com" republic support network/organization.

Finished listening to it this AM.

Seems this N.C. posted above thing is for real, according to Turner's interview. And this N.C. posting iterated above is part and parcel of the re-training of LEOs in how to deal with Sovereigns and not get into personal financial trouble, which makes them personally liable for mistreating/ harrassing/ delaying/ impeding Sovereigns going about their personal business.

Turner stated categorically that this NC thing you posted up, (and rambler says is involved with Rod Class's actions) this N.C. public notice above is the DIRECT result of a ruling by the US Supreme Court, this July 2011, called the "Bond Decision".

As the result, not only has N.C. started "behaving differently," but the same type of LEO's training has started occuring in Henderson County NV, for the same reason. To keep the corporation state and it's employees being hammered by interferred with sovereigns, who carry their "freedom papers" on them I gathered, and were pulled over for some traffic excuse/reason.

As I gather it, the states and the courts are being bankrupted by the maritime / admiralty liens being placed on them by sovereigns more and more.

The Bond Decision was quoted as unequivocally declaring that only an individual, aka a living breathing man can be sovereign. Not a state, not a county, not a city, not a nation. Only an individual can be known and recognized as a sovereign, aka "a king upon the land."

This is opening up, as I understand it, huge opportunities to seek and perfect patenting one's paid for land, and attaining alloidial title. This action which will put even more financial pressure on the corporation since they cannot tax a sovereign's property, who has gone through his or her paces and secured their alloidial, land patented title lawfully.

This is huge, in my mind. Absolutely huge.

I wish I knew how to look up "the Bond vs United States ( Supreme Court) decision" of July 2011.

I found this by googling and landing on "The Federalist Society" website. http://www.fed-soc.org/publications/detail/bond-v-united-states-post-decision-scotuscast

If anyone does, I'd like to read the opinion if a link could be found and posted here that is the actual decision and not the Federalist Society "post game analysis."

The audio connection was poor as usual on the talkshoe connection with Turner. However, I do believe he stated how many justices were in the "winning" side, vs. justices opposing. I just could catch it, sorry.

The other thing Turner said which caught my attention was this statement: There are more Article III courts now and more coming shortly. That has been a very VERY long time in coming. I heard Darrell Frech say he was successful in getting an Article III hearing, and one of the last ones as he understood it, to do so, and this was several decades ago.

Doesn't this Article III court thing have to do with common law as opposed to admiralty color of jurisprudence wretched system in which we are currently entrapped?

I'm not even sure I understand what an Article III court is, but I do know that Darrell thought having them available and functioning again was vital to regaining control of our lives, and our property.

Maybe there IS something to this Republic business after all, if the sovereigns the likes of Rod Class and Turner and others are winning these kinds of battles, such as the Bond vs..... case.

I'll try to dig up the link and be back with an edit to make it easier for y'all to listen for yourself since you follow this legal stuff closer than I do.
IT IS FREE TO LISTEN TO. About 53 minutes start to finish. I gathered from contextual references within the program that "Tad" the talkshoe host is from Eugene OR wherever that is.

The Republic just celebrated their 1st anniversary of their founding last year. My how time flies....


11th December 2011, 04:32 AM
Governments and states are separate entities. States erect constitutions to rule the actions of their governments and governments cannot exceed the mandate they are given.

When I say state I mean YOU. A state is a body politic and at its' most elemental level that is a single individual. Turners republic does not change these ideas a bit. Simply stated it is easier to gain attention when a group of people become interested. Turners' state is no more sovereign than my own or yours.

Bond vs U.S. can be found here


mick silver
11th December 2011, 04:56 AM
just one more way for the cops to hide there stuff plus it keep them from having there stuff taken .... that the first thing you do when you start a company ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#mw-head), search (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#p-search)
This article is about business corporations. For other uses, see Corporation (disambiguation) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation_(disambiguation)).
"Corporate" redirects here. For the Bollywood film, see Corporate (film) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_(film)).
A corporation is created under the laws of a state (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_(polity)) as a separate legal entity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separate_legal_entity) that has privileges and liabilities that are distinct from those of its members.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-0) There are many different forms of corporations, most of which are used to conduct business (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business). Early corporations were established by charter (i.e. by an ad hoc act passed by a parliament or legislature). Most jurisdictions now allow the creation of new corporations through registration.
An important (but not universal) contemporary feature of a corporation is limited liability (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_liability). If a corporation fails, shareholders may lose their investments, and employees may lose their jobs, but neither will be liable for debts to the corporation's creditors.
Despite not being natural persons, corporations are recognized by the law to have rights and responsibilities like natural persons ("people"). Corporations can exercise human rights (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights) against real individuals and the state,[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-1) and they can themselves be responsible for human rights violations.[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-2) Corporations are conceptually immortal but they can "die" when they are "dissolved" either by statutory operation, order of court, or voluntary action on the part of shareholders. Insolvency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insolvency) may result in a form of corporate 'death', when creditors force the liquidation and dissolution of the corporation under court order,[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-3) but it most often results in a restructuring of corporate holdings. Corporations can even be convicted of criminal offenses, such as fraud (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraud) and manslaughter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manslaughter). However corporations are not living entities in the way that humans are. [5] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-4)

Although corporate law varies in different jurisdictions, there are four characteristics of the business corporation:[6] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-5)

Legal personality (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_person)
Limited liability (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_liability)
Transferable shares (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shares)
Centralized management under a board (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_directors) structure

11th December 2011, 05:19 AM
Although corporate law varies in different jurisdictions, there are four characteristics of the business corporation:[6] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#cite_note-5)

Legal personality (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_person)
Limited liability (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_liability)
Transferable shares (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shares)
Centralized management under a board (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_directors) structure

Corporations have one huge overwelming advantage. As they only exist in the mind of man they do not appear. They must be represented. They have no feet or hands or body so everything is done by agents.

When you are represented in court the attorney has a corporation for a client. Real men and women have all the advantages and can only lose in a court by being represented. A principal deals only with other principals if he is smart. If you adapt this policy agents go away.

mick silver
11th December 2011, 05:25 AM
I would like to hear more of your thoughts on Corporations , what the good and bad by being a Corporations ? thanks palani

11th December 2011, 06:24 AM
I would like to hear more of your thoughts on Corporations , what the good and bad by being a Corporations ? thanks palani

You have a corporate side. Your name in all capital letters represents that entity. You animate it (become an agent for it) when you answer up to your name. This corporate side is also your estate. People work to build their estate. Gravestones are engraved with the name of the estate (in all capitals). The corporate side is what handles Federal Reserve Notes. Real men and women use gold, silver or copper.

