View Full Version : Is it just me, or does the air reak of the shit hitting the fan?

General of Darkness
30th October 2011, 09:41 AM
As everyday passes the more I get the feeling that things are going to snap. These idiots at the OWS who claim to be the 99% are the dredges of society. They're jew communists, low lifes etc in my view. And grant you, I 100% support them in their RIGHT to do so, but I also ask myself, "Would they offer me the same rights".

So I ask myself, who are paying all the bills, who's watching not just this, but everything going to shit? I'd say that the vast majority is white America and they represent about 70% of the block of Americans that have a good heart and just want to live their own lives. But I also suspect that these folks are going to have their full eventually, and when they do it will get ugly. Hopefully, it won't be too late to have REAL CHANGE. IMHO

30th October 2011, 09:46 AM
I say -- 11 Nov. [11-11-11] I remember reading about he importance of 11 for the kabalist illuminati [i could be wrong though]

30th October 2011, 10:17 AM
Darn it.......everytime I read you guys I feel like going out and getting more tp......it could be my last chance.

30th October 2011, 12:03 PM
I think so. These protests have been organized sequentially around the world. They're screaming for world socialism. It will be a way for TPTB to suggest a global currency. And the US credit rating is supposed to be downgraded by another reporting agency by the end of November.

I think the OWS is fueling the angry mob mentality that will be prevalent when tshtf. Then it will be even more police state. Sigh.

Uncle Salty
30th October 2011, 12:13 PM
I think so. These protests have been organized sequentially around the world. They're screaming for world socialism. It will be a way for TPTB to suggest a global currency. And the US credit rating is supposed to be downgraded by another reporting agency by the end of November.

I think the OWS is fueling the angry mob mentality that will be prevalent when tshtf. Then it will be even more police state. Sigh.

There are a lot of End of Fed'ers at OWS as well. It's not just hippies looking for hand outs.

30th October 2011, 12:24 PM
Yes it does to me as well, so much so that I ordered next years garden seeds no more than 15 minutes ago. Normally I would have waited until January or February to place it.

heirloom seeds > gold/silver WTSHTF.

30th October 2011, 12:30 PM
yes, it is feeling like November is THE month. Check these out, photo at 1:12 min mark of 2nd vid referencing wallstreet, taken in Libya is telling.



Uncle Salty
30th October 2011, 01:26 PM
Yes it does to me as well, so much so that I ordered next years garden seeds no more than 15 minutes ago. Normally I would have waited until January or February to place it.

heirloom seeds > gold/silver WTSHTF.

Where am I going to store $100,000 in seeds? I can't, so I put excess cash in gold and silver. Still have seeds, but can only store so many.

30th October 2011, 01:28 PM
There are a lot of End of Fed'ers at OWS as well. It's not just hippies looking for hand outs.

Maybe so, but the people who organized this are not libertarians. I believe the same people who organized them here is responsible for all of the protests around the world.

30th October 2011, 01:37 PM
Where am I going to store $100,000 in seeds? I can't, so I put excess cash in gold and silver. Still have seeds, but can only store so many.

Of course salty lol, all I am saying is that a piddly 100 frn's worth of seed today.....

How much would a starving individual pay for a single turnip?

30th October 2011, 01:55 PM
Come down to #OWS and see for yourself what this is about. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to put out news about this movement of people. Accounts don't work, posts are "disappeared", passwords are reset.... very interesting stuff.

So come and see for yourself if this is about ism's, you will be pleasantly surprised all that people are asking is for an opportunity in level playing field without the interference of the Central Bank (Fed).

Uncle Salty
30th October 2011, 02:00 PM
Of course salty lol, all I am saying is that a piddly 100 frn's worth of seed today.....

How much would a starving individual pay for a single turnip?

I am with you. Heck, a $1,000 worth of seeds today, if stored properly, would be worth as much as the farm land it could be grown on. Heck, go 50/50 with someone who owns land!

