View Full Version : Very Interesting thread I had on another forum

D sciple
31st October 2011, 08:56 PM
Here is a thread I had on 2+2 poker forums. I don't know, maybe its not as great as I think, but whatev, check it out. http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/137/religion-god-theology/anti-christaic-1067972/

I posted it in the religious forum, but it deals with anti-semitism (which is right up this forums alley) and has a political twist at the end.

To understand the twist, an idea I've put forth a few times here but I'm not sure how many have noticed, here are a few things to keep in mind. (really you don't have to read the below, as it might discourage you from the entertainment of the beginning of the thread, but just to answer some questions you might have at the end) Oh, and I'm the OP. Mods name is Original Position.

Celto Anglo Saxons are Israel.

Jacob in the OT, later had his name changed to Israel. His brothers name was Esau who was the father of the Edomites, and became the fake Jews.

The Law of Moses, is not solely temple laws as a casual reader of the new testament might think. But Deuteronomy is the national law, its brilliance being that basically, each citizen had a plot of land to grow food, that could not be bought or sold. The rest of the Law actually is fairly libertarian in nature.

D sciple
2nd November 2011, 09:24 AM
Alright, no one cares about my thread. Let me spice it up a little. Here's a trailer for a sweet online movie that is about to come out. This will be good!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK0bgUEA_XQ

2nd November 2011, 09:26 AM
Are you related to Ponce?


po boy
2nd November 2011, 09:30 AM
I enjoyed it and your post but talking OT here is about as popular as Jewish bankers.


2nd November 2011, 09:57 AM
Are you related to Ponce?


This guy is talking in Chinese..........the who? of the when? of the what?........the cousin? of the father?of the aunt?........

First confuse post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

2nd November 2011, 10:10 AM
D ciple, you're not the first person to bring this possibility up.

There are other members here that assert that the white races are the bloodlines of the biblical Israelites.

I can't bring myself to delve in and study it, or the possibility of it, because truth be known, I am burning out on reading anything at all, besides Scripture.

I have read so many books, commentary, articles and whitepapers that I have forgotten more than most people will read. Now I just can't be bothered.

I'm basically just sticking to Scripture at this point.

7th trump
2nd November 2011, 10:44 AM
Yes the white caucasion race......American, Canadian, English, French, Russian, Belgian, German, Australian, Polish, Swiss, Danish and so on are the true People of God. Its very much Biblical!
It is the ancestors of these nations who went over the Caucaucian Mountains of Georgia after captivity spoken of in the Bible. This is why we are reffered to as Caucasions. The self proclaimed jews today will flat out tell you they are not goy caucasion. And if God said he relaesed His people from captivity to migrate north over this mountain range to settle next door (europe) and the world after that then the Bible proven true.

General of Darkness
2nd November 2011, 10:49 AM
Well if whites are the TRUE children of god, then either GOD is dead, or he/she/it has forsaken us. There is NO ONE COMING TO SAVE US, we have to first SAVE OURSELVES, but if we do that, then we don't need saving at all. Women and Children first is all I have to say.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 10:54 AM
D ciple, you're not the first person to bring this possibility up.

There are other members here that assert that the white races are the bloodlines of the biblical Israelites.

I can't bring myself to delve in and study it, or the possibility of it, because truth be known, I am burning out on reading anything at all, besides Scripture.

I have read so many books, commentary, articles and whitepapers that I have forgotten more than most people will read. Now I just can't be bothered.

I'm basically just sticking to Scripture at this point.

Well if you ever decide to give it a go again try this book.http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Ten-Tribes-Israel-Found/dp/0944379117
One of the top reviews.

