View Full Version : European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace

1st November 2011, 11:32 AM
Not surprised about the poll but yes that the Zionist Jews posted this......to me it shows how scared they are.

European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace

Results of a new poll commissioned by the European Commission show that Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan.

While the European Commission will release the full results of the poll on Monday, the International Herald Tribune reported that the 7,500 people polled living in the European Union (500 in each of the 15 E.U. member states) were presented with a list of 15 countries and asked if these countries present a threat to world peace. Shockingly, Israel was rated first.

This poll is an indication that Europeans have bought into the vilification and demonization campaign directed against the State of Israel and her supporters by European leaders and media.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is voicing its outrage directly to European Commission President Romano Prodi and asks you to do the same.

"These shocking results, that Israel is the greatest threat to world peace, bigger than North Korea, Iran and Afghanistan, defies logic and is a racist flight of fancy that only shows that anti-Semitism is deeply embedded within European society, more now than in any other period since the end of World War II," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the Center's dean and founder.

"If the results of this survey are as reported, then Israel should draw the only conclusion possible: that the European Union and its members should play no role in any future Middle East peace process," Hier concluded.

Center officials are scheduled to meet with Javier Solana, Secretary General of the European Union, in November to discuss this and related issues.


1st November 2011, 04:24 PM
Bump ............................

1st November 2011, 04:55 PM
"These shocking results, that Israel is the greatest threat to world peace, bigger than North Korea, Iran and Afghanistan, defies logic and is a racist flight of fancy that only shows that anti-Semitism is deeply embedded within European society, more now than in any other period since the end of World War II,"

LOL, If iran or North Korea had "won" the poll, would they have a chance to go before the European Commission? Im also tired of the race card that these kikes play. "Oh you critised us, that's because your racist. We need to get your government to enact laws and race awareness training classes. Remember the Holocaust? That could happen again at anytime!"

1st November 2011, 05:03 PM
ZERO introspection from Israel... standard anti-semitic victim mentality

1st November 2011, 05:05 PM