View Full Version : Prince Charles, hier of Vlad the Impaler

31st October 2011, 07:52 AM

LONDON—The truth is out: Prince Charles is related to Vlad the Impaler.
The heir to the British throne says he is related to Vlad the Impaler, the cruel 15th-Century Romanian warlord who helped inspire Bram Stoker’s 1897 vampire novel “Dracula.”

He makes the comments on an upcoming TV show to promote his interest in protecting the forests of Romania’s Transylvania region.

Charles says genealogy shows that he is related to Vlad, giving him a stake in the future of Romania. Charles's great-grandmother, Queen Mary, is a distant relative of the notorious nobleman, whose victims are reportedly numbered in the tens of thousands.

The Prince of Wales has long worked to conserve the forests and has bought a five-bedroom home in the region.

On a visit to Romania earlier this year, he called Transylvania a national treasure because of its unspoiled landscape and centuries-old rural farming traditions.
“It seems to me in Transylvania there is a combination of the natural ecosystem with a human cultural system,” the prince said in the documentary, according to the Daily Telegraph.

“'This extraordinarily unique integrated relationship is so hugely important. People are yearning for that sense of belonging and identity and meaning.”


31st October 2011, 08:11 AM
Looks like he has a nose for it!

31st October 2011, 08:28 AM



Twisted Titan
31st October 2011, 08:47 AM
Why be shy about it?

May as well be his brother.....as him and his inbred pedophilic family sucks the monetary blood out the british people via crushing tax burden

31st October 2011, 11:46 AM
The royals are all related to one another. Frankly, it seems somewhat insulting to Vlad.