5.0 out of 5 stars Most Thoroughly Documented Book on this Subject I've Read, December 8, 2001
W. Bullock (Keller, TX United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found! (Paperback)
This book approaches a subject which is considered to be heretical to most of today's fundamental Christian denominations.
I am a Baptist who happens to disagree with this assessment and I am introducing this subject in Baptist circles whenever I get the opportunity. Unfortunately, it disturbs too many long held belief systems and eschatologies.
I've read several books on this subject and this one is the most thoroughly documented I've read yet. One reviewer mentioned another that has even better documentation - so I will probably read it also.
I was pleased the author used the work of the late Barry Fell who has written concerning the evidence that Semitic / Hebrew people roamed the American continent at least two thousand years before Columbus. Unfortunately, Dr. Fell's book, "America BC" is out of print, but the reader should try to find it at the library. This is a subject which deserves far more attention than it currently receives.
I believe the author would have made an even stronger case for his hypothesis if he had referenced Isaac Mozeson's book, "The Word: The Dictionary That Reveals the Hebrew Source of English". Many of our words which we've been taught originated from Latin or Greek actually have their origin in Hebrew. The Latins and Greeks borrowed them from Hebrew.
There are three areas of contention I have with the thesis of this book as well as all books on this subject. I am hoping an author will address them some day.
1) They always put forth the theory that the Sacae people ( who later were called Saxons )called themselves "Sacae", or something similar, because they are descendants of Isaac. However, the Hebrew pronunciation of Isaac's name doesn't contain the sound s-a-c. It is pronounced Yitzkok ( Like the late Yitzchak Rabin ). The author of this book doesn't address this issue. If I remember correctly, Raymond Capt mentions in one of his books that some Hebrew names eventually lost the initial letters, so "Isaac" becomes "Saac". However this doesn't explain how two more Hebrew consonants in Isaac's name simply evolve into an "s" sound. I will attempt to read some of the material referenced in the author's footnotes to see if there is an answer there. However, I think this is important enough to be addressed within the body of the book, since much of the hypothesis presented depends on the Sacae people being Israelite because they referred to themselves by Isaac's name.
2) These authors always mention that England is Ephraim and the United States is Manasseh. This is hard to understand since many Americans are descended from English colonists. How can an American derive from Manasseh, but his British ancestor derived from Ephraim? This needs to be explained more fully.
3)This author, and most of the others who write on this subject, mentions the Hebrew origin of the word "British". In Hebrew, "Brit" means "covenant" and "ish" means "man". Therefore the word "British" means "covenant man". However, the grammar of Hebrew would place the word "man" before the word "covenant", according to all the Hebrew Grammar textbooks I've studied. This departure from the normal grammatical usage should be addressed and explained. I don't dispute the hypothesis, I would just like to have the discrepancy resolved.

2nd November 2011, 11:06 AM
Before "those" people are finished with us we will ALL be Jews......the only thing is that some will be more Jewish than others, the masters and the servants.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 11:10 AM
Before "those" people are finished with us we will ALL be Jews......the only thing is that some will be more Jewish than others, the masters and the servants.

Ponce buddy the papacy is behind the NWO.

2nd November 2011, 11:22 AM
No, the papacy is is corrupted by the NWO. Lucifer is behind the NWO. The Church is infiltrated.

It's not as if the Catholic papacy is the driving force behind the NWO. It is merely another infiltrated and exploited tool, no different than the FMC and the rest of the secret societies controlled by the BLTs.

2nd November 2011, 12:33 PM
What man create has nothing to do with that which doesn't really exist, religion and God's were created to control the thinking of man and nothing more.........religion to me is the excuse, and not the reason, for what is really in the darkness heart of man.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 12:47 PM
What man create has nothing to do with that which doesn't really exist, religion and God's were created to control the thinking of man and nothing more.........religion to me is the excuse, and not the reason, for what is really in the darkness heart of man.

Stop the press the mighty Ponce has declared that there is no creator of the universe.

I do agree with you about religion though.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 12:57 PM
No, the papacy is is corrupted by the NWO. Lucifer is behind the NWO. The Church is infiltrated.

It's not as if the Catholic papacy is the driving force behind the NWO. It is merely another infiltrated and exploited tool, no different than the FMC and the rest of the secret societies controlled by the BLTs.