Like joins with like. Corporations can only do business with other corporations. In order to survive in the world today in society you must do so through a corporation.

Rights do not come from government. They come from a creator. Yet the government must deal with both rights and duties and they do so through "persons". Persons includes corporations. That is to say, a person is ONLY a corporation and nothing else. Government attempts to hide this little detail by coining the phrase "natural person" and you are intended to believe this is a man or a woman. It is not. It is only a corporation.

Hobbes defines a person as 1) an action 2) a word or 3) representation. Government is representation. Agency is representation. Real men and women perfom actions like jaywalking. The action of jaywalking creates a person. The person has rights and duties. Don't jaywalk and you will not create a person and will not incur a duty (fine). A word is also a person. Commit libel or slander and create a person, also punishable by fine or imprisonment.

On the rights side go out and discover a gold mine. Mark it out and go down to the land office to have your right recorded. You created a person. The person has rights rather than you.

I tend to call Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) corporate coupons. They only have value in the corporate world. They do not purchase anything because they do not extinguish debt. No ownership occurs because of "purchasing" something with a FRN. Government has it well established that they own everything that is capable of being owned.

Just a few thoughts. You might have some of your own.

11th December 2011, 06:39 AM
They better find a way to put their blood in some one else's name, because that is what the people will be after.

As i understand it most Police Dept have blanket bonds for all the officers, they do not have individual bonds anymore, (as they are Lawfully required). I have not been able to verify this?

If i commit a crime, then move all of my assets out of my name for reasons of evading, i would have the book thrown at me.

11th December 2011, 06:47 AM
If i commit a crime, then move all of my assets out of my name for reasons of evading, i would have the book thrown at me.

That is why North Carolina is advising policymen to do it NOW before the liens start hitting the recorders office.

A local guy liened up a deputy sheriff. Did it by the book. Got his permission and all (silence). Now the deputy cannot sell his house until the lien is settled. Too bad. So sad!!!

If there were a personal bond in place the liability would be limited to the bond (I believe this to be a true statement but not verified). The lack of a bond makes an officer de facto. There is no limit to his liability.

mick silver
11th December 2011, 07:08 AM
i have heard you can only take so much blood from a corporate so would that mean that you could only get so much paper notes from them if you were to sue ? if so would it make it so you could not cause a corporate to fail ?

11th December 2011, 07:57 AM
i have heard you can only take so much blood from a corporate so would that mean that you could only get so much paper notes from them if you were to sue ? if so would it make it so you could not cause a corporate to fail ?

You would have to have an ACTION against that corporation. What you can recover are dictated by your damages. Simply because a corporation is recognized to exist does not give you an automatic right to name it in a suit.

There is a concept called "piercing the corporate veil" that allows damage to flow from a corporation to the individual man or woman (their corporate identity that is) who actually did the damage. As far as I know this a one-way concept. You don't go after the individual to get to the corporate assets. You would go for the corporation and try to show that it is used as a front for the individual.


11th December 2011, 10:43 AM
Governments and states are separate entities. States erect constitutions to rule the actions of their governments and governments cannot exceed the mandate they are given.

When I say state I mean YOU. A state is a body politic and at its' most elemental level that is a single individual. Turners republic does not change these ideas a bit. Simply stated it is easier to gain attention when a group of people become interested. Turners' state is no more sovereign than my own or yours.

PALANI...last time I respond to anything you post, you arrogant JERK!

I was giving Turner as the SOURCE for you to listen to the Bond V US discussion w/r/t your opening N.C. post. THAT is where I found the reference to what is going on in North Carolina and Why, from Turner's own lips. You can hate TUrner or whatever on your time, but don't you dare dump crap on me for posting a source of pertinent follow-up comment in regards to any of your opening posts.

It is the SUPREME COURT'S DECISION/DEFINITION of what a Sovereign is, and where I got the new intel, not YOUR definition/decision/imposition crap.

I don't need CRAP from you for posting a source when I responded to what I thought you wanted in your opening post, which was any additional comments regarding NC.

If you "knew about the Bond V US decision" and didn't feel like the rest of us sovereigns needed to know about it, that's on you. And it certainly begs the question as to why you didn't feel the need to "share..."

Sucks to be you, pal. I ain't posting squat to you in the future, since you are such a friggin' know-it-all, your way or it's no way. You may be a sovereign/state/pimple on a gnat's ear, but you act like an asshole and I'm callin' you on it.

ticked off BEEFSTEAK

11th December 2011, 11:14 AM
You can hate TUrner or whatever on your time, but don't you dare dump crap on me for posting a source of pertinent follow-up comment in regards to any of your opening posts. I have never met Turner and don't believe I have even heard him speak. That said as there is no requirement to hate anybody then I choose to stay neutral on the subject.

You may be a sovereign/state/pimple on a gnat's ear, but you act like an asshole and I'm callin' you on it. You can tell that from a few sentences? I'm truly impressed. You must be worth a fortune.

11th December 2011, 12:40 PM
I briefly whisked through these posts but never saw Palani as described by beefsteak. Hey Beef- you got PMS again?

11th December 2011, 02:54 PM
instead of bragging about not reading, why don't you read...

PMS==You mean, Perturbed Male Sydrome...
Yeah, that's the way I signed my name to my post, joker.
Not surprised you couldn't see it...
I get PMS when I see your name too, come to think of it, Spec....

11th December 2011, 03:12 PM
Dude... don't know what is eating you, but you have been wound too tight for a long time.

11th December 2011, 04:05 PM
instead of bragging about not reading, why don't you read...

PMS==You mean, Perturbed Male Sydrome...
Yeah, that's the way I signed my name to my post, joker.
Not surprised you couldn't see it...
I get PMS when I see your name too, come to think of it, Spec....

Beef, he hadn't replied in this thread till you posted yesterday. I don't know that the first response he posted was even directed at you. What gives? You've been on edge.