30th October 2011, 02:16 PM
Come down to #OWS and see for yourself what this is about. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to put out news about this movement of people. Accounts don't work, posts are "disappeared", passwords are reset.... very interesting stuff.

So come and see for yourself if this is about ism's, you will be pleasantly surprised all that people are asking is for an opportunity in level playing field without the interference of the Central Bank (Fed).

Exactly. Some are more savy than others, while most are hoping enough people join in support so that the bacon brigade doesn't slaughter them in the streets.
And that is a very real possibility.

30th October 2011, 02:34 PM
I see no doom on the horizon that is beyond what we have been dealing with for the past 20 years or so.

Most of the payers into the system haven't a clue.

Even if they do have a clue, they go along with the status quo because that is what they have always done.

30th October 2011, 02:41 PM
Come down to #OWS and see for yourself what this is about. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to put out news about this movement of people. Accounts don't work, posts are "disappeared", passwords are reset.... very interesting stuff.

So come and see for yourself if this is about ism's, you will be pleasantly surprised all that people are asking is for an opportunity in level playing field without the interference of the Central Bank (Fed).

Even if that's true, the overall message from there is not going to be "end the fed". It is about redistribution of wealth. At least that's how it seems to me.

30th October 2011, 03:21 PM
There already is a global currency.

Pit stop on the road to Babylon.

30th October 2011, 04:12 PM
The future is in ruin, broken, and corrupt. People that are living with this realization get the E-ticket pain of knowing the truth but being ready for it. The shit hitting the fan idea of a moment vs. an ongoing flinging of it is where most people differ. I tend to feel we get occasional spikes like yours like doom menstruation - a cycle and mood swing dynamic within the ongoing presence of everything, well...going to shit.

General of Darkness
30th October 2011, 04:46 PM
Come down to #OWS and see for yourself what this is about. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to put out news about this movement of people. Accounts don't work, posts are "disappeared", passwords are reset.... very interesting stuff.

So come and see for yourself if this is about ism's, you will be pleasantly surprised all that people are asking is for an opportunity in level playing field without the interference of the Central Bank (Fed).

LMAO, you're asking GoD to come down there? If GoD ever came down to some shit pile like that he would have his BOOM stick in hand to cleanse the gene pool.

30th October 2011, 06:16 PM
LMAO, you're asking GoD to come down there? If GoD ever came down to some shit pile like that he would have his BOOM stick in hand to cleanse the gene pool.

Whatever tough guy. Guess that means you will stay a keyboard jockey.

mick silver
30th October 2011, 06:43 PM
i think your just smelling la

General of Darkness
30th October 2011, 07:03 PM
Whatever tough guy. Guess that means you will stay a keyboard jockey.

Yes, I'm just a keyboard jockey. LMAO.

30th October 2011, 08:16 PM
I think generalizing everyone's reasons for participating in the protest into one category would be silly. Especially without experiencing any of it first hand.

Going on the basic nature of human beings alone, it would be safe to say people are participating for different reasons just like everything else observed in society.

General of Darkness
30th October 2011, 08:27 PM
I think generalizing everyone's reasons for participating in the protest into one category would be silly. Especially without experiencing any of it first hand.
Going on the basic nature of human beings alone, it would be safe to say people are participating for different reasons just like everything else observed in society.

Well the only thing I've seen accomplished in the protest is that black woman who said that we need to get rid of zionists at the Fed getting sacked. So riddle me this, the jews created the bolshevik and communist movement and they also believe in controlling both sides of the conversation. How is that in MY INTEREST, and why the fuck would you post this bullshit in one of my threads, knowing how I am. Some bullshit about people participating for different reasons that are observed in society. Who's society? Is this the tax paying society that's there? Or is it the welfare, union, communist jew society. There is a big difference, and it's not made up of fairy dust.

