View Full Version : Record October snowfall for Northeast

29th October 2011, 09:44 PM
The largest October snowstorm in recorded Massachusetts history continues tonight. 18-24" in the Massachusetts Berkshires, 12-18" in central Mass, 6-12" in MetroWest area. Rain in the immediate Boston metro area has switched over to snow, with 3-6" expected there overnight. High winds continue to increase with ocean storm spinning up off shore.

300,000 have lost power so far in Massachusetts; 3 million along the eastern seaboard.

Joe King
29th October 2011, 09:51 PM
OB still hangin' in?

Twisted Titan
29th October 2011, 09:56 PM
This put a major damper on halloween..........

Definately a trick for the whole region

29th October 2011, 10:03 PM
I can only wonder how many were ready for it.......no power.

Twisted Titan
29th October 2011, 10:22 PM
You cant drive straight on any street that has a tree because of huge branches have fallen.

100 year old are snapping like twigs from the weight........this is scary as hell

29th October 2011, 11:03 PM
Dang that global warming is out of control!

30th October 2011, 05:15 AM
We only got an inch.
Lost our third world power grid again.
Sunny and windy now.
Doesn't look like the Boston Herald will be printed today.

30th October 2011, 05:54 PM
In the Boston metro area and suburbs, there was a wide range of 1-8" of snow, but tremendous tree damage as the wet snow stuck to the still-foliated trees, and winds gusted to 30-40 mph. More power outages today. Sparky escaped with minimal impact! :)

Would like to know how Old Man Smith made out, as he's more in bugout country.

30th October 2011, 06:02 PM
Highest snow report was 30.8" in Plainfield, a small town in western Massachusetts with a population under 1000.

30th October 2011, 06:24 PM
We got 2 feet up here in Cow Hampshire: Here's a video of my dog....

30th October 2011, 06:32 PM
What, was Al Gore up there this weekend?

mick silver
30th October 2011, 06:42 PM
i just put some super mudder on my truck there 44 inchs of rubber let the snow fall .

30th October 2011, 07:15 PM
In Boston if they get an inch they park the cars on the shoulder and walk home. At least that was the word 20 years ago. Guess they have a handle on their driving abilities.

31st October 2011, 06:05 AM
My area got hit hard: about a foot of snow - trees down everywhere and many laying on power lines. We lost power and will not get it back for a week. Plus, two years ago I invested $24,000 in a 17 kW propane-powered generator to run my house (except for the geotherm pump) and with maybe 25 hours on it the fucking field came undone!!! No power, and copper wire everywhere. It was a Generac, supposedly top of the line, Made in America. My ass! This is the last American-made product I will ever buy. I told my son to go get a Honda genrator and I don't care what it costs. As for the Generac, it was still under warranty, so I'm hoping to have it repaired or replaced.

31st October 2011, 06:11 AM
Plus, two years ago I invested $24,000 in a 17 kW propane-powered generator to run my house (except for the geotherm pump) and with maybe 25 hours on it the fucking field came undone!!! No power, and copper wire everywhere.

Holy shit! Sorry to hear than man!

31st October 2011, 06:13 AM
Just saw this:


31st October 2011, 06:14 AM
My area got hit hard: about a foot of snow - trees down everywhere and many laying on power lines. We lost power and will not get it back for a week. Plus, two years ago I invested $24,000 in a 17 kW propane-powered generator to run my house (except for the geotherm pump) and with maybe 25 hours on it the fucking field came undone!!! No power, and copper wire everywhere. It was a Generac, supposedly top of the line, Made in America. My ass! This is the last American-made product I will ever buy. I told my son to go get a Honda genrator and I don't care what it costs. As for the Generac, it was still under warranty, so I'm hoping to have it repaired or replaced. That sucks , wonder how many of us have had everything ready and in testing things are good. But when you finally really really need your setup, things go too hell in a hand basket?

For me it has happened more times than I care to count.

And if yours is still under warranty stick it to them and insist on a full warranty term for the power head if that is all they replace.

But go for the full Monty and insist on a total replacement.

31st October 2011, 06:19 AM
Local Aldi's had 3200 watt generators for around $250. Much better to have five of these than one of anything else.

Twisted Titan
31st October 2011, 08:42 AM
I think you are suppose to test generators monthly no?

31st October 2011, 09:09 AM
You got it palani, and that's why I have seven of them......the plan, behind the plan, behind the plan, and on and on and on ...
people make fun of till they see that I am right.

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

Camp Bassfish
31st October 2011, 09:11 AM
Just under a foot here... power back on. Lots off tree damage here...and not too far east of me it's a war zone of destruction. I consider myself "lucky" to have but a foot.

31st October 2011, 09:12 AM
I think you are suppose to test generators monthly no?