Joe King
12th December 2011, 12:03 AM
Beef, he hadn't replied in this thread till you posted yesterday. I don't know that the first response he posted was even directed at you. What gives? You've been on edge.It's probably just the Dooom gettin' to him. lol
It can eat into ones presence of mind if one lets it.

12th December 2011, 04:55 AM
Turners' state is no more sovereign than my own or yours.

ticked off BEEFSTEAK

I could be way off on this, but I think Palani was just trying to say that each human being is an independant state, and Turner is no more or no less a "State" than any other human being. (Does that even make sense? WTF and I typing? Haha!)

But my Palanese is pretty sub-standard, so I could be wrong.

12th December 2011, 05:22 AM
I could be way off on this, but I think Palani was just trying to say that each human being is an independant state, and Turner is no more or no less a "State" than any other human being. (Does that even make sense? WTF and I typing? Haha!)

Basically correct but I would not use human being. I would refer to the the class called "man".

States and governments are separate entities. Governments represent states but I doubt if human beings can be states. Man has the elements of both state and government in himself yet if he chooses to be irresponsible then he must be governed externally.

12th December 2011, 05:50 AM
Basically correct but I would not use human being. I would refer to the the class called "man".

What about K-os?

12th December 2011, 06:10 AM
What about K-os?


Genesis 1:27 KJV

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Male and female are the two varieties of man.

Man is both male and female.

I'm a male man (but I'm not postal).


midnight rambler
12th December 2011, 08:34 AM

Male and female are the two varieties of man.

Man is both male and female.

I'm a male man (but I'm not postal).


'Male'/'female' refers to animals.

With God's creation of the image of Himself it is 'man' and 'wo(mb)man'.

Do NOT refer to me as a 'male'.

12th December 2011, 08:46 AM
'Male'/'female' refers to animals.

With God's creation of the image of Himself it is 'man' and 'wo(mb)man'.

Do NOT refer to me as a 'male'.

Take it up with King James' translators; I was quoting them. In the original hebrew "man" is "ha adam" (האדם). The essence of man/האדם is both "man" and "woman". That is to say, genderless, like the Creator. In other words, a complete man is actually a couple composed of a man and a woman.

In the context of the KJV of Genesis 1:27, I am a male man. Otherwise I am just a man.

midnight rambler
12th December 2011, 08:50 AM
If you wish to consider yourself an animal, have at it.

12th December 2011, 08:50 AM
Take it up with King James' translators; I was quoting them. In the original hebrew "man" is "ha adam" (האדם). The essence of man/האדם is both "man" and "woman". That is to say, genderless, like the Creator. In other words, a complete man is actually a couple composed of a man and a woman.

In the context of the KJV of Genesis 1:27, I am a male man. Otherwise I am just a man. So according to what you say, one has nuts and the other is nut-less as in non gender?

midnight rambler
12th December 2011, 08:51 AM
So according to what you say, one has nuts and the other is nut-less as in non gender?

Both have gonads (stones).

12th December 2011, 08:56 AM
If you wish to consider yourself an animal, have at it.

When I look up at the sky and see birds enjoying their freedom and license-less flight, sometimes I envy the liberty of wild animals.

But, as it is, I'm just a man. Not even human; just a man.

12th December 2011, 10:21 AM
Beef, he hadn't replied in this thread till you posted yesterday. I don't know that the first response he posted was even directed at you. What gives? You've been on edge.

Nice try, osoab, but he provided 2 direct references proving he was responding directly to me:
1) He referred to Turner in his reply. I'm the 1st one on this palani thread quoted Turner as the source for the Bond v US sovereignty decision intel and it's impact on North Carolina LEOs and their naked liability now.
2) He responded with the actual opinion link I asked for.

Since he has a problem with Tim Turner, he needs to take it up with Tim Turner, and not painting me with his dismissive and arrogant type know it all response. Me, the messenger. Me, reporting fresh relevant info to his STALE thread which he opened. Remember, he concluded his shared info opening post with statements looking for any input regarding his Opening Post on NC and the liability story.

Just because I or anyone else furnishes source information as best they can as often as they can doesn't mean the addressee of the response gets to "shoot the messenger." The point is not Turner is the source. The point is the de facto Supreme Court made a definitive sovereign is: ruling July 2011 which resulted in the N.C. and other states' liability limiting actions, leaving LEOs liability naked in instances dealing with sovereigns.

That messenger shooting crap happens too much around GS. And in non-virtual life as well.

you're being a jerk again.

You're making a gigantic assumption, since I basically choose to keep my life to myself, and only post on topics I think I can make a positive contribution to which is God-Honoring and helpful to others.

You might wish to assume I have other things on my plate besides mitigating massive and ongoing Fukushima nuke fallout.

If you did you'd find about a 50 50 mix of good news in my personal life balanced by a dying friend after being assaulted (which I know you've read on another thread where I asked for Neuro and Mamboni's response and to wit you responded), plus a rapidly deteriorating dying brother which I asked fo one of those energy pyramid deals on another thread. There are days when that "other 50%" has and continues to take a toll on me, but I'm doing okay.

I'm still able to call BS and JERK behavior when I see it. Regardless of who is dying in my personal life.

Being nuked 24/7/365 is not helping, that's for sure. And Helen and I aren't taking it lying down either. You might want to take your sovereign self by the nap of your sovereign neck and get up to speed on clinoptilolite, etc. Then you could be happier as you're being nuked instead of looking the otherway and just suckin' it in, at the airport, and in your food, water and air...

So, guys, I'm standing tall on this one. Anonymous chatroom blogger Palani vs Lawyer Turner w/r/t researched Supreme Court Sovereignty Bond decision in favor of the plaintiff...guess whose definition I'm going to throw weight behind...

it AINT palani's bristling at the Turner souce Bond Decision angle which slipped up on him and didn't bother to check out or tie the two together.....hmmmmm

"fiesty" beefsteak

Joe King
12th December 2011, 10:45 AM
you're being a jerk again. Happens to be that a dying friend after being assaulted (which I know you've read on another thread where I asked for Neuro and Mamboni's response and to wit you responded), and a dying brother has and continues to take a toll on me, but I'm doing okay. I'm still able to call BS and JERK behavior when I see it. Regardless of who is dying.I just think you've been being a bit touchy and have been letting the least little thing set you off.
...and I don't think I was being a jerk at all.