Well if you know and many others know it has been infiltrated then they surely must know and if that be the case then they are willing participants at least.

2nd November 2011, 01:01 PM
Who says the battle isn't raging on?

The Church is at war with itself, being torn apart from the inside out, and from the outside in.

See my thread on Crypto-jewry in the Catholic Church, but replace the word "jew" with "Babylonian Luciferian Talmudist", and you will start to understand how long and hard this battle has been raging on.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 01:24 PM
The infiltration must have happened as soon as the church was established.


Question - Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?

Answer - We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday." The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p. 50, 3rd ed.

2nd November 2011, 06:32 PM
No comment on the OP, but it did prompt me to find this good video on the Revelations of the International Banker Beast.

Argued well from a secular and Christian perspective:

Eli James - Part 3: Mystery Babylon (http://anglo-saxonisrael.com/site/node/298)

2nd November 2011, 07:18 PM
Po Boy, the infiltration had been going on for thousands of years before Christ came to earth. Why do you think Christ rebuked the Talmudists?

They were conspiring against Him and His following before he was crucified.

po boy
2nd November 2011, 08:03 PM
Po Boy, the infiltration had been going on for thousands of years before Christ came to earth. Why do you think Christ rebuked the Talmudists?

They were conspiring against Him and His following before he was crucified.

I guess my issues with the church is that infiltrated or not it still is teaching false doctrines, such as not allowing priest to marry for one and that is going to lead to homosexuality or pedophilia.

Changing the Sabbath to Sunday there are other instances as well, just recently the Vatican called for a one world currency. Why didn't they call for just weights and balances aka gold and silver and denounce usury?
Why don't they teach the pagan origins of Christmas and Easter?

I know your not a fan of the OT but a lot of those law make perfect sense when thought out and were the basis of the common law which respects property rights.The Roman civil (Cannon law) law tramples over them and is akin to communism.

I was raised Catholic btw and was an alter boy for a few years so I'm not just bashing for fun and have no love for the talmud I read about a half a page once and that was too much.

3rd November 2011, 05:06 AM
I actually am a fan of the Old Testament, of course. The Old Testament is the Word of God as much as the New Testament is. Granted, things changed for the world when Christ came, and things are different for us all now that He came, compared to the way thing were before His sacrifice.

I am not going to sit here and let you continue to believe that I am defending the "Catholic Church", or the "Protestant Church" or anything of that kind. None of those Churches are addressed by Jesus in the book of Revelation. They didn't exist when Christ gave the prophetic vision to John. They are modern versions, twisted under attack, and I believe that none of them are a fitting example of what Jesus would like to see, as far as Glorifying the Father is concerned.

No. I am not defending the Church. Understand that what I try to defend is the mystical body of Christ, which is the true Church. The title "The Mystical body of Christ" is just a way to name the followers of Jesus. In other words, it's the people. The believers.

The big difference is, I am not defending any modern-Church dogma or tradition.

Instead, I appeal to people to dig into scripture and read and understand the Word of God the way that He wants you to understand it. I also appeal to people to pray to God.

Freespirit knows me personally, and can vouch for what I am about to say:
You never hear me coaching people in life by telling them to "Go to Church". However, you can frequently find me buying bibles and giving them to people, with pages marked for recommended reading.

I don't think any of the Churches have got it right.

I know that the Word and Will of the Lord God is in the scriptures, and I know that the Lord hears and answers honest and sincere prayer.

So that is my recommendation to anyone searching or lurking: Read Scripture and Pray sincerely.

po boy
3rd November 2011, 05:11 AM
My apologies to you Awoke for misunderstanding your position.

3rd November 2011, 05:37 AM
Apologies are not necessary! It's complicated. I have a hard time articulating my thoughts effectively sometimes too.

D sciple
3rd November 2011, 12:13 PM
Po Boy, the infiltration had been going on for thousands of years before Christ came to earth. Why do you think Christ rebuked the Talmudists?

They were conspiring against Him and His following before he was crucified.

Jeremiah 11 : 9 And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.