View Full Version : Dark Chemtrails?

29th October 2011, 09:08 AM
I saw some chemtrails this morning, but the thing that seemed different was that one of them looked like it had a dark, soot like tail on the end of it. I can't really explain it other than maybe that whatever was spraying the chemicals had some gunk in the tank that sprayed out first. Any ideas/opinions?

29th October 2011, 09:24 AM
I see what you're saying. Maybe they had a little trouble getting the sprayer started.

But it's just water vapor right?

29th October 2011, 09:32 AM
I see what you're saying. Maybe they had a little trouble getting the sprayer started.

But it's just water vapor right?

Exactly! So to someone who might argue that it was just water vapor, what could explain the dirty tail?

29th October 2011, 10:17 AM
I've seen the dark chemtrails before. But they're usually along side the white trail. Almost like a mirror. I've seen it about 4 times. I've tried to get pictures but I never have a decent camera with me when it happens.....

Joe King
29th October 2011, 01:30 PM
Exactly! So to someone who might argue that it was just water vapor, what could explain the dirty tail?

A question I'd ask would be, what time was the pic taken?

Also, I assume you were looking in a Westerly direction?

If so, is it plausible that it could be caused by that part of the "trail" being in the shade of the higher layer of clouds? It's appears to be at a lower altitude.
ie the part in front is illuminated directly by the Sun where as the part further away is not, and from your angle of view, it looks darker in the distance where the mountains are. {they look more shaded than your local surroundings}

Or, could it possibly be caused by incomplete combustion in one or more of the engines? Or an oil leak in one of the engines?

Or what about a flameout? {maybe caused by an oil leak} Or whatever they call it when an egine burns up. That'd leave a trail of dark particulate matter for a measured distance that could mix with and alter the perceived color of what would otherwise be a white contrail.

I don't think anyone could know for-sure why it looks like that without being there, seeing it from various angles, and/or possibly knowing something about the plane in question.

29th October 2011, 01:56 PM
what could explain the dirty tail?

Like when you start spraying with an old paint can, the first few bits come out fully condensed, rain.

General of Darkness
29th October 2011, 01:57 PM
Exactly! So to someone who might argue that it was just water vapor, what could explain the dirty tail?

Cock holster, you're in So Cal right? Because I haven't seen chemtrails for a few months and then yesterday it was like holy shit. I think they're trying to figure out how to make them disperse quicker so people don't notice them. It's hard to look at the sky when you're busy not getting car jacked, avoiding illegals on the freeway, and all the other bullshit that comes with LALA Land.

29th October 2011, 04:03 PM
Cock holster, you're in So Cal right?

Nope, Denver. We get 'em pretty often here, but not as much as you, based on the photos you've posted here.

29th October 2011, 04:16 PM
Nope, Denver. We get 'em pretty often here, but not as much as you, based on the photos you've posted here.

I suppose GoD didn't notice the snow on the foothills, in your picture.

Generally, when you have black smoke/particles it's incomplete combustion, or burning oil. I doubt jet engines have either of the problem (I don't know).

29th October 2011, 04:23 PM
I suppose GoD didn't notice the snow on the foothills, in your picture.

Generally, when you have black smoke/particles it's incomplete combustion, or burning oil. I doubt jet engines have either of the problem (I don't know).

You should see a B-52 on full power and in flight, or an F-4 if they are still flying them.

Both are heavy smokers.

Errosion Of Accord
29th October 2011, 04:53 PM
It's a shadow. next time you see one take note of where the sun is and you will agree.