It is a fact that too much constant focus on all the Dooom! can have a negative effect on some peoples state of mind.
As example, in chat last night, some poor tortured soul popped in and seemed to be quite depressed and over-whelmed by it all. It can have an imact. To come down on me for making an observation based on what I've read in your posts seems, well, a bit touchy to me.
It's like you're just waitin' for something to set you off, and that ain't a good way to be, my friend.

Being nuked 24/7/365 is not helping, that's for sure. And Helen and I aren't taking it lying down either. You might want to take your sovereign self by the nap of your sovereign neck and get up to speed on clinoptilolite, etc. Then you could be happier as you're being nuked instead of looking the otherway and just suckin' it in, at the airport, and in your food, water and air...Who you addressing here? At the airport? Who goes there? ???

So, guys, I'm standing tall on this one. Anonymous chatroom blogger Palani vs Lawyer Turner w/r/t researched Supreme Court Sovereignty Bond decision in favor of the plaintiff...guess whose definition I'm going to throw weight behind...it AINT palani's bristling at the Turner souce Bond Decision angle which slipped up on him and didn't bother to check out or tie the two together.....hmmmmm

"fiesty" beefsteakYou can put your weight behind anyone you want. Choose wisely!
...and I stand tall on this one too. You do in fact seem a bit touchy. :)

12th December 2011, 11:50 AM
Nice try, osoab, but he provided 2 direct references proving he was responding directly to me:
1) He referred to Turner in his reply. I'm the 1st one on this palani thread quoted Turner as the source for the Bond v US sovereignty decision intel and it's impact on North Carolina LEOs and their naked liability now. Rod Class was given credit for the North Carolina directive. Bond was the proximate cause of the Bond vs U.S. decision. Turner had nothing to do with either result. This does not mean I am "dissing" Turner. If he put together some connection in his mind he is welcome to the credit.

2) He responded with the actual opinion link I asked for. Isn't this the link you had asked someone to provide?

Since he has a problem with Tim Turner Where did you deduce I have a problem with Turner? It is true that I am not a member of his body politic but as I indicated before I know nothing of him or his politics. How is this a problem?

he needs to take it up with Tim Turner, and not painting me with his dismissive and arrogant type know it all response. If I disagree with something I tend to not remain silent. If I had disagreed with something you posted I surely would have made a note of that thing. As I didn't then you had my agreement. Were you looking for something more positive than simple agreement?

Just because I or anyone else furnishes source information as best they can as often as they can doesn't mean the addressee of the response gets to "shoot the messenger." Agreement equates in your mind to shooting the messenger?

The point is not Turner is the source. The point is the de facto Supreme Court made a definitive sovereign is: ruling July 2011 which resulted in the N.C. and other states' liability limiting actions, leaving LEOs liability naked in instances dealing with sovereigns. I don't know if this statement is true. Maybe there is link between Bond vs U.S. and the N.C. ruling and maybe there is not. The bill of rights is supposed to exist and be reachable by anyone. Bond didn't create the amendment. Bond did not make it applicable to everyone. It has always been there.

That messenger shooting crap happens too much around GS. And in non-virtual life as well. So in summation you prefer not to practice what you preach?

12th December 2011, 11:50 AM
Happens to be that a dying friend after being assaulted and a dying brother has and continues to take a toll on me

I just think you've been being a bit touchy and have been letting the least little thing set you off.
...and I don't think I was being a jerk at all.

... based on what I've read in your posts seems, well, a bit touchy to me.
It's like you're just waitin' for something to set you off, and that ain't a good way to be, my friend.

You're a fucking piece of shit troll.
Ban me, Mods.

Fuck. I have no idea why I took this piece of shit off my ignore list.

This piece of shit jewking should have been IP banned from this site since April 2010.

Joe King
12th December 2011, 11:58 AM
You're a fucking piece of shit troll.
Ban me, Mods.

Fuck. I have no idea why I took this piece of shit off my ignore list.

This piece of shit jewking should have been IP banned from this site since April 2010.Sorry dude, but to me he does seem a bit touchy. I've experienced myself from him before. Least little thing he thinks is sideways, and off the deep end he goes.

So how do I get to be called that just for stating what I've seen and experienced?
IMHO, his response to Palani was waaay out of proportion relative to what Palani posted.

12th December 2011, 12:10 PM
Ban me, Mods.

Dude? Why are you calling him a troll for his response? I don't get it in this instance.

12th December 2011, 12:11 PM
Drama, drama everywhere. We are far apart and coming from many different angles. Shotgun blast on the slightest irritation is probably not a good way to communicate.

Hey Beef- OK... so you ARE getting eaten up by circumstances outside this discussion. I look into the past with mixed visions. I see some secure days mixed with undeniable sadness and death. Sadness and death own this world until the last day. Those washed in Messiah's blood CAN look into the future where sadness and death are overcome.

Rev 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Rev 7:15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
Rev 7:16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.
Rev 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Rev 21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

This world is overrun with evil. We can take heart in knowing that we can have new immortal life with the One who is the source of all truth, goodness, kindness, patience, peace, life, light and joy.

Don't let the crap of this world drag you down. Time is short. Hang in there.

12th December 2011, 12:13 PM
I agree that he took Palani's Palanese out of context. That has nothing to do with your incessant trolling.

"My brother is dying and a friend of mine just died after an assault"
"Geez, friend, you're so touchy. Don't let little things bother you".

Fucking troll. I can't believe that hardly any one ever calls you out on your shitty behaviour besides Ximmy.

EDIT - Bolded text for Osoab. Maybe you'll get it now.

12th December 2011, 12:20 PM
There was a person that appeared in chat last night, that started to post stuff there that really did not belong anti this and that. Came on very strong. Beef and others myself included did not care for it, Beef said something about more of this shit here and left chat.

Gsus chat is more of a weekly social event, that is just that, social and fun. Yes there is some sharpshooting sometimes but most chatters will shoot it down. Chat is for fun, and fun bullshit. Plus getting to know each other in a more personal way.

In real time!

The political/religious shit can stay on the forum, where it belongs.

Chat is not a place for apple crates to preach from.


Joe King
12th December 2011, 12:21 PM
I agree that he took Palani's Palanese out of context. That has nothing to do with your incessant trolling.

"My brother is dying and a friend of mine just died after an assault"
"Geez, friend, you're so touchy. Don't let little things bother you".

