View Full Version : McCanney update, very interesting

Large Sarge
2nd November 2011, 03:32 AM
October 28, 2011 posting ... this past week there was another comet that hit the sun october 21 with the electrical discharge between the comet and sun (as the comet approached the sun ... remember "action at a distance" from my books and lectures) ... massive explosions occurred on the solar surface just as happened with the october 03, 2011 comet ... about 3 days later ... the time for the solar wind particles from these explosions to hit earth's upper atmosphere ... earth experienced a rare aurora display with RED auroras as far south as alabama ... these RED auroras are very rare but i wanted to link this to the biblical and historical accounts of red auroras ... not the least of which was recounted by the israelites during the time of moses ... remember the "red hand of death" spoken of in the 10 plagues of egypt ... well here is what happens ... the electron streams from the discharge of the solar capacitor ignites earth into a comet state (using my "Plasma Discharge Comet Model") which attracts oxygen ions to the regions hundreds of miles above earth's atmosphere ... where they fluoresce in the 6300 and 6340 angstrom lines of oxygen ... these are red lines of oxygen ... so in the ancient days when the great comets of old (the huge comets witnessed and reported by the ancients ... not the puffy little nothing comets we have seen in recent historical times) ... when these great comets lit up the sky and interacted electrically with earth ... the only difference in the moses story leading the israelites was that the comet also poisoned the atmosphere with a pandoras box of lethal organic molecules as earth passed through the comet tail ... the Kolbrin also is very specific that the poisonous gases burned the throats and lungs of people at that time ... so once again ... we see scientific proof of what the ancients saw ... once again standard science denies this by not reporting or identifying really what is going on and to boot ... NASA once again cut the feeds from the solar observing satellites at the critical moment that proves that these comets are in fact interacting with the solar surface and causing these massive explosions on the surface of the sun ... NASA once again hiding data to protect its pet theories and misguided fairy tale science ... jim mccanney