View Full Version : The Kenyan continues to expand the Imperial Presidency

midnight rambler
31st October 2011, 08:32 PM
Oh glory days!


31st October 2011, 08:47 PM
It really doesn't matter at this point in the game the sooner it all fails the better, Didn't our congress vote for all the bailouts when the American people said no (people were emailing and phoning their congress to vote no, it didn't do any good, what a joke), they do what they want TPTB.

Its all a big game to the government, and we aren't allowed to play.

1st November 2011, 05:44 AM
Its all a big game to the government, and we aren't allowed to play.

There are no people in the government. There are only employees.

Start at the basics. What is the body politic of a county? Turns out: villages, cities and townships. No people.

Where did the people fit into the system? Turns out, historically (and never established in the United States), people were organized by tythes (10 families) and hundreds (10 tythes).

Every hundred was entitled to its own court.

Counties are subdivisions of a political entity called a state and are laid out geographically. But again, remember, counties contain no people.

A state is a sovereign entity and a body politic (not a territory or block of land as most presume). The Boy Scouts are also a body politic but significantly less sovereign.