Fucking troll. I can't believe that hardly any one ever calls you out on your shitty behaviour besides Ximmy.

EDIT - Bolded text for Osoab. Maybe you'll get it now.I was responding to his accusations about my first {and what would have been only} post in this thread.

I do apologize if I didn't express my sympathy for his brother. It was an over-sight.

Beefsteak, you have my sympathy in this, your hour of hardship. I was not trying to make light of your situation. May peace be with you.

12th December 2011, 12:27 PM
I agree that he took Palani's Palanese out of context. That has nothing to do with your incessant trolling.

"My brother is dying and a friend of mine just died after an assault"
"Geez, friend, you're so touchy. Don't let little things bother you".

Fucking troll. I can't believe that hardly any one ever calls you out on your shitty behaviour besides Ximmy.

EDIT - Bolded text for Osoab. Maybe you'll get it now.

I had no clue about the things going on in beefsteak's personal life prior to his post. Wishing the best for ya beef.

I think you are looking for more than what is there Awoke. Could have Joe glanced over a part of his post? Possibly. Could Joe only be responding to what beefsteak posted about him? Possibly.

Hell if I know, but I didn't see a level of "trolling" that warranted you to get bent of shape and I still don't.
Then again, I still think that pepper spray at UC Davis was a staged event.

12th December 2011, 12:53 PM
I will let the second paragraph of this 6 month old post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52293-quot-No-one-is-saying-you-have-to-associate-with-anyone-you-don-t-want-to.-quot-Joe-King&p=439135&viewfull=1#post439135) sum up my position on this issue.

Joe King
12th December 2011, 01:10 PM
I will let the second paragraph of this 6 month old post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52293-quot-No-one-is-saying-you-have-to-associate-with-anyone-you-don-t-want-to.-quot-Joe-King&p=439135&viewfull=1#post439135) sum up my position on this issue.You mean second sentence, right? A paragraph is a collection of related sentences. lol

Besides, why you pull that old story up? Thjey broke the rulz, they got banned, they tried to sneak back in but couldn't keep their cover and got banned again.
Exactly what part of the rulz here do you not understand? They seem fairly easy to grasp. lol

12th December 2011, 03:35 PM
I will let the second paragraph of this 6 month old post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52293-quot-No-one-is-saying-you-have-to-associate-with-anyone-you-don-t-want-to.-quot-Joe-King&p=439135&viewfull=1#post439135) sum up my position on this issue.

Alright Awoke, why are are you referencing about one of your posts when you claim in said referenced post that you never read that thread.

Without reading this thread, I just have to say that IMO it is a bad call to ban Shakinginmyshoes and leave trash like Joe Dirt here to frolic amongst the ban-tulips.

An obvious troll and baiter, and he gets free run because he is oh-so-accomodating with his "You can move the threads if you want, Mr. Moderator. Anything for you" bullshit.

At least Fred/PDT and his wife had something useful to contribute, instead of incessant trollolololo and baiting tactics. Total bullshit.

Bad call.

Dude, I haven't seen JK do any of the said things from your second paragraph in this thread.

13th December 2011, 04:39 AM
Alright Awoke, why are are you referencing about one of your posts when you claim in said referenced post that you never read that thread.

Dude, I haven't seen JK do any of the said things from your second paragraph in this thread.

I specified the second paragraph because this is what I was trying to make you understand:

An obvious troll and baiter, and he gets free run because he is oh-so-accomodating with his "You can move the threads if you want, Mr. Moderator. Anything for you" bullshit.

The rest doesn't apply.

If you don't see his salt-laced post for what it is, just because he drizzled it with honey, that's on you.

I am offended by his posts that made me fly off the handle in this thread. Beef is going through what is likely one of the more difficult times in his life right now, and Trololo comes in here with his bullshit khazar tactics of belittle/inflame/cry out as they strike you.

This is the same shit that made me put him on ignore half a year ago.

Trololo is like that stuck up princess bitch from any movie you can think of, who says nothing without a malicious double-meaning, but always says it in her sweetest princess voice, so she doesn't get in trouble from Daddy.

I will break it down for you further if needed.

13th December 2011, 05:13 AM
I specified the second paragraph because this is what I was trying to make you understand:

The rest doesn't apply.

If you don't see his salt-laced post for what it is, just because he drizzled it with honey, that's on you.

I am offended by his posts that made me fly off the handle in this thread. Beef is going through what is likely one of the more difficult times in his life right now, and Trololo comes in here with his bullshit khazar tactics of belittle/inflame/cry out as they strike you.

This is the same shit that made me put him on ignore half a year ago.

Trololo is like that stuck up princess bitch from any movie you can think of, who says nothing without a malicious double-meaning, but always says it in her sweetest princess voice, so she doesn't get in trouble from Daddy.

I will break it down for you further if needed.

I see what you're saying, but when you get upset you play right into his hand.

Maybe I'm biased, because I don't mind the occasional troll, and I like salt and honey, and I'm also fond of (attractive) princesses!

Joe King
13th December 2011, 09:03 AM
I will break it down for you further if needed.

Yes, why don't you do that? Oh wait, you can't see this, can you? lol

Keep in mind that two other people prior to my post suggested that Beef was wound up/on edge and I merely suggested a reason as to why. Notice that I did not use absolute terms, but rather used the word "probably".
...but only I got ripped into for it.

You always seem to take extreme issue with anything I post and always choose to read it in the worst possible light. Seems to me that you have an obvious bias against me and/or are wound too tight yourself. Dooom been gettin' to ya? lol
Perhaps you need to go spend some time with your buddy Free Spirit? Might do ya some good.
...and you seem in need of some good in a bad kinda way.

13th December 2011, 09:10 AM
You always seem to take extreme issue with anything I post and always choose to read it in the worst possible light. Seems to me that you have an obvious bias against me

Your keen observation skills are awe inspiring.

Joe King
13th December 2011, 09:28 AM
Your keen observation skills are awe inspiring.So then you admit that you bring a negative, personal bias against me when you read my posts? Gee, thanks. At least I know for sure what I'm dealing with now.
It's kinda sad, really. That you allow your personal bias' to cloud your vision.

BTW, so you can see this? lol
I must say that I think you were happier when you had me on ignore.

13th December 2011, 09:39 AM
Don't let him get to ya, Awoke.