30th October 2011, 08:29 PM
Well the only thing I've seen accomplished in the protest is that black woman who said that we need to get rid of zionists at the Fed getting sacked. So riddle me this, the jews created the bolshevik and communist movement and they also believe in controlling both sides of the conversation. How is that in MY INTEREST, and why the fuck would you post this bullshit in one of my threads, knowing how I am. Some bullshit about people participating for different reasons that are observed in society. Who's society? Is this the tax paying society that's there? Or is it the welfare, union, communist jew society. There is a big difference, and it's not made up of fairy dust.

One thing I do know is that when someone thinks they are speaking for everyone, they usually find themselves assuming a bunch of things.

General of Darkness
30th October 2011, 08:35 PM
One thing I do know is that when someone thinks they are speaking for everyone, they usually find themselves assuming a bunch of things.

One thing I do know is that when jews speak they only speak for jews, and when they do speak it's in their interests.

30th October 2011, 09:37 PM
One thing I do know is that when jews speak they only speak for jews, and when they do speak it's in their interests.

Yeah, I've worked on contract for more than a few over the years. Pretty much psychotic, and self centered across the board. Glad to be out of those situations. One was on a committee that directly supported israeli soldiers with cash donations. Buddy had photos of him with machine guns posing beside military jets in Israel. Wife was hooked in at the local synagogue dealing with money flow. What I've found in all cases was the wives were bitchy mental cases. It's like they thrive on conflict, and turmoil in their lives, living from one dramatic fabricated episode to the next.

30th October 2011, 10:38 PM
Well the only thing I've seen accomplished in the protest is that black woman who said that we need to get rid of zionists at the Fed getting sacked.

Ponce posted another thread, where a veteran had his skull broken in Oakland, and now other veterans are showing up.


31st October 2011, 04:16 AM
well ... maybe of the Snow Hitting the Pumpkin ?

i'm thinking of moving the chickens into the greenhouse - when they perch above the fan, inevitably, the inevitable will happen.

they will crap on the fan. i'll try & get some pics !

Silver Rocket Bitches!
31st October 2011, 06:45 AM
You really should take a trip down to your local OWS. There are a lot more freedom loving people at these things than you think. This is where you're most likely to find your counterparts that are awake. It has been a breath of fresh air to be able to converse with people who "get it". I have yet to meet anyone who is just looking for a handout. Most are just sick of the injustices of this system.

I spent an hour around a fire at Occupy Detroit talking with people about the FED, the dollar, inflation, etc. I was surprised when they started to talk about strawmen and maritime law. You'll have many a conversation that you'd have on GSUS, only without the computer screen.

31st October 2011, 07:49 AM
You really should take a trip down to your local OWS. There are a lot more freedom loving people at these things than you think. This is where you're most likely to find your counterparts that are awake. It has been a breath of fresh air to be able to converse with people who "get it". I have yet to meet anyone who is just looking for a handout. Most are just sick of the injustices of this system.

I spent an hour around a fire at Occupy Detroit talking with people about the FED, the dollar, inflation, etc. I was surprised when they started to talk about strawmen and maritime law. You'll have many a conversation that you'd have on GSUS, only without the computer screen.

Same thing here in lower Manhattan. The only reason you haven't seen those in power lose patience yet, is because many people do sympathize with many people here at #OWS.

But soon you will see these things turn violent, just give it a little time. The only way to avoid violence will be if the Fed comes out with a massive stimulus project that put many of these people back to work.

31st October 2011, 08:55 AM
Same thing here in lower Manhattan. The only reason you haven't seen those in power lose patience yet, is because many people do sympathize with many people here at #OWS.

But soon you will see these things turn violent, just give it a little time. The only way to avoid violence will be if the Fed comes out with a massive stimulus project that put many of these people back to work.

Your last sentence points to those OWS people not being awake at all. Or did I misunderstand something?

31st October 2011, 09:01 AM
Your last sentence points to those OWS people not being awake at all. Or did I misunderstand something?

No, I think they would just be pragmatic. Put yourself in their shoes, would you fight this monster if you could just get a decent job and income to feed your kids?

Make no mistake, those running the system know very well what they are doing. This quote sums it up really well:

"The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests."