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1st November 2011, 06:29 PM
On time for hollowind?.......someone post the link?

Startled scientists spot ghostly face in tumour.
By Claire Bates

Last updated at 4:29 PM on 1st November 2011

Comments (9) Add to My Stories Share We're used to seeing images of human faces in everything from mountains on Mars to pancake batter. But two scientists were surprised to see such a vision... in a testicular tumour.
The distressed face with a gaping mouth was spotted in the ultrasound scan of a 45-year-old man who had been suffering from testicular pain.
It made such an impact on Dr Greg Roberts and Dr Naji Touma from Queen's University in Ontario, that they submitted the startling image to the journal Urology.
Startling scan: A ghostly face, with a wide open eye on the right of the image and gaping mouth below, can clearly be seen in this ultrasound
It was accepted in September for that month's picture feature of a unique case.
Under the title 'The Face of Testicular Pain', the authors wrote: 'The residents and staff alike were amazed to see the outline of a man’s face staring up out of the image, his mouth agape as if the face seen on the ultrasound scan itself was also experiencing severe epididymo-orchitis.'
However, they said after a discussion over whether it could be a sign from a deity, such as 'Min' the Egyptian god of male virility, they concluded it was a 'mere coincidental occurrence rather than a divine proclamation.'

More...Has This Morning gone too far? Naked model has intimate check for testicular cancer on live TV
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The doctors measured a raised level of a hormone that usually indicates cancer. The male patient opted to have his testicle removed as this is the only way to diagnose the condition for certain.
Fortunately for him the lump proved to be benign.

The image then went viral after it was spotted by The Chronicle of Higher Education based in Washington D.C.

Testicular cancer is known as the young man's condition as it typically affects men aged from 15 to 55-years-old.
Each year in England, it is estimated that there are three to six new cases of testicular cancer for every 100,000 men.

White and taller men, those with a family history of testicular cancer and men with an undescended testicle appear to be more at risk.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2056132/Startled-scientists-spot-face-testicular-tumour.html#ixzz1cXhYypmX

1st November 2011, 06:33 PM
On time for hollowind?.......someone post the link?

Startled scientists spot ghostly face in tumour.
By Claire Bates

Last updated at 4:29 PM on 1st November 2011

Comments (9) Add to My Stories Share We're used to seeing images of human faces in everything from mountains on Mars to pancake batter. But two scientists were surprised to see such a vision... in a testicular tumour.
The distressed face with a gaping mouth was spotted in the ultrasound scan of a 45-year-old man who had been suffering from testicular pain.
It made such an impact on Dr Greg Roberts and Dr Naji Touma from Queen's University in Ontario, that they submitted the startling image to the journal Urology.
Startling scan: A ghostly face, with a wide open eye on the right of the image and gaping mouth below, can clearly be seen in this ultrasound
It was accepted in September for that month's picture feature of a unique case.
Under the title 'The Face of Testicular Pain', the authors wrote: 'The residents and staff alike were amazed to see the outline of a man’s face staring up out of the image, his mouth agape as if the face seen on the ultrasound scan itself was also experiencing severe epididymo-orchitis.'
However, they said after a discussion over whether it could be a sign from a deity, such as 'Min' the Egyptian god of male virility, they concluded it was a 'mere coincidental occurrence rather than a divine proclamation.'

More...Has This Morning gone too far? Naked model has intimate check for testicular cancer on live TV
Glow in the dark tumours could help surgeons treat deadly brain cancer

The doctors measured a raised level of a hormone that usually indicates cancer. The male patient opted to have his testicle removed as this is the only way to diagnose the condition for certain.
Fortunately for him the lump proved to be benign.

The image then went viral after it was spotted by The Chronicle of Higher Education based in Washington D.C.

Testicular cancer is known as the young man's condition as it typically affects men aged from 15 to 55-years-old.
Each year in England, it is estimated that there are three to six new cases of testicular cancer for every 100,000 men.

White and taller men, those with a family history of testicular cancer and men with an undescended testicle appear to be more at risk.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2056132/Startled-scientists-spot-face-testicular-tumour.html#ixzz1cXhYypmX


Twisted Titan
1st November 2011, 07:34 PM
If you had a pain in your nads you would be shreiking as well

1st November 2011, 10:28 PM
It appears sir, that you have a screaming ghost in your balls.

Before we can heal you, we must first show the world your ghost balls.

2nd November 2011, 12:03 AM
Anybody can see that he is a (spaceman) specimen. Note the helmet around the face and the sheen of the face shield... dummies... he only wants to come home.

everybody sings about these things...


Standing there alone, the ship is waiting
All systems are go, "Are you sure?"
Control is not convinced but the computer
Has the evidence, no need to abort
The countdown starts
Watching in a trance, the crew is certain
Nothing left to chance, all is working
Trying to relax up in the capsule
"Send me up a drink", jokes Major Tom
The count goes on
Four, three, two, one
Earth below us drifting, falling
Floating weightless, calling, calling home
Second stage is cut, we're now in orbit
Stabilizers up, running perfect
Starting to collect, requested data
"What will it affect when all is done?"
Thinks Major Tom
Back at ground control there is a problem
"Go to rockets full", not resonding
"Hello Major Tom, are you receiving?"
"Turn the thrusters on, we're standing by"
There's no reply
Four, three, two, one
Earth below us drifting, falling
Floating weightless, calling, calling home
Across the stratosphere a final message
"Give my wife my love", then nothing more
Far beneath the ship the world is mourning
They don't realize he's alive
No one understands but Major Tom sees
"Now the light commands this is my home"
"I'm coming home"
Earth below us drifting, falling
Floating weightless, coming home
Earth below us drifting, falling
Floating weightless, coming home
Earth below us drifting, falling
Floating weightless, coming, coming home



2nd November 2011, 12:52 AM
the doctors measured a raised level of a hormone that usually indicates cancer. The male patient opted to have his testicle removed as this is the only way to diagnose the condition for certain.
Fortunately for him the lump proved to be benign.
Fortunately!!! LMBO!:eek:>:D:eek:

Twisted Titan
2nd November 2011, 04:29 AM
So in order for science to make a accurate Dx they have to permenately hack something off?

I would trust the local bookey with my healthcare then a Doctor that gave me odds like that

Celtic Rogue
2nd November 2011, 04:38 AM
After realizing that the Ultrasound device was out of adjustment a second test was preformed. Here is the most accurate view of the ghostly tumor face!


2nd November 2011, 05:29 AM
For those of you who believe in reincarnation, that's what bad karma will get you born as; a tumor on some goyim's balls.

2nd November 2011, 06:20 AM
So, when surgery was completed, the doctors approached the now-painless patient in recovery.

"We have some good news, some bad new and some good news."

The patient, still feeling no pain, asked: "OK.. tell me all."

"The good news is that you should not be feeling any more of that horrendous pain in your scrotum. The bad news is there was a little man-head in there complete with teeth munching on your testicles and they are gone. And the other good news is that we caught that little snapper and put him in a jar."