13th December 2011, 10:45 AM
So then you admit that you bring a negative, personal bias against me when you read my posts? Gee, thanks. At least I know for sure what I'm dealing with now.
It's kinda sad, really. That you allow your personal bias' to cloud your vision.

BTW, so you can see this? lol
I must say that I think you were happier when you had me on ignore.

Holy shit Joe, if you're just figuring out that I think you're a khazar piece of shit, then you're not nearly as intelligent as I gave you credit for. I've made that 110% crystal clear in many posts in the past.

And yes, I was happier with you on ignore.

But all that aside, as much as you feign docility and innocence, your trolling stands out like a Mossad Operative among Palistinian children. Gaillo knows it, Madfranks knows it, Magnes knows it, I know it, (hell I think most discerning people on this forum know it) and you know it.

No one else in this thread belittled Beef by minimizing the issues he is going through.
Spectrism told Beef he was wound up too tight, but confessed that he did not know what was eating him. You can not make the same confession, because you did know.

It wasn't your original comment that fired me up, it was your followup post #44 in which you cry out as you strike beefsteak. You marginalize his situation and use your new buzzwords "Too focused on the doooom" (A basic re-hashing of the usual "You're a conspiracy nut" line used by your ilk)

Once I called out your programming, you again put on your meekness cape and admit you were a douche, in so many words.

My example of Princess Trololo perfectly sums up your MO around here, and anyone who pays attention can see it. Everything you say is loaded with a double meaning. You are trained by the best, but it's the same typical training as every other dis-info agent.

Don't let him get to ya, Awoke.

No problem.

Joe King
13th December 2011, 11:52 AM
Holy shit Joe, if you're just figuring out that I think you're a khazar piece of shit, then you're not nearly as intelligent as I gave you credit for. I've made that 110% crystal clear in many posts in the past.
I was just givin' you the benefit of the doubt.
ie a concept that seems to be completely foreign to you.

And yes, I was happier with you on ignore.Then do it again. I really don't care.
IMHO, needing to use ignore says a lot about ones lack of self control.
...but hey, have at it.

But all that aside, as much as you feign docility and innocence, your trolling stands out like a Mossad Operative among Palistinian children. Gaillo knows it, Madfranks knows it, Magnes knows it, I know it, (hell I think most discerning people on this forum know it) and you know it.Well, then you don't know nearly as much as you pride yourself on knowing, and you know what they say about pride.
In fact, you seem to know very little on certain subjects.....but hey, there's still opportunities to learn. Pay attention and perhaps you will. lol

No one else in this thread belittled Beef by minimizing the issues he is going through.
Spectrism told Beef he was wound up too tight, but confessed that he did not know what was eating him. You can not make the same confession, because you did know.And I apologized for the over-sight, too.
Besides, in my first comment I wasn't even addressing Beef, but rather responding to what someone else said.
...and then Beef goes over the top in his response to me. Which is why I may have come across a bit short with him. ie I was reacting to his over reaction to my prior comment.

It wasn't your original comment that fired me up, it was your followup post #44 in which you cry out as you strike beefsteak.After he stuck me for no good reason.

You marginalize his situation and use your new buzzwords "Too focused on the doooom" (A basic re-hashing of the usual "You're a conspiracy nut" line used by your ilk)I didn't marginalize anything. If you got that out of what I wrote, then it's obvious that you read into my posts whatever you want them to say.
ie your bias is showing again.

After all, it is a fact that the dooom can eat at some people. As I said, in chat the other night there was someone there that that has seemed to happen to. So it was fresh on my mind and I mentioned it about Beef only as a possible answer for his seemingly touchyness here lately.
Touchyness that I was not the only one to have noticed, I might add.

Once I called out your programming, you again put on your meekness cape and admit you were a douche, in so many words."Programing"? lol
I admit I have programmed things, and quite well I might add, but never people.
...but if you'd like to be a subject, I suppose could always try. What is it that you'd like in your programming? lol [/sarc]

My example of Princess Trololo perfectly sums up your MO around here, and anyone who pays attention can see it. Everything you say is loaded with a double meaning.Only because you want to see a double meaning.
If people look for what they want to see, guess what? They typically do see it, and you are apparently no exception.

You are trained by the best, but it's the same typical training as every other dis-info agent.Training? What training? The only training I've ever gotten is the kind of training a good woman can give. ;D

No problem.You say that, but I really think you do in fact, have a problem.
In fact, you seem wound pretty tight yourself. Doom been gettin' to ya lately? lol

13th December 2011, 01:09 PM
use your new buzzwords "Too focused on the doooom" (A basic re-hashing of the usual "You're a conspiracy nut" line used by your ilk)

too much constant focus on all the Dooom!

Dooom been gettin' to ya? lol

it is a fact that the dooom can eat at some people

Doom been gettin' to ya lately? lol


"Programing"? lol
I admit I have programmed things, and quite well I might add, but never people.

Joe King
13th December 2011, 01:15 PM
As I said, you obviously do have a problem. You always let things get to you? You seem a bit touchy lately.

13th December 2011, 01:16 PM
Your posts speak for themselves.

Notice my post #33? I saw how Beef misunderstood the intent of Palani's post, and tried my best to diffuse the frustration by attempting to translate the Palanese to English. I made no mention of the "touchiness" or volitility of Beefsteak's reply at all, because that was NOT what the situation needed.

It needed to be clarified, not inflamed. And for the record, I had no idea that Beef was going through the test that he is going through. I just new the appropriate way to respond.

Which, for the record, was exactly the same situation in my post #46.

13th December 2011, 01:36 PM
Don't let him get to ya, Awoke.

You are one of Joe Kings biggest supporters, and he yours,
there is a gang of you that support each other.

You openly proclaim on here, you know Joe King from gim and
he is not a troll. You did the same thing with Santa. And Antonio
too, you egg him on. You seem to know all the main trolls and
support them, I gave you a break for quite a while, but the
rest of your behavior going back I see differently now,
you too are a subtle troll and blatant occult poster.

I was one of your greatest supporters and friends,
trying to get people from gim off your back early.

Boy was I wrong, you made a fool out of me.

You are Joe King.

I want people to understand what you have posted.

Along with the others here I have spoken out about.