Yes. Every Saturday at exactly 12 noon the generator would kick on flawlessly and run for 15 minutes, all done automatically without a problem for 2 years. This past August, generator kicks on but no power. My electrician checks it - finds the field exposed and copper wires all over the interior - unit is electrically dead though the combustion engine is running perfectly. Generac -17kW - supposedly top-of-the-line Made in America. From now on, whether it be cars, generators or anything electrical, I'm buying strictly Jap. This is why America is doomed: the work ethic has been replaced with the victim ethic. There are no master craftsmen or workers who take pride in their output. No one gives a damn - everyone is a victim and wants someone else to provide, dammit!

31st October 2011, 09:14 AM
That sucks , wonder how many of us have had everything ready and in testing things are good. But when you finally really really need your setup, things go too hell in a hand basket?

Ask the folks in Fukushima.

31st October 2011, 09:51 AM
We got around 8 inches. My power just came back on. I froze my ass off last night, temp was down to below 20 degrees.


31st October 2011, 10:06 AM

31st October 2011, 08:59 PM

Just for clarification, that blank spot in western Massachusetts (and Connecticut) appears as zero, when in fact that was the hardest hit region, with 20-30".

31st October 2011, 09:09 PM
Just for clarification, that blank spot in western Massachusetts (and Connecticut) appears as zero, when in fact that was the hardest hit region, with 20-30".

The map's been adjusted to account for Global Warming.

1st November 2011, 04:52 AM
Based on the coloring, it looks like Colorado got hit with 30 inches!

1st November 2011, 05:21 AM
My power is still out. Tree still across road and wires. Another small adventure to report when I have time. Vigilance is crucial- especially at such times.

1st November 2011, 06:57 AM
My wife drove to NJ and got the last Honda generator, 6.7kW. We wired it up to the main board. Runs quiet - sweet. But, I have oversized well pump (450 ft) and two huge hot water heaters. Each call for close to 30 amps. Honda maxs out at 30 amps. So, I have to switch on the hot water heater, wait 30 minutes and switch off heater to run water pump. Pain in the ass. But at least I have water, refrigerators and freezer, and a few lights and the fan from my wood stove for heat. Still not mains power and no word on when it comes on - reportedly major damage to local distribution center.

1st November 2011, 07:01 AM
Hang in there people. My thoughts and prayers are with all the people effected by this.

Camp Bassfish
1st November 2011, 07:08 AM
My saving grace is that I have propane for stove, dryer, and hotwater. I run a 5700 and get just about everything back. Well pump is only down a buck twenty too though.

Hope you get back to "normal" sooner rather than later.

1st November 2011, 07:13 AM
My saving grace is that I have propane for stove, dryer, and hotwater. I run a 5700 and get just about everything back. Well pump is only down a buck twenty too though.

Hope you get back to "normal" sooner rather than later.

Yep, defense in depth: I installed a 500 gallon propane tank a few year ago and gassified the kitchen last year. So the house is certainly livable. We just don't have the amenities like the interent and cable (except for my son who stealthily had the cable modem, router and his PC put on the backup circuit - little shit! LOL).

1st November 2011, 10:42 AM
I'm enjoying these little stories as they trickle in. Keep 'em comin!

Am curious, are you house-bound? Able to work (is your employer even open yet?) How about grocery stores, or are you prepped enough you don't need to check yet, etc.?

1st November 2011, 02:36 PM
OK... not a great weekend.

Snow began Saturday afternoon for me. Lost power Sat evening... it came back on for a while and then shut off about 10:30pm.

Of course the idiot guy across the street ran his aweful noisy generator 24-7.

On top of that, my dog was not feeling good. She pooped out a skinny elastic waist band from underwear... and I never saw the rest of the underwear. She got bound up and was sluggish and vomitted everything she ate... except whatever was far enough in there blocking the GI tract. Stupid dog will eat clothes. Sunday I gave her some olive oil and she was able to eat a little food with oil. Sluggish all day... I was preparing for the worst. My plan was to visit the vet Monday morning if no improvement. Monday morning, she was a bit more chipper. She pooped out the bottom half of a sock and became her same old obnoxious and playful self. I was really doubting my decision to have a watchdog. Go through all the trouble, expense and time only to have a dog eat itself to death by clothes??

Then I went to start my car. Something wrong.... light on in the car... quarter on the seat... glove compartment open.... ash tray gone.... the ash tray I had 3 rolls of quarters in.... GPS gone.

Where I live, this is dairy farm country and few scumbags were here. The number of scumbags is rising exponentially.

Then I remembered the noise I heard when I was in bed Sayurday night. Power was off and asshole's generator was blaring. A rolling sound like snow sliding off the roof was heard. I disregarded it... maybe someone in my family or maybe snow or maybe.... ahhh nevermind. The family van has a sliding door. The bastards rolled that open right under my window and next to my normally vigilant WATCHDOG(?). No barks... no problem.

