View Full Version : Opinions on Tablet PC's

2nd November 2011, 06:07 AM
I'm gonna get a Tab

Ipad is out ... I don't care for all the lock down.

Looked at the Samsung Galaxy- Nice But I really wanted something with an SD card reader- which led me to the Toshiba Thrive.

Has pretty much everything I wanted +SD +HDMI +USB - Textured / rubberized backplate - FLASH - 4G and WiFi.

I think I have settled on it unless something better comes along in the next week.

2nd November 2011, 06:14 AM
I'm gonna get a Tab

Ipad is out ... I don't care for all the lock down.

Looked at the Samsung Galaxy- Nice But I really wanted something with an SD card reader- which led me to the Toshiba Thrive.

Has pretty much everything I wanted +SD +HDMI +USB - Textured / rubberized backplate - FLASH - 4G and WiFi.

I think I have settled on it unless something better comes along in the next week.

This forum is mainly about people that like to read books on e-readers but they have very extensive coverage on all kinds of tablet pc's.


They cover it all and also have some coders that love to tweak or totally replace the operation systems.

Lot's of good info and opinions.

2nd November 2011, 06:16 AM
A friend has a Motorola Xoom. I toyed with it. He had it jailbroken or what-have-you using the Android OS. It was neat toy. It definitely beat out the Ipads I've toyed with. I am not the target market for Tablet PC's. In my opinion they are all too restricted.

big country
2nd November 2011, 07:14 AM
I've heard very good things about the Asus Transformer tablet

If you like to tinker you can still get a good deal on an HP touchpad ($200-$250 or so). I bought one during HPs firesale for $150 and it works for everything I have wanted so far (just a lack of apps on webOS). They are working on getting android on it and have already released an alpha release to put android on the touchpad.

2nd November 2011, 01:49 PM

2nd November 2011, 01:54 PM
I read quite a few posts over at ticker-forum on tablets. They like to talk tech over there from time to time.

The consensus was to get a laptop.

2nd November 2011, 03:26 PM
I would but we already have a desktop (for the kids) and a laptop ( for the wife (yeah right)) ... This is more of a light duty gadget - so I can browse the web without jacking the laptop from the wife and so I can carry it in the field with me to DL pics from my trail cams and check em out on the spot. Then I can upload my pork porn (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55218-Killed-a-hog-last-night&p=477460&viewfull=1#post477460) to GSUS on the spot.

2nd November 2011, 04:05 PM
I'd look at the new Kindle Fire from Amazon; it's a bit smaller but cheaper too, $199.

2nd November 2011, 04:59 PM
I'd like a tablet for these things: read technical pdfs (like scanned text books...needs to be able to handle a 100+ MB pdf, needs to have a good screen for reading), surf the web and use things like wikipedia. I'd highly prefer android because it opens up a lot of options. Any specific one good for these things?

2nd November 2011, 05:07 PM
The kindle fire I think the screen will be too small for your needs, sounds more like you need a full size tablet. As large of a screen as you can get. So any of the 6-7" screens methinks would be way small for your needs.

2nd November 2011, 05:24 PM
The kindle fire I think the screen will be too small for your needs, sounds more like you need a full size tablet. As large of a screen as you can get. So any of the 6-7" screens methinks would be way small for your needs.

Those big tablets are too heavy to carry with one hand. A friend of mine has an iPad 2 and after a while it's hard to hold in one hand while controlling the screen with the other. I'm seriously considering a Kindle Fire because it's small & light enough to hold in one hand, but with a 7" HD touch screen it's big enough to browse the web or read documents on.

2nd November 2011, 05:28 PM
I have a Thrive, and like it a lot. I have a notebook as well, but there are many occasions when the notebook is just to heavy, or awkward, or slow. I can wake the Thrive and be surfing the web in a few seconds. It is great for carrying into the bathroom of a morning. I use it to surf, read books, and watch movies while lounging in the bathtub -- and haven't dropped it in yet.

big country
2nd November 2011, 06:29 PM
I can also attest that a 7" screen isn't perfect for reading the web. but doable. I haven't used a Kindle Fire but it seems nice. We have a Nook Color as well (7") as a "full size" HP Touchpad and I much prefer to read the web on the touchpad. The nook is better to read books on in my opinion and easier to hold up while reading. I like the tablet for setting on my lap.

If you want to DL pictures from a trail cam then you need to make sure you can plug in a USB or a SD card (rules out the Ipad and the HP touchpad...and probably some others)

Twisted Titan
2nd November 2011, 08:21 PM
I have a Thrive, and like it a lot. I have a notebook as well, but there are many occasions when the notebook is just to heavy, or awkward, or slow. I can wake the Thrive and be surfing the web in a few seconds. It is great for carrying into the bathroom of a morning. I use it to surf, read books, and watch movies while lounging in the bathtub -- and haven't dropped it in yet.

do realize steam can condense on the circutry and cause your tablet to crash and the manufacture will void the warantry because they will claim you dropped it in" water"

keep electronics out of the bathroom

2nd November 2011, 09:23 PM
If you want to DL pictures from a trail cam then you need to make sure you can plug in a USB or a SD card (rules out the Ipad and the HP touchpad...and probably some others)

Kinda went over that in the first post .. but thanks