I finger you people as Occult posters, many of you my old friends,
giving you a break and the benefit of the doubt, you people prove
how wrong I am by becoming more blatant. Funny shit. I am
supposed to be the madman. LOL. Joke is on the forum members
as it was on me.

@ Awoke, Joe King doesn't bother me because he is blatant going back.
I don't know if you missed my posts on here, there is 5 threads on him.
These people are only here to argue and troll, inflame, and most people
here are not reading these arguments, I know from experience this is the
case, how many people were paying attention to what mayhem was doing ?
So he has that going for him. Like others here.

Awoke, read this carefully, he comes in early on the thread, just like for Santa.

I'm not pro- or anti-Joe King, but he's an old member here from GIM days (under other names).

THIS IS SLVRBUGJIM THREAD, Jim is old school gim, he knows what he is reading.


Joe King reads like Juristic Person from GIM to me, but that is a tough call
because JP never posted much but one liner snide remarks, here he argues,
but it is not mayhem, mayhem is Ulysses/Immanti from gim, that has been

Joe King
13th December 2011, 01:46 PM
Your posts speak for themselves.

Notice my post #33? I saw how Beef misunderstood the intent of Palani's post, and tried my best to diffuse the frustration by attempting to translate the Palanese to English. I made no mention of the "touchiness" or volitility of Beefsteak's reply at all, because that was NOT what the situation needed.So you were putting the blame for Beefs over reaction on Palani? Niiice! ::)

It needed to be clarified, not inflamed.So why was it your job to clarify Palinais comments? You speak for him now? That's really nice of you.

And for the record, I had no idea that Beef was going through the test that he is going through. I just new the appropriate way to respond. I know, because you're perfect, right? {in your own head, perhaps}
...and don't we all go through tests? Life. Death. It's a circle and it can suck for all of us.
Been there done that and in ways that I'd hope that other people would never come to know.

Which, for the record, was exactly the same situation in my post #46.Post #46? You mean the one where you show your ignorance and hurl insults due to a lack of having so much as one intelligent thought to come back with?
haha you're so hilarious, you must be a joke. lol

Quick! Hurl more insults. They might actually start to hurt. You know, at some unknown point in the future perhaps. lol
ie you show your level of intelligence, or rather lack thereof, quite easily Awoke.

13th December 2011, 01:52 PM
Time for a nice song before bed children


Joe King
13th December 2011, 02:18 PM
You are one of Joe Kings biggest supporters, and he yours,
there is a gang of you that support each other.What there is, is a gang of you that support each other and some of your gangs less-than-well-thought-out ideas. lol

You openly proclaim on here, you know Joe King from gim and
he is not a troll. You did the same thing with Santa. And Antonio
too, you egg him on. You seem to know all the main trolls and
support them, I gave you a break for quite a while, but the
rest of your behavior going back I see differently now,
you too are a subtle troll and blatant occult poster.More silly accusations from Mags......awww, ain't that sweet! lol :-*

I was one of your greatest supporters and friends,
trying to get people from gim off your back early.With a supportor like you, he sure don't need no enemies. :D

Boy was I wrong, you made a fool out of me.I thought you do that to yourself everytime you click "submit reply". :confused:

You are Joe King.Wait a minute. Up above you said we knew each other and were all in a gang together....but now you say we're one in the same? If we're the same, well, you can't very well have a gang all by yourself, now can you? lol

I want people to understand what you have posted.What he posted was kinda self-explanatory.
ie he asked Awoke to not let me get to him. What's wrong with that? I didn't read it as him being 100% on my side.
Perhaps he meant that he was, I don't know. I'd have to ask him, but that's not what I got out of it.
...but I know you can read between the lines. ::) ::) ::)

Along with the others here I have spoken out about.Let's be clear. You only speak out against those who you think don't see stuff exactly your way.
Everyone else in your gang gets a free pass on the BS they post.

I finger you people as Occult posters, many of you my old friends,
giving you a break and the benefit of the doubt, you people prove
how wrong I am by becoming more blatant. Funny shit. I am
supposed to be the madman. LOL. Joke is on the forum members
as it was on me.The only thing I see you as being able to finger is yourself.
Admit it. You're probably doing just that right now, aren't you? lol

Message for SirGonzo: U28gd2hhdCBkbyBtYWtlIG9mIHRoaXMgZ3V5PyBQZXJzb25hbG x5LCBJIHRoaW5rIGhlIG1heSBi
ZSBjb21wbGV0ZWx5IG9mZiBoaXMgcm9ja2VyLiAKSSdtIHByZX R0eSBzdXJlIHlvdSdyZSBub3Qg
bWUsIGJ1dCBjb3VsZCB5b3UgY2hlY2sgb24geW91ciBlbmQgdG 8gYmUgc3VyZT8gbG9sCg==

13th December 2011, 02:24 PM
Gonzo seems to have organized all the trolls in email,
I put him on the spot for his signature, where he stated
he doesn't trust the mods here and had an email signature
as well. He immediately changed it when I put him on the
spot for it. He claimed he was joking.

Everyone here needs to stay anonymous,
there are people here who are not who they
pretend to be, including some popular people.
If you have a close look at what they are about,
everything they post can be safely posted on
the my pony forums, they take shots at us,
side openly with the trolls, even swear at these

13th December 2011, 02:33 PM
This thread is off topic. Take it to the Thunder dome or stop posting trash.

13th December 2011, 02:50 PM
This IS the temporary Thunderdome, seems you can get banned for much less. (at least I did)


13th December 2011, 04:47 PM
Gonzo seems to have organized all the trolls in email,
I put him on the spot for his signature, where he stated
he doesn't trust the mods here and had an email signature
as well. He immediately changed it when I put him on the
spot for it. He claimed he was joking.

Everyone here needs to stay anonymous,
there are people here who are not who they
pretend to be, including some popular people.
If you have a close look at what they are about,
everything they post can be safely posted on
the my pony forums, they take shots at us,
side openly with the trolls, even swear at these

Damn Magnes!

I was encouraging the members here to familiarize themselves with encryption technology. You were so bothered by it I removed it. To the best of my recollection, I have only communicated with one member here via encrypted PM, and that was with a member that you have never accused of being a troll. Nothing "worth hiding" was discussed. We merely exchanged public encryption keys and tested by sending some messages.

You are deluded. I am not your fucking enemy! You and I were two of the main people to bring people to this place in the beginning. Now you are paranoid and are turning on an old friend.

