View Full Version : Woman stole neighbor's food storage.

1st November 2011, 11:48 AM
SALT LAKE CITY — A 56-year-old woman is facing charges of theft and burglary for allegedly stealing from her neighbor's food storage.

Well, this is a good start.........the first of many.

According to charges filed in 3rd District Court, the woman's neighbor reported to police that he was returning to his home on Sept. 30 when he saw his neighbor exiting the home. The woman was carrying two trash bags full of groceries.

When the man went into the house, he discovered a number of items missing from his food storage, the charges state. It is estimated the value of the food that was stolen did not exceed $500.

The woman, who is from Herriman, was charged with burglary, a second-degree felony, and theft, a class B misdemeanor.


1st November 2011, 12:12 PM
I don't see what the big deal is: she didn't steal any toilet paper.;D

1st November 2011, 12:16 PM
I don't see what the big deal is: she didn't steal any toilet paper.;D

That's because the TP is all stored in a large gun safe. He stacked big heavy bags of gold and silver around the gun safe to keep anyone from easily getting to it.

1st November 2011, 12:32 PM
That's because the TP is all stored in a large gun safe. He stacked big heavy bags of gold and silver around the gun safe to keep anyone from easily getting to it.

Ponce is muttering under his breath: "When did JohnQPublic get inside my house undetected and see my stash? Hmmm"

Twisted Titan
1st November 2011, 12:44 PM
When something like this happens the last thing you do is call the Cops.

We are going to be getting back to frontier justice much sooner then anybody could possibly anticipate

willie pete
1st November 2011, 12:44 PM
Ponce is muttering under his breath: "When did JohnQPublic get inside my house undetected and see my stash? Hmmm"

I'm thinking ponce has his TP stashed in an abandoned missile silo.....the ones with one of those 750 ton doors....>:D

Silver Rocket Bitches!
1st November 2011, 01:40 PM
Yet another reminder of why, when it comes to prepping, you must STFU.

These things are on a need to know basis.

1st November 2011, 02:01 PM
Ponce <------------just got back from checking his tp, just in case.

1st November 2011, 02:09 PM
And he has a bigger stash of TP hidden in the false wall behind the Puerto Rican flag.

1st November 2011, 03:42 PM
You are half right.............

1st November 2011, 08:30 PM
The sad thing is if the person would have asked, the Mormons believe in charity more than 99% of other religions and would have helped or taken them to the Bishop's storehouse and let the curch help if they could not help directly.

Fucking pathetic the more I think about it.

Living in Salt Lake City you are NOT ignorant on the LDS faith unless you are dumber than a sack of hammers.