But the dog was not right. Another GPS gone.

The safe family homestead is not secure. If you think you are, it is a false sense of security. I alone can snap awake to the slightest disturbance. Add in the noise of distractions and family unpredictability and you have major holes in the detection system. I need to go electronic with battery-backup.

From all I have talked with regarding these kinds of events, they WILL be back. When they score an easy target, they will always think fondly of it. The things they did not grab- and there were- will haunt their memories. They will not be able to resist coming back for that extra treasure they feel they deserve to steal.

Now doggie is ready. I am ready. Boobie traps to make noise... or is it booby... or bewbie?

Meanwhile I hunt them down on the disposal side. To be continued.

btw- just got power back on 2 hours ago.

1st November 2011, 03:20 PM
Trip wires, and spiked traps work pretty well in the snow.

1st November 2011, 03:45 PM
I have to worry about my dog and family. I set up a trip wire that will wake me up.... now I can sleep. The noise of this wire will be like a giant gong.

Spiked inventions come after the perps are caught.... if they survive. I am very gentle and kind for those humble and repentant. Those who put up a fight will bring out the animal in me.

Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


1st November 2011, 04:34 PM
Wow Spectrism, have you researched why your dog is eating clothes? Nerves, dietary deficiency, etc.? Do you offer him other chew toys like rawhides or something to worry over?

Sounds like a nerve-racking event for your family. Glad the pooch is o.k., and your family is safe. Wow.

1st November 2011, 04:40 PM
Kids are fairly resilient to trip wires, those have to stay.

You could always replace the spiked traps with a flood light.

Battery powered of course.

1st November 2011, 04:52 PM
Spectrism, maybe you could hook up a sensor light/sound to a small battery bank just for out where the cars are?
Sorry for everybodys snow problems, ick I don't like snow, My dog sleeps outside in the chair under my bedroom window, the one time I didn't pay attention to him barking somebody ran off with my disconnect for the well, what the hell would anybody waste their time doing that for ?

1st November 2011, 08:38 PM
72 hours later, there are still more than a million homes without power in the Northeast.

2nd November 2011, 05:28 AM
Just got power back on last nite (Tuesday).;D

Recent poignant conversation with son while without power:
Son: Whatever did people do before electricity?
Mamboni: They worked with their backs boy! Life was hard!
Son: So who invented electricity, Edison?
Mamboni: Volta boy! Volta was the first man to discover electricity.
Son: <bewildered look>

I wish someone would tell me what I got for all those thousands of dollars paid in property taxes to the public schools "for the children.">:(>:(>:(

po boy
2nd November 2011, 05:41 AM
Just what you paid for indoctrination.

2nd November 2011, 05:56 AM
Wow Spectrism, have you researched why your dog is eating clothes? Nerves, dietary deficiency, etc.? Do you offer him other chew toys like rawhides or something to worry over?

Sounds like a nerve-racking event for your family. Glad the pooch is o.k., and your family is safe. Wow.

This dog likes to be constantly moving. Very rarely will she lay down for more than a few minutes. She gets plenty to eat but burns it off. Bones she will quickly devour until they get small enough to be dangerous- and I take them away. I don't like using rawhide as it becomes a choking concern.

We just got a message this weekend from the breeder. He wants to buy one of our pups when we breed her because her father was being put down- ate half a rubber ball. It runs in the family. My dog will eat pens, cell phones, shavers, shoes... although she is now pretty much cutting back on her new diet. Now it only seems to be socks & underpants. I think they may be off the menu too. Maybe all of this is just practice for when she eats the feet of perps. I thik a good size foot could keep her happy for half a day.

I will be looking for an infrared beam sensor to drop me a radio signal/alert for one or two locations. Battery powered. Until then, I will go VC without the punji sticks.


2nd November 2011, 06:28 AM
I wish someone would tell me what I got for all those thousands of dollars paid in property taxes to the public schools "for the children.">:(>:(>:(

Who's Volta? :)

2nd November 2011, 06:36 AM
20+ inches here in the hills of western Mass; we only lost power for a day and a half. We were a lot better off than those in the valleys; it was colder and the snow didn't stick, thus we didn't lose many trees at all. Mrs. Old and I tried to take our baby to her doctor's appointment and there are trees down and roads closed all over the place down low. Still lots without power.

2nd November 2011, 06:58 AM
Who's Volta? :)

'Ya breakin' my ballz Horn?::)


2nd November 2011, 07:21 AM

2nd November 2011, 09:09 AM
I thought Al Gore invented electricity. I have to stop reading the new science books.

2nd November 2011, 09:23 AM

2nd November 2011, 11:38 AM
Just tried to call a vendor in Boston. They are closed! They said maybe they will open by Friday.