What the hell have I done to you to have you sneak in little snide remarks and outright lies about me?

By the way, Joe, quit being so base. lol

Here's what Joe King's super secret message to me says:

So what do make of this guy? Personally, I think he may be completely off his rocker.*
I'm pretty sure you're not me, but could you check on your end to be sure? lol

13th December 2011, 07:49 PM
@Beefsteak, Sorry for your woes, prayers and huggs, and crossed fingers out to you and yours, Hang in there the best you can.

@ the rest of you, drop it and leave well enough alone.

Joe King
13th December 2011, 08:08 PM
Damn Magnes!

I was encouraging the members here to familiarize themselves with encryption technology. You were so bothered by it I removed it.That's why you removed it? I never thought you'd cave that easily. You should put it back. There was nothin' wrong with it.

To the best of my recollection, I have only communicated with one member here via encrypted PM, and that was with a member that you have never accused of being a troll.It was U3RleXJfbQ== correct?

Nothing "worth hiding" was discussed. We merely exchanged public encryption keys and tested by sending some messages.

You are deluded. I am not your fucking enemy!Just for the record, neither am I.

You and I were two of the main people to bring people to this place in the beginning. Now you are paranoid and are turning on an old friend.It really bites the big one when that happens with old friends.

What the hell have I done to you to have you sneak in little snide remarks and outright lies about me?What has any of us done who have received that?

By the way, Joe, quit being so base. lol

Here's what Joe King's super secret message to me says:

So what do make of this guy? Personally, I think he may be completely off his rocker.*
I'm pretty sure you're not me, but could you check on your end to be sure? lolBTW, that was merely a personal observation based on recent posts I've read, and is not an accusation of any sort that he actually is off his rocker.


13th December 2011, 08:16 PM
Come on Joe Leave dead dogs lay Please.

13th December 2011, 08:38 PM
This thread is off topic. Take it to the Thunder dome or stop posting trash.

Pretty funny you are siding with trolls, there is a few of you here,
lets apply your rules to their garbage.

This IS the temporary Thunderdome, seems you can get banned for much less. (at least I did)

Who are you talking about, half the time your post are cryptic, nobody knows what to make of them.
Once you won a debate when I posted historical facts anyone could check by removing the thread
and starting over. I still give you the benefit of the doubt and you know that, one post or one issue
does not make you.

There are people here that have put words in my mouth, attributed ideas to me,
they use that as a straw man to attack me, nobody says anything.

You bunch of whiners are fair game, you support trolls doing worse to these forums.

Gonzo is going to tell us about Joe King, very funny, above he proves what I was saying.

Joe King is an obvious troll but there are others here that support trolls openly,
they too are subtle trolls on issues.

Here's what Joe King's super secret message to me says:

So what do make of this guy? Personally, I think he may be completely off his rocker.*
I'm pretty sure you're not me, but could you check on your end to be sure? lol

Father John ! ROFL !

I don't post Occult shit on here, stars of david as truth, drug use on here,
supporting known trolls openly, I didn't have a description under my name
that translated to Jew Mason, some of what's been posted is so freaky
you people need all the help you can get. You mock people here.
Why would you even believe your posts would go unnoticed or unanswered.
An extend the rope policy was implemented, it got better and better.
Father John ! LOL !

BTW, that was merely a personal observation based on recent posts I've read,
and is not an accusation of any sort that he actually is off his rocker.

Some one is definitely off their rocker.

13th December 2011, 09:02 PM
Oh for Christ Sakes, I wish I had the time or energy to argue with you Magnes.

I really don't care what any of you say you, he's Orthodox , he's Atheist, that guy is a freeking Satanist, he's a fucking troll , no he's a troll , your sideing with a troll , your all going to hell in a handbag .

Come on how old are you guys?

I bet ya if I put you all in a room together you'd all come out with a little sense. ;)

I'll argue when I've had a good night sleep ! its been a long day.

13th December 2011, 09:27 PM
Oh for Christ Sakes, I wish I had the time or energy to argue with you Magnes.

What do you want to argue about fair lady ?

I am not here to be a fun party guy or concerned with popularity.
I know you have friends on here that hate my guts.
And you know I have come to your support.
You want to tell me, tell me, won't be the first time.
From you I can accept that. But not from people that
are two faced and covert about it.

Peoples posts are fair game.

po boy
13th December 2011, 09:31 PM

13th December 2011, 09:37 PM
[QUOTE=MAGNES;494536]What do you want to argue about fair lady ?

I should just learn to mind my own buisness, sometimes thing just hit me the wrong way.

Joe King
13th December 2011, 09:41 PM
Come on Joe Leave dead dogs lay Please.
I sincerely hope I haven't offended the Queen of the Mountain, but I felt I should respond after Sirgonzo posted my message to him.
...and Magnes, I really don't think anyone here hates you. I certainly don't. IMHO, to hold hate for anything or anyone, can only harm the heart of the one holding it.

13th December 2011, 10:01 PM
You are a very good judge of character,

[ No I am not, my posts are proof of this on some people, I am slow,
they know it. ]

but lots of times you come off as a half crazy Roman warrior

[ I know what I am saying is crazy at times.
Some of the blatant posts on here are crazier. ]

I don't know what JK is but he has been decsent to me

[ I didn't open 5 threads on him, others did, I stayed out for the
most part, he is just arguing with people on here, even he does not
post some of the crazier stuff on here, recently I got a ban that did
not concern him, but old friends ]

I don't read these whole forums, this stuff finds certain people
for a reason, I don't go seeking it, like others, the biggest squabbles on here
recently with me have been with old friends before I knew you zap.
I don't appreciate their subtle trolling, trolling me, going way back.
Their posts have been in a whole new light now, when accused they
deny and later become more and more blatant. Want one thread
to show this ? They think I am getting angry, but I am not, more
power to them. It is interesting to see how people ally, and disturbing
at times. Edit add, unfortunately, I see his further shots at me,
nothing that I posted last 2 applies to JK.

How do you want me to be good, by ignoring certain provocations ?

14th December 2011, 05:41 AM
Magnes, I love you brother.

Whenever you want to talk about the Μυστήρια, just let me know.

By the way, if anything, you are the occultist. You are the one who forbids (thus concealing) the discussion of certain topics. THAT is occultism.